Научная статья на тему 'History of the health care climate in Glucholazy'

History of the health care climate in Glucholazy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Migala Mariusz

The history of health care climate in Glucholazy, in the province of Silesia Opole begins in the 17th century, when the Jesuits who owned this territory discovered the healing properties of it. However, at that time they could not make proper use of these powers and the properties of nature were soon forgotten for many years. They were rediscovered as late as in the 20the century when the town was granted health resort rights and it applied Sebastian Kneipp`s methods of treatment. When the method began to lose its popularity and it turned out that the waters in this area are not mineralized enough and they had no therapeutic values, the value of climate gained its importance. Many health resorts have been founded there since 1902 and special inhalatoriums for the ill with tuberculosis have been created. The most important centre was the Province Tuberculosis Centre in the Upper Silesia which was established in 1926. Its director dr Ludger Rickmann contributed to the development of climatotherapy in general and to the development of Glucholazy as a health resort. He developed a very modern in those days and useful method of treatment of larynx tuberculosis. He applied sun irradiation and bed rest on a veranda to treat it. In the post war Poland, from 1945 to 1949, three important tuberculosis centers were built. One of the most progressive is still existing Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Hospital which was accredited in 2003. The climatic values of the town noticed in the 17th century and the modern centers established in its beautiful neighbourhood of pine and spruce forests have been conducive to treatment, rehabilitation and preventive treatment of respiratory diseases. As a result, for many years the town has established its high position on the medical market and has become a well known climate health resort.

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Текст научной работы на тему «History of the health care climate in Glucholazy»


Mariusz Migala

Opole University of T echnology, Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Opole, Poland Clinical Rehabilitation Departament of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Specialist Hospital in

Glucholazy, Poland

Annotation. The history of health care climate in Glucholazy, in the province of Silesia Opole begins in the 17 th century, when the Jesuits who owned this territory discovered the healing properties of it. However, at that time they could not make proper use of these powers and the properties of nature were soon forgotten for many years. They were rediscovered as late as in the 20the century when the town was granted health resort rights and it applied Sebastian Kneipps methods of treatment. When the method began to lose its popularity and it turned out that the waters in this area are not mineralized enough and they had no therapeutic values, the value of climate gained its importance. Many health resorts have been founded there since 1902 and special inhalatoriums for the ill with tuberculosis have been created. The most important centre was the Province Tuberculosis Centre in the Upper Silesia which was established in 1926. Its director dr Ludger Rickmann contributed to the development of climatotherapy in general and to the development of Glucholazy as a health resort. He developed a very modern in those days and useful method of treatment of larynx tuberculosis. He applied sun irradiation and bed rest on a veranda to treat it. In the post war Poland, from 1945 to 1949, three important tuberculosis centers were built. One of the most progressive is still existing Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Hospital which was accredited in 2003. The climatic values of the town noticed in the 17 th century and the modern centers established in its beautiful neighbourhood of pine and spruce forests have been conducive to treatment, rehabilitation and preventive treatment of respiratory diseases. As a result, for many years the town has established its high position on the medical market and has become a well known climate health resort.

Key words: history of progress, health care climate, Glucholazy.

Анотація. Мигала Мариуш. Історія кліматичної охорони здоров’я в Г лючолазі Історія кліматичної охорони здоров'я в Глючолазі в області Сілезії починається з Ополе в 17-ому сторіччі, коли Єзуїти визнали цю територію й виявили корисні властивості природи Однак, тоді вони не могли використати ці можливості й про властивості природи забули на багато років. Знову вони були відкриті вже в 20-ому сторіччі, коли місту надали права курорту й можливості природних умов використав Себастьян Кнеіпп. Згодом метод почав втрачати свою попу лярність і виявилося, що вода в цій зоні не досить мінералізована й не має ніяких терапевтичних цінностей. Тоді зросла значимість і цінність клімату. З 1902 року було засновано багато курортів, а також спеціальні приміщення для хворих на туберкульоз. Найважливішим лікувальним об'єктом був Центр туберкульозуобласті у Верхній Сілезії, що починає свою історію з 1926 року. Його провідний спеціаліст доктор Ладджер Рикманн вніс вклад у розвиток кліматотерапії й у загальний розвиток Глючолазі як курорту У ті роки він розвивався як сучасний і корисний метод обробки туберкульозугортані. Щоб лікувати це він застосував опромінення сонця й постільний режим на веранді. Після війни з 1945 до 1949 рік були побудовані три важливих центри туберкульозу Один найбільш популярний усе ще існує як лікарня Міністерства Внутрішніх Справ з 2003 року. Кліматичні цінності міста, заміченого в 17-ом сторіччі, й сучасних центрів, що розташовані у його гарній околиці соснових і ялинових лісів сприяють лікуванню, відновленню й профілактиці респіраторних захворювань. У результаті, багато років місто займає провідні позиції на медичному ринку послуг і стало відомим кліматичним курортом.

Ключові слова: історія розвитку, кліматична охорона здоров'я, Глючолазі

Аннотация. Мигала Мариуш. История климатического здравоохранения в Глючолази. История климатического здравоохранения в Г лючолази в области Силезии начинается с Ополе в 17-ом столетии, когда Иезуиты признали эту территорию и обнаружили заживающие свойства природы. Однако, тогда они не могли использовать эти возможности и о свойствах природы скоро забывали на много лет. Вновь они были открыты уже в 20-ом столетии, когда городу предоставил права курорта и возможности природных условий использовал Себастьян Кнеипп. Со временем метод начал терять свою популярность и оказалось, что вода в этой зоне не достаточно минерализована и не имеет никаких терапевтических ценностей. Тогда возросла значимость и ценность климата. С 1902 было основано много курортов а также специальные помещения для больного туберкулезом Самый важным лечебным объектом был Центр Туберкулеза Области в Верхней Силезии, который начинает свою историю с 1926 года. Его ведущий специалист доктор Ладджер Рикманн внес вклад в развитие климатотерапии и в общее развитие Г лючолази как курорта. В те годы он развивался как современный и полезный метод обработки туберкулезагортани Чтобы лечить это он применил облучение солнца и постельный режим на веранде. После войны с 1945 до 1949 год были построены три важных центра туберкулеза Один наиболее популярный все еще существует как больница Министерства Внутренних Дел с 2003 года. Климатические ценности города, замеченного в 17-ом столетии, и современных центров, расположенных в его красивой окрестности сосновых и еловых лесов способствуют лечению, восстановлению и

профилактике респираторных заболеваний. В результате; много лет город занимает ведущие позиции на медицинском рынке услуг и стал известным климатическим курортом Ключевые слова: история развития, климатическое здравоохранение, Глючолази

The history of the health care climate in Glucholazy and making use of the natural environment energy in health care, especially atmospheric, reaches the antiquity when in 1300 started to treat using the bathes. Pulmonary diseases treatment in Alpine areas and Mountains of Liban was recommended by the ancient medical schools of Roma. The positive results of menenteric lymphnodular tuberculosis treatment were observed during the children stay on the seaside in 17 th and was described by Richard Russel. In order, John Oockley Lettsome (1744 - 1845) set up in Margate the children hospital with 30 beds where children suffering from this disease were treated [7].

The climatic therapy has been used in a large scale since 19 th, especially in tuberculosis therapy which characterized the largest death rate. According to statistic data, per 1000 deaths among the person between 20-50 ages the disease occupied the first position. The real total number of deaths due to the tuberculosis was higher because of it varieties and more the tuberculosis wasn’t often the main cause of the death [8].

The Swiss doctor Lucido Ruedi founder the famous health resort - Davos Sanatorium (1841), where was treated children menenteric lymphnodular tuberculosis elaborated the climatic therapy rules in first half 19 th. The therapy of tuberculosis in Davos started Aleksander Spengler in 1853. For the first time the sun and air was used in the tuberculosis of bones therapy when in the Switzerland was opened high -mountain sanatorium (1560 m n.p.m) in Leysin (1903) by August Rollier. In this place the sun exposure was the supplementary therapy [3,7].

The tuberculosis, like no other diseases, needs the health resort treatment what was pointed by many of doctors. Domestic medicine, family care and finally hospitalization is enough for many other diseases but it’s dangerous for ill with tuberculosis and doesn’t provide with positive results and it’s threatening factor for familly [8].

In 19th were made efforts in tuberculosis therapy with the help of artificial lighting in conjunction with the heliotherapy and climatotherapy development. Through the years during the therapy were applied mostly: nutritious diet, quiet, embrocating and rest on a fresh air. Physical training was used very carefully due to existence of active and passive conception as a result of superstitions and opinions about causes of the diseases.

The using of sanatorium method of tuberculosis therapy started Herman Brehmer on the Silesia. In 1859 he founded the areotherapy medical institution in G orbersdorf (561 m n. p. m.) near the Walbrzych. He was the first who considered that the tuberculosis is curable in a early stage of development and seldom in advanced one. According to his convictions the tuberculosis wasn’t the main reason of the deaths but patients’ “indiscipline” and their doctors’ “carelessness”. Deck - chair room for patients suffering from tuberculosis was activated by Herman Brehmer as the first of such a kind of building in the Europe. Peter Dettweiler modified his teacher’s propositions. In his opinion tuberculosis therapy should take place in closed institution with taking into consideration the climatic values, not necessarily high - mountain, but first of all the rest and nutrition. The mentioned above opinions increasing the immunity are used nowadays despite of implementation to tuberculosis therapy the powerful medicines [1,7].

In Poland, the history of climatotherapy started at the turn of the 14th and 15th when Ludwig The Hungary and Poland’s King suffering from tuberculosis was sent out in T atry by doctor Jan Radlica. Moreover, the Alfred Sokolowski contributed to popularization of the knowledge about the tuberculosis. He founded the Antituberculosis Society in 1908 and organized a lot of preventive campaigns and consultations on this subject. He also contributed to the extension of Gorbersdorf Health Resort (after The W ar called Sokolowsko) and opening a few sanatories (Zakopane, Otwock) well known for nowadays. It was the beginning of the covered terraces, porches, rooms (areosolarium) destined of rest where regardless of seasons and weather patients could rest almost a day long. Contribution to climatotherapy development had also Ludomir Korczy nski, Antoni Sabatowski and Czeslaw Trybowski who published theirs researches on making use of climatic therapy in interwar years [3].

The Bad Ziegenhals (after The War - Glucholazy) was one of the major on Opole Silesia Region health resort at the beginning of the 20 th. The Jesuits in17th discovered the treatment climatic attributes of this area, sheltered from eastern and northern winds with warm south ones. Thanks to it the climate was mild, without the fogies and with the extra value like Parkowa Mountain Woods. The Jesuits arranged near the “golden tunnels” the rest resort for monks called “Waldhof’ but the attributes of naturals goods were soon forgotten for many years. It’s rediscovered again when the Sebastian Kneipp’s basic method of treatment began to lose it popularity and because of water weak mineralized and it therapeutic values. The first resort specialized in natural tuberculosis therapy was “Sanitas” Sanatorium founded by Heinrich Ehrlich in 1902. Many health resorts have been founded with a special inhalatoriums for the ill with tuberculosis. Franz Ballestren bought and opened “Waldesruh” health resort for ill with tuberculosis and asthma in 1908, and in 1926 opened the larynx tuberculosis treatment resort. Moreover it was founded the resorts: for ill men in Podlesie (1927) and for children in Jarnolt owek.

It is beyond doubt that the most important resort was the Province Tuberculosis Centre in the Upper Silesia. It director dr Ludger Rickmann contributed to climatotherapy development and elaborated the modern in those days and useful method of larynx tuberculosis treatment. He applied sun irradiation and bed rest on the veranda to treat it. The method consisted in that patient was sitting over the chair with open mouth and turned back on sun. Opposite the patient there was a mirror where the sun rays reflected and irradiated the larynx. The weak patients irradiated the larynx in recumbent position. In the course of time this method was modified and was replaced with roentgen rays irradiation. The sun irradiation in larynx tuberculosis therapy made Rickmann famous and contributed to obtaining a specialist title in a mentioned disease treatment [4].

The doctor’s pionier work contributed to the Glucholazy climatic health resort development useful in tuberculosis treatment. The excellent climatic values of the health resort and it contribution to tuberculosis therapy were frequently pointed out by doctor and assistants in his works. He proved that the most patient firstly suffering from tuberculosis and than incorrectly treated suffering from larynx tuberculosis. Moreover, the piedmont climate, not maritime nor mountain one, has a great influence on patients convalescence with the special significance of mountains. The doctor’s opinions and proposes were the result of direct meteorological analyses. The health resort had own weather station which was built in 1926 and was used to this analysis. Everyday weather observations afforded the knowledge about climatic diseases reactions or patients mental health. Many years of weather observations (1926-1936) revealed the existence of advantageous climate conditions in Glucholazy corresponding to average mountain areas. During this period there was observed no extreme weather conditions, average air humidity and seldom foggy weather on this area. Glucholazy took the second place with regard to length of isolation on all measurement points on the Silesia Region. For this reason, the patients and tourists stay in the health resort was advised both in summer months and winter ones [4].

Although Poland took the second place in the Europe with the regard to the number of tuberculosis deaths before the Second World War, the disease problem with double intensity appeared years after the war. Many sanatoriums, hospitals, clinics were destroyed by the war and many of celebrity doctors who took up the tuberculosis disease problem died. During the postwar years the tuberculosis was treated using the extrapleural and intrapulmonary pneumothorax method or using the climatic conditions like bed rest on the veranda or sun irradiation due to the lack of antituberculotic medicines. Despite of the difficulties, it was reconstructed and increases: the number of beds to the tuberculosis treatment from 9.300 before the war to 15.450 and the number of clinics from 450 to 532. Moreover, the radiological examination among the students and medical courses for doctors was done and the antituberculous vaccinations were started on a large scale. The index of the tuberculosis deaths per 100.000 decreased from 150 before the war (500 at the and of the occupation) to 184 in 1947 [6].

In the post war Poland from 1945 to 1949, on the basis of the sanatoriums which have existed before, three important tuberculosis therapy centers were built in Glucholazy. Pre - war “W aldfrieden” Sanatorium was turned into Public Tuberculosis Sanatorium, in order the “Sanitas” Sanatorium was turned into Lungs and Tuberculosis Diseases Rail Center and “Franzensbad” sanatorium into Antituberculous Sanatorium of Ministry of Public Security in 1949.

It was centre with 100 beds where almost 100% patients were suffering from tuberculosis, mainly it were a young people in the age from 20 to 40 years. In 1950, the pneumothorax was the basic method of treatment 85% patients staying in the sanatorium. The antituberculotic medicines: streptomycyn and para-aminosalicylic acid were used in patients treatment and supported the pneumothorax therapy. The dynamic development of chemotherapy took place in 1960-1969. The number of used antituberculotic medicines was increased. Better and more effective models of chemotherapy were introduced and the surgical treatment was effective supplementation of antituberculotic one. Due to it the tuberculosis mortality rate have been reduced. The accurate, coordinated, conscious and proper representatives of different institution activity as epidemiological situation improvement in the country, the percentage of patient suffering from tuberculosis has been systematically reduced during the years. In the end of the seventies of 20th the percentage of patients estimated 30% but it was of no importance that the disease problem disappeared irretrievably. The new event at the beginning of the nineties was permanently increasing number of patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and it was the 70% of patients hospitalized in Glucholazy hospital. Modification of therapy profile caused the changes and innovations in diagnostic and medical sections of this hospital. Considering the modern diagnostic and therapeutic infrastructure Antituberculous Sanatorium was in 1974 turned into Pulmonary Specialist Hospital which is modern medical institution with the highest standard of medical equipment. The comfort hospitalization conditions and well educated medical personnel was appreciated by awarding of Accredited Hospital status in 2003 (in 2006 confirmed again). There is 270 beds in the 3 pulmonary and tuberculosis hospital wards and 2 rehabilitation and prevention ones in the hospital. Moreover, the hospital has 4 beds in intensive medical care hospital ward, well equipment medical improvement section, laboratory of clinical pathology and one of the most progressive in Poland the lungs function tests laboratory and others. The hospital offers high level of medical and physiotherapy services and also psychotherapy and preventive treatment programs increasing the patients medical knowledge [5].

The climatic values of the town noticed in 17th century and the modern centers established in its beautiful neighborhood of pine and spruce forests have been conductive to treatment, rehabilitation and preventive treatment of respiratory diseases. Its are treated presently in Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Specialist Hospital and in the pulmonary ward of City Hospital. Glucholazy as a tourist town is famous for it natural and landscape values or tourist management is a very attractive place to rest, to ski, to ride a bicycle or hiking. For this reason Glucholazy became known as a “tourist pearl of Opole Region”. The result of the advantageous position and using treatment methods was the high position on the medical market for many years. Nowadays Glucholazy has become well know climate health resort [2].


1. Kalamacka E.: Uzdrowiska miejscem leczniczo-profilaktycznego oraz rekreacyjnego stosowania ruchu, w: Zdrowotno-higieniczne aspekty wychowania fizycznego w pogl^dach i dzialalnosci polskich lekarzy do 1914 r., Krakow 2003.

2. Madeyski A.: Charakterystyki niektorych miejscowosci pelni^cych funkcje analogiczne jak uzdrowiska statutowe oraz bylych uzdrowisk m.in. klimatycznych w: Informator uzdrowisk polskich, wyd. IV, Warszawa 1997, s.151.

3. M^czynski B.: Lecznictwo klimatyczne, Warszawa 1978.

4. Migala M.: Uzdrowisko Bad Ziegenhals (Glucholazy) na tle pobliskich kurort ow w XIX oraz I polowie XX wieku i jego znaczenie dla rozwoju lecznictwa na Sl^sku, Studia i Monografie z. 143, Politechnika Opolska, Opole 2003.

5. Migala M.: Dzieje uzdrowiska Glucholazy Zdroj (Bad Ziegenhals). 20 lat dzia lalnosci medyczno-naukowej Szpitala Specjalistycznego Ministerstwa Spraw Wewn^trznych i Administracji w Glucholazach 1987-2007, Opole 2007.

6. Pami^tnik VIII Polskiego Zjazdu Przeciwgruzliczego, Wroclaw 23-25.09.1947.

7. Piery M., Roshem J.: Historie de la tuberculose, Paris 1931.

8. W sprawie sanatoriow ludowych. O wartosci klimatu swojskiego przy leczeniu gruzlicy, Lodz 1900.

Came to edition 17.02.2008.

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