AN ANCIENT AND MAJOR COMMUNICATION ROUTE CONNECTING ASIA AND EUROPE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
influence / scale / caravan / road / communication / development. / влияние / масштаб / караван / дорога / связь / развитие.

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Umarova, Rozigul, Ramatov, Jumaniyoz Sultanovich

In the article, no ancient road was as important as "The Great Silk Road" in terms of prestige, scope and scale, this road was the first and only communication route connecting East and West, connecting Asia and Europe, and countless caravans passed through this road throughout the centuries. analyzed.

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В статье ни одна древняя дорога не была так важна, как «Великий шелковый путь» по престижности, размаху и масштабу, эта дорога была первой и единственной коммуникационной магистралью, связывавшей Восток и Запад, соединявшей Азию и Европу, по которой проходило бесчисленное количество караванов. этот путь на протяжении веков. проанализировано.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(6), June, 2023



Rozigul Umarova

Associate Professors of the Department of Social Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University Ramatov Jumaniyoz Sultanovich Professor of Tashkent State Transport University.

In the article, no ancient road was as important as "The Great Silk Road" in terms of prestige, scope and scale, this road was the first and only communication route connecting East and West, connecting Asia and Europe, and countless caravans passed through this road throughout the centuries. analyzed.

Key words: influence, scale, caravan, road, communication, development.


It is an undeniable fact that when it comes to ancient roads, the first thing that comes to mind is the Great Silk Road. In doing so, we have no intention of downplaying the importance of "La'l road", "Shah road" and "Yailov roads". Of course, these ancient roads have their place in the history of the development of the human communication and road-communication system. Failure to acknowledge this is nothing short of a scarlet injustice. However, we must admit that in the development of humanity, no road has been as important as "The Great Silk Road" in terms of prestige, scope and scale1. This road was the first and only communication route in history that connected East and West, Asia and Europe. Countless caravans have passed through this road over the centuries. Not only silk fabrics, but also other goods were transported in the caravans. The range of products transported in it was extremely diverse. As many and various products were transported from the East to the West, in turn, necessary, various products were brought from the West to the East in large quantities.


The "Great Silk Road" served to meet the needs of the peoples for various products that they did not have, but needed in life. At the same time, it made it

1 Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich, Israilov Lazizbek Sunnatulloevich, and Jolgoshov Jaloliddin Jasurbekovich. 2023. The Great Silk Road Is a Regular Transport and Communication System in Human History. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education. Volume 2 Issue 2, (2023), 194-197.


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possible to send the products produced by the people themselves, but which are in excess of their needs, to other countries and to see a small profit from this2. If we say these processes in the language of modern economics, they created the conditions for the use and development of the import and export potential of the countries. Another important aspect of the "Great Silk Road" is that this road introduced people to each other. Peoples who were completely strangers and aliens at first gradually got mutual information about themselves.

If we turn to sources based on scientific and historical evidence, we can observe that the following views have been put forward about the "Great Silk Road": first, "The Great Silk Road" with a length of 12,000 km was opened in the 2nd century BC. This road was not only a trade route. At the same time, it served as a way of cultural and international relations between the peoples of the world. The road started in Xi'an, a city on the Huanghe River in China, and had two directions. The first route was from China to Samarkand. In Samarkand, the road split again. One reached the Mediterranean Sea through Iran, and the other reached the Black Sea through the North Caucasus.

The second route started from China, passed through the Pamir-Tian-Shan mountain ranges, led to Afghanistan, and from there to India." As you can see, this description has tried to give as short and clear an understanding of the Great Silk Road as possible, and to some extent it has succeeded. As mentioned, the road started from China. This route covered the entire Asian continent and went to the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf in the south, and the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea in the west. However, this should not mean that the "Great Silk Road" ended on these sea shores. Already, the further part of the road continued on the water by means of ships and reached other shores of the sea. Those sides of the water were considered European and African coasts. It can be said that small branches of the "Great Silk Road" continued in the inner directions of these continents. Therefore, the "Great Silk Road" is the first and unique intercontinental road connecting the three continents of the earth, which are considered the place of ancient and main civilizations: Asia, Europe and Africa. This caravan route served humanity without losing its importance during the 17th century or 1700 years.

Academician A. Askarov's scientific conclusions about the directions of the "Great Silk Road" are much more detailed. According to him, the "Great Silk Road" started from Xi'an, the ancient center of China, and reached Dunhuang through other Chinese cities, Lanzhou. In this town, the road splits. The southwestern branch of the

2 Бахриддин Лутфуллаевич Салимов, Сафарали Ёр^ин Угли Мейлиев, Бунёд Ба^одирович Тешаев (2022). БУЮК ИПАК ЙУЛИНИНГ ИНСОНИЯТ КОММУНИКАЦИЯ, ЙУЛ - алок;а ТИЗИМИНИНГ РИВ ОЖЛАНИШ ТАРИХИДА ТУТГАН УРНИ. Academic research in educational sciences, 3 (11), 304-308.

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"Great Silk Road" reached Khotan through the Taklamakan desert in China, from there to Yorkent, through the gorges of the Pamir Mountains to Vahon, and from there to Zariasp (Balkh), the capital of Bactria. In Balkh, the road divides into three branches, the western branch goes to Marv, the southern branch goes to India, the northern branch goes through Termiz to Darband, Nautak, Samarkand3.

The north-western branch of the "Great Silk Road" goes from Dunhuan through Bami, Kuchi, Turfan to the Tarim Oasis - Kashgar. From there, it goes through Tashkurgan to Uzgan, Osh, Kuva, Ahsikent, Pop, from there through the Asht steppe to Khojand, Zomin, Jizzakh, and then in Samarkand it connects with the Nautak road. The road goes west from Samarkand to Dobussia, through the Malik desert to Bukhara and Romitan, from there to Boykent and Farob through Varakhsha, and to the city of Amul. Amulda joins the road from Marv to Urganch along the Amu. After reaching the city of Marv, the road went in two directions. From Marv to the west, the "Great Silk Road" spread through Tabriz and Nysa in Parthia to Hekotomil, Apalia and Ecbatana (Hamadon) in Iran, and beyond them to Ctesaphon and Baghdad in Mesopotamia. From there, Tigris headed north along the right bank of the Euphrates River, reaching Damascus through Antioch (Antokia), and reaching Egypt through the cities of Tire and Jerusalem. The northern road from Marv went through Amul to Urganch, from there along the northern Caspian to the North Caucasus, then from the north of the Black Sea to Constantinople, passing through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles to the Mediterranean Sea, to the cities of Byzantium. After that, there is no doubt that it spread to other parts of Europe 4.


As can be seen from the above comments, the branches and directions of the "Great Silk Road" had their alternatives. This feature was also one of the important factors in the functioning of the "Great Silk Road" over the centuries. After all, if the road becomes dangerous or is closed for certain reasons in one direction, traffic continues in other directions. For example, as we mentioned earlier, the Great Silk Road branched off from Dunhuang. This is also recorded in ancient Chinese written sources. In particular, the North Road is called "Beidao" and the South Road is called "Nandao". According to historical facts, since the territories through which the

3 Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich, Israilov Lazizbek Sunnatulloevich, and Jolgoshov Jaloliddin Jasurbekovich. 2023. The Great Silk Road Is a Regular Transport and Communication System in Human History. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education. Volume 2 Issue 2, (2023), 194-197.

4 Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich, Israilov Lazizbek Sunnatulloevich, and Jolgoshov Jaloliddin Jasurbekovich. 2023. The Great Silk Road Is a Regular Transport and Communication System in Human History. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education. Volume 2 Issue 2, (2023), 194-197.

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Northern Road passed were under the control of the Huns for several hundred years, the main connections on the "Great Silk Road" were made through the Southern Road. Caravan leaders and merchants found it necessary to walk this way. Because for them, the issue of delivering their caravans and goods safely to their destination was in the first place. It was easier to walk on a safe path than risking one's life and wealth by walking on a dangerous path. Of course, it was their good fortune that they had a choice at this point. All these processes indicate that there was an internal competition between the roads included in the "Great Silk Road". We all know that where there is competition, there is development.


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Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

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