Научная статья на тему 'Bad Ziegenhals resort (Glucholazy spa) centre of convalescence and rehabilitation of war victims'

Bad Ziegenhals resort (Glucholazy spa) centre of convalescence and rehabilitation of war victims Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биотехнологии в медицине»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биотехнологиям в медицине, автор научной работы — Migala Mariusz

The first hydrotherapy department was established in „Juppenbad guest house in 1877. In 1882 „Ferdinadsbad sanatorium was built. In 1891 „Franzensbad sanatorium was found and in 1892 sanatorium „Wilhelmsbad its resident physician was a former student of priest S. Kneipp. The sanatorium „Sanitas openet in 1902 and last health department „Waldfrieden established in 1906 dr Jirzik. Glucholazy's health resort flourished when Kneipp's method of hydrotherapy was used and accepted all over the world. After withdrawal of this kind of treatmennt Glucholazy as the health resort started to decline. During World Wars I, II and after their end, Glucholazy resort became a centre of convalescence and rehabilitation of war victims. Throughout the following years Glucholazy maintained its high rank among tourist centers and nowadays it is sentenced to „aliens who come there because of pictures location with beautiful mountain panorama and therapeutic climate often indicated in pulmonary diseases.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Bad Ziegenhals resort (Glucholazy spa) centre of convalescence and rehabilitation of war victims»

тажень найбільше зростає в осіб, які мають значний потенціал розвитку в умовах правильної організації тренувального - оздоровчого процесу. Основним чинником виступає максимальна межа ЧСС, якої найшвидше досягають особи з низьким рівнем адаптації до навантажень.

4. Вивчення досвіду попередньої фізичної підготовки необхідне для успішної реалізації індивідуального підходу, якого потребують студенти спеціальної медичної групи. Розподіл індивідуальних навантажень в межах окремих груп виступає об’ єктивною вимогою сучасного процесу фізичного виховання.

Вплив досвіду попередньої фізичної підготовки дуже сильно впливає на успішність та адаптованість студентів до фізичних навантажень і сприяє заохоченню студентів з вадами у здоров’ї до відвідування занять оздоровчої фізичної культурою у вузі і є мотивацією для поліпшення і збереження здоров’я.

Подальші дослідження передбачається провести у напрямку вивчення інших проблем впливу досвіду попередньої фізичної підготовки на відновлення працездатності студентів спеціальної медичної групи.

Список використаної літератури:

1. Амосов Н.М., Бендет Я. А. Физическая активность и сердце. - Киев: Здоровья, 1989. - 213 с.

2. Бальсевич В.К. От гимнастики до рукопашного боя // Учительская газета. - №18. - 2003-04-29.

3. Бальсевич В.К., Лубышева Л.И. Физическая культура: молодежь и современность // Теор. и практ. физ. культ. -1995, №4, с.2-7.

4. Будыка Е.В., Ефимова И.В., Прошкина Е.Н. Особенности изменений физической и функциональной подготовленности студенток с разным исходным уровнем показателей.

5. Мясищев В.Н. Психология отношений - М.: Московский психолого-социологический институт, 2003.

Надійшла до редакції 19.03.2007р.


Mariusz Migala Departament of Physical Education and Physiotherapy of Polytechnic in Opole, Poland Clinical Rehabilitation Departament of the MSWiA Specialist Hospital in Glucholazy, Poland

Annotation. The first hydrotherapy department was established in „Juppenbad” guest house in 1877. In 1882 „Ferdinadsbad” sanatorium was built. In 1891 „Franzensbad” sanatorium was found and in 1892 sanatorium „Wilhelmsbad” its resident physician was a former student of priest S. Kneipp. The sanatorium „Sanitas” openet in 1902 and last health department -„Waldfrieden” established in 1906 dr Jirzik. Glucholazy’s health resort flourished when Kneipp’s method of hydrotherapy was used and accepted all over the world. After withdrawal of this kind of treatmennt Glucholazy as the health resort started to decline. During World Wars I, II and after their end, Glucholazy resort became a centre of convalescence and rehabilitation of war victims. Throughout the following years Glucholazy maintained its

high rank among tourist centers and nowadays it is sentenced to „aliens” who come there because of pictures location with beautiful mountain panorama and therapeutic climate often indicated in pulmonary diseases.

Key words: history of progress, health resort, Glucholazy. Анотація. Мігала Маріуш. Курорт Бад Зегенгалсь (Глу-холази Здрой) - центр оздоровлення та реабілітації військових інвалідів. Метою роботи є висвітлення історії курорту Глухолази (Бад Зегенгалсь), початки якого сягають другої половини ХІХ століття. Першою лічницею в Глухолазах був пансіон “Юппебад”, заснований у 1877 році. У 1882 році збудовано санаторій “Фердинандбадс”, у 1891 році - санаторій „Франзес-бад”, а у 1892 році - курортний дім “Вільгельмбад”. Черговий санаторій “ Санітас” влаштовано у в 1902 році. Останній санаторій “Вальдфреден” курортного комплексу Глухолази збудував доктор Е. Йижик у 1906 році. Суттєвого розквіту глухолазький курорт досяг в часи найбільшого визнання водолічництва кнейпівським методом у медичних середовищах.Після 1 та 2 світових воєн глухолазький курорт став центром лікування та реабілітації інвалідів війни. Протягом наступних етапів курорт втримав свою високу репутацію серед туристичних і рекреаційних центрів завдяки живописному розташуванню, лікувальним кліматичним особливостям, особливо корисним для хворих із респіраторними захворюваннями та чудовою гірською панорамою. Ключові слова: історія розвитку, курорт, Глухолази. Аннотация. Мигала Марюш. Курорт Бад Зегенгалсь (Глухолазы-Здрой) - центр оздоровления и реабилитации военных жертв. Цель работы это представление истории курорта Глухолазы (Еад Зегенгалсь) по этапам преобразований, которые начинались со II половины XIX века. Первой водолечебницей в Глухолазах был пансион „Юппебад”, основанный в 1877 году. В 1882 г. поcтроен санаторий “Фердинадсбад”, в 1891 г. - санаторий „ Франзенсбад”, а в 1892 г. - курортный дом „ Виль-гельмсбад”. Очередной санаторий - это „Санитас”, построенный в 1902 г. Последний санаторий -„Вальдфреден” основал в 1906 г. доктор Е. Йижик. Глухолазский курорт своего расцвета достиг тогда, когда водолечение кнейпповским методом имело большое значение и признание в медицинском мире. После прекращения этого метода в здравоохранении, наступило медленное падение Глухолаз как курорта. Во время I и II мировых войн, а также после их окончания глухолазский курорт стал центром оздоровления и реабилитации военных жертв. На протяжении следующих этапов курорт удержал свою высокую репутацию среди туристических и рекреационных центров благодаря живописному расположению, лечебным климатическим особенностям, особенно полезным для больных с респираторными заболеваниями и замечательной горной панорамой.

Ключевые слова: история развития, курорт, Глухолазы.

Health advantages of Glucholaski Climate were discovered in the middle of XVII century, when Jesuits who possessed that city from 1623 had established there a rest house for monks. However a real change appeared after the Prussian-French War and after receiving enormous war reparations by Germany. Thanks to a longsighted politics of Bismarck’s regime the money made a sudden economic development of Germany what has an influance on inter alia building a train service with Nyska and Austrian at that time Opawa, and soon after to the Jesenik and Hanusovic in 1875 in Glucholazy. Then the city began to be visited by bigger groups of tourists and also by bathers, mainly from Wroclaw and

industrial cities of Gorny Sl^sk [1].

The first sanatorium building was built in Glucholazy in 1877 and the same date is associated with the very beginning of the spa activity. It’s owner was a Karl Juppe and that is why it was called “Juppebad”. That sanatorium had 40 rooms with verandas and the walk hall situated at the back where were arranged inter alia concerts and dance evenings. During the first year of the activity about 440 bathers were treated there mainly from obesity, nerve pains and anemia. These were the first bathers of Glucholaskie spa in it’s seventy years of history.

In 1882 was activated the second bath institution “Ferdinadsbad”, which for many years had the biggest popularity in Bad Ziegenhals. It was the biggest Glucholazy sanatorium, possesing 125 rooms and gym in which as in other sanatoriums were used oryginal curative methods, such as baths in the draught from pine needle and wood pulp, galvanic baths, glacial compresses and electric shakes [1].

Other sanatoriums were established in 90s of XIX century and at the beginning of the XX century. In 1891 was established the santorium “Franzensbad”, possessing 42 perfectly equipped rooms with balconies and also gym. One year later, almost in a front of that sanatorium was established a bath institution ‘Wilhelmsbad’ where in turn were used methods of V. Priessnitza. For the best care over the bathers the bath trainers were bruoght from Germany. It was a magnificent building, possessing 50 rooms, reading-room, heating walk hall and also a swimming pool with a spring water. In 1899 was build a health house “Waldesruh”, which in 1908 was bought by perennial president of German parliament (Reichstag) and by the owner of many relaskie mines and ironworks-Franz von Ballestrem. In that building were quest- romms, ball room, rooms with baths for curative baths and also a big room for inhalations, useful for patients ill with asthma, phthisis and anemia. All of those rooms were modernly arranged [4, 3, 6].

In 1902 the sanatorium “Sanitas” was built with 39 rooms in it. There were especially treated such diseases as obesity and phthisis, therefore the curative diet consisted of kefir, greengrocery and tea. That institution was especially fancied by Austrian people who had for many years treated their weaken helath.

At the latest came into being the sanatorium “Waldfrieden”-a great construction, which was established in 1906 thanks to efforts of a spa physician dr Emil Jirzik. It was the only one institution in Glucholazy where were treated more often appearnig addictions from morphine, cocaine and alcohol. Similarly in different hereabouts sanatoriums were practiced baths in the pine needle, massage with a use of electric current and finally resting on the fresh air [3, 6, 7].

In some measure of completing the sanatoriums and bath institutions built in the spa part of the town, a nuns brought into existence a health resort “Josefstift”. It was situated in the centre of the city in 1899 and was

designed for epileptics, mentally ill, where especially Kneipp’s method was used [4, 3, 6].

Impressively is presented the list of diseases treated in Bad Ziegenhals: neurasthenia, melancholy, hysteria, hypochondria, cases of madness and other mental diseases, obliteration of cord, paralysis, impotence, anemia, nowadays unknown green-sickness, exophthalmic goitre, chorea, rheumatism, arthritis, calculuses, diabetes, gastritis, cystitis, problems with digestion, chronic diarrhoea and constipation, Jaundice, gall-stone, women, heart and lung diseases, varicose veins, hemorrhoids disease, inflammation of Joints, skin diseases. Finally convalescents after various traumas, surgicals and people after diseases of internal parts of the body were also treated there [5].

Bad Ziegenhals’ health resort flourished when Kneipp’s method of hydrotherapy was used and accepted all over the medical world. At the moment of diminishing the interests about those methods in the doctor’s world, for Glucholaski health resort had begun more difficult years. On the other hand quite important in those times were for Glucholazy and for the whole medicine results of the World War I. Big masses of inJured, disabled, generally undernourishmented, affected especially by phthisis people- forced to look for the best methods to overcome any danger connected with health. Therefore in those times many spas became curative institutions of those diseases but it was especially a place of convalescence and rehabilitation of war victims [3].

Moreover for the first time in 20s of XX century has appeared a new term of complex rehabilitation. It happened because of a progress in surgery and orthopedy, which one caused a change in relation to disabled patients and additional impulse made a need to bring to health wounded soldiers. Thanks to it the rehabilitation was perceived as remitting to the best physical, psychical and public capability. It has an influance on a change of character of many spas, especially on their generall use, because “Journey to water” stopped to be privilege of a small group of society and became a complement in treatment [2, 4].

Similarly was in Glucholazy when during the World War I was established a military health room for wounded soldiers. It was quite significant fact for that place, that they had even used additional postmark, which was placed on post cards sent from spa. The text read as follow: Konigl. Reserve -

Lazarett<Ziegenhals>and it was used till 30s of XX century [2].

Much earlier, because from 1893 from the benefits of Glucholaskie spa used inter alia general doctor, inspector of sanitary inspection II in Berlin dr Willaret, who up to 1909 was a regular quest of Glucholazy. As an editor of a few medical magazines he often used to described Glucholazy and landscapes of nereby area, popularizing at the same time advantages of spa among bathers and in military circles. Moreover in 20s dr Ludger Rickmann proved climatic peculiarity of Glucholaskie air, mainly with a fight with phthisis by preparing a great curative method of phthisis of larynx.

Thanks to it Bad Ziegenhals became known as a climatic spa with a speciality of a phthisis treatment in the whole Germany and in neighbouring Czechoslovakia [1].

During the World War II in every bigger building of the city, especially in the sanatoriums were established military hospitals. In July of 1941 the sanatorium “Ferdinandsbad” was converted into the biggest miltary hospital with 160 wounded soldiers [1].

The first bathers and convalescents came to Poland in the summer of 1945, after the war. However from the pre-war sanatoriums and curative houses the only open places were Provincial Hospital for ill with phthysis of larynx, Sanatorium “Sanitas” and The Hospital of St. Joseph. At that times there were no hotels or rest-houses. Most of them had been already organised-others were for the use of the workers of municipality for migrants and repatriates. On 15th May 1946 there was an official opening of the first summer season in Glucholazy after war. In the first curative season worked 12 holiday houses and 4 hotels, which were visited only by 32 bathers. In the following year there were about 58 bathers and the ravine came in 1948, when during the whole curative season came about 5456 people to Glucholazy [4].

During the first years after the war, Glucholazy became famous mainly because of a treatment of phthisis of lungs, soon after becoming one of the biggest institutions in Poland. In 1945-1949 on the basis of existing sanatoriums were established 3 big anty-phthisis institutions. Sanatorium “Waldfrieden” was converted

into Public Sanatorium of ill with phthisis, Sanatorium ‘Sanitas’ was converted into Sanatorium of Lung and Phthisis Diseases, and Sanatorium “Franzensbad” into Anty-phthisis Sanatorium [4].

Postwar authorities of Glucholazy tried to continue the pre-war tradition of the city. However despite ambitious plans of making a spa, it’s fame lose it’s countenance from year to year and nowadays it only a memory. Even though up to today the status of spa has not been regained that city is still recognized as a climatic spa and as a known Institution of treatment of movement organs, cardiological and pulmonological diseases including phthisis of lungs [4].


1. Kutzer P.: Aus einer kleinen Ftostenstadt. Historischer Ruckblik auf die Vergangenheit von Ziegenhals, Ziegenhals 1928.

2. Lehmann J.: Zarys historii poczty w miescie i gminie Glucholazy, VIII Spotkanie Mlodych Filatelistow, Glucholazy 11-13.05.2001.

3. L.M.: Aus der Geschichte der Stadt Ziegenhals, „Neisser Heimatblatt“, nr 24-25,1952.

4. Migala M.: Uzdrowisko Bad Ziegenhals (Glucholazy) na tle pobliskich kurortow w XIX oraz I polowie XX wieku i Jego znaczenie dla rozwoJu lecznictwa na Sl^sku, Studia i Monografie z. 143, Politechnika Opolska, Opole 2003.

5. Mosse R.: Bader-Almanach, Berlin 1913.

6. Schneider D.: Stadt und Luftkurort Ziegenhals, „Neisser Heimatblatt“, nr 34-36,1953.

7. Ziegenhals OS. Kurort fiir naturgemasse Lebensweisse, Ziegenhals 1938.

Came to edition 13.03.2007.



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