Научная статья на тему 'Concept of violence in Russian and Tatar Lingua-Cultures'

Concept of violence in Russian and Tatar Lingua-Cultures Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gazizulina L.R., Khusainova G.R.

The study undertakes a task to justify the need of comparing the attitude of Tatar and Russian people to violence. The comparison is to result in synthesizing the structure of the concept, its ethnic, linguistic, cultural and cognitive ‘slots' and ‘logemes' in Tatar and Russian mentality, and analyzing the realization of this concept in Tatar and Russian precedented and lingua-didactic texts taught at secondary and high schools of Tatarstan. It is important to describe the concepts in comparison between the two linguistic cultures to find out the resources of ethnic and religious tolerance in the republic. The synthesis of the concept structure and the cognitive scheme of the concept VIOLENCE are considered as the most effective methods to study the problem of violence itself.

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Настоящее исследование предполагает обоснование необходимости изучения концепта НАСИЛИЕ в русскоязычной и татароязычной культурах. В результате сравнения необходимо синтезировать структуру концепта, его этнические, языковые, культурные и когнитивные ‘слоты' и ‘логемы' в менталитете татар и русских, а также проанализировать реализацию концепта в татарских и русских прецедентных и лингводидактических текстах, преподаваемых в средней и старшей школе Татарстана. Важно описать концепты в сравнении между двумя языковыми культурами для выявления ресурсов этнической и религиозной толерантности в республике. Полагаем, что синтез концепта НАСИЛИЕ позволит внести вклад в изучение проблемы насилия как таковой в рамках междисциплинарного подхода.

Текст научной работы на тему «Concept of violence in Russian and Tatar Lingua-Cultures»

3. Яновская Г.В. Дефиниции мифологического сознания лирического героя Арсения Тарковского. Сборник научных трудов. Калининград, 1996: 46 - 53.

4. Мансков С.А. Поэтический мир Ар. Тарковского: (Лирический субъект. Категориальность. Диалог сознаний). Диссертация ... кандидата филологических наук. Барнаул, 1999.

5. Лейдерман Н.Л., Липовецкий М.Н. Современная русская литература: 1950-1990-е годы. Москва: Академия, 2003.

6. Тарасенкова Н. А. Содержательно-графический код геометрического понятия. Вектор науки ТГУ. 2010; 2 (12): 203 - 205.

7. Боковели О.С. Модель мира в философской лирике Арсения Тарковского. Диссертация кандидата филологических наук. Абакан, 2008.

8. Лотман Ю.М. Анализ поэтического текста: Структура стиха. О поэтах и поэзии. Санкт-Петербург: Искусство, 1996: 77 - 81.

9. Боковели О.С. Дешифровка графического кода треугольника в лирике Арсения Тарковского. Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. 2015; Ч. II, № 5 (47): 18 - 21.

10. Руссова С.Н. Философская поэзия Н.А. Заболоцкого и А.А. Тарковского. Автореферат диссертации ... кандидата филологических наук. Москва, 1990.

11. Полная энциклопедия символов. Составитель В.М. Рошаль. Москва: Эксмо; Санкт-Петербург: Сова, 2003.


1. Skoropanova I.S. LiricheskijgerojA. Tarkovskogo. Moskva: INION, 1983.

2. Klimanova E.Yu. O nekotoryh formah svyazi cheloveka s mirom v lirike A. Tarkovskogo. Moskva: INION, 1987.

3. Yanovskaya G.V. Definicii mifologicheskogo soznaniya liricheskogo geroya Arseniya Tarkovskogo. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Kaliningrad, 1996: 46 - 53.

4. Manskov S.A. Po'eticheskij mir Ar. Tarkovskogo: (Liricheskij sub'ekt. Kategorial'nost'. Dialog soznanij). Dissertaciya ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Barnaul, 1999.

5. Lejderman N.L., Lipoveckij M.N. Sovremennaya russkaya literatura: 1950-1990-e gody. Moskva: Akademiya, 2003.

6. Tarasenkova N. A. Soderzhatel'no-graficheskij kod geometricheskogo ponyatiya. Vektornauki TGU. 2010; 2 (12): 203 - 205.

7. Bokoveli O.S. Model' mira v filosofskoj lirike Arseniya Tarkovskogo. Dissertaciya kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Abakan, 2008.

8. Lotman Yu.M. Analiz po'eticheskogo teksta: Struktura stiha. O po'etah ipo'ezii. Sankt-Peterburg: Iskusstvo, 1996: 77 - 81.

9. Bokoveli O.S. Deshifrovka graficheskogo koda treugol'nika v lirike Arseniya Tarkovskogo. Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy teoriiipraktiki. 2015; Ch. II, № 5 (47): 18 - 21.

10. Russova S.N. Filosofskaya po'eziya N.A. Zabolockogo i A.A. Tarkovskogo. Avtoreferat dissertacii ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Moskva, 1990.

11. Polnaya 'enciklopediya simvolov. Sostavitel' V.M. Roshal'. Moskva: 'Eksmo; Sankt-Peterburg: Sova, 2003.

Статья поступила в редакцию 03.04.17

УДК 81.42

Gazizulina L.R., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior teacher, Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan,

Russia), E-mail: gazizulina78@mail.ru

Khusainova G.R., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan,

Russia), E-mail: english4@yandex.ru

CONCEPT OF VIOLENCE IN RUSSIAN AND TATAR LINGUA-CULTURES The study undertakes a task to justify the need of comparing the attitude of Tatar and Russian people to violence. The comparison is to result in synthesizing the structure of the concept, its ethnic, linguistic, cultural and cognitive 'slots' and 'logemes' in Tatar and Russian mentality, and analyzing the realization of this concept in Tatar and Russian precedented and lingua-didactic texts taught at secondary and high schools of Tatarstan. It is important to describe the concepts in comparison between the two linguistic cultures to find out the resources of ethnic and religious tolerance in the republic. The synthesis of the concept structure and the cognitive scheme of the concept VIOLENCE are considered as the most effective methods to study the problem of violence itself.

Key words: concept, violence, model, synthesis, tolerance.

Л.Р. Газизулина, канд. филол. наук, ст. преп. Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический

университет, г. Казань, E-mail: gazizulina78@mail.ru

Г.Р. Хусаинова, канд. пед. наук, доц. Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет,

г. Казань, E-mail: english4@yandex.ru


Настоящее исследование предполагает обоснование необходимости изучения концепта НАСИЛИЕ в русскоязычной и татароязычной культурах. В результате сравнения необходимо синтезировать структуру концепта, его этнические, языковые, культурные и когнитивные 'слоты' и 'логемы' в менталитете татар и русских, а также проанализировать реализацию концепта в татарских и русских прецедентных и лингводидактических текстах, преподаваемых в средней и старшей школе Татарстана. Важно описать концепты в сравнении между двумя языковыми культурами для выявления ресурсов этнической и религиозной толерантности в республике. Полагаем, что синтез концепта НАСИЛИЕ позволит внести вклад в изучение проблемы насилия как таковой в рамках междисциплинарного подхода.

Ключевые слова: концепт, насилие, модель, синтез, толерантность.

Over the past 20 years the Republic of Tatarstan has made progress in terms of broadening domains of Tatar language use. The first and most important accomplishment has been the introduction of comprehensive schooling in Tatar and other languages spoken in the republic. At present, however, many Tatar intellectuals continue to be apprehensive about the fact that Tatar has not yet become a de facto government language. Tatarstan authorities balance policies aimed at reviving the Tatar language and promoting Tatar high culture with those providing equally beneficial conditions to preserve and develop all the languages and cultures of multinational Tatarstan.

According to the Constitution adopted on the 6th of November, 1992, the Republic of Tatarstan is a sovereign state, subject of the

International Law, associated with the Russian Federation on the basis of the Treaty on mutually delegated powers. In relationship between citizen and the State the Constitution established priority of human rights as the highest of the social values. All citizens are guaranteed equal rights in all spheres of political, economic, social and cultural activities.

Article 12.3 of the Constitution says: "No public association shall be established or act if its purpose or actions are to alter by means of violence the constitutional order and the integrity of the Republic of Tatarstan, to undermine the safety of the state, to create armed groups, to instigate social, racial, national and religious conflicts; the use of mass media and other means with these purposes shall be prohibited" [1].

Article 40.2 of the Republic of Tatarstan proclaims: "Nobody should be exposed to torture, violence, or other cruel or humiliating treatment or punishment" [там же]. The articles of the Constitution mentioned above say that peaceful coexistence, safety and tolerance are supported by law and proclaim values common for Tatars and Russians. The linguistic studies undertaken to compare the attitude of Tatar people and Russians to violence are aimed at finding out the resources of the ethnic and religious tolerance in the republic.

The scientific value of the studies basically involves: (1) comparison of concepts in two close and interconnected cultures united by common historical, social and territorial factors (background) but different in language and religion; (2) carrying out linguocognitive description of ethnic peculiarities of the structure and content of the concept VIOLENCE in Russian and Tatar mentalese; (3) justification of the structural and content differences in two variants of the concept.

The practical value of the studies is critical in formulating language policy and school curriculum. The reconstruction of a fragment of individual's consciousness, opens a way to VIOLENCE understanding and possibilities of its understanding.

The language is unlimited in developing lexical meanings, but realization of any concept determines the structures of understanding in the frames of "themes" or "scripts" [2]. It is obvious that production of new situational meanings grows dramatically in case the concept belongs to politics and safety. The closeness to profane language and knowledge may lead to unconventional state of unlimited meanings and are realized as metaphors in communication. Essential con-testability appearing as a result of the described situation is oriented at constant generation of new senses and meanings determined by political discourse and contexts.

In Russian literature 'violence' is determined as part of law sphere [3], or specific ideology [4; 5; 6]. But no matter whether we characterize it in terms of political ideology or formal structures of the law we are to analyze the language as the means of organizing the experience of mankind.

Characterizing violence we distinguish:

1. The source of violence or its subject as it is the subject with his own aims and goals based on his views and experience. Who interferes into another individual(s) area and imposes himself. As a result the violence recipient receives a "specific message" deciphered at a subconscious level and connected to the text it is realized in. It is important to consider existing interpretations of the concept and

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deconstruct situation by constructing (a) mentaleses of the subjects and (b) a general scheme consisting of situation dependant elements of the subjects' mentaleses as our notion of the violence depends on the subject generating it. Subjects of violence can be classified into executors and clients;

2. The object of the violence is the one violence aimed at;

3. Legitimateness - non-legitimateness of violent actions;

4. Arbiter - public or social authorities determining legitimate-ness/non-legitimateness of violent actions. While witnessing an action an individual turns to his mentalese which acts as a cognitive institution marking the action seen as an action of violence or not. Thus the relations within the structure of the concept are as follows:

(1) subject of the violence - object of the violence;

(2) recipient - arbiter.

To initiate an act of violence the subject is to undergo "socialization", i.e. violence is thought of and realized in the mentalese. Con-vectional reflection of the action is necessary to be evaluated as an act of violence.

The research of the concept is supposed to be done with the view to create the full model of the concept in social cognition. For this purpose (1) precedent texts (universally recognized in the society and are widely used through the Republic of Tatarstan) and (2) lingua-didactic texts need to be thoroughly studied. The realization of concept VIOLENCE in Russian and Tatar texts allows to synthesize its core and interpretative field dependently on the recurrence of its semantic features. It is notable, that the specific feature of the concept realization being narrative texts with a high frequency of lexemes with negative connotation.

The stages of conceptual investigation described in the present work demonstrate possible ways of developing linguistic search. We believe that every linguistic study must contribute to better understanding of man, culture, communication through language. The topicality of such kinds of studies is determined by the need to find recourses for interethnic and religious tolerance and cross-cultural communication. The arguments presented in the work justify the need of deep investigation of the concept VIOLENCE as it plays a major role in Russian and Tatar linguistic cultures. Being widely discussed in mass media, in politicians' speeches and public organizations violence has a variety of linguistic realizations. it is important to describe the concepts in comparison between the two linguistic cultures to find out the resources of the ethnic and tolerance in the republic.

1. Конституция Республики Татарстан от 6 ноября 1992 г. Available at: http://constitution.garant.ru/region/cons_tatar/

2. Абельсон Р. Структуры убеждений. Язык и моделирование социального взаимодействия. Москва: Прогресс, 1987: 317 - 380.

3. Овчинникова Г.В. Терроризм (Современные стандарты в уголовном праве и уголовном процессе). Санкт-Петербург: СПб Юридич. институт, 1998.

4. Тарас А.Е. Психология террористов и серийных убийц: хрестоматия. Минск: Харвест, 2004.

5. Могильнер М. Мифология "подпольного человека": радикальный микрокосм в России. Москва: Новое литературное обозрение, 1999.

6. Степанов Е. И. Современный терроризм: состояние и перспективы. Москва: Эдиториал УРСС, 2000. References

1. Konstituciya Respubliki Tatarstan ot 6 noyabrya 1992 g. Available at: http://constitution.garant.ru/region/cons_tatar/

2. Abel'son R. Struktury ubezhdenij. Yazyk imodelirovanie social'nogo vzaimodejstviya. Moskva: Progress, 1987: 317 - 380.

3. Ovchinnikova G.V. Terrorizm (Sovremennye standarty v ugolovnom prave i ugolovnom processe). Sankt-Peterburg: SPb Yuridich. institut, 1998.

4. Taras A.E. Psihologiya terroristoviserijnyh ubijc: hrestomatiya. Minsk: Harvest, 2004.

5. Mogil'ner M. Mifologiya "podpol'nogo cheloveka": radikal'nyj mikrokosm v Rossii. Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 1999.

6. Stepanov E. I. Sovremennyj terrorizm: sostoyanie iperspektivy. Moskva: 'Editorial URSS, 2000.

Статья поступила в редакцию 31.03.17

УДК 811.51

Kaksin A.D., Doctor of Sciences (Philology), leading researcher, Sector of Language, Khakass Research Institute of Language,

Literature and History (Abakan, Russia), E-mail: adkaksin@yandex.ru

ABOUT SOME ASPECTS OF REPRESENTATION OF POSSESSIVENESS IN AGGLUTINATIVE LANGUAGES (WITH REFERENCE TO THE KHAKASS LANGUAGE). In the article the author discusses some questions connected with expression of the category of possessiveness in agglutinative languages. In particular, the question of differentiation of the concepts "accessory" and "possession" is considered. Semantics of possessiveness is represented to accessory, more general, wide in relation to values, possession and to others. Typological ways of formal expression of semantics of possessiveness in agglutinative languages are described. The conclusion is that in more detail the sorted semantics can be characterized proceeding from formal means of concrete language (group of languages). The work reveals general ways of expression of category of possessiveness in the Khakass language.

Key words: category of possessiveness, value of accessory, value of possession, ways of expression, affixation, agglutinative languages.

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