«ЗАЩИТА ПРАВ ЧЕЛОВЕКА В КОНТЕКСТЕ НЕЗАКОННОГО ОБОРОТА НАРКОТИКОВ В НОРВЕГИИ» Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Костовинская Е.Н.

В статье рассматриваются основные аспекты влияния незаконного оборота наркотиков на права человека в Норвегии, анализируются реформы, проводимые государством в этой сфере, проводится анализ положений международных актов, помогающих выработать правильную стратегию в борьбе с проблемой употребления наркотических веществ. Сопоставляются статистические данные и исторический опыт Норвегии в рассматриваемой сфере, для понимания того, какие меры в отношении ограничения наркотиков действительно работают. Акцентируется внимание на выработке мер государством, которые направлены не на устрашение, а на помощь людям, начавшим употреблять психотропные вещества. Предлагаются меры, которые помогут уменьшить количество людей, принимающих наркотики.The article examines the main aspects of the impact of drug trafficking on human rights in Norway, analyzes the reforms carried out by the state in this area, analyzes the provisions of international acts that help to develop the right strategy to combat the problem of drug use. Statistical data and the historical experience of Norway in this area are compared in order to understand what measures regarding drug restrictions really work. Attention is focused on the development of measures by the state that are aimed not at intimidation, but at helping people who have started using psychotropic substances. Measures are proposed to help reduce the number of people taking drugs.

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Костовинская Е.Н.

студентка 2 курса бакалавриата Крымский филиал ФГБОУВО «РГУП»

Научный руководитель: Айвазова Э.Р., к.ф.н., доцент, кафедры иностранных языков Крымского филиала ФГБОУВО ««РГУП»»



Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются основные аспекты влияния незаконного оборота наркотиков на права человека в Норвегии, анализируются реформы, проводимые государством в этой сфере, проводится анализ положений международных актов, помогающих выработать правильную стратегию в борьбе с проблемой употребления наркотических веществ. Сопоставляются статистические данные и исторический опыт Норвегии в рассматриваемой сфере, для понимания того, какие меры в отношении ограничения наркотиков действительно работают. Акцентируется внимание на выработке мер государством, которые направлены не на устрашение, а на помощь людям, начавшим употреблять психотропные вещества. Предлагаются меры, которые помогут уменьшить количество людей, принимающих наркотики.

Ключевые слова: наркотики, права человека, Норвегия, реформы, международные акты, психотропные вещества.



Abstract: The article examines the main aspects of the impact of drug trafficking on human rights in Norway, analyzes the reforms carried out by the state in this area, analyzes the provisions of international acts that help to develop the right strategy to combat the problem of drug use. Statistical data and the historical experience of Norway in this area are compared in order to understand what measures regarding drug restrictions really work. Attention is focused on the development of measures by the state that are aimed not at intimidation, but at helping people who have started using psychotropic substances. Measures are proposed to help reduce the number of people taking drugs. Keywords: drugs, human rights, Norway, reforms, international acts, psychotropic substances.

In the modern world, every State, including Norway, is actively fighting drug trafficking. It is worth noting that Norway is among the top five leading countries on humane and health-driven drug policies [1]. The most relevant at the present stage is the study of measures aimed at combating drugs, as well as the protection of human rights in the context of drug trafficking, in particular in Norway.

The purpose of this article is to identify the features of measures aimed at combating drugs in Norway, to determine the specifics of reforms that determine the position of this country among the best countries in the field of humane and health-driven drug policies.

The specific objectives of the study are: 1. Study of important events and decisions, as well as changes in legislation and regulations in the field of drugs from 1960 to the present day. 2. Determination of the features of measures taken to reduce the use of narcotic substances. 3. Analysis of the reasons why Norway is among the top five leading countries on humane and health-driven drug policies.

Since the establishment of the United Nations in 1945, Norway has been a major contributor to the UN. It has been an important contribution to a world order based on international law, peaceful conflict resolution and international cooperation. At the same time, Norwegian UN policy has also been about building a positive image of Norway as a nation of peace [2].

The street sale of drugs in Norway has increased dramatically since the late 1960s. In 1961, the State Clinic for Drug Addicts (SCN) was opened in Hove, Sendre land. The clinic was created to receive so-called "classic" drug addicts: medical workers or patients who had access to drugs and started using them [3]. In 1964, the Law on Medicines was adopted. The general penalty for violating the law was established in the form of a fine and/or imprisonment for up to 3 months. In 1965, the first confiscation of cannabis took place in Norway. When the use of illegal substances increased sharply in Norway and young people started using drugs, there was a strong belief that punishment could solve all problems. Thus, from 1965 to 1984, the punishment for drug-related crimes in our State increased from 6 months to 21 years in prison. Despite these measures taken, the number of people using drugs continued to grow. In 2002, the capital of Norway - Oslo received the title of "Drug Death Capital of Europe" [4], which reflects the problems authorities have in dealing with drugs problems, particularly in Eastern Oslo.

Drug-related relations in Norway are regulated by: the Criminal Code and the Law on Medicines. Drug use entails a violation of the Law on Medicines. Section 24 of the Medicines Act states that possession and use of drugs is illegal. According to the second paragraph of article 31 of the Law on Medicines, possession and use of drugs can be punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to 6 months, or both. Usually a preliminary ban (fine) is imposed, the amount of which depends on the type and quantity of the substance. The Law on Medicines applies to people who use drugs. When it comes to storage, purchase and sale, smuggling, etc., the Criminal Code is applied [5]. If you are convicted under the Criminal Code, the punishment will be more severe.

It is necessary to note that Norway is undergoing a drug reform. As part of the reform, the Government advocates that people caught using illegal drugs should be required to appear before a municipal advisory group, and not be punished with fines and imprisonment. So, in the spring of 2022, the Supreme Court of Norway ruled that the acquisition, use and possession by drug addicts of up to five grams of heroin, amphetamine or cocaine for their own use is not punishable [6]. Thus, drugs have been decriminalized in our state.

It should also be noted that Norway, in carrying out the fight against drugs, follows the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, as amended, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 and the UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988.

According to statistics, cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in Norway. One in four has tried cannabis in their lifetime. The central stimulants: cocaine, ecstasy/MDMA and amphetamines are the most commonly used illegal drugs after cannabis. These substances are also most common among men and in the youngest age groups. In 2020, 324 drug—related deaths were recorded in Norway, 31 percent of them women. Eight out of ten deaths were related to opioid use. Heroin was the drug that stood out in the statistics the most, compared to the previous three years. In 2020, 75 deaths from heroin use were recorded, in 2019 there were 54 such deaths, which corresponds to an increase in deaths from this drug by 39 percent. "Other opioids," such as morphine, codeine and oxycodone, were the most frequent major intoxicants in 2020, killing 95 people. This is ten more people than in 2019 [7].

A study conducted in 2020 in Norway examined the relationship between cannabis use in the past 12 months and related factors (such as attitudes towards legalization, intention to use it and perception of risk) and the possible development of addiction among university and college students, and outlined considerations on the necessary response strategies. In light of the relatively widespread use of cannabis, attitudes towards legalization, the degree of willingness to use cannabis in the event of its legalization and a low subjective assessment of the risk associated with it, the authors of the study suggest that cannabis use poses a significant risk to the health of college and university students in the country. Therefore, response strategies on college campuses should be aimed not only at solving the problem of frequent cannabis use, but also at changing students' attitudes to cannabis and risk assessment [8].

Norway, being a member state of the UN and taking an active part in the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, is actively pursuing an internal policy aimed at combating drug trafficking. Drug-related problems have huge consequences for individuals and society.

Through the Norwegian drug policy, efforts are being made to reduce the availability of drugs by introducing measures against production, importation and turnover. This is done at the national level, for example through police and customs authorities, and through a broad international engagement [9].

The adoption of various regulatory legal acts, amendments to existing laws, as well as ongoing drug reform contribute to reducing drug trafficking, which allows:

• firstly, to reduce drug use, while focusing on effective and universal prevention, early intervention, affordable treatment and follow-up.

• secondly, decriminalize drugs, so that drug use in Norway will steadily decrease. By freeing drug addicts from the stigma of criminals, our state will significantly increase the percentage of those who will voluntarily choose treatment.

• thirdly, Norway helps other UN member states by directing its financial contributions to international drug cooperation through multilateral organizations; and participates in their governing bodies.

Because of all the above, it can be argued that in the modern world the spread of drugs has become one of the most serious problems threatening the existence and development of mankind. To cope with this problem, States must implement an integrated approach to its solution. In turn, Norway, in order to solve the problem of drug trafficking, protects, respects and embodies the right of the population to health by allocating the maximum possible resources to provide affordable and high-quality medical care, including access to necessary medicines, palliative care, comprehensive drug control programs, education in this area, treatment for drug addiction and harm reduction programs.

Reference bibliographic list:

1. Norway has Best Drug Policies and Brazil Has Worst, According to New Index. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://healthpolicy-watch.news/countries-need-to-prioritize-health-in-framing-drug-policies-current-policies-affect-poor-people-more-shows-new-report/. Дата обращения: 10.11.2022 г.

2. FN er viktig for Norge. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://www.fn.no/om-fn/norge-og-fn. Дата обращения: 23.11.2022 г.

3. Historisk oversikt over narkotika i Norge 1912-2021. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://www.fhi.no/nettpub/narkotikainorge/narkotika-i-historien/historisk-oversikt-over-narkotika-i-norge-1912-2018/. Дата обращения: 27.11.2022 г.

4. Drinking and Drugs in Norway: What You Need to Know. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://www.worldnomads.com/travel-safety/northern-europe/norway/drinking-and-drug-safety-issues-in-norway. Дата обращения: 28.11.2022 г.

5. Narkotika i Norge. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://www.fhi.no/nettpub/narkotikainorge/. Дата обращения: 22.11.2022 г.

6. No decriminalisation of drugs in Norway yet: Being caught with a joint can still have major consequences. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://sciencenorway.no/addiction-cannabis-crime/no-decriminalisation-of-drugs-in-norway-yet-being-caught-with-a-joint-can-still-have-major-consequences/2054646. Дата обращения: 27.11.2022 г.

7. Narkotikabruk i Norge. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://www.fhi.no/nettpub/narkotikainorge/bruk-av-narkotika/narkotikabruk-i-

norge/#:~:text=Cannabis%20er%20det%20mest%20bmkte,utbredt%20i%20de%20yngste%20aldersgruppene. Дата обращения: 17.11.2022 г.

8. Доклад Международного комитета по контролю над наркотиками за 2021 год. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://unis.unvienna.org/pdf/2022/INCB/INCB_2021_Report_R.pdf. Дата обращения: 25.11.2022 г.

9. Narkotikapolitikk. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/tema/helse-og-omsorg/psykisk-helse/innsikt/narkotikapolitikk/id2528185/. Дата обращения: 20.11.2022 г.

Джемилева Г.Л.,

студентка 3 курса бакалавриата Крымский филиал ФГБОУВО «РГУП»

Научный руководитель: Айвазова Э.Р., к.ф.н., доцент, кафедры иностранных языков Крымского филиала ФГБОУВО ««РГУП»»



Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются ключевые аспекты глобальной проблемы распространения и незаконного оборота наркотических веществ. Внимание сосредоточено на изучении осуществляемой на основе внешних и внутренних партнерских отношений нормативной, аналитической и оперативной деятельности Управления Организации Объединенных Наций по наркотикам и преступности, а именно исследована правовая база работы указанного органа, а также комплекс предпринимаемых международно-правовых мер, направленных на защиту прав человека в условиях незаконного оборота наркотиков. Приведены статистические данные по исследуемому вопросу, а также рассмотрены перспективы развития международного сотрудничества по решению проблемы наркотиков и в целом деятельности УНП ООН в этом направлении.

Ключевые слова: права человека, наркотические вещества, незаконный оборот наркотиков, преступность, ООН, УНП ООН, международное сотрудничество.


Abstract: The article examines key aspects of the global problem of the diffusion and trafficking of narcotic drugs. It focuses on the normative, analytical and operational activities of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime through external and internal partnerships, examining the legal framework of the Office, as well as the set of international legal measures aimed at protecting human rights in the context of drug trafficking. It provides statistical data on the issue under study and looks at the prospects for international cooperation to address the drug problem and UNODC activities in that area in general.

Keywords: human rights, addictive substances, drug trafficking, crime, UN, UNODC, international co-operation.

Nowadays humanity is going through very difficult times. The drug problem has taken on a global dimension, and the security of humanity as a whole and the rights and legitimate interests of everyone are under threat.

The most relevant at the present stage is the study of the ways, measures and means used at the international level to combat drug trafficking, in addition, at the present stage it is important the significance of the role of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) as a global leader in the combating against drugs and crime.

The purpose of this article is to highlight the specificity and legal basis of UNODC's work, as well as the special aspects of the organisation of state cooperation in the framework of the drug problem.

The specific objectives of the study are: 1. Examine the legal instruments on which UNODC's work is based. 2. Identify the peculiar features of the body's operations. 3. Study the specifics of the organisation of international cooperation and future prospects in the field of combating drug trafficking.

Drug addiction is a chronically relapsing disorder characterised by compulsive use of addictive substances, despite adverse consequences for the individual and society. According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime World Drug Report 2022, around 284 million people around the world used drugs in the past year while over 36 million suffered from drug use disorders.

In surveys of health professionals conducted during the pandemic in 77 countries, 42% stated that cannabis use increased. During the same period, there was an increase in non-medical use of pharmaceutical preparations [3]. According to the latest global estimates, about 5.5 per cent of people aged 15-64 have used drugs at least once in the past year, and 36.3 million people, or 13 per cent of all drug users, have a drug use disorder [4].

The category of teenagers and young people is particularly vulnerable to substance abuse. The greatest harm from drugs is associated with the use of opioids, especially because of the risk of contracting HIV or hepatitis C if precautions are not taken when injecting drugs. Some 42 million years

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