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Ключевые слова
tourism policy / tourism industry / media coverage / international tourism / socio-economic phenomenon / tourist potential / image of the territory. / туристическая политика / индустрия туризма / освещение в СМИ / международный туризм / социально-экономическое явление / туристский потенциал / имидж территории.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Sagdullayeva, Munisa

This article discusses about the work carried out in the field of tourism in our country, its role in the development of our economy, the contribution of the tourism industry to creating the image of Uzbekistan, the role of print media in highlighting this sector.

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В данной статье речь идет о работе, проводимой в сфере туризма в нашей стране, ее роли в развитии нашей экономики, вкладе индустрии туризма в создание имиджа Узбекистана, роли печатных СМИ в освещении этой отрасли.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(5), May, 2023



Munisa Sagdullayeva

Master's degree student of Journalism and Mass Communications

University of Uzbekistan


This article discusses about the work carried out in the field of tourism in our country, its role in the development of our economy, the contribution of the tourism industry to creating the image of Uzbekistan, the role of print media in highlighting this sector.

Keywords: tourism policy, tourism industry, media coverage, international tourism, socio-economic phenomenon, tourist potential, image of the territory.


В данной статье речь идет о работе, проводимой в сфере туризма в нашей стране, ее роли в развитии нашей экономики, вкладе индустрии туризма в создание имиджа Узбекистана, роли печатных СМИ в освещении этой отрасли.

Ключевые слова: туристическая политика, индустрия туризма, освещение в СМИ, международный туризм, социально-экономическое явление, туристский потенциал, имидж территории.


Mazkur maqolada mamlakatimizda turizm sohasida amalga oshirilayotgan ishlar, uning iqtisodiyotimiz rivojidagi o'rni, turizm sohasining O'zbekiston qiyofasini yaratishga qo'shgan hissasi, ushbu sohani yoritishda bosma ommaviy axborot vositalarining o'rni haqida so 'z boradi.

Kalit so'zlar: turizm siyosati, turizm sanoati, ommaviy axborot vositalarida yoritilishi, xalqaro turizm, ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy hodisa, turistik salohiyat, hudud imiji.


Acting as a link in reporting to the audience of events in society, journalism has a dual responsibility for the preparation of information in the economic, cultural and political spheres. Bringing the tourism industry in Uzbekistan to the political level through the media and thereby widely promoting the image of Uzbekistan to other countries of the world, the development of national and foreign tourism using several genres in printed glossy magazines is now entering a new era, purifying society,

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3(5), May, 2023

bringing itself out to a new stage, this is more important than ever for Uzbekistan, which is constantly trying to go out and show it to the world.

Today, media coverage of tourism policy and the tasks assigned to it remains relevant. The return of our compatriots who left their homeland due to certain restrictions or material shortages and started their own business today, or the establishment of beneficial relations of cooperation and visits for the country, will open even more ways for the development of the country. Of course, such visits are measured not only by economic benefits, but also by an increase in the flow of tourists to the country. Economically, Uzbekistan, which receives good income from the tourism industry, needs the media in this area for the image of the country.


The emergence of any new independent state on the world map is a unique historical event. By the 90s of the 20th century, dozens of young independent states that emerged as a result of such historical events in Eastern Europe and the current CIS joined the world community as independent subjects. It is worth noting that these young independent states, regardless of the region of the earth, experienced both similar and completely different ways of formation and development.

After our country declared its national independence, it was recognized by various countries. After that, mutual cooperation relations were established. The first reports and news about the state of Uzbekistan and the Uzbek people began to spread in the world information space. The subject of Uzbekistan appeared in foreign mass media. The number of authors writing in this direction increased. Of course, most of the initial press releases about Uzbekistan were informative in nature, and they mainly consisted of news and articles in the form of general information. For example, in 1991-1992, in the press of Turkey and Arab countries, as well as in the media of the USA and Germany, speeches about an independent Uzbekistan were noticed. In addition, over time it is like that the geography of performances has expanded, the content of articles has been enriched. Informative speeches have been replaced by comprehensive and analytical articles with serious reasoning. Cooperation relations expanded and strengthened, accordingly, the image of "Independent Uzbekistan" in the international media space was continuously formed, enriched, and gained a solid reputation.

Specialized international organizations have a big role in the development of international tourism. One such organization is the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization, 1975), which was established under the UN. It is a global forum in tourism policy and practical tourism. Under the leadership of the United Nations,

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UNWTO promotes international relations and personal friendly relations that arise in the process of tourist exchange, as an important factor in improving the international community and helps to strengthen peace among the peoples of the earth1. In international practice, it has become customary to interpret tourism as an important factor that strengthens peace and harmony between nations.

From the very beginning, this international organization was established to help the development of tourism. It has 2 different tasks:

1) establishment of international cooperation in the field of tourism, formation of the legal basis of international tourism based on the programmatic requirements of the UN;

2) ensuring the availability of tourism for everyone, unifying the quality of provided tourist services, ensuring the protection and safety of tourists, creating good environmental conditions, etc.2

From the first days of its entry into the UN system, this organization presented itself as an official intergovernmental organization and focused on the political nature of interstate relations in the field of tourism. This, of course, had a significant impact on the stabilization of international relations.

Use of tourism for political purposes, mutual cooperation of Uzbekistan and UNWTO from several blocks, namely:

1) determining the political significance of tourism;

2) determine the place and role of UNWTO in the modern world;

3) analysis of the problems and conflicts of Uzbekistan's international tourist exchange;

4) it consists of determining the aspects of cooperation with UNWTO in order to raise the political image of Uzbekistan and create a positive tourist image.3

In the course of research, it was determined that tourism is interpreted as a socio-economic phenomenon that can affect various areas of society, namely economy, social relations, politics, and culture. The political potential of tourism can be seen through its influence on the political stability of the country, the external political image of the countries in the international arena, and its impact on the international situation. Therefore, the activity of countries in the development of international tourism activities, their mutual cooperation within the framework of international tourism organizations (including UNWTO) becomes a significant factor in the increase of political influence and influence of countries.

1 https://www.russiatourism.ru/contents/deyatelnost/mezhdunarodnaya-deyatelnost/sotrudnichestvo-v-mezhdunarodnykh-organizatsiyakh/vsemirnaya-turistskaya-organizatsiya-pri-oon-yunvto/

2 TypHCTHHecKHH nopTan-http://chitatravel.com

3 https: //uzbektourism.uz/ru/newnews/unwto

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The lack of tourist arrivals to Uzbekistan over the past years was also explained by the visa problem and the difficulty of attracting investments in the tourism sector. The main reason for the lack of tourists to a cultural zone like Uzbekistan was the negative image of this country (or one of its regions). However, at the initiative of the President, several decrees and laws related to tourism were introduced and revised. In particular, in recent years, major investment projects for the development of tourism infrastructure have been implemented, including the opening of the "Nyatt Regency Tashkent" and "Lotte City Notel Tashkent Palace" hotels in Tashkent, the establishment of cultural and entertainment parks in Andijan, Urganch and Tashkent, Angren, it is worth mentioning the opening of the "Pop" railway, the opening of electrified railways for high-speed trains to the cities of Bukhara, Karshi, Shahrisabz and Khiva.

In order to widely promote the potential of Uzbekistan's pilgrimage tourism to the world, a group of creative team of "Al-Jazeera" TV channel was invited to the pilgrimage tourism forum held in the city of Bukhara on February 21 -23 of this year and conducted filming in Khorezm, Fergana and Tashkent regions.

From April 14 of this year, the show "Uzbekistan" has been broadcast on the Arabic language of this TV channel. The first issue of the program included the Hazrat Imam Complex and Mushafi Osman in Tashkent, the Imam Bukhari Complex in Samarkand, the Mir Arab Madrasah in Bukhara, the Bahauddin Naqshband Monument, and the First International Pilgrimage Tourism Forum held in this city. This program was also posted on Al-Jazeera's social networks. According to the State Committee for Tourism Development, "Al-Jazeera" TV channel will broadcast a series of programs for a week that will provide information about the religious scholars and encyclopedists of our country, as well as pilgrimage tourism and other types of tourism, and colorful examples of its rich cultural heritage.

In this regard, the region of Samarkand was analyzed as a tourist product through information resources on the Internet.

Since 2017, tourism has been recognized as a strategic type of economy in Uzbekistan. Today, this is one of the driving factors of increasing the economic potential of the country, which is paid special attention by the leadership of the republic. In 2019, we achieved the highest figures in the new history of the Republic of Uzbekistan - 6.7 million tourists visited Uzbekistan. The goals for 2020 were big, we expected up to 10 million people to come, but due to the pandemic we had to change the plans. Today, the situation is changing and we are gradually reaching pre-pandemic indicators.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(5), May, 2023

In the field of tourism, the state policy aims to lead the tourism sector in the complex rapid development of regions and their infrastructure, to solve urgent socioeconomic tasks, to increase jobs, to ensure the diversification and development of regions, to increase the incomes, living standards and quality of the population, and to improve the country's investment attractiveness and image. The State Committee for Tourism Development has a great contribution in fulfilling this task.

The main tasks of the committee are to fundamentally increase the tourist potential, to give tourism the status of a strategic branch of the economy, to form and implement a comprehensive concept of tourism development aimed at the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of tourism; marketing research in the external and internal markets of tourist services, conducting active advertising and information policy in the field of tourism, aimed at wide promotion of historical and cultural heritage, preservation and development of the tourist reputation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, promotion of national tourism products and brands to international tourism markets.4

The image of the territory, its reputation among foreign and domestic businessmen is one of the most important factors in the promotion of any national and regional, foreign economic and political projects.

"Good name" creates conditions for accelerating social and economic development in the country, region, and cities. This is especially useful when attracting investments. A good image of this or that region allows to positively solve many problems in it. In general, the image of a tourist area is formed in the minds of regular customers for a long time. It is communicating with the representatives of that area, creating positive ideas about that area:

> human values, in the process of gaining life experience through watching movies, reading literature, receiving information from electronic channels and other actions;

> when interacting and communicating with representatives of the region;

> using various marketing technologies to purposefully bring the region to the ranks of advanced places;

> it can be formed by ensuring the safety of tourists, reducing the negative impact of tourism on the environment, and ensuring economic and political stability in the area by conducting nature conservation activities.

The image of a tourist area is characterized by certain aspects. The first of them is volatility. During the development of the region by tourists, the image of that

4 https://invest.gov.uz/uz/partnery/native-organizations/gosudarstvennyj-komitet-respubliki-uzbekistan-po-razvitiyu-turizma/

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region is formed and changes over time. The process of changing the image of the territory takes place in 3 stages.5

In the 1st stage, the area becomes more familiar and popular. The duration of this stage is determined by the quality of available resources in the region and the agility of the regional market (that is, by the marketability of this place). Then the second complex stage begins. The image of the territory formed in the eyes of the public is typical for this stage. The duration of this stage depends on the internal and external factors manifested in this tourist area. The third stage is the stage of decline, in which the image of the tourist area fades away.

The second feature of the image of the tourist area is its historicity, that is, the connection of this area to a certain historical event or social situation. The third characteristic is that it is distinguished by its relative stability among the stereotypes formed in the international arena.

Among the other characteristics of the tourist area, experts include the complexity of the features that make up the image of the tourist area, the pluralism of views about this area, and the dependence on objective indicators of development in the region.6

In the studies on the formation of the image of the tourist area, the attributive signs and symbols of that area are also of particular importance. A symbol is a conditional physical identification sign recognized by many.

The official symbols of the territory include the flag, coat of arms, anthem and currency. In terms of unofficial symbols of the territory, traditional handicraft goods, food products and national dishes, national clothes, well-known architectural and archaeological monuments, production objects and unique animals and birds, plants, folk cultural holidays, people (group) of the past and now famous and other things are included. Official and unofficial symbols appear as image resources that shape the image of the tourist area. The image resources of the region mean specific signs and symbols, archetypes of a certain region that are easily presented through the media.

The tourist attractiveness of the region consists primarily of natural and historical-cultural tourist resources. In this case, attractiveness cannot be a constant feature, because it is always subject to the influence of a number of factors, which undoubtedly goes back to the material and technical base of tourism.

In the formation of the image of the tourist area, it is possible to use the ideas of the development of the geographical image of the area. Thus, the image of the

5 https://studfile.net/preview/5714884/page: 11/

6 TpHrogBaÖ3ep. - https://www.tripadvisor.ru.

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territory can be considered a part of the geographical image presented by the mass media.

In the mind of the public, the image of the same territory is formed in different ways. Because people have different information about the territory and different experiences related to it. In creating, developing and promoting the image of the tourist area, the systematic study of the target audience appears as the main stage. This stage requires the selection of certain target audiences consisting of government bodies, neighboring administrative entities, large entrepreneurs and organizations, various legal entities and individuals, representatives of the local population. At this stage of forming the image of the tourist area, the market is researched and analyzed, short-term and long-term aspects of the area and its competitors are determined.

The second stage will be related to the objectives of the complex trade policy in the region. In particular, it is very important to have an idea about the tourism market, the ways of distribution of tourist products in it.

The set goals will be implemented in the third stage of forming the image of the tourist area. In this:

• creating a typical image of the developed tourist product that emphasizes the attractiveness of the tourist area;

• dividing the market by creating an image of a potential (permanent) consumer based on indicators such as nationality, age, income, education, family status;

• it is required to develop a complex of tourist goods and services that can satisfy the needs of potential tourists and bring maximum income to the region.

At the last stage of forming the image of the tourist area, various methods of selling the tourist product in the area are selected and used. This is where the product is made, shaped, priced, and sold (such as promotions) determined.


To sum up, today the formation and promotion of the image of the tourist area is one of the current principles of the regional policy in the tourism sector. Creating the image of the territory and promoting it through mass media will make it recognizable, draw the attention of many people to the territory, improve its infrastructure, and promote it effectively.

The importance of mass media in forming such an image of a tourist area is incomparable. Their role increases when it is necessary to consciously create an image or make some necessary corrections to it, that is, when a social or political order is given.

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In today's world community, information resources about these places are important for the competitiveness of the region. The role of mass communication means is very important in this. Based on the information and data received from various mass media, the public forms its opinions about the happening events or things and places.

Undoubtedly, in the era of information dominance, the mass media's contribution to the formation of perceptions about a region is very large. Because the media can interpret any event differently. This includes the use of various resources. For example, Uzbekistan has all the conditions to make the tourism sector one of the important components of the socio-economic complex. This sector plays an important role in creating new jobs, improving the welfare of the population, and increasing foreign exchange and tax revenues. It is important to cover these aspects of tourism using the possibilities of drone journalism today. Because the rich historical and cultural heritage of our country, unique tangible and intangible cultural values, architectural monuments, modern cities from a bird's-eye view, photographing them in panoramic format, highlighting the world-famous historical monuments will inevitably lead to an increase in the number of tourists coming to Uzbekistan.


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6. Gulsanam Khasanova. Scientific Evidence and Their Role in Pedagogical Research. Euro. Jour. of Peda. Init.andEduc. Prac. 2023, 1, 59-64.


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