Научная статья на тему 'Art embroidery training in the context of the implementation of the federal innovation platform (on the example of interaction between the Institute of traditional applied arts and the State budgetary educational institution of Moscow «Romanovskaya school»)'

Art embroidery training in the context of the implementation of the federal innovation platform (on the example of interaction between the Institute of traditional applied arts and the State budgetary educational institution of Moscow «Romanovskaya school») Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
motivation / artistic embroidery / traditional crafts / aesthetics of artistic embroidery / installation meetings / federal innovation platform / external educational environment of the university / strategic management of the development of educational institutions / mission of educational institutions / immersive technologies of «immersion»

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shvetsova O.V.

The peculiarities of the organization of career guidance work of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts are observed in the conditions of implementation of the goal and objectives of the federal innovation platform. The ways of interaction between the subjects of the educational process of the university and the State Budgetary Educational Institution «Romanovskaya school are analyzed on the application of modern technologies in the additional education of children (in the field of artistic embroidery). The author defines the main directions of teaching schoolchildren artistic embroidery within the framework of the federal innovation platform in the implementation of modular and short-term cultural and educational programs of the Higher school of folk arts (academy): «Traditional art crafts: the past – in the present, the present – in the future», «Learning and learning to teach», «Discovering Russia together as the splendor of the country's artistic heritage» and «Russian excursionist»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Art embroidery training in the context of the implementation of the federal innovation platform (on the example of interaction between the Institute of traditional applied arts and the State budgetary educational institution of Moscow «Romanovskaya school»)»

yjlK 371.398:746.3

Shvetsova O. V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer of the department of professional disciplines of the Institute of traditional applied arts -Moscow branch «Higher school of folk arts (academy)», 115573, Moscow, Musa Dzhalilya str. 14, cor. 2, e-mail: lutaya.oliya@yandex.ru

Art embroidery training in the context of the implementation of the federal innovation platform (on the example of interaction between the Institute of traditional applied arts and the State budgetary educational institution of

Moscow «Romanovskaya school»)

Abstract. The peculiarities of the organization of career guidance work of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts are observed in the conditions of implementation of the goal and objectives of the federal innovation platform. The ways of interaction between the subjects of the educational process of the university and the State Budgetary Educational Institution «Romanovskaya school are analyzed on the application of modern technologies in the additional education of children (in the field of artistic embroidery). The author defines the main directions of teaching schoolchildren artistic embroidery within the framework of the federal innovation platform in the implementation of modular and short-term cultural and educational programs of the Higher school of folk arts (academy): «Traditional art crafts: the past - in the present, the present - in the future», «Learning and learning to teach», «Discovering Russia together as the splendor of the country's artistic heritage» and «Russian excursionist» [5].

Keywords: motivation, artistic embroidery, traditional crafts, aesthetics of artistic embroidery, installation meetings, federal innovation platform, external educational environment of the university, strategic management of the development of educational institutions, mission of educational institutions, immersive technologies of «immersion».

The high dynamism of the external educational environment of modern universities determines the need to search for formats of interaction with potentially possible representatives of intra-industry and interdepartmental cooperation. The problem of strategic management of university development, the problem of interaction between the university and general education institutions which are resource-significant for increasing the motivation of future applicants to choose a profession become important in the context of negative demographic changes in Russia.

The Institute of Traditional Applied Arts, the Moscow branch of the Higher school of folk arts (academy) are improving such a direction of its activity as combining cultural and educational work on the preservation and development of traditional arts and crafts with the professional orientation of students in general education organizations to the profession of an artist of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts in solving these problems. Today the interaction of the Institute with

the Romanov School is becoming particularly significant. The objectivity of such conclusions is confirmed by a number of factors.

1. The mission of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts and the mission of "Romanovskaya school" coincide in their focus. The mission of the Romanov School is to create conditions for the positive dynamics of the school as an open educational system competitive focused on quality education and forming national identity, spiritual guidelines and values. The mission of the university is the development and improvement of a multi-level continuous system of professional education in traditional arts and crafts as a guarantor of the revival and prosperity of the splendor of Russia's artistic heritage.

2. Both the university and the school recognize the priority of managing the strategic development of education. The development process itself is considered from the point of view of the need for its management in order to realize the mission and achieve the development goal (long-term, short-term, relevant).

Various types of joint activities of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts and the Romanov School are built in the logic of their importance for solving the goals and objectives of the federal innovation platform, i.e. creating pedagogical conditions that support the education of students (schoolchildren, students) patriotism, civic consciousness by means of traditional crafts as the splendor of Russia's artistic heritage. It seems important that these educational organizations which have the status of a federal innovation platform are united by a common position, i.e. they consider the professional orientation of students as:

- a strategically significant area of personal development;

- motivational factor of self-determination and successful self-realization of students in the system of continuing education;

- the potential for the formation of national identity among the subjects of the educational process, spiritual guidelines for the revival of the splendor of Russia's artistic heritage.

The actual stage of organizing the activities of the federal innovation platform for the implementation of the work plan with school students in additional classes in the form of "artistic embroidery" (5th-6th grade) are the introductory meetings of representatives of the university and the school (teachers, students, schoolchildren). The organization of such meetings is characterized by a purposeful unification of the subjects of the educational process of the university and school, their active involvement in the work of motivation and satisfaction of interests in artistic embroidery as a type of traditional artistic craft as a specific artistic activity for the manufacture of products with artistic embroidery (fig. 1).

The organization and holding of installation meetings is supported by "immersion" technology which creates the effect of virtual reality. In these conditions students activate the process of perceiving, the beauty of artistic embroidery, the desire to master this type of traditional art craft, to understand and accept the possibility of choosing a future profession related to artistic activities in the field of traditional art crafts (artistic embroidery).

Fig. 1. Introductory meetings of representatives of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts and

the Romanov School

As experience is shown at the introductory meetings of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts with general education institutions the process of "immersing" participants m the atmosphere of aesthetic perception of an artistic work (artistic embroidery). It is supported by didactic techniques of their preparation for the aesthetic reflection of works of traditional crafts. For example, they got acquainted with the creative works of students of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts at an introductory meeting with students of the Romanov School (F. Zhuravleva - tunic "Summer came with the scent of peony" in the technique of "smooth surface with infusion of tones" in combination with the technique of "Ivanovskaya stitch"; P. Mishchenko - dress "Songs of blooming meadows" in the technique of "colored surface" and "Ivanovskaya stitch"; Polishchuk Daria - dress in the technique of "Colored surface" on the theme "Reflections of summer"; A. Gatieva - a dress using traditional techniques of gold embroidery when creating evening women's clothing "Dawn gold in braids weaving"; T. Shlyapugina - a set of clothes: a dress and a jacket in the technique of "Ivanovskaya stitch" and "infusion of tones" on the theme "Crimson dawn"). After getting acquainted with the products of artistic embroidery students had a conversation with schoolchildren (fig. 2)

Students (40%) expressed a desire to master the technology of artistic embroidery in additional classes in these conversations. Here are examples, i.e.

Fig. 2. Acquaintance of students of the Romanov school with the creative works of students of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts

fragments of a conversation between teachers of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts and students of the school: Tanya S. 5th grade "I would like to learn how to embroider napkins like those of a student Fionova M." (fig. 3,4); Sveta K. 6th grade "I don't have very good grades in mathematics and Russian but it seems to me that I can embroider better than my girlfriends. I like to embroider but they don't notice it."

Fig. 3. A master class on the Fig. 4. A master class on the implementation of

implementation, napkins with high school potholders in the technique of "Vladimir tops" for students 5th grade students

The analysis of the results of the conversation with the students confirm s the well-known conclusions of scientists that the child's tendency to creativity in the field of decorative and applied arts unnoticed in time. It creates a precedent, i.e. with age such children lose interest and possible abilities in applied art [7].

Monitoring data on the results of the activities of the federal innovation site of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts indicate that visualization, verbalization and virtual communication techniques are widely used in the practice of the site [2|. The techniques of visualizing information about the educational and professional activities of students of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts are particularly important. These didactic techniques become an effective tool for students to perceive the aesthetics of artistic embroidery and reflect the aesthetic merits of works with artistic embroidery. It should be noted that in such conditions there is an increase in the interest of schoolchildren in the profession of an artist of decorative and applied arts and crafts (in the field of artistic embroidery) strengthening the stability of this interest.

Topical issues of the federal innovation platform are discussed by representatives of the university with teachers of the Romanov School of Fine Arts life safety technology as well as with psychologists classroom teachers and medical professionals. The issues of students' mastery of the skills to draw patterns and ornaments are discussed with teachers. The possibilities of joint work on the development of students' abilities to select threads (according to a sample) perform shackles and stitch grids in specific techniques are being clarified. The requirements

for safe operation with needles and scissors are discussed. With classroom teachers, psychologists and medical professionals the features of the formation of students' knowledge about the quality of vision the accuracy and volume of the eye are analyzed. It seems important to integrate cultural educational and sanitary-hygienic activities of schools and universities to form students' ideas about the positive impact of artistic activity (artistic embroidery) on the overall development of children that will increase the subtle tactility and sensitivity of fingers.

Students who attend additional classes in artistic embroidery are convinced that the creation of artistic embroidery has a positive effect on hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Students practically learn that when embroidering a person improves such personal qualities as calmness patience and readiness to perform monotonous actions. When embroidering children observe the influence of the process of artistic embroidery on the interaction of mental and practical activities on strengthening the stability of attention and perseverance. A person who knows how to embroider gets used to neatness.

The traditional format of the events planned by the federal innovation platform is the organization of master classes and exhibitions on the territory of the Romanov School. The result of the joint activity of the university and the school is an increase in the innovative potential of the educational environment (internal and external) of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts of traditional arts and crafts' works (in the field of artistic embroidery), on the education of schoolchildren by means of national culture, on the productivity of joint career guidance work motivating school graduates to prefer the choice of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts to increase interest in various types of traditional arts and crafts (including artistic embroidery) [4; 8].

The cooperation of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts and the Romanov allows us to develop new algorithms for strengthening the interest of schoolchildren in the profession of an artist of decorative and applied arts and crafts (in the field of artistic embroidery) to create recommendations for joint work to support the processes of revival and prosperity of the splendor of Russia's artistic heritage.

The interaction of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts and the State Educational Institution "Romanovskaya School" on the implementation of the work plan of the federal innovation platform has a positive impact on the development of the university's human resources which is manifested:

- in strengthening the interest of the teaching staff in improving the skills of working with applicants;

- motivated involvement of students in public work aimed at improving the quality of preparation of applicants for admission to an art university (Institute of Traditional Applied Arts).

The dominant processes of interaction between the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts and the external educational environment including the Romanov School are decisions on managing its work for the strategic development of the university as shown by the analysis of documents developed by the university on the organization and implementation of the activities of the federal innovation platform. It is envisaged to create effective pedagogical conditions necessary for the

preservation and development of the splendor of Russia's artistic heritage through the joint activities of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts with the Romanov School at all stages of the management of the federal innovation platform. This is facilitated by the concentration of attention of the federal innovation platform on the creation of an Open multicomponent system of traditional artistic crafts [3]. The development and implementation of an Open multicomponent system of traditional artistic crafts is carried out in two directions: familiarization with traditional artistic crafts (including in the direction of artistic embroidery) and a system of education by means of traditional arti stic crafts (including artistic embroidery) [3].

The implementation of the developed methods and technologies for teaching artistic embroidery in additional classes at the Romanov School (5th-6th grade) corresponds to the content of modular and short-term cultural and educational programs: "Traditional crafts: the past is in the present the present is in the future", "Learning to teach", "Discovering Russia together as the splendor of the country's artistic heritage" and "The Russian tour guide" | 5 |.

Immersion" of students of the Romanov school in the aesthetics of perception and reflection of works (products from artistic embroidery), their training in artistic embroidery involves the use of immersive education technologies [1]. The activity of schoolchildren in the field of artistic embroidery is supported by their participation and master classes contests (demonstration) of creative works. The emotional involvement of schoolchildren in the process of perception and creation of artistic embroidery saturates their li ves with interest in the future profession of an artist of decorative and applied arts and crafts.


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