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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Shevchenko Hanna Mykolayvna, Petrushenko Mykola Mykolayovych

Relevance of the research problem is caused by the need to improve the theoretical and methodological support to the analysis of economic activities related to the provision of public services in rest and recovery. The purpose of the article is to build the offers on the analysis of recreational-economic activities based on simulation modeling. The main results is the development of generalized scheme of simulation modeling the recreational branch functioning taking into account the direct and indirect relationships between agents who are interested in recreation. The materials of the article can be useful for anyone who is studying recreation, for recreation specialists and managers of enterprises, and public authorities in regulating the functioning of recreational industry.

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Relevance of the research problem is caused by the need to improve the theoretical and methodological support to the analysis of economic activities related to the provision of public services in rest and recovery. The purpose of the article is to build the offers on the analysis of recreational-economic activities based on simulation modeling. The main results is the development of generalized scheme of simulation modeling the recreational branch functioning taking into account the direct and indirect relationships between agents who are interested in recreation. The materials of the article can be useful for anyone who is studying recreation, for recreation specialists and managers of enterprises, and public authorities in regulating the functioning of recreational industry.


recreational-economic activities, simulation modeling, maximization of functional utility


Hanna Mykolayvna Shevchenko

PhD, Associate Professor, Sumy State University. 2, Rimsky-Korsakov Str., Sumy, 40000, Ukraine. E-mail: annshev@ukr.net

Mykola Mykolayovych Petrushenko

PhD, Associate Professor, Sumy State University. 2, Rimsky-Korsakov Str., Sumy, 40000, Ukraine. E-mail: petrushenkom@gmail.com


The recreational-economic activity, i.e. activity within functioning and development of recreational sector of the national economy is a complex object of research. Detailed analysis of its strengths and weaknesses is possible on condition of modeling recreational activities. It is required an approach that will allow a comprehensive look at all the direct and indirect relationships between entities of recreational-economic activities. We should take into account the nature of recreation as a socio-economic phenomenon, in particular its close relationship with natural resources such as climate, spa resources, partly forest, water and other resources. Also it is important the issue of human resources with the necessary knowledge and skills to work on recreational enterprises, particularly in motels, tourist bases, etc., as well as for recreational management.

Methodological Framework

Both theory and method used in this research are reflected in the title of article. Using mathematical or less clear descriptive models together, simulation modeling as is known allows to look at the problem and to implement a long-term forecast and analysis of the current situation between economical subjects or agents. So often when we use this type of modeling to research economic and social processes we talk about the agent

simulation modeling. Generally when modeling recreational socio-economic activ'ties the creation of simulation models substantially reduces the time of the study, can play several different situations and, accordingly, reduce the costs of such research. Thanks to agent simulation modeling the cover of all possible relations between the subjects of recreation activities allows for a fresh look at already known problems, as well as open new relationships and perhaps fundamentally new vision for development of recreation.

Literature Review

The scientists (Regional, 2016) have developed the structure of agent-based simulation model of resource management, which allows solving problems of decentralized planning at the regional level. The authors of work (Voloshchuk, 2015) have proposed the simulation system-dynamic model of market diffusion of innovations at the enterprise level. The work (Andrusyak, 2011) has generalized the methods and models that are used for researching the territorial-recreational systems, particularly the model of recreation system accommodation with the calculation of the flow of tourists. The scientists (Kutya, 2012) have researched the features of the spatial structure of forest recreation and health by the urban area using the method of simulation modeling. Authors of the work (Artemenko, 2014) have analyzed the features of information technology at modeling the processes of tourist complexes. The economist (Sahalcova, 2015) has researched the methodology of simulation modeling the pricing for the tourism product. The scientists (Lew, 2006) have analyzed the tourist movements through their modeling within local destinations. Author of the article (Hrabaryev, 2012) have proposed the simulation model for the life cycle dynamics of a tourist-recreational complex.

However, theoretical and methodological issues of analyzing the recreation and economic activity on the basis of simulation modeling need to have further research and improvement.


Recreation has been researched in this paper in terms of economics, primarily as a branch of the national economy. However, the nature of recreation is diverse and requires a comprehensive approach to its study, including the issues of modeling. The work (Kontorov, 1999: 34-35) reveals the specifics of modeling in the economy compared to physics and other natural science fields. In particular, it is about following: coefficients of economic equations are situational; these coefficients should reflect the factor of human relations, but quantify this can not precisely implement. Human factor is associated with natural factors, and therefore the economy as an object of modeling is more complex than for instance physics. To resolve these and other problems associated with modeling the economy, it has been proposed on the basis of a system thinking approach and by the following:

- finding out the deep nature of the economic phenomenon or process;

- rationale of a measurement system for investigated economic entities;

- matching the economic value of each unit of measure;

- establishing the formal communication between units of economic variables and values of a different nature in the context of a comprehensive research of economic entities.

Issues of control ('control' - more mathematical; for economics - 'management' or 'regulation' on the macro-level) are essential for economic or social issues. Due to the mathematical modeling, the appropriate relationship can be studied based on the optimal control theory. In particular, according to Kenneth Arrow (Mathematical, 1974: 7-9), when

we study recreational activities the object of research is appropriate recreational socioeconomic systems, dynamic developed and are thus at any given time in a certain state, while at the same time at any given time in a certain condition that is described by the number of relevant factors of production, including natural recreational resources.

In the interpretation of optimal control theory, the functioning and development of the recreation area is a functional:

JU[x(t),r(t),t]dt + P[x(T)] ^ max (1)


where U - functional of economic and social utility through the implementation of recreational activities;

x(t) - a set of economic conditions (conditioned by the funds) of recreational activities;

r(t) - a set of management tools (or administrative decisions) of recreational activities, in particular the implementation of regulatory policy, resource allocation, taxation, etc;

t - time during which the recreational activities is implemented and investigated (0 < t < T);

P[x(T)] - the accumulated over a period T economic potential of the recreational industry.

Maximizing this functional is the main purpose of recreation industry of national economy. In the context of the research of management issues we are interested in the choice of instruments r(t), taking into account the fact that limitation of this choice depends on the current values of variables x(t) and initial conditions x(t)=0. So, let r*(t) -a choice of tools (according to Pontryagin, 1983) of recreational management, that maximizes the functional of utility (1). Then there are supporting functions of time s(t), one for each variables x(t), such that for each point of time the set of management tools r*(t) maximizes the Hamiltonian function H[x(t), r(t), s(t), t], where

H (x, r, s, t ) = U (x, r, t ) + s • T(x, r, t ) (2)

The function s(t) satisfies the differential equation:

• __DH

Sl = "âr by x=x(t), r=r*(t), s=s(t) (3)

In the context of the economic interpretation the supporting variable s(t) measures the contribution of the respective variable x(t) in functional of utility at the time to. The product:

si xi = si •T (4)

is the growth rate of utility caused the current growth rate of variable xi. Thus, the Hamiltonian function H is the current flow of utility from all sources, such as those used at present moment - U, and those to be used in the future - s-T. The choice of current

tools is carried out so that they maximize function H. Condition (3) is a condition of equilibrium that appears in the following: variables xi remain constant at any given time; the amount of the utility increase and probable income must be zero. If it is not, a subject of recreational businesses would have less or more, that gives him the variable of condition xi.

The authors of work (Burkov, 2003: 7-22) have written that the game simulation modeling approach provides a new knowledge of economic mechanisms and experience in using them. When conducting a simulation game the processes of these mechanisms functioning are investigated, which are considered as systems over time. That game takes place in three stages: gathering of relevant data, planning and implementation. Management decisions have been formed at the planning stage; on the stage of implementation the values of loss (or cost) function have been defined.

When deciding on financing investment recreational programs, like any other complex programs of industry development, the expert committee determines the expected effect of the preferred direction. As part of the simulation game is an opportunity not only to get the final peer review and assess good faith of experts. At that it is assumed that each expert has his own view of the project and its evaluation, accordingly, his assessment can differ considerably from his true assessment.

Decisions made in the management of such socio-economic systems as recreation are in most cases discrete, i.e. are made on continuums "to allow - to prohibit" (for example, in matters of environmental safety during outdoor activities) or "to strengthen - to weaken" (for example, in determining the real values of the fee rate for use of recreational resources). It is about a feasibility of forming a complex of aggregated qualitative indicators with little of value gradations.

Based on the foregoing and the recommendations contained in the works (Prokhorov, 2016; Voloshchuk, 2015; Hrabaryev, 2012) we proposed the following simulation model of the recreational activ^y (fig. 1).

Figure 1. The simulation model of the recreational branch functioning and managing it the market conditions of economic activity

The principle of showing on the circuit of relationships between the main agents of recreational activities, especially among a recreational enterprise, a tourist and a national authorities, in this research is not the ability to quantify the maximum file them in a model, and in reflecting the basic relations to build some extent universal model. Of course, this universality is ideally impossible, and applying this model in certain situations will require a careful research of the relevant situational factors. However, achieving the theoretical and methodological level of a universality will somewhat simplify the analysis of recreational activities when it re-conduct, and focus on the most important fundamental factors that influence such activities.


Simulation modeling in its theoretical and methodological context is in many ways an ideal method for using it for analysis of recreational socio-economic activities. However some controversies cause the issues about mathematical interpretation of this type modeling, and in accordance with relatively low efficiency of this method in terms of quantitative assessment of the results of functioning and development of the recreational sector of national economy.


As a result of the research there are the following conclusions. First, it is proved that the agent simulation modeling of relationships between subjects of recreational activity allows for a fresh look at the problems and prospects of recreational development.

Second, in the work it is proposed the schematic interpretation of the simulation modeling of relationships between agents of recreational activities at the national economy, particularly between recreational businesses, recreants and tourists, companies of other industries, state and local governments, community etc.; the formation of these relationships are presented in the context of markets of recreational services and resources. Third, the functioning and balanced development of recreational industry are interpreted in the context of optimal control theory.


The results obtained in this work can be used in the economic and management practices of recreational activities with additional analysis of relevant situational factors.


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Voloshchuk, L. O., Nosovets, O. I. (2015). Forecasting of innovative activity of industrial enterprises with the tools of simulation modeling of business processes. Economics: realities of time. E-Journal, 6 (22), 147-155. Retrieved from http://economics.opu.ua/files/ archive/2015/n6.html.




The article describes some mechanisms of propaganda, which formed the concept of the child's role in the Soviet society and included the prototypical image of "Soviet children" made up by the Pravda newspaper in 1930s and 1940s into the ideological system of socialization.


propaganda, ideological regulative, prototypical image, "Soviet children",

the Pravda newspaper


Tatyana Viktorovna Shkaiderova

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Stylistics and Mass Communication, Omsk State University. 55, Mira Pr., 644029, Omsk, Russia. E-mail: romy@mail.ru

Maxim Leonidovich Marus

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, Omsk State Agrarian University. 4, Sibakovskaya Str., 644008, Omsk, Russia. E-mail: ml.marus@omgau.org

Zhanbota Baurzhanovna Esmurzaeva

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, Omsk State Agrarian University. 4, Sibakovskaya Str., 644008, Omsk, Russia. E-mail: zhb.esmurzaeva@omgau.org

Elena Vladimirovna Novikova

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, Omsk State Agrarian University. 4, Sibakovskaya Str., 644008, Omsk, Russia. E-mail: evl.novikova@omgau.org

The research is made under the support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (grant №14-04-00487)


An attempt of cognitive-discoursal and sociolinguistic analysis of headlines, which are considered as a supertext is made in this research. The general hypothesis lies in the fact that the supertext of headlines is a unit for discourse analysis that allows

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