CLASSIFICATION OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN TERMS OF THEIR SEMANTIC UNITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
фразеология / фразеологическая наука / фразеологизмы / фразеологические сочетания / фразеологические выражения / phraseology / phraseological science / phraseological units / phraseological combinations / phraseological expressions

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abdullayeva Samira Ali, Khudaverdiyeva Malaika, Guloglan Gasimova Maral Ilgar

Ценнейшим источником языка является фразеология, отражающая и сохраняющая вековую муд-рость народа. Современное состояние фразеологической науки можно охарактеризовать как этап ин-тенсивного развития. Работы лингвистов ведутся по разным направлениям фразеологии и особенно за-трагивают структурно-семантические характеристики фразеологизмов, проблему их вариантности, внутреннюю форму и специфику перевода фразеологизмов. Трудно поспорить с тем, что фразеология помогает проследить, откуда в сознании того или иного народа появлялись те или иные идеи и образы и как они менялись с течением времени. Анализируя его, мы видим, как меняются семантика, частотность и сочетаемость лексических единиц любого языка.

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Похожие темы научных работ по языкознанию и литературоведению , автор научной работы — Abdullayeva Samira Ali, Khudaverdiyeva Malaika, Guloglan Gasimova Maral Ilgar

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The most valuable source of the language is phraseology, which reflects and preserves the age-old wisdom of the people. The current state of phraseological science can be characterized as a stage of intensive devel-opment. The works of linguists are carried out in different directions of phraseology and especially affect the structural, semantic characteristics of phraseological units, the problem of their variance, the internal form and specificity of the translation of phraseological units. It is difficult to argue with the fact that phraseology helps to trace where certain ideas and images appeared in the minds of a particular people and how they changed over time. Analyzing it, we see how the semantics, frequency and compatibility of lexical units of any language change.


«шшэшшм-шгмаи тш / philological sciences



Абдуллаева Самира Али

Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет Старший преподаватель, кафедра "Языков" Худавердиева Малайка Гюлоглан Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет Старший преподаватель, кафедра "Языков" Гасымова Марал Ильгар Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет

Преподаватель, кафедра "Языков" DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2023-12171-45-47 КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ФРАЗЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ЕДИНИЦ С ТОЧКИ ЗРЕНИЯ ИХ СЕМАНТИЧЕСКОГО ЕДИНСТВА

Abdullayeva Samira Ali

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University Senior lecturer, department of "Languages" Khudaverdiyeva Malaika Guloglan Azerbaijan State Agrarian University Senior lecturer, department of "Languages" Gasimova Maral Ilgar

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University Lecturer, department of "Languages"



Ценнейшим источником языка является фразеология, отражающая и сохраняющая вековую мудрость народа. Современное состояние фразеологической науки можно охарактеризовать как этап интенсивного развития. Работы лингвистов ведутся по разным направлениям фразеологии и особенно затрагивают структурно-семантические характеристики фразеологизмов, проблему их вариантности, внутреннюю форму и специфику перевода фразеологизмов. Трудно поспорить с тем, что фразеология помогает проследить, откуда в сознании того или иного народа появлялись те или иные идеи и образы и как они менялись с течением времени. Анализируя его, мы видим, как меняются семантика, частотность и сочетаемость лексических единиц любого языка.


The most valuable source of the language is phraseology, which reflects and preserves the age-old wisdom of the people. The current state ofphraseological science can be characterized as a stage of intensive development. The works of linguists are carried out in different directions of phraseology and especially affect the structural, semantic characteristics of phraseological units, the problem of their variance, the internal form and specificity of the translation ofphraseological units. It is difficult to argue with the fact that phraseology helps to trace where certain ideas and images appeared in the minds of a particular people and how they changed over time. Analyzing it, we see how the semantics, frequency and compatibility of lexical units of any language change.

Ключевые слова: фразеология, фразеологическая наука, фразеологизмы, фразеологические сочетания, фразеологические выражения

Key words: phraseology, phraseological science, phraseological units, phraseological combinations, phraseological expressions

The presented final qualifying work is aimed at the anthropocentricity of the language. This is argued by the fact that modern linguistics considers the idea of an-thropocentrism in language as the main one.

Comparative study affects the systems of various foreign languages, which is a consequence of the deepening of international relations and the enhanced development of each of the languages. It is very interesting and useful to compare the phraseological fund of two unrelated languages. Thus, it becomes possible to find similarities and differences between different linguistic pictures of the world and cultures of different peoples.

In this regard, it seems relevant to describe the semantic composition of lexical units in the composition

of phraseological units associated with a certain concept in two different languages (American English and Russian) in order to understand what contributed to their formation, as well as to find similarities and differences between them.

This classification was developed by V.V. Vinogradov based on the classification of Sh. Bally. Its main principle is that the further the meaning of the whole phraseological unit is from the meanings of its constituent parts, the greater the degree of semantic unity. V.V. Vinogradov identified three types of phraseological units:

1) adhesions;

2) unity;



3) combinations.

V.N. Shansky improved this classification by adding a fourth group - phraseological expressions. Today, this classification is generally accepted.

Phraseological fusions are semantically indivisible phrases, the general meaning of which is not motivated by the meaning of their individual components [2. p. 87].

They are not motivated, that is, their meaning cannot be deduced from the meanings of their component parts; the metaphor on which the shift in meaning is based has lost its clarity. For example, Russian очертя голову- thoughtlessly, rashly, recklessly; курам на смех- extremely pointlessly, unreasonably, foolishly, absurdly; awkwardly; English at sixes and sevens, to set one's cap at smb, to come/get a cropper [1. p. 2].

Phraseological units are such phraseological units that are semantically indivisible [2. p.88]. Unlike phraseological fusion, phraseological unity is semantically motivated, has figurativeness: "уйти в свою скорлупу", "кровь с молоком", "держать камень за пазухой", "довести до белого каления".

Phraseological combinations are stable turns, the general meaning of which completely depends on the meaning of the constituent components. For example, Russian беспробудное пьянство- to drink heavily a lot of alcohol; крайний срок- deadline, closing date; English a question on the agenda of the day, a question of a great importance, to raise a question [2.p. 88].

The line separating unity from fusion is uncertain and even subjective; the better a person knows the language and its history, the less mergers he is likely to find among phraseological units [1.p.2].

Phraseological expression is a combination of words that are reproduced as ready-made speech units. The meaning of phraseological expressions depends on the meaning of the words included in their co mpo sitio n. As a rule, phraseological units of this type do not include words with a limited meaning. This category includes proverbs, sayings, quotes, sayings that have turned into metaphors.

Phraseological expressions are reproduced as ready-made units with a constant meaning and composition: "любви все возрасты покорны", "волков бояться - в лес не ходить", "всерьез и надолго". [3.p.146]

Phraseological units in the Azerbaijani language

There are two types of word combinations in the Azerbaijani language: free word combination and fixed word combination.

Fixed word combinations are also called phraseological units. Phraseological units are stable word combinations that do not change in composition and convey a figurative meaning as a whole. For example, dabanina tüpürmak (qagmaq-to run), dilini saxlamaq (susniaq-keep silent), yanib tókülmak (heyifsilanmak- to be cursed), gozü su igmamak (inanmamaq-distrust), aldan dü§mak (yorulmaq-to be tired) and so on are phraseological combinations.

Phraseological combinations are readily available in the language. It is possible to replace some of them

with one word. For example, agzina su alib oturmaq -susmaq (dry up), ba§a salmaq - anlatmaq (to explain), yada salmaq - xatirlamaq (remember) etc. Words that make up phraseological combinations can be two or more. For example, qani qaralmaq (upset) (consisting of 2 words), urayi agzina galmak (to be afraid) (consisting of 3 words), gozum sandan su igmir (distrust) (consisting of 4 words), etc.

Phraseological combinations also have homon-ymy, synonymy and antonymy.

As an example of phraseological homonyms, we can show the following: uz vermak, can vermak, i§a du§mak, urayi yanmaq, soz vermak, cana galmak etc.

Phraseological synonyms are combinations with the same and close meaning. For example, qulaq asmaq - qulaq vermak,(to listen), ozundan gixmaq - hirsi ba§ina vurmaq, (to be angry) urayi agzina galmak - tu-klari urpa§mak, (to be afraid), qiligina girmak - qalbina yol tapmaq,(be fond of), burnunu sallamaq - qa§-qabagi yer supurmak, (take offense), dard gakmak -qam daryasina qarq olmaq, (sorrow), acigi galmak -zahlasi getmak (vex) etc.

Phraseological antonyms are opposite combinations. For example, xo§u galmak (to like) - zahlasi getmak,(abominate), yada du§mak (remind)- yaddan gixarmaq, (foget), dil-dil otmak (to talk) - agzina su almaq, (keep silent), alini agdan qaraya vurmamaq (not doing anything)— daridan-qabiqdan gixmaq (working too hard) etc.,

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the presence of the above-mentioned lexemes in the composition of phraseological units is not the only basis for determining their semantics as positive or negative. It is also important to note that in the case of some units, such as interjectional phraseological units with demonoid components, it is not possible to determine their semantic coloring as positive or negative, because they are used to make speech expressive, and can express both anger, anger, so is joy, delight, etc. [4.p.543]

The semantic analysis of phraseological units led to the conclusion that the origin and structure of American phraseological units are caused not by the cultural and historical traditions of America, but rather by religious ones, and the appearance of Russian phraseological units is justified by the culture and traditions of the country. The study showed that such qualities as pragmatism, caution, vigilance, attentiveness, perseverance, diligence, leadership, etc. are important for representatives of the American linguistic culture. For representatives of Russian linguistic culture, intelligence, caution, self-respect, and openness are important. [5.p.920]

In Azerbaijani language phraseological units differ from free word combinations such as daniz havasi, maktabin hayati, yukma§ini etc., so that while the words included in their composition are used in their true meaning, individual words in phraseological combinations lose their true meaning, together they express a certain figurative meaning. Unlike free phrases, fixed phrases do not have a dependent or a main part. They enter dictionaries. Phraseological dictionaries have a special place among the types of dictionaries in our language.

«шшэшшм-шгмаи тш / philological sciences


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3. Мацевич С.Ф. Адъективные идиомы в русской и американской культурах. - Псковский государственный университет: Изд-во «Логос», 2017. -146 с.

4. An American Dictionary of the English Language: Exhibiting the Origin. / N. Webster, 2011. - 543 P.

5. Dictionary of Idioms. - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013. - 920 p.

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