AMIR TEMUR: SOURCE OF POWER AND DEVELOPMENT FOR THE FUTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Tashbayeva G.Y., Yuldashev Otabek

In this scientific article, Amir Temur and his activities, virtues are considered

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В данной научной статье рассмотрены Амир Темур и его деятельность, добродетели.


отчетности: практикум. 5-е изд. М.: Дело и Сервис, 2015, 160 с.

7. Dontsova L. V., Nikiforova NA Analysis of accounting (financial) reporting: practical work. 5 th ed. Moscow: Case and Service, 2015, 160 p.


УДК 94(575.2)

Tashbayeva G. Y. assistant of department "History of Uzbekistan" Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan city Yuldashev Otabek

Student of Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan city Ташбаева Г.Ю. ассистент

кафедра «Истории Узбекистана»

Юлдашев О. студент

Наманганский инженерно педагогический институт



Annotation: In this scientific article, Amir Temur and his activities, virtues are considered

Key words: history, struggle, culture, national, europe.


Аннотация: В данной научной статье рассмотрены Амир Темур и его деятельность, добродетели.

Ключевые слова: история, борьба, культура, национал, европа.

As the first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov noted, "The perception of Amir Temur's identity means the perception of history. To understand Amir Temur means to understand ourselves. To exaggerate Amir Temur means to strengthen our faith in the great future of the country, relying on our roots deep in history, on Our culture and power ... The image of our great ancestor will constantly evoke in our people a sense of pride, give us strength and aspiration ..."

After achieving independence, as a result of the tremendous work to restore historical justice and national pride of our people, a rich historical heritage and names of many great ancestors were revived. A special place in their row is occupied by the symbol of courage, courage and wisdom, national pride of our people Sahibkiran Amir Temur.

A wide range of issues related to military campaigns, life and activities of Amir Temur, was reflected not only in the studies of representatives of the domestic oriental and historical schools, but also in foreign literature. That's what

the researcher-themeologist Harold Lamb writes about him in his book "Temur is the lord of the world": "For Europeans, his greatness seemed unearthly ... Everything, for whatever he undertook, brought success, and his name was Temur."

A lot of valuable works are written about Amir Temur and his contemporaries. These include Ruznomai Gazavaty Hinduston (Diary of a campaign to India) Giyasiddin Ali, Zafarname (The Book of Victories) Nizamuddin Shami and Sharafuddin Ali Yazdi, Azhayb al-Makdur fizarihi akhbori Temur (Miracles of Doom In the narrations about Temur ") Ibn Arabshah and others.

"Tuzuki Temuri" ("Temur's Code") plays a special role in studying the life and socio-political activities of Sakhikbiran - a rare historical work that has come down to us, which describes the autobiography and socio-political views of this outstanding statesman and military strategist on state governance and Army.

Creating a powerful centralized state, Sahibkiran, without racial and religious prejudices, did not shut himself up in his system of values and traditions, called for friendship, and, unlike his predecessors, patronized those who were devoted to science, culture and art. During his reign, and later the Temurids, there was a notable breakthrough in the development of the state, which in the world aspect was called the Temurid Renaissance.

Leafing the pages of the "Code", and today the reader admires the personal qualities and strong-willed character of Amir Temur. Here are just some of his sayings: "He reinforced his word with his deed and did not show any callousness to anyone, he did not show any sternness in any matter, so as not to be angry." He treated favorably with friends and foes ... If any of friends or enemies came To me with a request, I treated my friends so much that their friendship grew even more, and to my enemies I had such an attitude that their enmity turned into friendship. " In "Ulozhenie" we also meet the well-known phrase of Amir Temur: "One enterprising, courageous, valiant, resolute and sensible person is better than a thousand careless and weak-willed ones, for one experienced commander commands thousands of people."

As the patron of science, culture and art, Amir Temur "honored scholars, sheikhs, sophisticated engineers and historians, considered them elected and worthy men, provided them with every kind of goodwill."

According to the testimony of his contemporaries - Ibn Khaldun, Hafizi Abru, Ibn Arabshah, Sharafuddin Ali Yazdi, he was a widely educated man and knew jurisprudence (al-fiqh), history, philosophy and poetry.

The historian Hafizi Abru also testifies that "Temur valued all knowledge that could bring practical benefit - medicine, astronomy and mathematics, but he paid special attention to architecture, well understanding the intricacies of building large structures, gave useful advice to builders." He made a great contribution to the restructuring of cities and the improvement of the country, which fell into decay as a result of many years of feudal disunity and internecine wars. In every possible way, he encouraged the initiative to revive the "dead lands" - at that time

the abandoned sites were called. Persons who took up such a difficult and noble cause were granted certain privileges in the Temurids' state. In particular, the "Code" says: "... In the first year they were not charged anything, in the second year they were satisfied with what they were giving at their discretion, and only for the third year they were charged with kharaj (land tax) According to the norm established by law ".

Deserves attention and information about the support of the people in the era of Temur: "I still ordered: every merchant who has lost his capital, to issue from the treasury enough money to restore his position, a farmer and a citizen who do not have the opportunity and the power to engage in agriculture, And seeds for sowing .If someone has a house collapsed and he is not able to build a new one, provide the building material and the necessary help."

From "Ulozhenie" it is also known that Amir Temur "ordered that in every city and village mosques, madrassas and khanaks, hospitals for sick people be built and doctors assigned there." He ordered to build roads on the roads, and to bridge bridges over the rivers. "

Of particular importance for Amir Temur and Temurids was the development of medical knowledge, the construction of sanative and hygienic purposes. Popular popular sports and folk games such as kurash, horse riding, goatskin - kupkari, snipe, archery, and much more have become widespread.

The memory of Amir Temur is a memory of our great ancestors. Every year Sakhibkiran's birthday is widely celebrated in the country. Translated and published literary sources, scientific and popular books. In Tashkent, Shakhrisabz, Samarkand, majestic monuments have been erected, a square, a prospectus and a metro station, institutions of culture and schools in different cities of the republic are named after him. The Amir Temur Order was established. A real business card and pride of our capital was the State Museum of History of the Temurids, built on the initiative of the head of state.

One of the greatest personalities in the history of mankind, the life and activities of the "Savior of Europe," as Amir Temur is called in a number of European chronicles, attract more and more researchers, artists and culture outside of Uzbekistan. In the fifty-odd countries today, the scientists-topicologists are conducting research. Over the past 600 years, Amir Temur has published over 900 books in European and more than 1,000 books in Eastern languages. In Paris (1996, 2006), Brussels (2006), Madrid, the Spanish city of Alcala de Henares (2006), scientific conferences devoted to his anniversaries were held.

The words "Justice", "Education", "Honor" and "Friendliness" carved on the outer wall of the building of the State Museum of Temurids in Tashkent reflect today the essence and significance of the policy pursued by the head of our state, the noble goals of the people of Uzbekistan. In the heritage of our great ancestor, our courageous, generous, pure soul and industrious people draw strength and energy for building a state with a great future.

Used sources:

1. Temur Alihontura Soguni Persian translation and Habibullah Karamatov, T.,

1991, 1996;

2. Karamatov H., "Temur epoch of" learning problems (cultural monuments), T., 2003


Zhuravleva V.A.

Kalashnikova O.I.

Students of Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk

Besedina E.A.

Tutor, Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk LABOR MARKET AND UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM IN THE



The research is devoted to the problem of unemployment and the effects it may produce to the society. Types of unemployment are considered. The rate of unemployment increased for the last year and possible consequences of the fact are highlighted. Desirable steps to decrease the amount of unemployed people have been put forth.

Keywords: unemployment; economy; economic life; types of unemployment; labor market; qualification; retraining; working population; project.

One of the main problems of the modern Russian economy is the problem of unemployment, which acts as a complex and contradictory macroeconomic phenomenon of economic life. Unemployed people are an integral part of any society and Russia is no exception. The more people are unemployed the more impact on the socio-economic and political situation in the country they have.

Unemployment is a social and economic phenomenon in which part of the working population can not find jobs, and thus realize ownership of their labor is relatively abundant on the effectiveness of capital, adding back the army of labor.

There are different types of unemployment, such as:

Structural unemployment that focuses on the structural problems within an economy and inefficiencies in labor markets.

Frictional unemployment implies the time period between jobs when a worker is searching for or transitioning from one job to another.

Cyclical unemployment is a type of unemployment that occurs when there is not enough aggregate demand in the economy to provide jobs for everyone who wants to work.

Considering all the factors recently affecting Russian economy, it is not surprisingly that many experts predicted that the Russian population would inevitably face the serious scourge of mass unemployment. [3].

The subject of this study is to analyze Russia's Unemployment Rate in the period 2016 and the beginning of 2017 years. [1], [4].

The unemployment rate in Russia increased to 5.6 percent in January 2017

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