Научная статья на тему 'About the exhibition at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris "The splendor of the artistic heritage of Russia" of the Higher school of folk arts (academy), the only specialized university in the field of traditional arts and crafts'

About the exhibition at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris "The splendor of the artistic heritage of Russia" of the Higher school of folk arts (academy), the only specialized university in the field of traditional arts and crafts Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «About the exhibition at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris "The splendor of the artistic heritage of Russia" of the Higher school of folk arts (academy), the only specialized university in the field of traditional arts and crafts»

Events and memorable dates

УДК 378.6:341.217

Saifulina E. V., PhD in Pedagogy, head of the department artistic embroidery of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)», 191186, Saint-Petersburg, Griboyedov canal embankment, 2., Lit. A, e-mail: saifulinaelena@mail.ru

About the exhibition at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris "The splendor of the artistic heritage of Russia" of the Higher school of folk arts (academy), the only specialized university in the field of traditional arts and crafts

On March 4, 2024, one of the most significant events of this year took place at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris in the Miro Exhibition Hall. It was significant not only for the Higher school of folk arts (academy) but for Russia as a whole. The opening of the exhibition "The Splendor of Russia's artistic Heritage" has been actively worked on for the last six months. The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by heads of delegations and representatives of more than forty UNESCO member states in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the CIS countries.

Ambassador Rinat Alautdinov, Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural Organization, noted in his speech: "It is very important that we managed to organize this exhibition in the year of the 70th anniversary of the creation of UNESCO. This exhibition is intended to demonstrate the features and stages of development of one of the most important areas of Russian national culture: the traditional arts and crafts of Russia" (fig. i2).

The head of the delegation of the Higher school of folk arts Valentina Fedorovna Maksimovich, President of the academy, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education thanked the UNESCO secretariat and the Russian permanent Mission to Unesco for organizing the exhibition, told about the uniqueness of the educational institution and the presented types of traditional applied arts (fig. 2).

Fig. 1. RJ. Alyautdinov. Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural Organization

2 Fig. 1-5. - photo of the author of the article.

Taking into account the inadequate

attitude of a number of European states

towards our country at the present time and

their interpretation of Special Military

Operation conducted by Russia, Valentina

Fedorovna Maksimovich wished everyone at

the end of her speech : " I would really like

this exhibition which presents the highly

aesthetic art of Russia, the highly aesthetic

culture of our people to contribute to the

ethical perception of our culture allowing us

to treat our country - Russia ethically".

For the first time, during April 2024

employees and visitors of UNESCO

headquarters had the opportunity to get Fig 2 V F. Maksimovich, doctor of acquainted with samples 0f Palekh Mstefa

pedagogical sciences, professor, , . .

academician of the Russian Academy of tUloluy and Fedoskmo laccluer miniatures, Education, President of the Higher bone-cuttmg and jewelry art, Bogorodsky school of folk arts (academy) woodcarving, artistic embroidery and lace,

Nizhny Tagil and Zhostovo decorative

paintings (fig. 3-4).

The most important thing is to get a complete picture of the current level of training of specialists in the field of traditional artistic crafts of our country, the cultural and moral position of Russian youth towards the Splendor of Russia's artistic heritage.

Fig. 3, 4. The exposition of the exhibition "The splendor of the artistic heritage of Russia"

at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris

Fig. 5. E.V. Saifulina, Head of the Department of Artistic Embroidery, M.A. Saltanov, Director of the Fedoskin Institute of Lacquer Miniature Painting, M.V. Churakova, Head of the Department of Jewelry

and Bone Carving Art at UNESCO headquarters

The undoubted success of the event is confirmed by the large number of visitors of the exhibition (more than two thousand people): representatives of delegations of UNESCO member states, more than 40 ambassadors from various countries, our compatriots, local art connoisseurs who learned about the event from numerous publications. Visitors could not restrain their admiration at what they saw that is confirmed by a huge number of reviews in different languages of the world (fig. 6-5).

Here are some reviews from visitors to the exhibition. «Thank you for this interesting, unforgettable, magnificent exhibition. We really enjoyed it, we hope that we will visit it again!!!»

«Just delight and admiration from the skill, talent, originality of the masters and their works! Pride in Russia and Russians! Thank you very much for the exhibition, the professional story and love for the profession and art! The school at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Paris».

«Many thanks for your efforts, for preserving the heritage of our Motherland! Incredible impressions, joy and a desire to learn more about your work. The Embassy of the Russian Federation to France».

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