Научная статья на тему 'Аdvertising: history and MODERNITI'

Аdvertising: history and MODERNITI Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Snopok E. V.

The article analyses the advantages and disadvantages of different advertising media. Presents the evolution, discussed the purpose and object of advertising. Conclusions are made about possible directions of further improvement and development of advertising.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Аdvertising: history and MODERNITI»

УДК 659.1


Снопок Е. В. студент

факультет управления, 2 курс ЮРИУ РАНХиГС

Snopok E. V. student

Management faculty, 2course South-Russian Management Institute-branch Russian Presidential Academy of

National Economy and Public Administration

The article analyses the advantages and disadvantages of different advertising media. Presents the evolution, discussed the purpose and object of advertising. Conclusions are made about possible directions of further improvement and development of advertising.

Key words: advertising, major media, print advertising, public service advertising, covert advertising, virtual advertising.

В статье анализируются преимущества и недостатки различных рекламных средств. Представлена эволюция, рассмотрены цель и объект рекламы. Делаются выводы о возможных направлениях дальнейшего совершенствования и развития рекламы.

Ключевые слова: реклама, основные средства массовой информации, социальная реклама, скрытая реклама, Интернет-реклама.

Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service.

Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinforcement of "brand image" and "brand loyalty". Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, magazines, newspapers, the Internet and billboards. Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency. Advertisements are seen on the seats of shopping carts, on the walls of an airport walkway, on the sides of buses, and heard in telephone hold messages and in-store public address systems. They are often placed anywhere an audience can easily or frequently access visual, audio and printed information [1].

Advertising performs the following functions: reach new customers, your competition is advertising, generate store traffic, make more sales, keep a healthy positive image

The first advertisers are heralds, who advertises the goods, spectacles, services, cause citizens to the court, proclaimed sentences and executions, honored famous generals.

The evolution of advertising has gone through several stages: gtraphic, written text, the monumental inscription, the combination of text and image, poster, brand, promotion, religious advertising, print advertising.

The general goal of advertising is to increase sales, either immediately or in the future, and to do so profitably.

Hence the function of advertising is to inform customers of goods or services and influence people's behavior [2].

An advertising objective is a specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific period of time. Advertising objectives can be classified by purpose, whether their aim is to inform, persuade, or remind.

The modern advertising industry actively exploited children.


- Easy to perceive the all new,

- With unsettled tastes,

- "Sawing" of their parents, forcing them to buy the advertised product [3].

The major media used for advertising are newspapers, television, direct mail,

magazines, and radio. Each has strengths and weaknesses.

The typical newspapers circulates in a limited and well-defined area, and this offer advantages to the advertiser interested in geographical selectivity.

The average reader spends between 20 and 30 minutes on the paper. Therefore, a message has to make an impression quickly or not at all.

Television has grown the most rapidly of the major media. It offers the great advantage of appealing through both the eye and the ear and thereby permits demonstration as well as explanation.

On the other hand, television is extremely costly. A 30 second commercial on a top-rated network program can cost more than $100 000.

TV did not quite kill radio, as many had predicted. It reaches audiences at low cost: a spot announcement may cost as little as $10. It is very flexible geographically, so that a national firm can pick the areas where it wants to concentrate efforts.

What is print advertising?

Print advertising is a form of advertising, which is made on a special printed products and is aimed, first of all, on visual perception. Printing or polygraph advertising is the most widespread form of advertising all over the world.

Print advertising follows the rules:

1) advertisements in the press, as a rule, are laconic and short;

2) in print advertising illustration application is very effective;

3) it is very important to focus attention to all possible communication facilities with the advertiser

Advantages of a print advertising:

• Speed of manufacture;

• Fast modification;

• More deeply realize the information;

• Profitability;

• Simplicity;

• Using advertizing immediately.

Outdoor advertising makes the connection between product and consumer. Every day throughout North and South America, smart marketers have the opportunity to bring outdoor advertising campaigns to consumers in a powerful, direct and effective way

Outdoor delivers an unsurpassed variety of campaign advertising media including Billboard advertising, Transit and Street Furniture advertising, Digital advertising, Mobile advertising and much, much more.

Broadcast advertising is radio and television commercials. Broadcast media reaches a broad audience[4]. Radio and television broadcast marketing is known as mass marketing since national or even worldwide audiences can be reached. Broadcast advertising persuades consumers of the benefits of advertisers' brands.

An advertising spot is typically 30 seconds on both radio and television, although occasionally it may run up to 60 seconds. Although most broadcast advertising is paid, free public service announcements are typical broadcasting fare on television and radio. Broadcasters allow nonprofit groups and the government a limited number of free spots to promote messages and information for the general safety of the public. Public service announcements may include anti-drug messages or information about what to do in an influenza outbreak.

Public service advertising is designed to inform the public on issues that are frequently considered to be in the general best interests of the community at large[5]. Typically, it reflects a political viewpoint, philosophical theory, religious concept or humanitarian notion. It is also commonly referred to as a public service announcement or a community service announcement.

PSAs are commonly aimed at altering public attitudes by raising consciousness about particular issues. Health, conservation and safety themes are

prevalent in many PSAs. The public service advertising campaigns are often sponsored by trade associations, civic organizations, non-profit institutions or religious groups.

Covert advertising embedded in other entertainment media is known as "product placement." A common version of this involves advertising in film, by having a main character use an item of a definite brand. Examples include a computer or a watch with its logo clearly visible, a particular brand of shoes mentioned frequently as "classics" by the lead character, or a particular brand of automobile used in action sequences.

Virtual advertisements may be inserted into regular television programming through computer graphics. These may be inserted into otherwise blank backdrops or used to replace local billboards that are not relevant to the remote

broadcast audiencehttp://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Advertising - cite_note-3 Virtual

product placement is also used to include items that did not exist in the actual scene.

Technology has provided both opportunity and threats to the advertising world. The internet is an entirely new frontier for advertisers. Other advances pose problems for advertisers, as technology allows users to record programs for later viewing without commercials[6]. To counter this effect, many advertisers have opted for covert advertising in the form of product placement.

Another significant trend is the growing importance of niche or targeted advertising. In the past, the most efficient way to deliver a message was to blanket the largest mass market audience possible. However, usage tracking, customer profiles, and the growing popularity of niche content provides advertisers with audiences that are smaller but much better defined, leading to commercials that are more relevant to viewers and more effective for marketing products.

References :

1. English4U №5 (май 2010) URL: http://iloveenglish.ru / magazine / article/ advertising (дата обращения: 14.03.2014)

2.URL: http: // gigabaza.ru / doc / 22375 - pall. html. (дата обращения: 14.03.2014)

3. URL: http: // trackmaps. org/tips-for-moms/98-moral-education-or-who-are-raising-our-children.html(дата обращения: 15.03.2014)

4. Сапрыкина Н.В., Чернобродова Л.А. Маркетинговые аспекты формирования стратегии развития региона // Государственное и муниципальное управление. Ученые записки СКАГС. 2012. № 3. С. 39-50

5. Хубулури Е.И. Социальная защита населения: маркетинговая модель // Государственное и муниципальное управление. Ученые записки СКАГС. 2010. № 2. С. 131-141

6. Гвоздева В.С. Административный маркетинг как инструмент повышения эффективности государственного управления // Государственное и муниципальное управление. Ученые записки СКАГС. 2011. № 2. С. 18-30

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