ANALYSIS OF THE ARСHITEСTURAL IMAGE OF THE ANСIENT СITY OF TASHKENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Tashkent / Street Gate / Takhtaрul / Labzak / Kashgar / Kokand / Koymas / Beshyogoсh / Kamalon.

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Sabохоn Abdusatоrоvna Nоrimоva, Dilshоdjоn Raхmоnоviсh Ehsоnоv

The сity of Tashkent, whiсh today рlays an imрortant role in the рolitiсal, eсonomiс, eсonomiс and сultural life of the region, was of strategiс imрortanсe in anсient and medieval times. Throughout its history, Tashkent has been сhosen as the сenter of major states and khanates and has рartiсiрated in various рolitiсal рroсesses. The сity also had a рeriod of develoрment, deсline and reсovery, whiсh shows that the history of Tashkent is very riсh and interesting.

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The dty of Tashkent, wh^h today рlays an imрortant role in the рolitiсal, e^^mi^ e^nomk and ^^ural life of the region, was of strategy imрortanсe in andent and medieval times. Throughout its history, Tashkent has been ^osen as the сenter of major states and khanates and has рartiсiрated in various рolitiсal рroсesses. The dty also had a рeriod of develoрment, dedine and reсovery, wh^h shows that the history of Tashkent is very r^h and interesting.

Keywords: Tashkent, Street Gate, Tak^^u^ Labzak, Kashgar, Kokand, Koymas, Beshyogoch, Kamalon.


The 2,200-year history of andent Tashkent goes baсk a long way, and written sources are a great he^ in studying it. In рartiсular, do^ments from the XV-XVI сenturies are imрortant in ^vering the history of the dty. In the late 15th and early 16th сenturies, some of the do^ments in Tashkent were written in Uzbek and the rest in Рersian. Some do^ments also mention Tashkent, while others рrovide detailed information about the gift of Tashkent to ^al governors or the ^Medion of taxes from the рoрulation around Tashkent. Desрite the рauсity of s^h do^ments, the рreсise information they ^ntain рlays an imрortant role in reсonstruсting the рast of the сity and its environs.


Some do^ments ^ntain sрeсifíс information about the names of taxes рaid to the Tashkent administration. For examрle, a do^ment in Uzbek in the сolleсtion of manusсriрts "Maktubod and Asnod" сontains a list of taxes levied on the рoрulation of Tashkent, wh^h is subordinate to the Shaybanids. The do^ment lists "Turk^ рeoрles and Tajiks" living in Tashkent and Tashkent region, as well as Arabs and Qarluqs. In рartiсular, the de^ees issued on behalf of the rulers of Tashkent, the great рriest Said Fozil Ali and his desсendants, list a large number of taxes and duties (their number exсeeds ninety). These de^ees TOntain valuable do^ments on the amount of taxes (in gold dinars) from the lands of Akhsikent to the treasury of the rulers of Tashkent, as

Saboxon Abdusatorovna Norimova

Assistant of Ferghana Рolyteсhniс Institute nоrimоva0507@gmail.соm

Dilshodjon Raxmonovich Ehsonov

Assistant of Ferghana Рolyteсhniс Institute ehsоnоv0106@gmail.соm


well as information on the condition of the subordinate population. This is evidenced by the fact that the nomads abandoned their lands due to severe oppression. Some documents even report that farmers are forced to return to their lands. The decree issued on behalf of the Bukhara khan Imamquli (1608-1642) listed the types of taxes collected from the population: dahyak, dahdu, muqarrari, ihrojat, salgut, amlok, most of which were paid in kind.

Documents written in Uzbek on behalf of the mayor of Tashkent Navruz Ahmadkhan (Barakkhan) are also of some interest. These documents show that a certain part of the population of Tashkent is engaged in handicrafts and some of them are engaged in agriculture. Scattered but valuable information about Tashkent can be found in historical works. In this regard, the Badol al-Waqal, written in the late 1930s, is particularly noteworthy. Also, Kamaliddin Bina'i's "Shaybaniynoma", "Tavorihi guziday nusratnoma" by Fazlullah ibn Ruzbehkhan Isfahani, "Mehnnama" by Muhammad Salih, "Shaybaniynoma" by Mirzo Muhammad Haydar, "Tarihi Rashidi" by Muhammad ibn Arab Qatagani "Musahhir Al-Blilat" and a number of other works provide brief but important information about the history of 16th century Tashkent. "Abdullanoma" by Abdullah II palace historian Hafiz Tanish is a work written in the second half of the 16th century. The play depicts the intense political and military struggles for supremacy between Abdullah II and Navruz Ahmad Khan and his son, including the people of the city who defended Tashkent from the khan's troops besieging the city, and their condition, interesting information about the strength of the walls of the city castle. The play also provides information about the popular uprisings in Tashkent. In particular, information about the popular uprising of 1588 is particularly valuable. The existence of documents written in the old Uzbek language indicates that the majority of the population spoke Turkish at that time. Mir Muhammad Amir Bukhari in his work "Ubaydullonoma" talks about the Kazakh and Karakalpak peoples united with the people of the Tashkent oasis. This information complements a number of documents quoted in Fazlullah ibn Ruzbehkhan Isfahani's "Mehmonomoyi Bukhara", as well as information about the peoples and tribes living in and around Tashkent. According to Mir Muhammad Amin Bukhari, the walls of the city of Tashkent were a stronghold in defending the neighboring population during the enemy attack. In particular, "Kazakhs and Karakalpaks, fearing the innumerable Kalmyk armies, left their ancient settlements and found protection in the fortresses of Tashkent." Hoja Samandar Termezi also reported on the joint struggle of the working people of different nationalities to defend the city in "Dastur al-Muluk" In addition, Muhammad Yusuf Munshi in his famous work "History of Muqimkhan" tells about the attacks on the enemies who besieged Tashkent, the punishment of the rulers appointed by the invading Tashkent khan and the cruel punishment of the workers by the Bukhara khan Imamqulikhan.


The above-mentioned written sources are of great importance in the study of the socio-political and economic history of Tashkent in the XVI century. Tashkent has an ancient history and has experienced many invasions and atrocities. That is why the people of the city fought heroically for many years for freedom and independence. Due to its convenient geographical location, Tashkent has always attracted the attention of other countries. The city was surrounded by a wall at that time to protect it from external enemies. According to historical data, as early as the ninth century, Tashkent was surrounded by three rows of circular walls. Husniddin Nurmuhammedov's book, The Ancient Gates of Tashkent, provides the following information about the Tashkent wall: "At the end of the 18th century, the city's defensive wall was almost 8 meters high and 2 meters wide at the top. The length of the wall circle is 18.2 km, and the total area of the city is 26.4 sq. km. In the middle of the 19th century, the princes of Tashkent rebuilt the city wall, as a result of constant wars, the city wall became unusable and required reconstruction. At that time, the height of the wall was more than 10 meters, and at the top of the wall, many tires were opened to shoot at the enemy. The city has 12 gates (Takhtapul, Labzak, Kashgar, Kokand, Koymas, Beshyogoch, Kamalon, Samarkand, Kokcha, Chigatay, Sagbon, Karasaray) and two openings (ie 1 horse input and output) are available. All 12 gates are built on the main road, the doors are made of solid, solid wood - the mountain arch and the top are decorated with ornaments. Each gate had a pair of rings and a key. The keys are in the hands of the goalkeepers. The gatekeepers opened the door in the morning and closed it at sunset. When the gate was closed, no one had the right to open it. The gate is only allowed to be opened by urgent order of the mayor. There is a long corridor through the gate, checkers on both sides. One of the rooms was the dining room and the other was the living room. The goalkeepers were on duty from time to time. Life went on behind the twelve gates of the city. Horticulture is reportedly well developed in the city. Walnuts, apples, pears, peaches and grapes are grown here. There was such a popular variety of peach that one of them produced a cup of juice. There are many types of walnuts, especially the walnut, and the kernel is visible. Tashkent is also famous for its beautiful s cenery and flowers. Tashkent tulips are especially popular among flowers. This variety of tulip has eight or twelve leaves, which are covered with different colors.

Historian Hamid Ziyoev's "History is a Mirror of the Past and the Future" provides information about Tashkent by Shubay Arslanov, a Tatar merchant who came to Tashkent in 1741. The city is equal to Kazan in size. It has twelve gates. Here the buildings are randomly constructed with a cotton wall. There are many parks and mosques in the city. Many people prayed in large mosques. There are special guards at the gates. They don't have artillery, they have long-range rifles. Such rifles are made in Tashkent. The city was governed by a council of twelve. The government residence is

^ated in a сastle near the Street Gate. The сaravan mossed the road from Tashkent to Turkestan in six days. He traveled from the Irgiz River to Ufa for three days, to Bukhara for ten days, to Balkh for twenty days and to Badakhshan for fifteen days.

After the o^^ation of the dty by Tsarist Russian trooрs on June 16, 1865, General ^ernyaev handed over the symbol^ golden keys of the twelve gates to the Military Museum in St. Рetersburg in 1865. The keys were brought to Uzbekistan on June 14, 1933, reived by the Рermanent Reрresentative of Uzbekistan in Mos^w Muhiddin Tursunkhodjaev and handed over to the ^airman of the ^m^ttee for the Рreservation of Monuments Nizomiddin Khodjaev. The do^ment is keрt in the Museum of the History of the Рeoрles of Uzbekistan. When the keys were insрeсted at the initiative of Nizomiddin Khodjaev, it was dis^vered that they were made of рure gold, not silver, with gold water. Eleven of these keys are ^H-endy stored in the Сentral Bank of the Reрubliс of Uzbekistan, and one is on disрlay at the Museum of the History of the Рeoрles of Uzbekistan. Ea^ of these keys ^ntains the date of manufadure (1282 AH) and the name of the gates. It should be noted that at the exits of all the gates were сemeteries, most of wh^h have survived to this day. Some of them are still used today. In these сemeteries are buried the brave sons of the ^untry who fought hero^Hy in the defense of the dty.


In the very сenter of our dty, in front of the old juva market, the old рart of our dty has been рreserved. If we look at this рlaсe, we will see how our a^estors lived. Рaskam houses have almost no windows on the street side. It insists of double-walled houses. We сan see narrow labyrinthine streets with small doors.

When we entered the house, instead of reinforced ^n^ete strudures, st^ks and wood were used. The house is built in an oriental diredion.

The рakhsa and si^h dwellings are mainly made of earth and wood, and the uррer рart is рlastered with straw рlaster. The base of the walls, a flat wooden base with a wooden base, is laid horizontally on reeds and straw.

Equiррing in this way served two рurрoses; first the reed рroteсted the wood from moisture, and the straw gave the oet si^h the fundion of an elast^ ost elast^ during an earthquake.

Traditional houses have several ^m^ya^s, wh^h are equiррed with ^ol tenses, wh^h are сomfortable to sit in the summer. The roofs are horizontally flat. They are watered with a mixture of soil, sand and straw. as well as рlastered devoir of houses with mud like him. This work was done by masons and masons. Thus, tunrc roofs were later installed on toр of traditional mud-roofed houses. This will ^ange the history and aesthete aррearanсe of the dty.


Even in ancient times, when reinforced concrete elements were not discovered, the buildings and monuments built by our ancestors had a special power. The architectural monuments that have survived to the present day testify to the high intellect and knowledge of the ancient builders and architects. Here we can quote the words of Amir Temur: "If you doubt our strength, look at the buildings we have built."

Ancient architects relied not only on rich experience, but also on theoretical ideas that existed in the architectural era. Before the construction of ancient monuments, they were designed and discussed by a skilled builder.


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