ЗАЩИТА, НАСЛЕДИЕ И РАЗВИТИЕ КОНЦЕПТА «МОНГОЛЬСКИЙ ГЭСЭР» В ДИСКУРСЕ «ПОЯСА И ПУТИ» Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
монгольский язык / монгольский эпос / героический эпос / культура гесера / дискурс Пояса и Пути / Mongolian / Geser culture / The Belt and Road discourse

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Хасанчимэг Х.

Монгольский гэсэр является основным понятием «пояса гэсэрской культуры», а также частью кочевой культуры. Он известен как «Илиада на Востоке» и «Гесар», который представляет собой крупномасштабный живой эпос, распространенный в полиэтнических и трансграничных районах и занимающий важное место в истории человеческой культуры. Изучение состояния защиты, наследования и развития концепта монгольской культуры «гэсэр» постепенно развивалось с тех пор, как в 21 веке был осуществлен проект защиты нематериального культурного наследия. Защита, наследие и развитие культуры монгольского гэсэра имеет решающее значение для строительства «Пояса и пути».

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The culture of Mongolian Geser is the main concept of ‗Geser culture belt‘ and is also the part of nomadic culture. It is known as "Iliad in the East" and "Gesar", which is a large-scale living epic spread in multi-ethnic and cross-border areas and occupies an important position in the history of human culture. The exploration of the protection, inheritance and development of Mongolian Geser culture has gradually matured since the intangible cultural heritage protection project was carried out in the 21st century. The protection, inheritance and development of the culture of Mongolian Geser is of crucial importance to the construction of "the Belt and Road".


УДК 821

doi 10.24411/2221-0458-2020-10038



Х. Хасанчимэг, преподаватель школы искусств, Университет национальностей Внутренней Монголии, Тунляо, Внутренняя Монголия, Китай

Работа является одним из достижений проекта Национального фонда социальных наук «Исследование состояния защиты и наследования нематериального культурного наследия монголов с XXI века», проект № 19BMZ061.



Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia

This paper is one of a phased achievements of the National Social Science Fund Project "Research on the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage of Mongolians since the 21st century", Project No. 19BMZ061

Монгольский гэсэр является основным понятием «пояса гэсэрской культуры», а также частью кочевой культуры. Он известен как «Илиада на Востоке» и «Гесар», который представляет собой крупномасштабный живой эпос, распространенный в полиэтнических и трансграничных районах и занимающий важное место в истории человеческой культуры. Изучение состояния защиты, наследования и развития концепта монгольской культуры «гэсэр» постепенно развивалось с тех пор, как в 21 веке был осуществлен проект защиты нематериального культурного наследия. Защита, наследие и развитие культуры монгольского гэсэра имеет решающее значение для строительства «Пояса и пути».

Ключевые слова: монгольский язык; монгольский эпос; героический эпос; культура гесера; дискурс Пояса и Пути

The culture of Mongolian Geser is the main concept of 'Geser culture belt' and is also the part of nomadic culture. It is known as "Iliad in the East" and "Gesar", which is a large-scale living epic

spread in multi-ethnic and cross-border areas and occupies an important position in the history of human culture. The exploration of the protection, inheritance and development of Mongolian Geser culture has gradually matured since the intangible cultural heritage protection project was carried out in the 21st century. The protection, inheritance and development of the culture of Mongolian Geser is of crucial importance to the construction of "the Belt and Road".

Key words: Mongolian; Geser culture; The Belt and Road discourse

I. The nature and connotation of Mongolian Geser culture

"Geser" is a long and artistic heroic epic created by Mongolian people in their long life and production process. It is generally believed that this epic is closely related to the Tibetan Gesar and belongs to the same source. Geser originates from the steppe with a long history. It uniquely tells the story of heroes subduing and removing demons, restraining the strong and supporting the weak, and building their homes. Therefore, it is praised as the oriental "Iliad".

This epic is believed by the Mongolian people as a classic of praying for blessings and avoiding disasters, and it has been treasured and enshrined for generations. In the minds of the Mongolian people, Geser has always been great. His terrifying spirit, eliminating harm for the people, indomitable spirit, and tremendous power are all admired and worshipped by the Mongolians. Like Genghis Khan, Geser is the God of the Mongolian people. Therefore, the name and deeds of Geser are widely spread and known on the steppe. It spreads among the Mongolian

people living in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Xinjiang and other provinces, even among the Daur, Yugur, Baoan, Tu and other ethnic people of Mongolian nationality. It also spreads to Tuva people of Turkic language by the Mongolian nationality. In the abroad, it spreads to Mongolia, the Russian Republic of Buryatia, and the places where the Kalmyks live.

Geser epic is spread in two ways - oral and written forms. Firstly, one of the oral spreading form is like "Geser used Ruyi gem to pacify the evil king", "Hercules Geser Bogda suppressed thirteen pyongus" and "Ten saints Geser Khan severely punished pyongus golden horn", and "Bogda Geser Khan biography" and other epic and story about Geser sung by jinbazamusu in Inner Mongolia Bahrain area; the famous old man of geserqi Pajie in Zhalute banner of, Inner Mongolia, talks and sings "the epic of geserkhan"; the folk oral epics about Geser such as "Abay Geser" in the area where buryates live. In addition, Geser's oral folk epics and works are widely spread in other areas where Mongolian

people live together. The Mongolian "hero's Geser Khan" has created a hero who is powerful and invincible. In the eyes of Mongolians, he is a symbol of bravery, wisdom and bravery. The oral spreading works in Qinghai province include "Zarab taukhur Khan", "Geser biography", "Geser Bogda Khan", "Divine bird landing", "Amunaigeser Bogda", "Geser hero's suppression of ondurumuskhan", "Geser's son - abayuandun and ababanchan", "Seven-year-old dorkiecherchen Khan", "Alqishdigerstai Ji " and " Fourteen-year-old amunegesr Bogda and Thirteen-year-old hero of abainchin ", etc. Secondly, the written spreading form; according to incomplete statistics, has various manuscripts and versions of the Mongolian "biography of Geser Khan" now, including Beijing woodcut, Beijing Long Fu Temple, U Sotone, Ordos, nomuqihadun, Zaya, cewang and willatutote, Mongolian text and other independent texts. As a Mongolian heroic epic, Geser has attracted the world's attention. First of all, it started from the written "biography of Geser Khan". This epic has been spread abroad for a long time. It has been translated into Russian, English, French, German, Japanese, Indian and other languages for publishing. It has been widely appreciated in the world and recognized as a representative work of Oriental epic.

In the process of "Geser" spreading, it has formed a unique etiquette and taboo,

which has derived many beautiful legends, such as sacrificial words, divination words, admonition words and so on. The protagonist is regarded as the God of war by the people. In some places, there are Geser temples for people to worship. In addition, Mongolian herdsmen also generally worship Geser in their own homes, and even are used to singing Geser songs frequently to educate children with Geser's instructions. These constitute a unique landscape of the Geser culture in Mongolian culture.

II. Current situation of protection, inheritance and development of Mongolian Geser culture

In modern times, the ancient and splendid Mongolian Geser culture is also facing a very serious crisis. The research on Mongolian Geser began in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It mainly collects, rescues, translates and publishes Geser systematically. Later, in the "ten years of turmoil", the research work of Geser was in a state of suspension.

Since the 1980s, with the development of the study of Gesar (Geser) and Mongolian in China, the study of Gesar in Mongolia has made gratifying achievements, thus promoting the development of the study of international Gesar. According to incomplete statistics, approximately 100 research papers have been published in newspapers and magazines, as well as the national and international academic

conferences. In addition, academic monographs started to be published.

The exploration of the protection, inheritance and development of Mongolian Geser culture, is mainly started from the open and reform. When come to the 21st century, the intangible cultural heritage protection has gradually set off a climax. Since the 1980s, the first batch of achievements of the general survey and rescue work of Mongolian Geser have been edited and published in China, which has laid a rich and detailed foundation for the research of Geser. In November 1991, the state named 22 Geser rappers and 2 outstanding rappers. Among them, there are 7 rappers in Mongolian Geser. Pajie, a famous Mongolian artist, was named as an outstanding rapper. In 2004, the Sumu Party committee and government of sabaltai in Right Banner of Bahrain invested heavily to rebuild the Geser temple in its Qing Dynasty ruined site.

In 2008, Balin Right Banne, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia was named "the hometown of Chinese Geser culture" by the Ministry of culture of the people's Republic of China. In September of 2009, the "Geser" of Mongolia and "Gesar" of Tibet were declared jointly by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the people's Committee of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the Department of culture, the Academy of social Sciences of Tibet Autonomous Region, the Federation of literary and art circles of Xinjiang

Autonomous Region, the Federation of literary and art circles of Qinghai Province and other relevant departments were both included in the Federation "List of representative works of human intangible cultural heritage" of UNESCO. In December of 2010, the international academic seminar "singers and stories in the 21st century: Parry Lord heritage" hosted by "Parry oral literature museum" of Harvard University, and researcher Chao Gejin, director of National Literature Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and President of Chinese folklore society, was invited to publish conference papers. Aotegen Bayar, a Mongolian epic singer from hansumu Town, Arhorqin banner, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, presented the epic segment of "Geser", which was "a climax of this conference" by scholars from all over the world. In 2011, the Balin Right Banne was named as "Geser cultural and ecological protection zone" by the people's Government of the autonomous region. In 2012, the national leading group of Geser and the Ethnic Affairs Committee of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region jointly established the "Chinese cultural rescue, protection and research base of Geser " in the Balin Right Banne, and held the "first China Geser high level forum". From August 12 to August 15, 2013, "International Symposium on Geser and oral epic" was held in the Balin

Right Banne. Experts, scholars and epic artists from the United States, Russia, Japan, Mongolia, Turkey, Nigeria, Poland and other countries, as well as provinces (autonomous regions) including Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Gansu and Taiwan etc. attended the conference. The national leading group of "Geser", the relevant leaders of Institute of ethnic literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Inner Mongolia People's Committee, Chifeng, and Bahrain Right Banner attended the meeting. The meeting was jointly sponsored by the national leading group of geser, the international epic society, the Institute of ethnic literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the Ethnic Affairs Committee of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and organized by the people's Government of Right Banner of Bahrain.

The Balin Right Banne Committee and the people's Government of Bahrain Right Banner have invested a lot of human and financial resources to carry out the rescue, protection and research of the Geser culture. It has collected more than 200 epic poems, 55 kinds of legends and sacrifice articles, published more than 10 related works, and developed the audio-visual products and cultural website of Geser. According to incomplete statistics, there are around 56 Mongolian rappers who can sing more than one chapter of Geser epic in China. They are

distributed in Qinghai, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Gansu etc.

III. The significance of the protection, inheritance and development of Mongolian Geser culture to the construction of "the Belt and Road".

Geser is not only a kind of literature and folk culture in Mongolian society, but also an embodiment and symbol of Mongolian heroism culture. The culture of "Geser" includes not only the singing of Geser's epic, but also the musical instruments, rituals and customs used in the singing of Geser's epic, as well as the ideas, values and beliefs expressed through the use of Geser. Therefore, the protection, inheritance and development of Geser culture is not only the protection, inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage, but the protection, inheritance and development of its material cultural carrier. On the one hand, with the help of "China's Geser cultural rescue protection and research base", we should do more in-depth protection, inheritance and development of Geser, culture. On the other hand, we should continue to inherit and develop the living culture of Geser under the theme of Geser and highlight the national and regional characteristics. What's more, we should combine the protection of epic, legend, Scripture, folk custom ceremony of "Geser" with cultural relics and the systematic protection of Grassland Natural Ecology. We

should also combine the collection and rescue of epic and other oral literature with the cultivation of artists, combine the teaching and dissemination of epic and other cultural activities, combine the development and utilization of national traditional culture with the development of public cultural industry and the development of national culture, and combine the operation of the brand with tourism, trade and other economies, and combine the cultural construction with regional economic development and social stability. Any kind of culture must be integrated into life and become a living culture, to get better inheritance and development, otherwise it can only be preserved in the museum and become a memory review.

The protection, inheritance and development of the culture of Mongolian "Geser" is of great meaning to the construction of "the Belt and Road". The common aspiration between people is the social foundation for the construction of "the Belt and Road ". "Geser" is widely distributed in the north of China, Mongolia, Russia, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan and other countries and surrounding areas to the south of the Himalayas. For thousands of years, it has been widely spread and mingled among all ethnic groups in northern China and neighboring countries, infiltrating all aspects of social life of all ethnic groups in this area. Geser is the

most representative cultural heritage in northern China and Eurasia, and a common culture and wealth created by all countries in the long process of cultural exchange and integration.

The cultural belt of China and Eurasia witnessed the national and cultural exchanges of the northern prairie silk road. Inheriting and carrying forward the culture of Geser, which is also the inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of friendship and cooperation of the Silk Road, can promote the cultural exchanges, trade exchanges, win-win cooperation and common development between China and Eurasian countries, and lay a solid foundation for deepening bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Thus, it has a profound impact on the joint construction of the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and the "21st century Maritime Silk Road".

We should promote the construction of "the Belt and Road" and strive to create a new pattern of all-round opening up. We should also attach importance to cultural strength and promote cultural exchanges. Specifically, we should not only protect the existing cultural relics of the silk road through cultural inheritance and development, but give new connotation and new cultural charm to some ancient cultural heritage through vigorous innovation. Historically, under the guidance and promotion of the Silk Road, the world began to understand China and China began to

influence the world. The Silk Road has played a very important role in promoting the ideological exchange and cultural integration between the east and the west, as well as the, global economic integration and the diversification of human civilization. Here, it is the "soft power" of culture that promotes the exchange and integration of different civilizations, thus promoting economic factors such as economy, trade and investment. China will make the best advantages of the regions along the line, strengthen cultural exchanges, take culture as the soul, and play a leading role in culture. Inner Mongolia should make the best of its geographical advantages of connecting Russia and Mongolia, improve the railway channel and regional railway network Библиографический список

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between Heilongjiang and Russia, as well as the land sea intermodal transport cooperation between Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and the Far East of Russia, promote the construction of Beijing Moscow Eurasian high-speed transport corridor, and build an important window for opening to the north. As the key region and important member of Geser culture belt, Inner Mongolia's participation in the construction of "the Belt and Road" means promoting and utilizing Geser culture as its cultural resource advantage, mission, and responsibility. In this meaning, the protection, inheritance and development of Mongolian Geser culture is of great importance to the construction of "the Belt and Road".

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Х. Хасанчимэг - преподаватель школы искусств, Университет национальностей Внутренней Монголии, Тунляо, Внутренняя Монголия, Китай, e-mail: 309260030@qq.com

Kh.Hassanchimeg - Lecturer at School of Arts, Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, China, e-mail: 309260030@qq.com

Статья поступила в редакцию 9.09.2020.

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