АN INTEGRAL COMPONENT OF DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Dvurechensky K.E., Smolyaninov I.S., Gladyshev A.N.

The importance of analyzing massive amount quantitative information cannot be overemphasized, especially in aspects related to the tracking of processes occurring in the economy of innovation. In this connection it is very important the satisfaction of the needs of the expert community in the mathematical tools that would handle the huge amount of factors and analyzing of mathematical patterns.

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Важность анализа массивных объемов вычислительной информации не может быть переоценена. Особенно в аспектах, касающихся отслеживания процессов, встречающихся в экономике в области инноваций. В связи с этим очень важно удовлетворять потребности экспертного сообщества в инструментах математического счета и вычисления, которые окажутся весьма полезными в условиях большого количества факторов и анализа различных математических моделей.



УДК: 330.356

Dvurechensky K. E. PhD student Lipetsk State Technical University

Russia, Lipetsk Двуреченский К. Э.

аспирант ФГБОУ ВО «ЛГТУ» Россия, г. Липецк Smolyaninov I. S. PhD student Lipetsk State Technical University

Russia, Lipetsk Смольянинов И. C.

аспирант ФГБОУ ВО «ЛГТУ» Россия, г. Липецк Gladyshev A. N. 2-year student Faculty of Economics Lipetsk State Technical University

Russia, Lipetsk Гладышев А. Н. студент 2-го курса Экономический факультет ФГБОУ ВО «ЛГТУ» Россия, г. Липецк

Scientific director: Ioda E. V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Head of the department of finance, taxation and accounting

Lipetsk State Technical University

Russia, Lipetsk

Научный руководитель: Иода Е. В., доктор экономических наук


Заведующая кафедрой финансов, налогообложения и

бухгалтерского учета ФГБОУ ВО «ЛГТУ» Россия, г. Липецк

"Экономика и социум" №1(32) 2017



АN INTEGRAL COMPONENT OF DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL ИНТЕГРАЛЬНЫЙ КОМПОНЕНТ РАЗВИТИЯ ИННОВАЦИОННОГО ПОТЕНЦИАЛА Annotation: The importance of analyzing massive amount quantitative information cannot be overemphasized, especially in aspects related to the tracking of processes occurring in the economy of innovation. In this connection it is very important the satisfaction of the needs of the expert community in the mathematical tools that would handle the huge amount of factors and analyzing of mathematical patterns.

The key words: Innovation, Business, Regions, Integral indicators Аннотация: Важность анализа массивных объемов вычислительной информации не может быть переоценена. Особенно в аспектах, касающихся отслеживания процессов, встречающихся в экономике в области инноваций. В связи с этим очень важно удовлетворять потребности экспертного сообщества в инструментах математического счета и вычисления, которые окажутся весьма полезными в условиях большого количества факторов и анализа различных математических моделей.

Ключевые слова: Инновация, Бизнес, Регионы, Интегральные индикаторы

It is no secret that scientific technical progress is one of the most important indexes of governmental development. One cannot deny the fact that progress moves quicker over time. However, it is not enough to develop only one department because such sectors like business, science economy and civil society are connected with each other. That is why innovations must have a global character.

In spite of the fact, that this process is quite expensive and demands lots of capital investments from governmental budget it definitely must be realized. The perspectives of globalization growth, which leads to cooperation of national companies and corporations in global market demands active progress in technical scientific and manufacturing sphere. There are different ways to achieve it, however, it is important to pay attention to this problem as private investors as government.

Of course, one cannot modernize the whole country at once but it is important to initiate progressive changes, at least in a regional level. That is why we take Lipetsk region as an example, to analyze it as a developing region. There are statistic facts and future perspectives of scientific and technological development in the next parts of the article, which will help the reader to analyze the situation more precisely.

It must be mentioned, that the sectors' development in scientific and technological sphere increases competitiveness of governmental economy in a global market. Unfortunately, this principle has a reverse effect. Considering that

"Экономика и социум" №1(32) 2017


pace of scientific and technological progress increases, it is important to keep up with other countries in industrial, medical and business spheres.

In spite of significant investments in education, science and innovations, Russia continue fall behind the world's countries in innovative sphere, considering main factors of science and technological progress. The interest of Russia is 0,3%-0,5% in global market. To compare it with other countries, the interest of USA is 36%, Japanese's interest is 30% and German's interest is 17%. We can come to the conclusion that the results of innovative process in Russia can be characterized as quite ineffective. The part of high-technological production in exports is 4%-5% it is quite few to compare it with Chine which index is 22,4%, South Korea (38,4%) or Hungary(25,2%).The share of innovative products from total amount of shipped goods, works and services is 8,4%. Thus, the dynamics of growth looks like: 10







2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

The image 1- The dynamics of growth of the share of innovative products, works and services in the total amount.

One needs to organize a process of formation, connected with coherent vision of Russian technological future, to change the situation in global market, and increase the competitiveness of national economy in a long-term period. The main reason of it is to realize main aims to change the situation in a better way. The key role is beyond to government as an initiator of this process and a garant of implementation of the agreements reached. The national innovative system is formed with help of effective functioned innovative potential. The innovative potential as an large category includes innovative infrastructure.

Table 1-relative indicator

Name Sort

The level of patent cover patents were given number of using tehnologies

Recoupment of expenses on searching and development V innovative goods works and services * internal expenses on search. and devel. + * expenses on techn. innovât.

Capacity of innovative products in innovative volume V innovative goods V goods (overall)

мЭкономнка h соцнумм №1(32) 2017



Volume of investments in MC to IRP V investments in MC IRP

Volume of innovative products to IRP V innovative production IRP

The attitude of expenses on searching and development to the volume of investments in MC Expenses on searching and development V investments in MC

The part of workers with degree in total employment Number of workers with deree Average number of employed in the economy

The share of researchers in total employment Number of researchers Average number of employed in the economy

Not less than two thousand small and middle-sized innovative corporations with 5 to 10 and 50 to 100 workers will be existed in Lipetsk after some time.

There are lots of different programs to make bridgehead for high-technological manufacturers. One of the central problems of our region is how to act without high risks. The best way to achieve it is to make a technique of calculation of innovative potential for our region. We made an accent of potential growth searching in integral indicator. That is why we created some relative indicators. You can find them in a table 1. As a result, we have:

patents were given V innovative goods works and services


number of using tehnologies (2) * internal expenses on search. and devel. + * expenses on techn. innovât

V innovative goods

\ V goods (overall) /

V investments in MC +(-*

+( IRP

V innovative production Expenses on searching and development

*-) + (--+

IRP V investments in MC

Number of workers with deree Number of researchers

Average number of employed in the economy Average number of employed in the economy

The image 2- Formula for calculations

This index allows to show important potentials of growth in a region of innovative economy.

We made calculations, using a formula. Graphic data of results: 0,8 -0,715

g'5 0,465 I 0,505 0,441

0,4 ■ | _0,319°,331 0,295 ^ ^ I 0 261 0,272 ■ 0,279


0,2 0,1 0

1 0,319 0,331 o,295 ^ 0,348

I I I I I . I

—0261 0,272

l 1 1

xT xcf" xCf" xO^ xO^ xO^ xO^ xC^ xC^ xcf xC^ xC^ xO^ xO^ xO^ xcf"

xy w xy xy xv xy w xy xy xy xy xy xy xy x>

^ & ^

The image 3- Innovative potential of regions (graphic)


мЭкономнка h соцнумм №1(32) 2017



The consistency of this indicator is supported by independent expert opinions in the field of development of innovative economy in the Russian Federation regions.

List of sources:

l.Ioda E.V., Chekmachev I.Y. Engineering Centre as an element of innovation infrastructure of the region//socio-economic processes and phenomena.-2014. No. 9, vol. 9. -P. 84-96.

2.Dvurechenskiy K.E., Ioda E.V., Svistunova T.V. Business incubator as a fundamental tool to enhance the implementation of the framework for the strategy of innovative development, innovative IT platform//materials of the VIII International Forum from science to business «globalization of universities: new opportunities for science and business», 13-16 may 2014, St.-Petersburg publishing house «solo».

3.Ioda E.V., Ioda U.V. Formation of innovation infrastructure in the region: approaches to old problems//Vestnik of Samara Municipal Institute of management. No. 2 2015. -S. 45-55.

4.Иода Е.В., Чекмачев И.Ю. Инжиниринговый центр как элемент инновационной инфраструктуры региона/Социально-экономические процессы и явления. -2014. -№ 9, Т.9. -С.84-96.

5.Двуреченский К.Э., Иода Е.В., Свистунова Т.В. Бизнес-инкубатор, как фундаментальная основа инструмента повышения эффективности реализации стратегии инновационного развития, -инновационная IT-площадка//Материалы VIII международного форума от науки к бизнесу «Глобализация университетов: новые возможности для науки и бизнеса» 1316 мая 2014, Санкт -Петербург Издательство «СОЛО».

6.Иода Е.В., Иода Ю.В. Формирование инновационной инфраструктуры в регионе: подходы к решению «старых» проблем//Вестник Самарского муниципального института управления. 2015. № 2. -С.45-55.

УДК 339.923

Kondratenko M. A. Second - year student Economics and finance faculty Senior teacher "Foreign Languages Department" Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Russia, Moscow


This project is devoted to the problem of globalization's impact on integration processes in the Asia-Pacific region by the example of relations between Russia and South Korea. The issue is relevant due to the rapid expansion of globalization, which has led to the divergence in the levels of economic, social and political development of the countries. Thus, to increase the

"Экономика и социум" №1(32) 2017



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