^исок литературы
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© Нельзина Е.Н., Оборина А.И., 2017
Mikhail Novoselov, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department for Foreign Language Education Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm English B teacher, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme,
Lyceum 10, Perm E-mail: novosemikhail@yandex.ru
Svetlana Novoselova
Senior Lecturer, Department for Foreign Language Education Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm
E-mail: svetlana220577@mail.ru
Alexei Kostarev
Post-graduate Student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, group M711 Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm
E-mail: avkostarev@mail.ru
Abstract: This paper discusses the relevance of the language for specific purposes learning under the conditions of modern society and the problem of its poor efficiency. Moreover, a number of contradictions were determined along with the ways of their solution considering cognitive and affective approaches.In addition, the significant role of the student's motivation will be presented in this article
Key words: communicative competence; cognitive approach; learning; teaching; affective approach; motivation.
The conditions of a polylingual and multicultural society put forward new requirements for the graduate of the university. It should be a professional and psychologically adapted worker who has a well-formed foreign language professional communicative competency and is able to integrate it into the structure of his professional activity. At the same time, a graduate of a higher education institution, a teacher of a foreign language, should have a proper command of the tools for teaching ESP. A foreign language becomes not only a means of professional communication among workers of different directions, but also a means of developing certain «priority» areas of science and technology [5- 11].
The post-nonclassical scientific paradigm dictates the need for cooperation and collaboration of scientists around the globe in various scientific directions. It requires the development and intensification of professional and academic communication.There is a need for a more thorough study of communicative processes, the specificity of foreign professional communication in its entirety.
The transition to a tertiary education is aimed at the formation of highly competent graduates of the university, capable of self-organization, lifelong self-development [1; 2].
The existing conceptual provisions on this issue, which have undisputed scientific value and practical significance, do not exhaust the problem of forming a foreign language professional communicative competency in view of the inadequacy of methods aimed at the development of a foreign language professional communicative competency; deficit of created and accumulated information bases, taking into account the peculiarities of teaching languages for specific purposes; the undeveloped mechanisms for the involuntary assimilation of foreign language material from various professional fields, as well as the development of a system of training ESP teachers.This is the most important problem of modernization of higher foreign language education, conditioned by the pace of development of fundamental and applied sciences.
Approaches To Teaching ESP
A systematic analysis of the basic philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, and methodological and lingua didactical literature on the research problem was carried out [3; 5-8]; an empirical analysis based on the reflection of students at a language university; The results of diagnosing levels of the formation of foreign professional communicative competencyof future bachelors and masters; own practical experience of teaching English for specific purposes; observation of the organization of the process of linguistic and methodical instruction of future ESP teachers in a university allow within the logic of the concept of higher education to raise up the question of the insufficient elaboration of the problem of the development of a foreign language professional communicative competency among graduates of higher educational
institutions. All of the above helped to identify a number of significant contradictions:
-between the social order for the graduates of the university able to teach foreign languages for specific purposes and the insufficiently developed scientific methodological bases for theirtraining;
-the established extensive scientific and theoretical base of foreign language for specific purposes trainingat universities and the lack of a scientific description of the process of the development of a foreign language professional communicative competencyamong future graduates of a higher educational institution in the logics of modern education requirements;
-the need for effective methods of teaching foreign languages for specific purposes and their deficiency in the educational process of the university;
To resolve the above contradictions, it is necessary todesign an educational process in the university to train a teacher of ESP, taking into account cognitive and affective approaches.
The cognitive approach proves the determining role of knowledge in the behavior of the subject. The cognitive approach solves the problem of organizing knowledge in the memory of the subject, the relationship between the verbal and figurative components in the process of memorization and thinking. Based on the cognitive approach, the cognition process involves the following stages:
-discursive activity (interpretation, the result of which are verbal and / or ethological judgments of the subject of cognition about perceived stimuli); -cognitive structures of representation of transformed stimuli; -the development of responses based on available cognitive structures, feedback as the influence of the formed structures of representation on the perception of a new sensory stimulus.
In this process of cognition involves the activity of the individual.As a result, subject-object relations in the educational process give way to subject-subject interaction.As in the student-centered approach, in the cognitive approach, the student is at the center of the educational process and is perceived as a thinking personality actively processing information [4]. The teaching is carried out through the thinking process of correlating new events or objects with existing cognitive concepts or propositions. It's not an implicit reaction but a clearly expressed and precisely differentiated conscious experience that arises when potentially significant signs, symbols, concepts or propositions correlate with the cognitive structure of a given personality and are included in it involuntarily and independently [5-8; 12]. It is the ability to correlate that explains a whole series of phenomena: the mastery of new knowledge, retention in memory, the psychological organization of knowledge as a hierarchical structure and forgetting [12-14].
Meaningful teaching - is the process of correlating and attaching new material to the corresponding established objects in the cognitive structure.
Entering the cognitive field, the new material interacts with the already included conceptual system and correlates with the appropriate category.The material can be correlated with the stable elements in the cognitive structure, this indicates its meaningfulness. A meaningfully learned material, assigned to a certain category of knowledge, unlike memorized by heart, has a much greater potential for preservation in long-term memory [1; 2].
Any teaching, including a foreign language, can take two forms: defensive and perceiving. In the first casethe teaching is a method of adaptation, the adaptation to academic requirements. This is a burden.In the second case the student goes to meet the teaching as he independently chooses the material of interest to him. So the theory of learning that is built on a cognitive and emotional union is emerging.
In the cognitive approach, it is of fundamental importance to distinguish the opposition from «learning» and «teaching». Where the «learning» is correlated with an independent, conscious activity aimed at mastering new knowledge. «learning» is opposed to «teaching» as a formal procedure that prevents the disclosure of their cognitive abilities. Much attention is paid to the cognitive side of the learning, the disclosure of abilities, the education of self-esteem. One of the main conditions - is to help and receive help from others. The teacher helps only when assistance is necessary. The contribution of everyone is recognized and appreciated by all.
This approach is typical for foreign educational systems, although it can be successfully used in our country. It makes the learning process interesting, cognitive, communicative-directed. The main character of the educational process is a student who is regarded as a thinking being. However, a student is not only a thinking, but also emotional creature, so the affective approach complements the picture of the learning represented by the cognitive approach. The aim of the approach is to create positive motives for learning. Motivation is seen as an inner motivation, impulse, feeling or strong desire, pushing the individual to a special action. All people have needs or motivation that are to some extent innate. Motivation
The motivation concept is based on six aspirations or human needs: -need for study, study of the unknown; -impact on the environment and change; -activity, development and manifestation of abilities; -stimulation by the environment, by other people or ideas, by thoughts and feelings;
-knowledge, its processing and internalization of the results of study, impact, activity and stimulation, resolving contradictions, solving problems and self-consistent systems of knowledge;
-increasein the importance of his «I», his recognition and approval of others.
Researchers identify other factors explaining motivation, as well as the hierarchy of needs: from the basic material needs in the air, water, food to higher needs in confidence, identity and self-esteem, the satisfaction of which leads to self-actualization. However, these are the six needs listed above that convey the essence of the most general categories of needs and are relevant to foreign-language education. Motivation can manifest itself in different ways on three levels:
a) at the global level,
b) at the level of the situation,
c) at the level of a task.
So, the student can have strong motivation, but when he is offered a boring task it is unlikely that he will show any motivation.Three types of factors influence the increase in or the retention of motivation:
1) factors related to how training is organized and conducted;
2) individual factors, i.e. factors associated with the student;
3) sociocultural factors.
There are two types of motivation: instrumental and integration (Gardner, 1972). Depending on the source of motivation - it comes from the student himself or from other people - distinguish between its internal and external manifestations. This division brings a new dimension to the dichotomy «instrumental versus - integration motivation».
Thus, the consideration of affective factors allows the researcher to consider the picture of the learning process more holistically. They play a significant role in teaching, manifesting themselves in the choice of materials and tasks that motivate students to work, in finding ways to deal with mistakes that would not create anxiety; in caring for the development of students' self-esteem, self-confidence and high self-esteem in class; in the aspiration of the educator to create favorable conditions and to facilitate the process of mastering the chosen specialty or direction, in increasing their autonomy, in manifesting insight, turning to the theory of the styles of learning.
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© Mikhail N., Novoselova S., Kostarev А., 2017