Научная статья на тему 'Семантический анализ фразеологических единиц характеризующих уровень человеческого интеллекта (на материале кыргызского, английского и русского языков)'

Семантический анализ фразеологических единиц характеризующих уровень человеческого интеллекта (на материале кыргызского, английского и русского языков) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Раимбекова Анар Капаровна, Сыдыкова Гулбара Бектургановна

Предмет исследования данной статьи - семантико-лингвокультурологические особенности фразеологических единиц, отражение человека и его поведения во фразеологической картине мира кыргызского, английского и русского языков. Основная цель данного исследования состоит в интерпретации и дифференциации кыргызской, русской, английской фразеологии, в которой характеризуются интеллектуальные способности человека, в выявлении сходств и различий в семантической и антропоцентрической организации фразеологизмов. В данной статье, автор предпринял попытку сопоставить фразеологические единицы кыргызского, английского и русского языков, отражающие интелектуальные способности человека в двух аспектах: семантическом и лингвокультурологическом. Сопоставительный анализ направлен на выявление алломорфных и изоморфных характеристик на фразеологическом уровне, выделение и изучение полных и частичных эквивалентов, аналогов и безэквивалентных фразеологические единиц в трех языках, не имеющих, соответствий во фразеологической системе другого языка.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Семантический анализ фразеологических единиц характеризующих уровень человеческого интеллекта (на материале кыргызского, английского и русского языков)»

The Newman In Foreign Policy № 47 (91), апрель -май 2019 г.




УДК 81.373.45


Раимбекова Анар Капаровна, старший преподаватель, Кыргызский Государственный Университет им.И.Арабаева; Сыдыкова Гулбара Бектургановна, кандидат филологических наук, профессор кафедры телерадиожурналистики, Кыргызский

национальный университет им. Жусупа Баласагына

Аннотация: Предмет исследования данной статьи - семантико-

лингвокультурологические особенности

фразеологических единиц, отражение человека и его поведения во фразеологической картине мира кыргызского, английского и русского языков. Основная цель данного исследования состоит в интерпретации и дифференциации кыргызской, русской, английской фразеологии, в которой характеризуются

интеллектуальные способности человека, в выявлении сходств и различий в семантической и антропоцентрической организации фразеологизмов. В данной статье, автор предпринял попытку сопоставить

фразеологические единицы кыргызского, английского и русского языков, отражающие интелектуальные способности человека в двух аспектах: семантическом и

лингвокультурологическом. Сопоставительный анализ направлен на выявление алломорфных и изоморфных характеристик на

фразеологическом уровне, выделение и изучение полных и частичных эквивалентов, аналогов и безэквивалентных фразеологические единиц в трех языках, не имеющих, соответствий во фразеологической системе другого языка. Ключевые слова: Фразеологические единицы, интеллект человека, межстилевые, сигнификативно-денотативная, объективно-оценочная, эмоционально-экспрессивная



Zhanar Raimbekova, senior lecturer, Kyrgyz State University.I. Arabaev Kyrgyz State University; Gulbara Sydykova, candidate of philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of TV journalism, Kyrgyz national University. Zhusup Balasagyn

Abstract: The subject of the research is the semantic-linguistic and cultural features of phraseological units, the reflection of a person and his behaviour in the phraseological picture of the world of Kyrgyz, English and Russian languages. The main goal of this study is to interpret and differentiate Kyrgyz, Russian, and English phraseology which characterizes a person's intellectual abilities, to identify similarities and differences in the semantic and anthropocentric organization of phraseological units. In this article the author has made an attempt to compare the phraseological units of the Kyrgyz, English and Russian languages reflecting the human intellectual abilities in two aspects: semantic and linguistic-cultural. Comparative analysis is aimed at identifying allomorphic and isomorphic characteristics at the phraseological level identifying and studying complete and partial equivalents, analogues and non-equivalent phraseological units in three languages that have no matches in the phraseological system of another language.

Key words: Phraseological units, human intellect, interstitial, significative-denotative, objective-evaluative, emotional-expressive connotation

Currently, in science a great interest is being activated in the semantic component of the corpus of phraseology. This is due to the general direction of the modern language sciences which is characterized by anthropocentricity. In this regard, phraseology is a unique area since phraseological units reflect one person's ideas about the other person. The language portrait of a person in general can be revealed with the help of various means and on the basis of various parameters

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among which there are intellectual ones (Volobueva, 2011, p. 268). From the linguistic point of view the linguistic image of a person in the aspect of intellectual abilities is of particular interest. The concept of "human intelligence" includes many concepts like "mind", "stupidity", "intellectual activity." And from the point of view of evaluation phraseological units (PU) can be divided into two groups: phraseological units with a positive assessment and phraseological units with a negative assessment.

The presence of evaluation in phraseological units denoting the intellectual qualities of the individual is due to the fact that "evaluation values are always relativized to the norms of being and create a value picture of the world which is always something specific for a given linguistic group" (Telia,1999).

The distribution of phraseological units into different phrase-semantic groups, the definition of significative-denotative, connotative, subjective-evaluative, emotional-expressive and functional-stylistic components of phraseological meaning were conducted on the basis of their identification by individual lexemes, word combinations or detailed descriptions in lexicographical sources and on the basis of the presence of common integral words in their semantics. "The problem of identifying and studying phraseological equivalents and analogues is an urgent, complex and multifaceted task that requires a clear approach to its solution and in the first place a clear definition of the criteria for identifying phraseological equivalence" (Arsentyeva, 1989).

Analysis of the group of phraseological units chosen by us from various phraseological and explanatory dictionaries characterizing human intellectual activity allowed us to identify semantic fields: "high level intellect" and "low level intellect".

Comparing phraseological units expressing human intellectual abilities in three languages we found similar phraseological units

i.e. a similarity was found in the structure, figurativeness and stylistic colouring as well as non-equivalent PU.

So, the names of the parts of the body in all three languages often take part in the formation of idioms probably due to the fact that using them in a figurative sense a person tries to convey his thoughts and emotions deeper and more fully. For example, the head is a kind of mind receptacle therefore this lexeme is used in many phraseological units.

Phraseological and semantic group of phraseological units "high level of intellectual development" with a positive evaluative connotation with the lexeme "баш - head -голова" include: ийнинде башы бар in Kyrgyz, иметь голову на плечах in Russian and to have a head on one's shoulders in English languages - this is a meaning of intelligence and prudence. All PUs have the same significative-denotative, objective-evaluative, emotional-expressive connotation, structural-grammatical organization and some morphological difference. The differences relates to the presence of the English specific pronoun "one's" in the English phraseological units. Therefore, they can be attributed to the subgroup of partial phraseological equivalents. Examples of this phraseological-semantic subgroup with the meaning "much smarter, more experienced, more knowledgeable" emphasizing the superiority of someone's intellect can reflect the following phraseological analogues: English PU two (three) heads above someone and Russian PU на голову выше. The phraseological units have a close resemblance of significative-denotative meaning and the evaluation component coincides. A few differences in the composition do not affect the figurativeness of phraseological units due to the similarity of their semantics and do not entail changes in emotional and expressive connotation. In Russian language with an additional meaning -very clever and intelligent the phraseological unit с царём в голове is used. It was not possible to find the equivalent to this PU in the compared languages. The origin is connected with the proverb "Everyone has his own king in his head" where the mind in one's head is compared with the king in the state.

In this semantic series there is also a lexeme «акыл - ум - sense » with the probability of coincidence of phraseological units in all three studied languages but the coincidence is realized in terms of content and expression, different lexemes are involved in expression. For example, in Kyrgyz акылы толуу, in Russian набираться

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ума (разума), in English learn sense, grow wise. The phraseological units have the same significative-denotative and functional-stylistic connotation and the phraseological units are classified as interstitial units. There are no intensives in the dictionary definitions of the three phraseological units therefore, their expressive connotation also coincides. Sometimes we can see the playing up words «акБш^М-голова» in the studied languages. For example in Kyrgyz the phraseology акылы тунук, in Russian светлая голова and in English clear (lucid) mind ("clear mind") are considered to be the partial equivalents due to the coincidence of their significative-denotative and subjective-estimated connotation, their structural and grammatical organization. All three idioms relate to interstyle units built on the same image (therefore, the emotional-expressive connotation coincides), and their component composition is also the same. Phraseological units differ in one component of related semantics with the variable components (approximate similarity) which does not affect all other aspects of the general phraseological meaning.

As an additional meaning of shrewdness and in Kyrgyz spoken language the idiom башы иштейт is often encountered which corresponds to the Russian голова (котелок) варит and to English someone's brain is working. This meaning is also found in the English phraseological unit someone is a man (woman) of brains. In these partial equivalents there is a complete coincidence in the content with minor discrepancies in terms of expression and a significative-denotative value completely coincides. Sometimes to express a given value the lexeme «forehead» is used. In Kyrgyz a very intelligent person who can easily understand the most complicated questions is called двн чеке (Liter., high forehead) assuming that the height of the forehead is proportional to the mind. In Russian there is a similar idiom by content семи пядей во лбу, i.e. "Big forehead", "intelligent man". It is difficult to find an equivalent in other studied languages since the "пядь" is an ancient Russian measure of length and it is usually equal to 17.78 cm. As we can see the cult of number seven is laid in the formation of this phraseology and for all peoples of the world it is a sign of ancient man's interest to the knowledge of nature personifying the holiness and secret knowledge for all peoples of the world.

The sacred number seven is used in the generalized symbolic meaning in many phraseological units of the compared languages

жети атасын таанытуу, жети вMYPY жерге кирYY, seven-day wonder, in seventh heaven, на семи ветрах, до седьмого пота and many others.

Differences in the world perception of nations are based not only on cultural, everyday, historical, economic, and national terms but also on terms of religion. We can also highlight the expressions of biblical origin. For example, in English they say he is as wise as Solomon (Literally: "wise as Solomon"). Solomon is one of Israel's kings. In Russian they say будьте мудры, как змеи и чисты, как голуби of Mt. 10:16. [Jesus to the Apostles]. The functional-stylistic connotation of these phraseological units completely coincides - the book style, phraseological units have the same subjective-estimated connotation and close similarity (difference in the set of some differential meanings) of significative-denotative meaning.

It is also interesting to determine the connotative components of the phraseological meaning of the English phraseological unit (as) solemn as an owl (Letter., wise as an owl). In the world picture of Western countries the owl was used in a well-known and figurative sense in relation to the night habits and wisdom (often ironic). The emotional colouring of this phraseological unit is a jokingly ironic evaluative connotation is unsharply negative created as a result of "collision" of the semantic components -"solemn, wise" and "owl". These idioms can not be translated into other languages. As it is seen from the examples each language reflects a certain way of perception and organization of the world.

The semantics of the following Kyrgyz phraseology тез илип алуу English quick on the uptake (Liter.,: quick, easy to understand, assimilate) and схватывать на лету with the meaning of "quickly perceive or gifted rare abilities" presented with the lexeme of intellectual activities are of big interest. PUs belong to the colloquial style where Kyrgyz and Russian PUs are considered to be common expressions. Here, the figurative meaning of a phraseological unit is quite clear - the correct, good antenna can be tuned and caught any wave. Phraseological units can be characterized as analogues with an approximate similarity of structural and grammatical organization and one identical lexeme in the composition of «тез иллуу-схватывать- quick» having the same significative -denotative meaning and subjective-estimated connotation. In Russian there is a popular expression ума палата which also literally means a clever "head". Chambers in Ancient Russia used

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to be called the spacious premises which were located in government buildings. Later the chambers appeared with the names - Armory, Faceted, etc. As the story goes, the state officials used to meet and important decisions used to be made there. Therefore, the aforementioned expression implies even one person who will put anyone to shame with his intellect.

We have already said that the phrase «баш-head-roлова» is often used in idioms characterizing the human mind. The above phraseological units already allow us to determine the meaning of the lexeme "head" in the linguistic picture of the world where the head is the main component of the thinking process. When interpreting phraseological material containing the component "head", one should proceed not from the scientific picture of the world according to which the head is the brain container but rather from the naive-language picture of the world where the head is the container of the mind. If the brain is an organ and there would be no ambiguity the mind is considered to be a concept in which mind-organ, mind-instrument, mind-mechanism, mind-luggage, mind-space, mind-king, coincided in the native language consciousness and they are often indistinguishable. Moreover, in the naive-linguistic consciousness there is an idea that we think with the head and therefore, the head itself incorporating the mind in any of its "conceptual appearance" acts as an organ of thinking. If this body is defective then it is not able to function properly.

In the semantic series "low intellect" there is also a lexeme баш - голова - head in Kyrgyz, English and Russian. The fullness of the head with brains and knowledge indicates the presence of the mind of a person and its emptiness speaks of a lack of intelligence, for example, in all three languages the stupid, reckless person can be called as квц баш in Kyrgyz, empty head in English and пустая голова (башка) in Russian. All phraseological units have the same significative-denotative meaning, objective-evaluative, emotional-expressive connotation, structural-grammatical organization and component composition and are considered to be full equivalents. This semantic series is completed by the following Kyrgyz phraseological units as башы жок, башы ордунда эмес, мац баш, эт баш, English PUs bonehead, blockhead, dunderhead, Russian PUs голова дырявая, дурная голова, ветренная голова, all phraseological units are playful, refer to the

colloquial style and characterize the image of a reckless person.

Of particular interest is the fact that in Russian picture of the world the image of a fool is realized by metaphorical models of vegetative content with the component: "head ^ garden", "head ^ wood", "head ^ straw", "head ^ sawdust": голова садовая, голова деревянная, голова соломенная etc. The English a wooden head complements this semantic series. This model in the Russian language contains the semantic component "tree" - oak, spruce, aspen. Of the listed metaphorical models only one "head ^ pumpkin" model ашкабак баш is represented in the Kyrgyz language picture of the world.

The lexeme head is contrasted with the negative evaluation lexeme brain. In the world picture of different cultures the head is represented as the organ of human thought activity. The phraseological units of this semantic group make it possible to define a number of important ideas about a stupid person: мээси жетпвв, квк мээ, мээси бвксв,эшектин мээсин жеген, мээ кайгы in Kyrgyz, мозги набекрень, мозгов нет, куриные мозги , мозга за мозгу зашла in Russian and of all brawn and no brain, а bear of very little brain, be brain dead, have shit for brains, be pea-brained, to be a feather brained, a bird brain in English languages. All of the above-mentioned phraseological units are analogues expressing the same significative-denotative meaning and the subjective-estimated connotation with the same identical lexeme "brain" in the component composition (integral seme of negative evaluation). PUs are characterized by a complete difference of the internal form.

The national worldview of a person with low intelligence among different nations is fixed in phraseological units with the component "акыл-шМ-ум". Let's consider the similar phraseological units vividly reflecting the figurative interpretation of a stupid person in Kyrgyz language: акылы жетпвв, акылы чолок, кем акыл, кирди-чыкты акылы бар, in English go out of one's mind, in Russian короткий ум, недалекого ума, тяжелый ум. The phraseological units express the same significative-denotative value and the subjective-evaluative connotation with one identical lexeme in the composition.

In this semantic series the lexeme "forehead" is also found in studied languages for example, in Russian медный лоб, in English thick skull. For these people it is a general idea that a person with a thick and hard (copper - as in

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Russian) forehead or skull (as in English) is meaninglessly stubborn and stupid. Negative characteristics of a person according to his intellect are traditionally formed on the basis of zoonyms. Here we can see that a native speaker especially often refers to images of domestic animals that are stubborn or excessively mobile. The basis of the transfer are observations of the behaviour of these animals. A stupid person in the Kyrgyz language is compared to a ram ак койдон ацкоо, боз койдон момун, in English a dumb bunny, in Russian смотреть как баран на новые ворота. All phraseological units are analogous having minor deviations in significative-denotative meaning (the common thing is the presence of stupidity seme as a traits of character and behaviour) and the same subjective-evaluative connotation (integral seme of negative evaluation). Also, the phraseological unit of the English language as stupid as an owl, a goose corresponds to Russian глуп, как сивый мерин. Phraseological units have an approximate similarity of structural and grammatical organization and one identical lexeme in the composition "stupid". But it should be noted that a paradoxical comparison takes place here, for example in English a stupid person is compared by a goose, which is determined by the national specificity of imagery in two different languages. In Russian, "goose" gives an ironic idea of something important (for example, "an important goose" is about an important, distinguished person) and "owl" in Russian embodies wisdom and knowledge and for the British - nonsense. We again see an example of the national identity of the worldview of different nations.

The idea of straw in the head as something empty and foolishly coincides in the language pictures of three languages. For example, in Kyrgyz саман баш, in English, someone's head is stuffed with straw, in Russian голова соломой набита. These similar phraseological units are characterized by minor differences in terms of expression. The significant-denotative meaning and the subjective-estimated connotation of the matched phraseological units are determined by the same set of semantic attributes. They also say about a stupid person in Russian as a bag of straw.

Phraseological analogues in the considered semantic row are: Kyrgyz башы (мээси) ордунда эмес, English a bit weak in the top storey and Russian не все дома, чердак не в порядке. In these examples, the English uses the lexeme "the top storey (top floor)" and in Russian " чердак ". Despite that fact that native speakers have approached from different sides to describe

this lexeme all phraseological units possess the same significative-denotative and subjective-evaluative connotation. The following similar phraseological units coincide both structurally and in terms of content, in Kyrgyz мээси жетпейт, шариктери жетпейт, Russian русском винтиков не хватает в голове, in English to have a screw loose, to have a cylinder missing ".The representation of the absence of important details for the whole mechanism function implicitly formed the linguistic picture of the world of languages and the meanings of linguistic expressions. The idea is common to all languages. The above-mentioned phraseological units are characterized by bright imagery, the same significative-denotative value and subjective-evaluative connotation with the same lexeme in the composition.

The following phraseological units are of particular interest that describe a person who is not distinguished by mental features, in Kyrgyz оозуц кайсы десе, мурдун кврсвтвт, бээ десец, твв дейт, in English I talk of chalk and you of cheese, what's that got to do with the price of apples, in Russian, я про Ивана, он про болвана, я ему про ремень, а он мне про лыко. All phraseological units are characterized by a complete similarity of functional and stylistic connotation (refers to the same colloquial, conversational style), have a close similarity of significative-denotative meaning, their subjective-evaluative connotation coincides, have similar emotional-expressive connotation. The complete difference in the structural and grammatical organization of phraseological counterparts is due to the national specificity of imagery in the three languages belonging to different groups of the Turkic and Indo-European language systems.

It should be noted that in every linguistic culture there are non-equivalent phraseological units which are motivated in a national-specific nature (калбыр байлоо, eat for the bar, не лаптем щи хлебать) they are not translated literally into other languages neither real nor potential. The semantics of such PUs can be transmitted in the receptor language only with the help of phrases and detailed descriptions. Selection of translation equivalents of phraseological units of this group is advisable to carry out with the help of literal translation and descriptive methods. Necessity of complying the norms of the receptor language and resorting to etymological analysis should be taken into consideration. "because the etymological analysis plays a huge role in the comprehensive disclosure of the essence and

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content of phraseological units" (Egemberdiev,2007, p.172).

In this semantic series there is an nonequivalent idiom from folk mythology in Kyrgyz language mankurt (Liter., foolish, stupid, mindless person, who forgot the past, abandoned national traditions, customs and lost moral guidelines and values). The idiom characterizes 1) a person with a low intellectual abilities 2) a person who has forgotten the past, abandoned national traditions, customs, has lost moral guidelines and values. It is necessary to explain the appearance of the Aitmatov image mankurt. In immemorial times in the Kazakh Sarozek steppes there used to live separately nomad aliens zhuanzhuan from the dynasty of savages who were incredibly cruel and sophisticated in torture and humiliation of people who were captured by them and disobeyed their laws. This tribe in a savage manner would deprive the captives of reason, memory turning them into weak-willed, unpretentious mankurt slaves loyal to thier masters.

"The word "mankurt" in Turkish language has its own decoding consisting of two lexical units: " man "- (nasal) and has the meaning" empty "," meaningless "; "kurt" means "worm", thus the word means "eaten from inside by worms, having preserved the appearance only an empty human head". Thanks to the great scientist, C. Aitmatov this word munkurt was firmly established in the vocabulary not only of Turkish-speaking nations and also in the vocabulary of other languages as well and is used only in characterizing a person's character " (Sydykova, 2013. p 52).

In Russian a non-equivalent phraseology без царя в голове indicates in turn, the life foundations of Russian people who are accustomed to the royal power in the state and therefore assumes a kind of "king" in every Russian's head. "This saying alone would be enough to keep a good attitude towards the tsar and tsarism. And all these royal gifts, treats, mercies demonstrate the king's generosity and omnipotence. If a monarchy is ever restored in Russia, it can be assumed that the language has already played its positive role " (Ter-Minasova p 2007,172).

It is also interesting insignificant correspondence of the non-equivalent phraseological units in Kyrgyz баш бербвв, in English a fool always rushes to the fore and in Russian дуракам закон не писан. English idiom emphasizes only one of the fool's actions - that he

rushes forward, does something rashly. In Kyrgyz and Russian languages the meaning of a phraseology is wider, there are no laws for a stupid person, therefore, you can expect anything from him, because a stupid person acts incorrectly in any situations.

In this semantic subgroup, there are also non-equivalent PUs that carry geographic information. For example, in English, stupid people are called as dull as Dublin University graduate (Liter., "stupid as a graduate of the University of Dublin"), he will not (never) set the Thames on fire ") characterizes a stupid, close-minded person without intelligence, the Thames is a river in Great Britain flowing through the London Basin. The Russian equivalent to this idiom the ironic он пороха не выдумает which characterizes a person who is not distinguished with ingenuity. In Kyrgyz language-receptor the meaning of these phraseological units can be transferred by a descriptive translation - мээси жетпвв, ою жетпвв. This translation is able to reproduce only the significative-denotative meaning and subjective-evaluative connotation. Unfortunately, the component composition is not transmitted by the detailed description and the emotionally expressive connotation is significantly weakened while there was a full transfer of significative-denotative meaning. In quantitative terms, the descriptive translation is the most productive for the studied phraseological objects.

In conclusion, I would like to note that this considered semantic subgroup is an integral and unique part of the anthropocentric phraseology study of Kyrgyz, English and Russian ethnic groups, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is one of the fragments of general phraseological picture of the world of the peoples living in different areas. The semantic of PU characterizing "human intelligence" in Kyrgyz, English, and Russian has allowed identifying both universal meanings in the semantics of phraseological units of studied languages, parallels in the semantics of phraseological units and discrepancies of three phraseological microsystems.

The common thing in the semantics of above mentioned phraseological units is conditioned by the objective reality. The specific features of the semantics which distinguish languages from each other are caused by the subjective assessment of understanding the intellect, differences in the associative perception of the surrounding world by representatives of different nationalities and cultures.

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Thus, in the conditions of the development of trilingualism in Kyrgyz Republic it is advisable to study further comparisons of Kyrgyz, English and Russian anthropocentric phraseological units which will serve a good material for compiling trilingual dictionaries and increase the understanding of the holders of different ethnicity and culture.


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2. Volobueva O.N., 2011. Conceptual field "man and his intellect" in Russian and English phraseology: diss. Cand. filol. sciences.Tyumen.

3. Sydykova G. B. 2013.Chingiz Aitmatov and the Russian literary-critical discourse: socio-philosophical quest and context of novel art. Bishkek.

4. Telia V.N., 1999.Phraseology in the context of culture. Moscow: Shkola

5. Ter-Minasova ST., 2000. Language and intercultural communication. Moscow.

6. Egemberdiev R., 2007. Kyrgyz Phraseology. Bishkek.

7. Big English-Russian phraseological dictionary. M., 2006.

8. Osmonova Zh., 2001., Kyrgyz phraseological dictionary. Bishkek.

9. Oxford Dictionary of Language and Culture. London. 2006.

10. Internet source: http://burido.ru/razvitie-i-obuchenie/43 8-idio m



В поддержку проекта «Енисейская Сибирь» редакция предлагает поддержку предпринимателям.

Приенисейская Сибирь - это никакой ни бренд, это огромный плацдарм для развития и Российской и мировой экономики. Источник минерального и человеческого капитала. Все, к чему только присмотрелись при царе, замахнулись при «коммунистах», и впечатлились при «либералах» на самом деле отдельный континент, отдельная жизнь, отдельный проект. Никто не смог освоить Сибирь силой. Никто не смог освоить Сибирь ленью. Экономика любит свободу и конкуренцию. Любит инициативы и героизм отдельных предпринимателей первопроходце в. Главное "не кашмарить" инициативных людей, найти ресурсы, помочь словом и делом, создать спрос и рынок...Ведь мы должны сделать это первыми. Вокруг нас много амбициозных соседей, тигров Востока. Нам нужно быть опережающими и уверенными. Мы хозяева в Приенисейской Сибири.

Мы убеждены, что и политическое, и гражданское и бизнес сообщество должны поработать сообща. Мы со своей стороны предлагаем конференцию,

публикации https://ninfp. j imdo .com/, известность, площадку для диалога не только ученым, но и бизнесу.

Так, для индивидуальных предпринимателей (ИП) и обществ с ограниченной ответственностью (ООО), зарегистрированных с начала 2018 года (в целях научно-методической и общественной поддержки начинающего бизнеса) предлагается размещение справочной информации о товарах и услугах (изготовленных \ оказываемых в соответствии с законодательством Российской Федерации) безвозмездно!

*Для бизнеса, работающего в социально-значимой сфере (прежде всего, целевая аудитория которых -люди с ограниченными возможностями) и отмеченному системной благотворительной деятельностью (из числа малых предприятий без государственной поддержки) предусмотрено также безвозмездное размещение информации о товарах \ услугах.

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