PERSPECTIVES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMUNICATION SECTOR OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
road / history / territory / communication / transport / system. / дорога / история / территория / связь / транспорт / система.

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Umarova, Rozigul, Ramatov, Jumaniyoz Sultanovich

In the article, the opening of new transport corridors has a more or less effect on the social and economic development of the developing countries in the region, and this effect is more positive, due to this, the construction of roads and the congestion of vehicles on the roads create favorable conditions for the development of the areas along the road, therefore, developing countries It was also analyzed that they are participating in the projects of creating new transport corridors.

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В статье открытие новых транспортных коридоров в большей или меньшей степени влияет на социально-экономическое развитие развивающихся стран региона, причем этот эффект более положительный, за счет этого строительство дорог и скопление транспортных средств на дорогах создают благоприятные условия для развития территорий вдоль дороги, поэтому развивающиеся страны также были проанализированы, что они участвуют в проектах создания новых транспортных коридоров.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

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Rozigul Umarova

Associate Professors of the Department of Social Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University Ramatov Jumaniyoz Sultanovich Professor of Tashkent State Transport University.

In the article, the opening of new transport corridors has a more or less effect on the social and economic development of the developing countries in the region, and this effect is more positive, due to this, the construction of roads and the congestion of vehicles on the roads create favorable conditions for the development of the areas along the road, therefore, developing countries It was also analyzed that they are participating in the projects of creating new transport corridors.

Key words: road, history, territory, communication, transport, system.


A large number of roads, the existence of an acceptable communication system are as necessary for cities as water and air. This centuries-old historical fact in the development of human society has not lost its importance even today. Even now, in the modern world, the issues of road and communication maintain their priority. If we look at the political map of the world, this opinion will be confirmed. It is known that there are currently more than 230 davs in the world. The area, population, and level of development of these countries are different. Let's name the countries with a relatively high level of development: USA, China, Russia, France, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and others. Countries such as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, which were created in place of the former union. In all these countries, road and communication issues have been fully resolved. That is, these countries have direct access to the sea. And it can be said that the existence of such an opportunity was one of the decisive factors in reaching the current position of these countries.


At the moment, the leading countries of the world, which have great opportunities, are also competing to open additional roads and communication corridors. After all, the opening of new transport corridors leads to an increase in economic potential and an expansion of the sphere of political influence. Such


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

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struggles are intensifying in Europe, the Caucasus and the Asian region. Of course, the opening of new transport corridors will more or less affect the social and economic development of developing countries in the region. Naturally, this effect will be more positive1. Due to this, the construction of roads and traffic congestion on the roads create favorable conditions for the development of the areas along the road. Therefore, developing countries also prefer to participate in the projects of creating new transport corridors. One such project is called "One Space, One Road" promoted by China. In this initiative, the goals of establishing, strengthening and future prospects of international cooperation between Asian, European and African countries through the development of both land and sea routes are set. As a result, integration between the countries participating in the project will increase and global free trade relations will be established. It is estimated that the economic value of the project is equal to twenty one million US dollars. Therefore, the number of countries that have expressed their desire to participate in the "One Place, One Road" project is increasing. Currently, the number of countries that have expressed such a desire has increased to over 1002.

To date, two international forums have been held within the framework of the "One Place, One Road" project: the first was held in 2017; the second one was held in 2019. Both forums were held at a high level, and many topical issues of international cooperation were discussed. This project is of great importance for Central Asian republics, especially for Uzbekistan. Because the "One place, one road" project is opening the door of wide opportunities for Uzbekistan to enter the world market and for this purpose to open new ways of communication. Understanding this correctly, Uzbekistan approved the "One place, one road" project from the first days and became an active member of it. The construction of local and international transport roads, which should be implemented on the scale of the project, is being carried out at a rapid pace. In 2016, the launch of the Angren-Pop electrified railway connecting the Fergana Valley was a big step forward towards this noble goal. With the construction of this road, the distance to China will be reduced to 270 kilometers. The main task now is the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway. There is no doubt that the launch of this railway line in the future will open the doors of wide opportunities for the economy of our country. These opportunities are determined by the following factors: first, through this railway, Uzbekistan will have a direct access to China, and through China to the countries of the Middle and Far East; secondly,

1 Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. The Importance of Sea Transport in the Communication System. WEB OF SYNERGY: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. 2023. Volume 2 Issue 1, 272-275.

2 Бахриддин Лутфуллаевич Салимов (2022) УЗБЕКИСТОН ТАРА^^ИЁТИДА КОММУНИКАЦИЯ ВА ТРАНСПОРТ ТИЗИМИНИНГ УРНИ. Academic research in educational sciences, 3 (TSTU Conference 1), 403-407.

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the time of cross-carriage between these regions will be reduced by 5-6 days; thirdly, the international road connecting East and West passes through the territory of Uzbekistan. As a result, the funds received from transit cargoes serve to further fill the budget3.

However, these are future plans for now. Certain preparatory work is required for the construction of this railway. Construction of tunnels, bridges, connection of electric lines, construction of railway stations and other works are planned in the passes through which the railway line passes. First of all, the process of solving the tasks of finding funds and investing for the realization of this project is underway. For this purpose, the parties of China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, in consultation with each other, are agreeing on the work to be done on the construction of the road, which is expected to be another important bridge connecting the East and the West. After all, such large-scale projects are implemented only in cooperation and only then will give the expected result4.


The next important task that needs to be solved in the development of the communication system is the issue of opening the western, southwestern and southern transport corridors. It is planned to establish regular transport connections on the roads in the following directions5:

- Western and southwestern routes connecting Turkmenistan to the Caspian Sea, and from there to the Caucasus, Iran, Turkey and European countries;

- Southern route through Afghanistan to seaports in Iran;

- South-Trans-Afghan transport route to be connected to Pakistani seaports through Afghanistan.

All these directions, which are planned to be launched in the future, are of international importance. Therefore, one of the main conditions for their realization is the practical establishment of international cooperation. If the states fully fulfill their obligations and cooperate with partners, the process of launching the planned transport corridors will be accelerated. It should be noted that Uzbekistan is doing commendable work. First of all, the roads and railways in the territory of our country are being built and repaired on the basis of world standards. The points of entry into

3 Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich The Importance of Sea Transport in the Communication System. WEB OF SYNERGY: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. 2023. Volume 2 Issue 1, 272-275.

4 Салимов Б. Л., Алиева Л. И., Мансурова М. (2022). УЗБЕКИСТОН ЙУЛ - КОММУНИКАЦИЯ ВА ТРАНСПОРТ СОХДЛАРИДА ОЛИБ БОРИЛАЁТГАН ИСЛОХртЛАР. Журнал интегрированного образования и исследований, 1(6), 2-5.

5 Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. The Importance of Sea Transport in the Communication System. WEB OF SYNERGY: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. 2023. Volume 2 Issue 1, 272-275.

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the territory of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan are connected by roads and railways. He even took an active part in road construction in neighboring countries. In particular, the Uzbek road builders built a 75-kilometer long railway line, 5 stations and 34 man-made structures within this line, near Termez, from the Hayraton bridge crossing the Amudarya to the Afghan city of Mazari Sharif. This railway line is the first stage of the future Trans-Afghan transport route.


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Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

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27. Ж. С. Раматов, & М. Хасанов (2022). МАФКУРАВИЙ ТАХДИДЛАРНИ ОЛДИНИ ОЛИШДА АХЛОКИЙ ТАРБИЯНИНГ АХАМИЯТИ. Academic research in educational sciences, 3 (6), 952-956.

28. Ramatov, J.S., & Khasanov, M.N. (2022). ANALYSIS OF THEORETICAL MODEL OF INNOVATION INVOLVEMENT IN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2 (6), 937942.

29. Раматов, Ж. С., Муратова, Д., Султанов, С. Х., Тухтабоев, Э., Кушаков, Ф., & Хасанов, М. Н. (2022). ИЖТИМОИЙ AДOЛAТ ВA КAДРИЯТЛAР ПЛЮРAЛИЗМИ. World scientific research journal, 8(1), 102-108.

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