Zamonaviy ta'limda matematika, fizika va raqamli texnologiyalarning dolzarb muammolari va yutuqlari
Toshkent viloyati Chirchiq davlat pedagogika instituti
Nodira Rustamovna Rustamova
Senior Lecturer, Department of Uzbek Language and Pedagogy, Tashkent State
Dental Institute, email: rustamovanodira19@gmail .com
This article provides a brief overview of the term vitagen and comments on its use in education.
Keywords: vitagen education, vitagenism, pedagogy, competence.
A.S. Belkin originally introduced the idea of vitagenic education to pedagogy in the late 1990s. The author cites as one of the reasons for its creation the discrepancy between the accepted pedagogical science notion of teaching interaction based on cooperation and subject-subject relations of the participants in the educational process and the reality.
Vitagenic education is training, which is based on the actualization of the life experience of an individual, his personal and intellectual potential for pedagogical purposes. In vitagenic education, life experience is essential. However, it is necessary to distinguish between experience of life and life experience [11]. According to A.S. Belkin, these are completely different concepts that have different contents.
Experience of life is vitagenic information that is not obtained independently, but is based on a person's awareness of certain aspects of life and activities. The experience of life is not of sufficient value for a person. However, as it was established by A.S. Belkin, it is based on the experience of life that the learning process is built in most educational technologies [1, 2, 10].
Life experience is vitagenic information that was obtained by a person on his own and is his property. Life experience is deposited in the personality's memory reserves and is in a state of constant readiness for actualization in various life situations [7, 8, 9]. In pedagogy, it is customary to call this competence. The classification parameters of the vitagenic education technology are: The level and nature of the technology is the sectoral macrotechnology; Existential philosophical basis; A set of sociogenic and biogenic factors; Associative-reflex scientific concept of development;
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Scientific Library of Uzbekistan
Zamonaviy ta'limda matematika, fizika va raqamli texnologiyalarning dolzarb muammolari va yutuqlari
Toshkent viloyati Chirchiq davlat pedagogika instituti
Orientation to personal structures and spheres, such as: ZUN, COURT and key competencies;
Socio-pedagogical activity is represented by the socialization of the individual; The secular and educational nature of the content;
The nature of the management of the educational process is represented by work with small groups;
Communication methods are leading;
Classroom-lesson form of work with students in the framework of the educational process;
The nature of educational interaction and approach to the child is based on cooperation; The basis of modernization is the direction of personal orientation. From a scientific point of view, the process of transition of vitagenic information into vitagenic experience goes through the following stages and levels:
• The first stage is the primary perception of vitagenic information, undivided, undifferentiated.
• The second stage is evaluative and filtering. The personality determines the significance of the information received in phylogenesis, that is, from the universal human gnostic positions, then in ontogenesis, that is, from the positions of personal significance. Screening of information occurs ontogenetically.
• The third stage is installation. A person creates either spontaneously or meaningfully a mindset to memorize this information with an approximate "storage" period. The shelf life is determined by its importance, life and practical orientation. This also determines the level of its assimilation [1,2, 3, 6].
Levels [4, 1, 5]:
1. The first level is operational. Setting for poor memorization. This information is of the least importance for the self-realization of the individual in the educational process. Memorizing "just in case".
2. The second level is functional. Installation for longer periods of information storage. Used in situations of choice.
3. The third level is basic. Setting for long-term memorization, the greatest significance for self-realization in the educational process. Levels can constantly interact with each other, pass one into another, acquire varying degrees of significance.
Conclusion. Vitagenic learning involves the use of life experience in the educational process, on the basis of which it is necessary to teach children how to resolve life situations. REFERENCES:
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Zamonaviv ta'limda matematika, fizika va raqamli texnologiyalarning dolzarb muammolari va vutuqlari
Toshkent viloyati Chirchiq davlat pedagogika instituti
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