PERIOD IN UZBEKISTAN Makhmudova A.N. Email: Махмудова17145@scientifictext.ru
Abstract: the article under discussion considers the role of Suleymanov Rustam Khamidovich in the study of urban planning of the ancient period in Uzbekistan. The authors of the article believe that a special place in the study of the history of ancient urban development in Uzbekistan is occupied by research work in the Karshi oasis. Archaeologists have been interested in the Nakhshab monument since the middle of the last century. The Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences started its activity on studying and research of ancient monuments of the Kashkadarya region in 1946. Extensive excavations in Yerkurgan also revealed peculiar features of the cultural layer. The research conducted by R.Kh. Suleymanov in order to highlight the traditions of urban planning, architecture and the history of the material culture of ancient Uzbekistan, is distinguished by its scale and new discoveries in science.
Keywords: monument, Uzbekistan, activity, architecture, history, new, discovery, valley, science, material, cultural, traditions, town planning.
Махмудова Азизахон Носировна - научный соискатель, кафедра истории, строительный факультет, Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает роль Сулейманова Рустама Хамидовича в изучении градостроительства древнего периода в Узбекистане. Авторы статьи считают, что особое место в изучении истории древнего градостроительства в Узбекистане занимают исследовательские работы в Каршинском оазисе. Памятником Нахшаб археологи интересуются с середины прошлого века. Институт истории и археологии Академии наук свою деятельность по изучению и исследованию древних памятников Кашкадарьинской области начал в 1946 году. Проведённые обширные раскопки в Еркургане также выявили своеобразные особенности культурного слоя. Исследования Р.Х. Сулейманова, проведенные с целью освещения традиций градостроительства, архитектуры и истории материальной культутры древнего Узбекистана, отличаются масштабностью и новыми открытиями в науке. Ключевые слова: памятник, Узбекистан, деятельность, архитектура, история, новый, открытие, долина, наука, материальный, культурный, традиции, градостроительства.
UDC 72.036
A special place in the study of the history of ancient urban development in Uzbekistan is occupied by research work in the Karshi oasis. Archaeologists have been interested in the Nakhshab monument since the middle of the last century. In 1916, members of the Turkestan Club of Amateur Historians of Turkestan L.A. Zimin and I. Kastanyen arrived in the city of Karshi.
The information of I. Kastanyen about Zakhoki Maron and "the great ruins of the ancient city" was the result of superficial observations. Zimin's comments, in which he addressed written sources and on which are based at illumination of the history of Nakhshab which the population names "Erkurgan" deserves a special attention. It is believed that it was located on the site of the medieval town of Nasaf, Shulluktepa. The earliest observations of 1916 are important because they give the first information about Nakhshab to science.
In 1946-1948, the Institute of History and Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan conducted excavations in Karshi and adjacent areas. In the lower part of the valleys of Kashka there are about 70 monuments of antiquity. Preliminary research will be carried out in Muydintepa and Erkurgan regions.
The Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences started its activity on studying and research of ancient monuments of the Kashkadarya region in 1946. Preliminary results and data about archeological excavations were published in the articles of S.K. Kabanov. His report "Architectural features of the monuments of the lower part of Kashkadarya" was published in the same year.
CK. Kabanov, who conducted 12 excavations in the oasis of Karshi in 1946-1948, 1952-1953, 1964-1967 and 1970-1972, published numerous articles and brochures on the ancient city of Kashkadarya in the 50-60s and early 70s. In total, S.K. Kabanov is the author of more than 30 scientific works on archeology of Kashkadarya [1].
In 1946-1948 in the lower part of the Kashkadarya valley about 70 monuments of antiquity were registered. Initial research was carried out in Muidintepa and Yerkurgan. From 1963 to 1966, under the direction of Professor M.E. Masson, many important excavations of ancient monuments of the region were conducted. In 1973, M.E. Masson's book "Ancient capitals of regions of the valley of lower Kashkadarya" was published. Since 1960 the study of archeology of ancient monuments of Kashkadarya has become more complex.
Ancient historians and art historians began to study thoroughly and persistently the previously unexplored monuments of the southern oasis. Researchers such as N.P. Stolyarova, R.R. Abdurasulov, L.I. Rempel, L.L. Bukinich, V.D. Bukinich, V.D. Zhukov, U. Islamov, N.I. Krashennikova, S.B. Lunina, L.Yu. Mankovskaya made significant discoveries in the history and ancient culture of the Kashkai oasis. In the 60s of the 20th century such outstanding scientists as M.A. Mason, A. Askarov, Z.I. Usmanova were involved successefully in the research works of the history of Nakhshab oasis.
Cardinal issues of urbanization in ancient Sogd are the problems of the genesis of the ancient city, the periodization of the main stages of its development, the issues of the contingent, i.e. the participation of former urban structures in the transition of the city from one stage of development to another [5].
Since 1973, archaeological excavations have been led by R.Kh. Suleymanov. The scientist regularly conducts research in the Kashkadarya region from 1970 to 1990. S.K. Kabanov divides the studied addresses in the lower part of Kashkadarya into four periods:
• the number of ancient towns and villages dating back to the fifth and sixth centuries is 59;
• in ancient and medieval layers 44 towns and villages were discovered.
• number of medieval towns and large villages with ancient ones, with a growing population of 14;
• number of medieval villages that appeared after VI-VII centuries 6.
K. Kabanov notes that there are more than 300 great hills in Nakhshab oasis, i.e. former fortifications with large settlements in the past. I.Kh.Isomiddinov and R.Kh. Suleymanov believe that the number of unique archeological monuments is more than 400[3].
Ceramic objects found on the monuments territory of Nakhshab. On the basis of comparative research, I.Kh. Isomiddinov and R.K. Suleymanov consider ceramics objects of memorable places of Chust and Dalvarzintepa of Fergana valley, Dustlik, Kuchuk-2 , Bandikhon-1, Kyzyltepa and Mirshodi of Surkhandarya region, lower Afrosiab in Zeravshan oasis and Tuyabuguz of Tashkent valley as single ones [2].
Extensive excavations in Yerkurgan also revealed peculiar features of the cultural layer here. M.Kh. Isomiddinov and R.Kh. Suleymanov believes that the objects of the culture are unique and in their original design, decor and ornament are present only in the Kashkadarya region. R. Kh. Suleymanov explores the temple complex, which has turned into a hilltop height.
In conclusion, it should be noted that R.Kh. Suleymanov's researches, conducted in order to illuminate the traditions of urban planning, architecture and the history of material culture of ancient Uzbekistan, are notable for their scale and new discoveries in science.
References / Список литературы
1. Suleymonov R.H. Ancient Nakhshab Samarkand. Toshkent: Fan ,2000. P. 28.
2. Suleymanov R.X., Isamiddinov M.Kh, Sabirov K., Nefedov N. Raskopki na gorodishche Yerkurgan // АО 1, 1975. S. 513-515.
3. Suleymanov R.X. Public buildings of Yerkurgan axial compositional-planning type // Culture of the Middle East. Development, communication and interaction (from ancient times to the present day). Urban Planning and Architecture / Ed. G.A. Pugachenkova. Tashkent: Fan, 1989. S. 35-51.
4. Kabanov S.K, 1950. Archaeological works in 1948 in the Karshi oasis // The Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR. T. I. Tashkent, 1950. P.p. 82-135.
5. Murodova D.Kh. Istoriya arkhitektury Uzbekistana v issledovaniyakh G.A. Pugachenkovoy. Vzglyad v proshloye. Т., 2015. S. 18.