Научная статья на тему 'Collection of personal belongings of Zh. Tashenev from the funds of the National Museum of the RK'

Collection of personal belongings of Zh. Tashenev from the funds of the National Museum of the RK Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Ключевые слова
Zhumabek Tashenev / Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR / preservation of territorial integrity / personal belongings / National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. / Жумабек Ташенев / председатель Совета Министров КазССР / сохранение территориальной целостности / личные вещи / Национальный музей Республики Казахстан

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Акжасарова Айнур

The article is devoted to the collection of personal belongings of the outstanding statesman and public figure Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev, kept in the funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the article is to examine the life and work of Zhumabek Tashenev from the point of view of personality on the basis of museum materials. The main stages of the life path and political activity of a public figure are defined and studied through a personal collection of museum materials. The article describes the Zhumabek Tashenov’s education, his political activity and retirement from 1928 to 1975. In addition, Zhumabek Tashenev's personal belongings from the funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan are examined and their main values are shown. The articles published in newspapers, state awards and personal belongings of Zhumabek Tashenev are considered as the material data in the museum collection and his family and official photographic documents are valuable as visual data. In conclusion it is noted that Zhumabek Tashenev's personal belongings are the main value of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and they are used in exhibition and exposition works, as well as it is recommended to effectively use museum materials related to human life in the patriotic education of the younger generation.

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Статья посвящена коллекции личных вещей видного государственного и общественного деятеля Жумабека Ахметовича Ташенева, хранящейся в фондах Национального музея Республики Казахстан.Целью статьи является изучение жизнедеятельности Жумабека Ташенева на основе музейных материалов Национального музея Республики Казахстан. На основе коллекции личных вещей из фондов музея проведены научное изучение и определение основных этапов жизненного пути и политической деятельности общественного деятеля. В результате этой исследовательской работы даны сведения о получении образования Жумабека Ташенева с 1928 года, его политическая деятельность до выхода на пенсию в 1975 году. Кроме того дан обзор личных вещей Ж. Ташенева из музейного фонда, определена музейная ценность материалов. Газетные статьи, государственные награды и личные вещи из коллекции Ж. Ташенева рассматриваются как вещественные источники, семейные фотографии и фотографии, отражающие период его политической деятельности представляют большую ценность в качестве визуальных источников. В заключение исследовательской статьи сделан вывод, что коллекция личных вещей Жумабека Ташенева представляют музейную ценность Национального музея Республики Казахстан. Музейные материалы послужат для дальнейшего использования в экспозиции и временных выставках музея, в патриотическом воспитании подрастающего поколения.

Текст научной работы на тему «Collection of personal belongings of Zh. Tashenev from the funds of the National Museum of the RK»


IRSTI 13.51.91

*Akzhasarova A.K. 1 Zhumagulova K.B. 1

1 National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan Astana., Kazakhstan *e-mail: ainur 7@mail.ru

Collection of personal belongings of Zh. Tashenev from the funds of the National Museum of the RK

Abstract: The article is devoted to the collection of personal belongings of the outstanding statesman and public figure Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev, kept in the funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the article is to examine the life and work of Zhumabek Tashenev from the point of view of personality on the basis of museum materials. The main stages of the life path and political activity of a public figure are defined and studied through a personal collection of museum materials. The article describes the Zhumabek Tashenov's education, his political activity and retirement from 1928 to 1975. In addition, Zhumabek Tashenev's personal belongings from the funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan are examined and their main values are shown. The articles published in newspapers, state awards and personal belongings of Zhumabek Tashenev are considered as the material data in the museum collection and his family and official photographic documents are valuable as visual data. In conclusion it is noted that Zhumabek Tashenev's personal belongings are the main value of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and they are used in exhibition and exposition works, as well as it is recommended to effectively use museum materials related to human life in the patriotic education of the younger generation.

Keywords: Zhumabek Tashenev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, preservation of territorial integrity, personal belongings, National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The state and public figure Zhumabek Akhmetovich Tashenev made a huge contribution to preserving the integrity of the territory of Independent Kazakhstan.It is known from history that in the 60s of the

20th century, the First Secretary of theCentral Committee ofthe CPSU N. Khrushchev intended to transfer the northern regions of the republic to the Russian Federation. Zh.A. Tashenev opposed his intention and



defended these lands. Today, the capital of our independent state is located here, and one of the central streets bears his name.

The funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan contain a collection of personal belongings of the outstanding figure of Kazakhstan Zhumabek Tashenev. They entered the museum in 2015 from Sayan Zhumabekovich Tashenev, the son of Zh. Tashenev. At that time, the exhibition "Tau tulga" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Zh. Tashenev was organized at the National Museum.

Zhumabek Tashenev was born on March 20, 1915 in the village of Tanagul, Vishnevsky district, Akmola region [1, 180]. Zhumabek's father Zhaksybayev Tashen and mother Gulsum owned small property. The parents had several children - Kasym (died in infancy), Kasen, Manap, Zhumabek, Bidan (Bibinur), Sakysh (Sakypzhamal). According to the testimony of Dametken zhengey, close to the Tashenov family, according to Kazakh customs, Zhumabek and Manap were given for adoption to Tashen's younger brother, Akhmet. Therefore, Zhumabek and Manap were registered as Akhmetovichs [2, 10-11].

In 1928 he entered the school of peasant youth. In 1933-1934, Tashenov continued his studies at the railway construction college in Akmolinsk, then graduated from the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU in Moscow.

Zhumabek Akhmetovich began his career in 1934 in the Akmola and Krasnoarmeisk district executive committees. From 1934 to 1944, Zh. Tashenov worked in various positions in Akmola, Karaganda and North Kazakhstan regions. At the age of thirty, he was appointed chairman of the regional executive Committee of the North Kazakhstan region. Zhumabek Akhmetovich's career was rapidly growing upwards and in 1952

he was elected first secretary of the Aktobe Regional Party Committee. At the age of 37, he headed an area with developed metallurgy and petrochemical productivity, a large territory, but with a low population density in rural areas, difficult transport links [3].

From 1955 to 1960 he worked as Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR. In 1960, Tashenev was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR

As noted above, the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Nikita Khrushchev, tried to divide Kazakhstan into several parts. He planned to transfer part of the lands of Kazakhstan to neighboring republics - Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation, while not taking into account the opinions of the leaders of the republic. In addition, he managed to transfer the Bostandyk district of the South Kazakhstan region to Uzbekistan [4, 67].On December 26, 1960, on the initiative of N. Khrushchev, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR, the Virgin Territory was formed, it included the territories of Akmola, Kokchetav, Kostanay, Pavlodar and North Kazakhstan regions with the administrative center of the region in the city of Akmolinsk. It was planned that from January 1, 1961, five northern regions of Kazakhstan (North Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, Kostanay, Akmola, Pavlodar) would be directly subordinate to Moscow. Zhumabek Tashenov strongly opposed such a proposal, appealing to the Constitutions of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR [4, 57].As a result, Khrushchev was forced to retreat from the implementation of his plans, but two months after this event, Zhumabek Tashenev was removed from his post. Ismail Yusupov, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan in 1962-1964, later

noted Tashenov's bold act: "There was no one else who could openly oppose Khrushchev, except Tashenov. Zhumabek Tashenov was ready for any struggle, for all sorts of surprises for his republic, for his people. These are the real sons-heroes that the Kazakh people should not forget".

After being removed from high posts, ZhumabekAkhmetovich was sent to work as deputy chairman of the Shymkent Regional Executive Committee, from where, upon reaching retirement age, he was retired in March 1975. Then he continues to work first as deputy director of the Institute of Karakul Breeding, director of the Center for Scientific and Technical Information. For his fruitful work, he was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the"Badge of Honor" by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR.

Over the years, ZhumabekAkhmetovich managed to do a lot for his people. When he learned that a monument to his heroes was being erected in the Union republics, he proposed naming one of the main thoroughfares of Almaty Abai Avenue, as well as erecting a monument to the great thinker and poet. He convinced the Kremlin rulers by referring to the fact that there is Rustaveli Avenue in Tbilisi, Novai Avenue in Tashkent, and Gorky Avenue in Moscow [5, p.17-18].This act revealed another facet of Zhumabek Akhmetovich - love and reverent attitude to his nation. He also put a lot of effort into the prosperity of the picturesque resort area in the foothills of Alatau - Medeu. Under the first Secretary of the Central Committee of the KP of Kazakhstan, Zhumabai Shayakhmetov, construction of a sports complex in the Medeu tract was started.Zh. Tashenev invited Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR K. Voroshilov and justified his request for the completion of the complex, soon the center allocated the


necessary funds. During the Khrushchev thaw, when the rehabilitation of innocently repressed figures of national republics began, Zhumabek Akhmetovich headed a special commission for the rehabilitation of victims of mass Stalinist repressions in the republic: major writers B. Mailin, S. Seifullin and I. Zhansugurov, etc., were rehabilitated, their works became available to readers. Zh.A. Tashenev was actively engaged in the problem of arranging oralmans. On October 14, 1955, J.A. Tashenov, as Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic, addressed a letter to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, I.D. Yakovlev, with a request to consider improving the life of repatriates from the People's Republic of China.

On his initiative, a Decade of Kazakh Art and Literature was held in Moscow in 1958. Zhumabek Akhmetovich seeks to award the high title of "People's Artist of the USSR" to five famous artists: Ermek Serkebayev, Shaken Aimanov, RozaZhamanova, KalibekKuanyshbayev and MukanTulebayev. He tried to support cultural and artistic figures in every possible way. He contributed to the fact that the 120-apartment building built in the center of Almaty was entirely given to outstanding cultural figures of Kazakhstan. Zhumabek Akhmetovich also initiated the nomination of Mukhtar Auezov's novel "Abai" for the Lenin Prize. It was with his participation that Bauyrzhan Momyshuly and Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev were presented to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Thus, it is important to emphasize once again the deep devotion and love of the figure to the Kazakh people and his land.

More than once Zhumabek Akhmetovich had to enter into disagreements with the



Central Committee of the CPSU in order to convince them of the high potential of the personnel of the indigenous nationality. Being the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Kazakhstan, he attracts twelve people from among the Kazakhs to work in the government apparatus

Zhumabek Akhmetovich Tashenov died on November 18, 1986. He was buried in Shymkent. Streets in the cities of Astana, Shymkent, Petropavlovsk are named after Zh.A. Tashenov. Secondary schools in Petropavlovsk and the village of Arshaly, Akmola region, bear his name.

The structure of the collection consists of written sources, photographic materials and material sources. A significant part of the collection consists of written sources, which are represented by documents of his political and scientific activities. Zhumabek Akhmetovich in 1956 at the XX Congress of the CPSU Party was elected a candidate for the Central Committee of the CPSU and a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, from 1949 to 1961 - a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, and from 1951 to 1961 - a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR. He was repeatedly elected a member of the North Kazakhstan, Aktobe and Shymkent regional committees of workers. This is evidenced by mandates, membership cards, invitation cards to CPSU congresses, certificates of a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a diploma of graduation from the Higher Party School in 1955 in Moscow, a diplomatic passport, etc.Of great interest are the certificate of the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR (1955), deputy ticket No. 01 of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, issued in 1960.

Along with administrative work, Zhumabek Akhmetovich was also engaged

in research activities. He is the author of many books and studies in the field of economics [3]. The collection includes newspaper articles and 10 diary entries by Zh. Tashenev. In notebooks and notepads, he outlined scientific research for his future PhD thesis, which he defended in 1962 in Moscow. The manuscripts were written with a fountain pen and are in satisfactory condition. The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan keeps a diploma on conferring the degree of candidate of economic sciences. The surviving newspaper articles "Madinetti zhane minsiz kyzmet ushin" ("Ontustik Kazakhstan" gazeti. No. 114, 10.06.1970.) and "Improve consumer services for the population" ("Southern Kazakhstan" newspaper, No. 138, 16.07.1970.) are to the period of his work in Shymkent. These written sources are of great importance in the study of his scientific activity.

Among the items transferred to the museum there are state awards of Zhumabek Akhmetovich in the amount of 12 storage units. These are the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the Badge of Honor, the Medal for Labor Valor, etc.

From the personal belongings of a political figure there is a camera, glasses, a pen, a wall clock, a pocket watch, etc. Pocket watch "Molniya"in a round case with a top cover that opens on a hinge [6]. They are made of steel, enamel is used as a decor, the mechanism was made in a shockproof design. Pocket watches are designed by analogy with the famous Swiss watches. The "Molniya"watch was presented to Zhumabek Akhmetovich on his 70th birthdayfrom residents of the city of Shymkent. On the inside of the lid there is a dedication inscription dated 1985.

Among the valuable items in the collection of personal items, one can single out a tie clip and silver cufflinks with

amber, which belonged to Zhumabek Tashenyov. They came to the museum from Tashenev's daughter-in-law, Fatima Tasheneva. Among the clothing items donated to the museum are a drape coat with an astrakhan collar, a raincoat and a political figure's suit.

The museum also contains a large number of photographs that cover different stages of the life of a political figure. Among them there are family photographs, where he is captured in his youth, with his wife Bates, with children and others. A significant part consists of photographs that reflect the period of his work in leadership positions, as well as the historical events of the Soviet era in the 1950s-1960s. Among them are pictures of meetings with party leaders, delegates of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from Kazakhstan, etc.

During the period of work at the highest government posts, Zh.A. Tashenov was also actively involved in foreign policy activities. As Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he received ambassadors and other representatives of


foreign states. As part of the delegations, he visited a number of foreign countries -China, Mongolia, India. In one of them, together with Yu.V. Andropov, they accompanied N.S. Khrushchev to China, for negotiations with the leader of the People's Republic of China, Mao Tse Tung. His foreign policy activities are evidenced by such photographs as a visit to the Mongolian People's Republic, a meeting of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in Almaty.

Collection of personal belongings of Zh. Tashenev, who made a huge contribution to the development of Kazakhstan, is also of great value. The items donated to the museum are periodically used at various exhibitions in the hall "History of Kazakhstan 13th-20thcc." The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan exhibits a personal complex of a politician. And today our task is to study and popularize the activities of this outstanding person among the younger generation.


1. "Kazakhstan". National Encyclopedia. T.5. - Almaty: Main edition of «Kazakhencyclopediasy", 2006. - 560 p.

2. Asan-ata Karishal. Shynzhyrda otken zholbarys. The Tale of the Chained Tiger. - Almaty: "Ush qiyan", 2004. - 408 p.

3. Ayagan B. Statesman Zhumabek Tashenov / © e-history.kz https://e-history.kz/ru/history-of-kazakhstan/show/9279/S. Duysen, K. Ensenov. Zhumabek Tashenev: gylymi basylym. - Almaty: "Litera M" ZhShS, 2012. - 320 p.

4. Halyktyn kaysar perzenti. Zhumabek Tashenev turaly estelikter. -Almaty: Zhazushi, 2005. -296 p.

5. S. Duysen, K. Ensenov. Kazakh kaysar kayratkeri - Zhumabek Tashenov. - Almaty, "Yeltanym", 2015. - 158 p.

6. Act of acceptance transfer №43. 18.03.2015 / Archive of the National museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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*Акжасарова А.К.1 Жумагулова К.Б.1

Национальный музей Республики Казахстан, г. Астана, Казахстан *e-mail: ainur_7@mail.ru


Аннотация: Статья посвящена коллекции личных вещей видного государственного и общественного деятеля Жумабека Ахметовича Ташенева, хранящейся в фондах Национального музея Республики Казахстан.

Целью статьи является изучение жизнедеятельности Жумабека Ташенева на основе музейных материалов Национального музея Республики Казахстан. На основе коллекции личных вещей из фондов музея проведены научное изучение и определение основных этапов жизненного пути и политической деятельности общественного деятеля. В результате этой исследовательской работы даны сведения о получении образования Жумабека Ташенева с 1928 года, его политическая деятельность до выхода на пенсию в 1975 году. Кроме того дан обзор личных вещей Ж. Ташенева из музейного фонда, определена музейная ценность материалов. Газетные статьи, государственные награды и личные вещи из коллекции Ж. Ташенева рассматриваются как вещественные источники, семейные фотографии и фотографии, отражающие период его политической деятельности представляют большую ценность в качестве визуальных источников. В заключение исследовательской статьи сделан вывод, что коллекция личных вещей Жумабека Ташенева представляют музейную ценность Национального музея Республики Казахстан. Музейные материалы послужат для дальнейшего использования в экспозиции и временных выставках музея, в патриотическом воспитании подрастающего поколения.

Ключевые слова: Жумабек Ташенев, председатель Совета Министров КазССР, сохранение территориальной целостности, личные вещи, Национальный музей Республики Казахстан.

*Ак;жасарова А.К.1 Жумагулова К.Б.1

1 Казахстан Республикасыньщ ¥лттык музеш, Астана к., Казакстан *e-mail: ainur_7@mail.ru


Ацдатпа. Макала, КР ¥лттык музеш корындагы кернеки мемлекет жэне когам кайраткерi Жумабек Ахметулы Тэшеневтщ жеке заттарыныц топтамасына арналган. Макаланыц максаты, КР ¥лттык музейiндегi Жумабек Тэшеневтщ емiрi мен кызметiн тулгатанулык тургыда музей материалдары негiзiнде карастыру. Оны музей материалдарындагы жеке топтама аркылы когам кайраткершщ емiр жолы мен саяси кызметшщ негiзгi кезецдерш айкындау жэне гылыми зерделеу болып табылады. Зерттеу макаланыц нэтижесiнде Жумабек Тэшеновтщ 1928 жылдан бастап бiлiм алуы, саяси кызметшщ жалгасуы, 1975 жылы зейнет


демалысына шыкканга дейiнгi eMÏpi сипатталады. Сонымен катар, К,Р ¥лттык музешндеп Тэшеневтщ жеке заттарына шолу жасалып, оныц Heri3ri кундылыктары кeрсетiледi. Тэшеневтщ жеке заттарыныц iшiндегi газеттерде жарияланган макалалары, мемлекеттiк марапаттары мен e3i колданган буйымдары музей корындагы материалдык дерек ретiнде карастырылса, оныц отбасылык жэне кызметтегi фото кужаттары визуалды дерек ретiнде кунды екенi айтылады. Макаланыц корытындысында, Жумабек Тэшеневтщ жеке заттары КР ¥лттык музейшщ непзп кундылыгы екенi баяндалып, оныц кермелер мен экспозициялык жумыстарда пайдаланылатыны жэне келешек урпакка патриоттык тэрбие беруде тулганыц eмiрiне катысты музей материалдарын тиiмдi пайдалану кажеттiгi усынылады.

Юлт сездер: Жумабек Тэшенев, КазКСР Министрлер Кецесшщ терагасы, территориялык тутастыкты сактау, жеке заттар, Казакстан Республикасыныц ¥лттык музейi.

Авторлар туралы мэл1мет:

Акжасарова Айнур Конысбековна, гылыми кызметкер, Казакстан Республикасы ¥лттык музейi.

Жумагулова К,аршыга Болатовна, кiшi гылыми кызметкер, Казакстан Республикасы ¥лттык музейi.

Сведения об авторах:

Акжасарова Айнур Конысбековна, научный сотрудник, Национальный музей Республики Казахстан.

Жумагулова Каршыга Болатовна, младший научный сотрудник, Национальный музей Республики Казахстан.

Information about the authors:

Akzhasarova Ainur Konysbekovna, researcher, National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Zhumagulova Karshyga Bolatovna, junior research assistant, National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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