Научная статья на тему 'Chisel-cultivator-fertilizer for forming ridges and applying fertilizers'

Chisel-cultivator-fertilizer for forming ridges and applying fertilizers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Batirov Zafar Lutfullayevich, Halilov Muhtor Suvonovich

A new fertilizer application technology for cotton crops and a chisel-cultivator-fertilizer is presented, equipped with fertilizer coulters to form ridges and local application of fertilizers to the zone of activity of the root system of cotton.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Chisel-cultivator-fertilizer for forming ridges and applying fertilizers»

Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, professor, Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute, Head of the Department of scientific-applied researches and Innovation, E-mail: fmamatov50@mail.ru Batirov Zafar Lutfullayevich, candidate, of technical sciences, Vice-rector, Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: botirov1972@inbox.ru Halilov Muhtor Suvonovich, senior lecturer, Republic of Uzbekistan Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute, E-mail: halilov-m@qmii.uz


Abstract: A new fertilizer application technology for cotton crops and a chisel-cultivator-fertilizer is presented, equipped with fertilizer coulters to form ridges and local application of fertilizers to the zone of activity of the root system of cotton.

Keywords: technology, fertilizer, cotton, chisel, fertilizer, vomer, comb, layer-by-layer application, yield.

Introduction. The use of mineral and organic fertilizers as the main factor of increasing crop yields in agriculture in recent years has been given increasing importance. Science and practice have proved beyond any doubt that at least half of the increase in crop yield is obtained through the use of fertilizers [1, 353-372; 2, 201-223; 3, 25-33].

For the best provision of the plants' needs in mineral nutrition, a system of layerwise fertilizer placement in the soil is used in separate phases of their development, consisting of three links: the main and sowing application, as well as the fertilizing of plants. In this case, the layered arrangement of the fat in the soil is carried out in several ways, each of which has definite goals and tasks. It is known that at present most of the annual norm (about 70%) of phosphorus is recommended to be applied for plowing with a two-tier plow. At the same fertilizers are embedded deep. Naturally, under such conditions, young cotton plants with a poorly developed root system in the first period of life almost do not use phosphorus fertilizers, which were brought under plowing.

In addition to the traditional methods of preparing soil for sowing reduce labor productivity, increase the expenditure of labor and resources, compaction of soil, delay the preparation of soil, intensively dry the soil, which leads to a decrease in the yield of agricultural crops. It is established that the more promising technologies are those that prepare the soil for sowing and fertilization in one pass of the unit [4, 12-14; 5, 27; 6, 125-126].

Objects and methods of research. The object of research is fertilizer application technology and a chisel-cultivator-fertilizer with a fertilizer coulter for applying fertilizers and forming ridges. The methods of system analysis and the rules of agricultural mechanics were used in the research.

The studies were conducted in 2012-2017 in the Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan. Background - a field from under cotton. Type of soil - light gray. The average slope of the terrain 10. Humidity and hardness of the soil horizontally 0 ... 10, 10 ... 20, 20 ... 30 cm were 12.7; 14.9; 15.8% and 2.43; 2.94; 3.21 MPa.

Section 11. Technical science

Results of the research. It is known that cotton consumes a small amount of nutrients in the early periods of life; nevertheless, for its normal growth and development it is necessary to have them in the soil solution in a slightly increased concentration and in a certain ratio. In the initial stage of cotton development during the period of butani-zation and in subsequent periods, when there is a shortage of nitrogen in the soil, especially phosphorus, the yield is sharply reduced even with increased feeding of plants. At the same time, the efficiency of fertilizer use is reduced, since from the moist soil the plants absorb fertilizer nutrients 5 times more than from dry soil [2, 104-129].

The applied fertilizer application system has a number of significant drawbacks. It does not meet the basic principle of agrochemistry "feed plants not the soil."

Scientists of the Uzbek Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture and Karshi Engineering -Economics Institute proposed a new method of cultivating cotton, which ensures maximum use of fertilizers [7, 242-243].

The essence of the proposed method is as follows: in autumn, after harvesting the stems of cotton, in the places of sowing rows, loosening is carried out at a depth of 18 ... 20 cm, where mixtures of mineral and organic fertilizers are introduced in the form of a strip 15 ... 20 cm wide and ridges are formed. In the spring, the soil is treated on the ridges and sowing. In this case, instead of the most laborious plowing operation, a deep loosening (or chilling) is carried out with the simultaneous application of fertilizers and the final formation of ridges. The proposed method, depending on the soil and climatic conditions, can be carried out by a chisel-cultivator-fertilizer "4KY-4M (Fig. 1) with a device for applying fertilizers in rows of soil with a row spacing of 60 or 90 cm, equal to the inter-crop of cotton. To reduce the traction resistance, ahead of the fertilizer coulters 4, "4KY-4M is equipped with rippers 3. To form ridges, hillocks or combers are installed in it. Depending on the condition of the soil, if necessary, rippers are additionally installed in front of the hillers.

Figure 1. Scheme of the chisel-cultivator-fertilizer: 1 - lock automatic hook; 2 - frame; 3 - ripper; 4 - fertilizer coulter; 5 - fertilizer hose; 6 - hiller; 7 - the traction apparatus; 8 - the regulator of depth; 9 - support wheel

During the winter, the soil treated with such an aggregate naturally thickens and settles. Its density will be equal to the density of the soil prepared for sowing. In spring they are band-processed on the ridges. And sowing is carried out without applying fertilizers. As a result, in the autumn, the continuous application offertilizers for plowing is excluded. During the early spring harrowing with leveling, chewing is carried out with the introduction offertiliz-

ers and the simultaneous formation of ridges. In this case, cotton, depending on the development ofthe root system, feeds on fertilizers located on the ridge at a certain depth. In addition, in this way the root system of cotton covers the introduced fertilizers with a larger surface, which will increase the utilization factor of their plants.

On saline soils, this method is used after washing irrigation. Adapted chisel-cultivator HKY-4M or ridge-filler rX-4

make fertilizers and simultaneously form ridges. After natural subsidence and compacting ofthe soil, cotton is planted.

To determine the effectiveness of the new technology, agrotechnical experiments were conducted in 20082016 on the fields of farms in the Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan. At the same time, the formation of ridges with a spacing of 90 cm and fertilization was carried out by the modernized chisel-cultivator HKy-4M. The results of the research showed that with the new fertilizer application technology at a depth of16 ... 18 cm with a strip width of 20 cm (simultaneously with the formation

of ridges on the plowed field), the yield of raw cotton was raised to 8 hundredweights per hectare in comparison with the existing technology. Productivity of the unit is increased by 2.8 times, fuel consumption is reduced by 1.9 times.

Conclusion. The technology of preparing the soil for sowing on the ridges on the plowed field and the local application of fertilizers to cotton in the zone of activity of its root system by the modernized chisel-cultivator promotes the effective use of fertilizers and, correspondingly, the increase in the yield of cotton.


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