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Ключевые слова
ecological education / natural reserves / zoning methodology / technogenic facilities / tourist resource / recreational resources / tourist maps / экологическое образование / природные заповедники / методология районирования / техногенные объекты / туристский ресурс / рекреационные ресурсы / туристские карты.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Muzropova, Fazilat Ibrokhim Kizi, Suyunova, Hilola Nizam Kizi

The tourism industry of the developing country is carried out mainly at the expense of natural or environmental tourism. According to experts, ecotourism covered 10-20% of the tourist market, while the growth rate exceeded the growth rate of the general tourism industry by 2-3 times. But the problems of ecotourism with indicators of potential in our country, its purpose, organizational and legal, educational education, socio-economic aspects, the development of Service and service provision in this area have not been sufficiently developed.

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Индустрия туризма развивающейся страны осуществляется в основном за счет природного или экологического туризма. По оценкам экспертов, экотуризм охватил 10-20% туристского рынка, при этом темпы роста превышали темпы роста всей туристической отрасли в 2-3 раза. Но проблемы экотуризма с показателями потенциала в нашей стране, его назначения, организационно-правового, воспитательного, социально-экономического аспектов, развития сервиса и оказания услуг в этой сфере недостаточно разработаны.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(5), May, 2023


Muzropova Fazilat Ibrokhim kizi

Assistant teacher of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics

Suyunova Hilola Nizam kizi Assistant teacher of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics

The tourism industry of the developing country is carried out mainly at the expense of natural or environmental tourism. According to experts, ecotourism covered 10-20% of the tourist market, while the growth rate exceeded the growth rate of the general tourism industry by 2-3 times. But the problems of ecotourism with indicators of potential in our country, its purpose, organizational and legal, educational education, socio-economic aspects, the development of Service and service provision in this area have not been sufficiently developed.

Keywords ecological education, natural reserves, zoning methodology, technogenic facilities, tourist resource, recreational resources, tourist maps

Индустрия туризма развивающейся страны осуществляется в основном за счет природного или экологического туризма. По оценкам экспертов, экотуризм охватил 10-20% туристского рынка, при этом темпы роста превышали темпы роста всей туристической отрасли в 2-3 раза. Но проблемы экотуризма с показателями потенциала в нашей стране, его назначения, организационно-правового, воспитательного, социально-экономического аспектов, развития сервиса и оказания услуг в этой сфере недостаточно разработаны.

Ключевые слова: экологическое образование, природные заповедники, методология районирования, техногенные объекты, туристский ресурс, рекреационные ресурсы, туристские карты.


By the beginning of the 20th century, a new form of tourism began to develop. Ecotourism - the goal of ecotourism is to help preserve nature and local culture through environmental education. The development of ecotourism in the world is closely related to the creation of a map of the system of specially protected natural areas - natural reserves, national parks, and natural monuments. Today, ecotourism plays an important role in the global tourism industry. According to various estimates,



SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(5), May, 2023

ecotourism currently accounts for 10-20% of the world tourism market and is the fastest growing industry.

The purpose of the research is to comprehensively assess the potential of natural resources for the development of ecological tourism in the Kashkadarya region. It requires consideration of a number of tasks. That is:

1. To study the existing experience, the theoretical bases and methods of environmental and tourist research of the area.

2. Selection and justification of indicators describing the ecological and touristic potential of the area using the territory zoning methodology in accordance with the conditions for the development of ecological tourism.

3. Evaluation of the ecological and touristic potential of the territorial units of the zone-district.

4. Implementation of ecological and touristic zoning of Kashkadarya region.

5. Description of ecological and tourist areas and determination of development prospects of the area with various combinations of its potential indicators.

6. Justification of the use of natural, historical and cultural areas as an object of ecological tourism.

7. Development of a description of tourist attractions within other natural and man-made objects in the area.

Basic rules for conducting research:

1. Although there are many attractions in the Kashkadarya region, ecological tourism is not sufficiently developed, and in order to ensure the balance of ecological, economic and social interests, the formation of ecological education and ecological awareness should be the most important component of ecotourism activities.

2. Kashkadarya region has favorable climatic conditions, developed transport network, high landscape-recreational and historical-cultural potential for the development of ecological tourism development prospects. Based on this, taking into account the above possibilities, the need to change and restore cultural landscapes other than the known ones, as well as develop digital maps of important tourist objects

3. Development of thematic maps of Kashkadarya region based on structural and integral assessment of natural resource potential

4. Development of a set of economic and organizational measures for the development of ecological tourism in the region

The scientific task of the research is as follows:

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1. Development of a regional database that evaluates the potential of natural resources for the development of ecological tourism of the region

2. Regionalization of the Kashkadarya region according to tourist potential

3. Assessment of the potential of natural resources for the development of ecotourism in the Kashkadarya region

4. To assess the possibility of using man-made landscapes as an object of ecological tourism and to study the specific characteristics of the region in the development of ecotourism


Problems of sustainable development are especially important for natural reserves with unique natural objects and wonders relevant to tourism. The income of the majority of residents living around such areas is formed from the flow of tourists. This situation is more typical for mountainous and sub-mountain regions.

Realizing the true meaning of ecotourism, in turn, brings socio-economic benefits to the regions through the following:

• Creation of additional jobs for local residents in other joint sectors such as the tourism industry;

• Increase in the profitable parts of the local economy (hotel economy, public catering, transport complexes, souvenir production, national economy, etc.);

• Promotion of currency exchange;

• Additional investments and increased demand for production products will lead to the development of agriculture and food industry;

• Improvement of the service of residential communal economy and transport organizations;

• Investments in natural protected areas for the rational use of tourist resources (places of tourist interest);

• intensive agriculture through the requirement to preserve land areas in their natural state;

• Development of global communication;

• Tourism is also a stimulus aimed at preserving the local natural and cultural heritage due to the continuous attention of the society;

• The development of recreational complexes, which in turn creates great conditions for recreation of the local population.

The development of geographical bases and methods of creating electronic recreational tourist maps in connection with the stated purpose of the work will help

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(5), May, 2023

to solve a number of issues. To reach a solution, it is advisable to do a number of things. That is:

- Description of the development of recreational tourism at the regional and local level on touristic maps

- Formation of the principles of classification of recreational and touristic resources in order to comprehensively assess the recreational and touristic potential of the Kashkadarya region, based on the study of its geographical knowledge and to show it on the created electronic maps

- Development of geographic bases for creating a system of electronic recreation and tourist maps

The reliability of the results obtained during the development of literature and relevant materials is confirmed by the accuracy of the created maps, and tourist and recreational maps are compared with traditional maps created earlier in the research area. The variety of recreational resources, their location, socio-economic characteristics lead to the formation of territorial recreational systems of different levels. Thus, the studied area can be divided into 3 regional recreational systems of different levels.

- Regional

- District

- Local

Recreational and multi-level map of Kashkadarya region allows to realize the connection between short-term and long-term planning of the economy of the region, to determine the stages of development of specific industries. Recreational use of the territory is considered the most ecologically and economically promising type of environmental management in the Kashkadarya region, because the development of the recreation industry in general, not only the development of tourist services, attracts the attention of tourists, but also affects the growth of the economy in the region by providing employment to the population. does.

Compared to other forms of tourism, ecotourism has less negative impact on the environment. In addition, specially protected natural areas that are interesting for tourists can cover a part of their budgets due to the income from tourism. Sponsors and non-governmental organizations that support the project "Local community + natural area + tourism" should achieve and encourage partial self-financing. Of course, local communities and tour operators face different levels of difficulties in preparing eco-friendly tourist products. In this regard, international experts usually offer two models of ecological tourism development in specially protected natural

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areas with different characteristics and different difficulties. These are: "A" model -uncontrolled nature tourism, "V" model is small-scale ecotourism.

The "A" type of development model envisages more natural diversity and universality than the "V" type model. In addition, the first model brings more income to the organizers of tourist routes, but it should be taken into account that this practically uncontrolled tourism has a negative impact on the ecology of the place, changes the lifestyle and customs of the local population. Type "V" model is preferred because it preserves and does not adversely affect the biological species, but this model also does not generate much income for tour operators and local people. It follows that this model should be considered preferable for economically underdeveloped countries, including Uzbekistan, especially for the Kashkadarya region.

At least 10% of people visiting Uzbekistan for tourism or private purpose are interested in the ecological aspects of their trip: they visit natural areas (parks, mountains, forests, lakes) or, if not, a one-day excursion to nearby villages. At least 60% of them feel the need for a mixed type, in particular, they are interested in ecology with ethnography. As a result, organized tourists are "specializing" in ecological tours. Thus, a new form of tourism is being formed - ecological tourism. It is difficult, of course, to show the exact position of ecological tourism in the general tourism market. It is often difficult to distinguish it from other types of tourist services. But it is clear that the contribution of this new direction in tourism is still very low. The fact that this field is relatively little studied and promising shows the relevance of its theoretical scientific analysis.


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