Научная статья на тему 'Asymmetry and individual charachteristics of strong-willed regulation teenage athletes'

Asymmetry and individual charachteristics of strong-willed regulation teenage athletes Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Moskvin Victor Anatolyevich, Moskvina Nina Victorovna

Abstract individual features of volitional qualities of 45 athletes adolescents aged 14-16 years. The methods used: Questionnaire diagnostic volitional qualities of personality by Chumakov M., an indicator of stability of choice of color stimuli (for by V. Moskvin and R. Cattell personality questionnaire HSPQ (youth version)). The findings suggest that the presence of the individual characteristics of a strong-willed regulation of teenagers involved to a greater extent with left-hemispheric dominance.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Asymmetry and individual charachteristics of strong-willed regulation teenage athletes»

Section 4. Psychology

Moskvin Victor Anatolyevich, Russian University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Dr. Psych., professor of psychology department of RSUPhCSYT

E-mail: [email protected]

Moskvina Nina Victorovna, Russian University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Ph. D., associate professor of psychology department of RSUPhCSYT

Asymmetry and individual characteristics of strong-willed regulation teenage athletes

The study was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, the project № 16-06-50146-a (f): «Complex research of the individual characteristics of the human regulatory processes in health and disease

(developmental and physiological aspects)»

Abstract: Abstract individual features of volitional qualities of 45 athletes adolescents aged 14-16 years. The methods used: Questionnaire diagnostic volitional qualities of personality by Chumakov M., an indicator of stability of choice of color stimuli (for by V. Moskvin and R. Cattell personality questionnaire HSPQ(youth version)). The findings suggest that the presence of the individual characteristics of a strong-willed regulation of teenagers involved to a greater extent with left-hemispheric dominance.

Keywords: individual differences, volitional regulation, brain, asymmetry, profiles laterality, sport psychology.

Introduction to the problem

Today in modern sports psychology among researchers there is no single point of view in the definition of "will" and related concepts of "voluntary action", "strong-willed regulation", "strong-willed efforts [3-6; 8]. The approach to the problem will, in terms of differential psychophysiology and neuropsychology of individual differences suggests that there are individual differences in the planning and regulation of their conduct processes, which defines two opposite variants of individuality — "field dependence" and "field independence" types of behavior [3]. Since by Luria for control functions, planning and regulation of behavior corresponds to the third block of the brain associated with the frontal lobes [2], we can talk about the presence of

individual differences in the functioning of the third block of the brain determined by partial dominance of the right or the left frontal lobe. Obviously, this is directly related to the processes and volitional regulation [3-8]. According to V. Moskvin [3] the individual styles of self-realization may occur that a person with a predominance of left hemisphere dominance symptoms (especially with the appearance ofpartial dominance of the left frontal lobe) can achieve great success in the vital self-determination, and deficits can be considered left-hemispheric functions as an individual neuropsychological background state of dependence (in the broadest sense of the word). A vailable data indicate the presence of the individual characteristics of the activity of self-realization processes that may affect the success of the professional

Asymmetry and individual characteristics of strong-willed regulation teenage athletes

and educational activities. Taking into account individual features of strong-willed regulation is of great importance in psychology in the selection and preparation of highly skilled athletes [3-11].


Just study involved 45 teenagers aged 14-16 involved in the fight. 25 subjects were right-wing performance test "crosse hands" by Luria [2] (which reflects the dominance of the left frontal areas of relevance to the voluntary regulation of behavior) and 20 teenagers were left with the performance test "crosse hands". The study was conducted on the basis of sport school № 55 of the Department of Physical Culture and Sport in Moscow. The study was conducted as a test group. We used the following methods: a questionnaire diagnosis of volitional personality traits by M. Chumakov [1], an indicator of stability of color stimuli by selecting V. Moskvin [6] and R. Cattell questionnaire, teenage version — Form 142 claims, including 14 factors.

Color test M. Lusher considered projective method and uses for the study of personality. The study took into account the indicator "color stimuli choice sustainability" — a data comparison of the first and second elections. In developing the index suggested that stimulus selection process can be considered as a decision-making model, by which we can judge indirectly about the features goal formation functions [6].

Also take into account the test Luria "crosse hands", which reflects the partial dominance kontrat-eralnyh frontal parts of the brain by N. Sakano [12]. In the analysis of the entire array of sample was divided into two groups — on the basis of the dominant elbow (or partial dominance of the frontal areas). Subjects were identified with the right performance test "crosse hands" and left. Statistical analysis of survey data was performed using non-parametric U — Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test.

Results of the study

Comparison of averaged data by the method of M. Chumakov [1] showed that the subjects with the right performance test "crosse hands" (as compared with the left) show higher scores on scales of"respon-sibility" (4.5 and 3.9 points, respectively, p < 0.05), "initiative" (4.6 and 3.9 points, p < 0.05), "energy"

(6.5 and 6.0 points, p < 0.03), and on the scale of "dedication " (6.2 and 5.4 points, respectively, p < 0.05). Method "Stability of color choices" In the development of sustainability indicators selection was assumed that the color stimulus the selection process can be considered as a model of decision-making activities by which we can judge indirectly about the features goal formation functions [6]. In this study, adolescents with the right performance test "crosse hands" (as compared with the left) have found higher rates in Luscher test in terms of the selection of stability (80.3 and 67.2 points, respectively, p < 0.04). R. Cattell questionnaire The following results were obtained by a factor of R. Cattell questionnaire. According to factor E ("submission — dominance") higher values were observed in the group of adolescents with the right performance test "crosse hands" — 6.8 stan, in the group with the left indicators test "crosse hands" — 5.2 (p < 0.05), which indicates a greater activity and leadership qualities of the subjects with the right performance test "crosse hands". Values for Q2 factor ( «degree of dependence of the group») is higher in the group with right exponents lyami-test "crosse hands" — 6.6 stan, in the group with the left — 4.3 (p < 0.03). Values for Q3 factor ("degree of self-control") higher in the group with the right performance test "crosse hands" — 6.2 stan, in the group with the left — 4.4 (p < 0.03). The discussion of the results As a result of analysis of the data, it was found that the subjects with a dominant right elbow (which reflects the partial dominance of the left frontal areas) according to M. Chumakov techniques show higher rates on the scale of "responsibility", "initiative", "energy" and "dedication".

Analysis of the stability of the selection indicator shows that it is significantly higher in patients with the dominance of the left frontal regions (with the right digital display test "crosse hands"), indicating that the greater stability of conduct adopted plans.

The data show that subjects with different sample rates "crosse hands" on Luria detect significant differences in the number of scales used techniques. This suggests the presence of the individual characteristics

of a strong-willed regulation of teens associated with different types of combinations of indicators of regulatory asymmetry of the brain unit.


Confirmed data on the presence of the third asymmetry (regulatory) brain block on A. Luria. This position is confirmed by the psychodiagnostic studies of adolescents with different variants of

the frontal areas of dominance, and the fact that the partial dominance of the left frontal lobe (in males) is associated with higher rates volitional regulation. The results may be useful for the development of sports psychophysiology, and almost can be used to diagnose the individual characteristics of a strong-willed regulation in sport psychology in the preparation of highly skilled athletes [3-11].


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6. Moskvin V. A., Moskvina N. V. Psychophysiology of individual differences in sports. - Moscow, 2013. -128 p. - ISBN 978-5-98242-156-2.

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