Norboev O.M. senior lecturer
Department of Uzbek Language and Literature Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
Abstract. In this research, the International Standard of National Accounts (SNA-2008) and the recommendations of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on employment have been widely studied. Conceptual foundations of population employment, labor market, workforce and unemployment concepts, recommendations for their statistical recording are comparatively studied and scientific approaches are developed.
Key words: population employment, labor market, international standards, regions, regions, economic-statistics.
Introduction: Experiences of foreign countries in labor market and labor force statistics have been widely studied. Based on the experiences of countries such as the USA, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, and Belarus, proposals were made to use the selective observation method in the interpretation of employment and statistical recording. That is:
Group 1: in the cross-section of regions; Group 2: in the cross-section of networks and sectors. In their economic-statistical analysis, methods such as statistical grouping, summarizing indicators, dynamic series, statistical tables and graphs, correlation-regression analysis were widely used. Therefore, based on the "Law of Large Numbers", in 2000-2022, changes in the status, dynamics and main trends of labor force utilization in Jizzakh region were analyzed by multifactor statistics and scientific conclusions were drawn.Demographic processes at the level of cities and districts of Jizzakh region were assessed in the research work. In particular, the issues of creating new jobs in districts with a high level of natural growth (Bakhmal, Forish, Gallaorol, Zarbdor, Zomin and Jizzakh), ensuring more activity in the service sector, and giving the main priorities to the small business sector have been comprehensively evaluated from a statistical point of view. Our analyzes shows that 40-42 percent of the gross regional product of Jizzakh region corresponds to agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Moreover, unlike other regions, more than 40.0 percent of the population belongs to this sector. Taking into account these aspects, in the dissertation work, taking into account the specific characteristics of each city and district of the region (geographical location, customs, specialization, etc.), development of targeted programs for ensuring employment, "road costs", and determining necessary measures Scientific proposals have been developed. According to our analysis, the balance of
migration in Jizzakh region has a negative expression. We can observe them especially in Bakhmal, Forish and Gallaorol districts. In recent years, only the Sharof Rashidov district has seen a positive migration balance. Considering these aspects, we can say that the main share of migrants comes to the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. According to the analysis carried out in the dissertation, 80-85 percent of the migrants are working-age people aged 18-45. They can also be used in the sustainable development of the regional economy. Based on these aspects, scientific proposals were developed in the scientific work on the effective use of surplus labor, the implementation of localization programs, the creation of suitable jobs for migrants and their support. According to the results of the survey, the role of higher education in ensuring employment is high. For this reason, in the dissertation work, scientific proposals were developed to improve the quality of higher education services in the regions. An integrated system of indicators was developed for the purpose of effective use of labor force and comprehensive statistical evaluation of employment indicators in Jizzakh region. Based on these indicators, absolute, relative and average amounts are widely used, and the main directions of employment provision are evaluated. In the research work, the state, dynamics and main trends of labor resources, population employment and workforce utilization in the Jizzakh region were analyzed economically and statistically by the method of dynamic series. In the statistical assessment of the level and dynamics of employment, using basic and chain methods, indicators such as absolute, relative, additional growth (decrease), and the absolute value of one percent growth (decrease) were calculated. At the same time, factor analysis was carried out based on the construction of the Kobba-Douglas production function. The current state of employment is maintained by the statistical authorities based on the data of the 1-T (Labor report) annual statistical report. Since the employment indicators are indicators of the annual period, in order to determine the employment situation in the interim period, scientific recommendations have been developed on the use of questionnaire observation, monographic observation, and selective observation methods. According to statistical analysis, the level of education of the population has a high impact on the economy. Today, 42.9% of employees in enterprises and organizations in Jizzakh region have higher education, 22.6% have secondary specialized education and 34.5% have general secondary education. The unemployment situation also plays an important role in the regional economy. On the other hand, the level of unemployment in Jizzakh region is 10.1 percent, and the number of unemployed is equal to 61.9 thousand people. The level of unemployment in the region is especially high for women, equal to 14.5%, and for men, this indicator is 6.9%. In our scientific work, scientific proposals were developed to increase the position of the service sector in the employment structure in the future. Wages are inextricably linked with the level of employment. As of January 1, 2022, the average monthly nominal salary in Jizzakh region (without agricultural enterprises and small business activities) was
2801.4 thousand soums, which was 118.4 percent compared to the previous period. The number of labor resources in Jizzakh region as of January 1, 2022 For
782.6 thousand people, the number of economically active population is 612.6 thousand people, of which the number of people employed in the economy is
550.7 thousand people, and the number of unemployed people is 61.9 thousand people.
If we analyze the age groups of employees in enterprises and organizations in Jizzakh region in 2022, 0.3% are under 19 years old, 23.8% are 19-30 years old, 37.4% are 31-39 years old, 40-49 years old are 27.8%, 6.7 percent of people aged 50-54, and 4.0 percent of people aged 55 and older. According to our analysis, the region has a high share of employment mainly in the age group of 19-50 years, and their weight has reached 89.0%.
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