CONCEPTS OF GOODNESS AND EVIL IN THE MODERN UZBEK AND ENGLISH LINGUISTIC IMAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
phraseology / phraseological units / concepts “ and “

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Normamatov F.K.

The article is about phraseology, which is connected with other subjects such as history, literature, country study, and other subjects of linguistics - lexicology, semantics, grammar, phonetics, stylistics, history of language, etymology, text linguistics and general linguistics. In article also it is analysed the concepts “Kindness” and “Evil” in English and Uzbek by the help of phraseological dictionaries.

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UDK 808.5

Normamatov F.K. master student Termiz State University


Annotation: The article is about phraseology, which is connected with other subjects such as history, literature, country study, and other subjects of linguistics - lexicology, semantics, grammar, phonetics, stylistics, history of language, etymology, text linguistics and general linguistics. In article also it is analysed the concepts "Kindness" and "Evil" in English and Uzbek by the help of phraseological dictionaries.

Key words: phraseology, phraseological units, concepts "Kindness" and "Evil".

At the dictionary level of the language construction there are lexical and phraseological layers. Phraseology is derived from the Greek word phraseology, meaning phrase, turn of speech, knowledge, concept, logos-science, doctrine. Phraseology is divided into two types:

1. A stable word combination inherent in a language is a set of phrases;

2. It is a section of linguistics that studies stable vocabulary and phrases inherent in a language.

Phraseology is the Pearl of language. The reflects the peculiarities of the history and culture of the people. In phraseologisms, the bright National features of the people are embodied. English phraseology is rich and its history is long. In this is considered from the outside among pure English phraseologisms, that is, international phraseologisms are also numerous. Phraseology is an extremely complex phenomenon and its study is subject to a specific style, and also requires study with reference to a number of other disciplines such as lexicology, linguistics, Stylistics, phonetics, history, logic and textology.

Opinions of specialists on some problems of phraseology differ. Consequently, one of the tasks facing linguists who carry out scientific work in the field of phraseology is an expression from the search for a single correct idea by summarizing the existing ideas and combining them.

In particular, we can see the meaning of the word phraseology through its expression in English and American dictionaries.

In England and the US in phraseological issues (proverbs, idioms) mainly in studies on semantics and grammatic, as well as in phraseological dictionaries at the beginning of the word. There are a number of articles on the idiomatic structure of word combinations. As for the proverbs, is a tale of scientific work devoted to them. In this area, even a special magazine "Proverbium" (1965 - 1975 YY.) published. The reason for the publication of this journal is in the view that

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the field of paremiology (field of study of Proverbs) is considered from the point of view of the composition of folklore - folk oral creativity.

"Therefore, there is a need for a separate section, close to the syntax, but at the same time it is necessary to create a section, as lexical studied the meaning of a separate word, studying not only the general meaning of word combinations, but also the specific meaning of individual combinations.

This section of linguistics I call phraseology. Another term with this meaning can be proposed - "idioms".

The B.A.Larin says that phraseology as an object of research is still at the level of its "hidden development" and that serious research has not been carried out in this regard, as well as that it is required to study it, having distinguished it from lexicography, stylistics and syntactic materials.

The science of phraseology is associated with such subjects as lexicology, semantics, phonetics, Stylistics, history of language, etymology, Text Linguistics and general linguistics, among others, the science of history, literature, linguistics and Linguistics. Phraseology consists of words, and the word is the main object by which lexicology studies. Based on the sources of lexicology, it is possible to determine the nature of phraseological components, as well as their linguistic level. The theory of the lexical meaning of a word developed in semantics helps to determine the linguistic nature of phraseology and to distinguish its meaning in the composition of phraseology.

The word in phraseology has always lost its morphological features, it turns out that morphology helps to determine what is lost or preserved in this area.

In the development of a general system of studying phraseology, a specialist in the field (phraseologist) uses the experience of General Linguistics. In turn, the object of phraseology is so complex and peculiar that in the process of its study it creates new resources for the development of the above-mentioned linguistic Sciences. For example:

• do someone a kindness - KUM8adup axuuiuk Kunum.

to do a kind deed for a person. My neighbor did me a kindness when he cut my grass. I am always happy to have the opportunity of doing someone a kindness.

• kill someone with kindness - KUM8adup JicvQa Kamma axuuiuk Kunum.

• Fig. to be enormously kind to someone. You are just killing me with kindness. Why? Don't kill them with kindness. kill somebody with kindness -KUMsaOup xaddan opmuK axuuiuk Kunum.

to be too kind to someone Rob's killing me with kindness - he phones me all the time to see if I'm alright when really I just need to be left alone.

• milk of human kindness - maduuu AxmunuK ea ocnuKcuicippa xaiipuxoxnuK.

Fig. natural kindness and sympathy shown to others. (From Shakespeare's play Macbeth, I. v.) Mary is completely hard and selfish—she doesn't have the milk of human kindness in her. Roger is too full of the milk of human kindness and people take advantage of him.

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• the milk of human kindness (literary)- бошкаларга мехрибон булиш.

being good and kind to other people

Usage notes: This phrase comes from Shakespeare's play 'Macbeth'.

She's one of those amazing people who's just overflowing with the milk of human kindness.

• kill somebody with kindness- бошка одамга мехрибон булиб, хохлаётганнарсасига эришмок.[4]

to get what you want by being very kind to another person While most coaches can be very tough, ours kills his players with kindness.

• Evil be to him who evil thinks- ёвузлик килсанг ёвузлик курасан.[10]

Prov. May bad things happen to anyone who thinks evil things. (A curse against those who wish you harm. This is the English version of the French Honi soit qui malypense, the motto of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, a British order of knighthood.) The secret brotherhood took an oath of loyalty and finished their meeting by declaring, "Evil be to him who evil thinks. "

• Idleness is the root of all evil- агар киладиган ишинг булмаса, вактингни чог утказиш учун зарарли ишларни килишни уйлайсан.

Prov. If you have no useful work to do, you will think of harmful things to do in order to amuse yourself. (Compare this with Money is the root of all evil.) Child: Why do you make me do so many chores? Father: Idleness is the root of all evil.

• lesser of two evils

the less bad thing of a pair of bad things. I didn't like either politician, so I voted for the lesser of two evils. Given the options of going out with someone I don't like and staying home and watching a boring television program, I chose the lesser of the two evils and watched television.

• a necessary evil - сиз хуш курмайдиган ёвузлик, лекин сиз уни содир булиши шартлигини ва мавжудлигини биласиз.[11]

something that you do not like but which you know must exist or happen

He considers taxes a necessary evil.

• give somebody the evil eye - кимдмргп ёкимсиз ёки даргазаб булиб карамок.

to look at someone in an angry or unpleasant way I arrived late for the meeting and Steve Thomson gave me the evil eye.

• the lesser of two evils also a lesser evil - иккита ёкимсизидан яхшисини танлаш.

the less unpleasant of two choices, neither of which are goodI suppose I regard the Democratic candidate as the lesser of two evils.

• the lesser of two evils - иккита ёкимсизидан яхшисини танлаш.

the less unpleasant of two choices, neither of which are goodSometimes I

don't like either of the candidates, so I just try to choose the lesser of the two evils.

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• Usage notes: sometimes used in the form a lesser evil: I don't like her, I just think of her as the lesser evil. "The Evil One - нечистыйкиланган, дьявол шайтон, иблис, дев, сатана.

• Between two evils 'tie not worth choosing' - Ширин, ширинрок, тотлирок мазалирок.

• the social evil-фохишабозлик;

The first item in the series of police revenue is that derived from the social evil King's (или royal) evil -олтин сифат.

• St. John's evil- эпилепсия" [6]

Break up - separate from a partner or friend - дустни ёки шерикни бир -биридан ажратиш.

After ten years together, Rod and Julie broke up.

Bring up - look after children until they are adults- болаларга вояга етгунга цадар гамхурлик цилиш.

My parents brought me up very strictly.

Cheer up - make someone who is sad feel happier- хафа инсоннинг кайфиятини кутармоц.

She looked so miserable that I told her a few funny stories to cheer her up. Set fire to - start a fire deliberately - атайлаб ут куйиш. Someone set fire to the forest outside the city.

Sources used:

1. Б.Саримсоков, И. Хдккулов, А. Мусакулов, Р. Зарифов. Узбек халк маколлари. Узб..,1978. Б. 56,69.

2. Поливанов Е.Д. Русский язык сегодняшнего дня. - М. -Л., 1928 (б). -Кн. 4.-С.144.

3. Manner of using and arranging words (Longman Modern English Dictionary. London, 1976.P. 33.

4. The choice or arrangement of words and phrases in the expression of ideas; manner or style of expression; the particular from of speech or diction which characterises a writer, literary production, language, etc. (The Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford, 1933, Vol. VII).

5. Choice of words; wording (Hornby A.S. The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. London, 1974).

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