UDC: 796 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-141-146
Aspects of students' physical education at higher education establishments
in terms of healthy life style formation
Anastasiya K. Lvova*
Tyumen Industrial University Tyumen, Russia [email protected]*
Abstract: The main content of preparing students for life is their socialization and adaptation in terms of getting professional education and the future profession mastering. The specialists of a higher education establishment consider the questions of education and upbringing in unity. They admit and realize the specificity of each unit separately. Physical education of students is considered as the part of general culture. There physical development should take a central place. Physical education as the process of competitive and normative stimuli realization is directed toward a harmonious development of students. Physical development, motor skills and abilities gaining during physical culture lessons is the base of an upbringing process, directed toward a healthy life style (HLS) formation. The held research works showed that physical health of students nowadays is not perfect. We see the level of motor activity decrease from course to course, which becomes very low by graduation. We revealed the absence of special or independent motor activity among students. We revealed both negative and multidirectional sides of a healthy life style organization. Research methods and material. The research was carried out on the basis of Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russia. The students of 09.02.07 "Information systems and programming" specialty took part in the research work. We analyzed scientific-methodical and specialized information sources, organized a questionnaire in order to reveal the attitude of students to the questions of motor activity and healthy life style. Results. We revealed the level of students' physical culture, characterized by the indices and kinds of motor activity demonstration and the knowledge of the healthy life style methods formation, the methods of health-improving training. We determined and estimated the level of students' physical readiness in general. After the upbringing events realization, which were directed toward a healthy life style formation, motor activity increase, the level of physical readiness increased. Theoretical significance of this work is in new knowledge getting concerning the opportunities broadening for students' independent and specialized motor activity at a higher education establishment, especially in the program of a healthy life style formation. Practical significance of the research results is in higher effectiveness of physical upbringing of students at higher education establishments, shown in the indices of physical, functional readiness and the effectiveness of physical culture and sport activity. We revealed the significance of special and own independent motor activity. It should be substantiated in the experimental research works. The received results will help to create practical recommendations concerning students' physical potential increase. Conclusion. The presented research work proved the significance of students' interest increase in different variants of motor activity increase as the condition for their physical potential change.
Keywords: students, physical education, physical culture, healthy life style, motor activity, questionnaire survey, physical fitness.
For citation: Аnastasiya K Lvova*. Aspects of students' physical education at higher education establishments in terms of healthy life style formation. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(4): 119-123. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-141-146.
Introduction the same time sport oriented physical education
In the works by V.K. Balsevich, L.I. Lubysheva becomes the concept of a healthy life style formation it is underlined that the upbringing function of among schoolchildren and students [1,2,6]. physical culture and sport is demonstrated not Government pays special attention to the directly, but through the influence on all sides of a questions of physical culture and sport events person's life. Physical education means are realized broadening in terms of target program of education by the influence on physical state, psychological development. There the questions of the oncoming status and emotional background of students. At generation healthy life style formation are
considered at all levels of upbringing and education [7,8].
Scientific-methodical information sources analysis showed that physical education includes many components of motor activity. It interacts with the future professional activity of students. However, the specialists underline that health-improving physical culture has the tendency of expansion because of the students' increase amount, who need health-improving classes [4,5,9].
Sports orientation of students toward strength kinds of sport taking into account their physiological criteria forms evidentiary basis of such an approach for independent or specialized students' motor activity formation [4,5].
I.G. Gibadullin and his colleagues in their research works discuss physical health of students, mentioning structural units of its formation [3, p. 101-108].
Z.M. Kuznetsova and her postgraduates studied the motives of students concerning regular physical culture and sport lessons, underlining the significance of physical health and motor potential formation using different means and methods. The need for motor activity is supported by different physical culture and sport events, outdoor and national games [5, p. 97-100].
The specialists proved the effectiveness of sport-oriented and sport-educational lessons for students' physical potential change.
The aim of the research work was to study theoretical and practical aspects of students' physical education at a higher education establishment for motor activity formation.
Materials and methods
The research was carried out on the basis of Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russia. The students, who study in ISPt-22-9-1 (n=25); ISPt -22-9-2 (n=25); ISPt -22-ll-l(n=25); ISPt -2i-ii-i(n=25) groups took part in the research. Students study according to 09.02.07 "Information systems and programming" specialty. We analyzed
scientific-methodical and specialized information sources, organized a questionnaire survey in order to reveal the attitude of students to the questions of a healthy life style.
Results and discussion
Long-term research works carried out by the specialists concerning the problem of students' health showed that the state of their physical health becomes worse. Every year the amount of students included into special medical groups increases for 15-20%. [3, p. 101-108]. We revealed special and independent motor activity. It modern students use during their free time.
We organized a questionnaire survey among the students in the groups in order to reveal the level of students' involvement level into different kinds of motor activity. We revealed that a healthy life style is characterized by such index as the volume of motor activity.
The specialists underline that not high level of motor activity or unsatisfactory motor activity of students is very widespread, that is why this problem attracts special attention. The initial indices of motor activity level getting helps to define the deficiency of motor activity, the necessity to search for reliable methods of the need for healthy life style formation and bringing up.
We organized the survey among the students in order to reveal the level of physical self-upbringing as one of the indices. It characterizes physical culture of a personality.
Fig. 1 presents the results of the survey among the students. The questionnaire included the following questions: "Did you have physical exercises during recent three months?" (Answers: "Yes", "No", "Don't know"); "Do you do morning exercises?" (Answers: "Yes", "No"); "Do you attend sport sections in different kinds of sport?" (Answers: "Yes", "No"); "What is the frequency of your independent lessons?" (Answers: once a week; 2-3 times a week; 4-5 times a week; every day of the week).
Fig. 1. The results of a questionnaire survey at the beginning of the research
The received results show that 20% of students said "Yes", 30% said "No" and 50% said "Don't know" answering the question "Did you have physical exercises during recent three months?". (It means that 50% of students don't know if they had any physical exercises during the last three months.)
Answering the second question "Do you do morning exercises?" 8% of students said "Yes" and 92% of students said "No". They explained their answers by the fact that they don't have time for morning exercises. Answering the third question "Do you attend sport sections in different kinds of sport?" - 16% of students said "Yes", 84% said "No". They explained their answers by the fact that during educational activity they don't have enough time for additional physical load, for sport sections in a chosen kind of sport. Answering the 4th question "What is the frequency of your independent lessons?"- 80% of students said "once a week", 16%
- "2-3 times a week", 2% - "4-5 times a week", 2%
- "every day".
During one academic year we realized the program of the upbringing events among the students in order to increase the need for systematic physical culture and sport classes as the means of training for the future professional activity and physical working capacity increase. Apart from students' need increase for the specialized motor activity classes we activated the use of independent trainings increasing the significance of physical qualities development.
At the beginning of an academic year we controlled the estimation of physical readiness level among the students using testing exercises. It turned out that in the groups, where the upbringing events concerning motor activity significance and a healthy life style formation were held, the indices increased considerably.
Table 1 presents control norms (tests). They helped to estimate physical fitness of students at the beginning and in the end of an academic year.
Table 1
Control norms (tests) of students' physical fitness
CDOIDOI CILTTTL'- ""— J-fc-4—y"1 "Miafartocy" "cMiT "ncrfecL"1
1 njJILT:- runninc. BE. ] 4-.? jjiU marc N2.14,4 13,2-14,1 L3.1 an J kni
3(HKl niL'kn-. mm. see. 14 J1 JJIU mare I2.DM3.JÏI 12,1)0 and km
Chin-up frcoi luriL'.nj paMhun ¿1 a h mil tin. arviLunr uH linKS 9 and lent 10-11 12-14 L5 and 111L K
Eicndinç l^rv-jrj frcoi :.|jrV.I_n J r>'> 1I11T1. Lm. 5 anil. 1 l:-7i t-1 K.L 2 L2 and muje
Siu iJ.iil: Iüiili jump, on 304 and le si HQ-124 225.239 24(1 and moN
Fig. 2 and 3 present the dynamics of physical The presented research work proved the
fitness indices before and after the upbringing significance of students' interest increase in different
events realization, the amount of students. They variants of motor activity increase as the condition
passed control norms and got "unsatisfactory", for students' physical potential change. "satisfactory", "good" and "perfect" marks.
I Oft mclcri- jDOftcncbcxj hin up f'riTn Jkr.-.l.nij lixiij-
runmmy run nine lian^inc l^rv- jrd nvin jump
[xmliucaLd xLindiny
hij h bar pas-iliun
■ "uosaliiibclHry- ""salisibutary" ""cijoiI" ""pcrt'cfl"
Fig. 2. Physical fitness indices among the students before the upbringing events realization
iO 20 :o
lOftmidcrc .1(10(1 mclcrc L'hin up I'roin Ucniling timi-arcl iil uiibng lonj runjimy cunning haDciny. position frujn¿lanibng jump
ji. a high tin pavilion.
■ "unsa1 is facta™" ■ "sal is factor/1 ■"good" ■"pcrfcct"
Fig. 3. Physical fitness indices among the students after the upbringing events realization
The upbringing events directed toward a healthy life style formation on the principles of special character and independence of students' motor activity, gave their results.
Special motor activity of students is characterized by extracurricular classes in a chosen kind of sport with the definite volume of time in a week, month and year. It is mentioned that a rational volume of students' motor activity. It was defined by the specialists, forms 6-8 hours a week, in terms of systematic sport classes - 12-14 hours a week depending on the level of their readiness.
Specialized motor activity of students is characterized by the changes in adaptive processes of an organism. The indices of physiological load are determined by HR indices. Students should know how to control own functional state. It is very important for modern students, especially in technical higher education establishments. There students spend much time near computer. Personal time distribution depends on the volume of free time. It depends on lessons schedule at a higher education establishment. It means that the upbringing work executive should consider this aspect and create the conditions for the opportunity to give free time in day regimen of students.
The specialized motor activity content and planning among students should have physical culture, sports-health-improving and training orientation. In all directions physical exercises are realized, directed toward physical qualities development and improvement. These qualities are the following: strength, quickness, dexterity, endurance, flexibility and speed-power oriented abilities. The specialists also offer to create HLS program of students for an academic year. There the structural units can become personal hygiene, nutrition, day regimen, quenching, health-improving training, specialized training, taking part in physical culture and sport events. It is important to think about the benefits for students-athletes (to reschedule the session, the periods of studying and exams). The offered approach helps to increase the
amount of students. They want to attend the chosen kinds of sport.
The program of health-improving events, especially in special medical groups, is created by upbringing work executives at a higher education establishment. The programs include the following events:
- the skills and abilities formation for physical improvement of motor potential;
- functional abilities of an organism increase;
- health strengthening and preventive measures organization;
- patriotic and moral-volitional qualities, social activity and life position upbringing.
All events are fulfilled by the students during the specialized and independent lessons of motor activity. There a teacher's control is important.
Our research work proved the significance of the students' interest demonstration in different variants of motor activity increase as the condition for their physical potential change. The component of students' healthy life style formation is the opportunities broadening of the specialized and independent kinds of motor activity realization.
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Submitted: 20.11.2022 Author's information:
Anastasiya K. Lvova - Senior Lecturer, Tyumen Industrial University, 625000, Russia, Tyumen, Volodarskogo str., House 38, e-mail: [email protected]