YOUNG GENERATIONS HAVE CHOSEN ECOLOGY AS THEIR NEW POLICY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Mihajlović S.

The spontaneous organization of young people all over the world in a new vision called ecology is reflected in the failure of existing social systems - neoliberalism, religions and associations. The unhappy mass of people around the world is filling the power of collective consciousness that require change. The fear of the truth is the generator of 5G generation development, genome editing by means CRISPR/Cas9, biogenetics, wave genetics, nanotechnologies, bioengineering, robotics, etc. The author suggests that ecology is the new worldview, and nature is an economic partner, stronger than anyone, without negotiation.

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Спонтанная организация молодых людей во всем мире в форматах нового мировоззрения, называемого экологией, отражается в разрушении существующих социальных систем - неолиберализма, традиционных религий и ассоциаций. Обездоленные массы людей во всем мире формируют новое коллективное сознание и требуют перемен. Вместе с тем, боязнь правды является генератором появления таких феноменов как поколение 5G, редактирования генома с помощью Crispr/Cas 9, биогенетики, волновой генетики, нанотехнологий, биоинженерии, робототехники и т.д. Автор полагает, что экология - это особое мировоззрение, а природа - экономический партнер, более сильный, чем кто-либо, с которым невозможно вести деловые переговоры.



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S. Mihajlovic

Ljubljana, Slovenia

The spontaneous organization of young people all over the world in a new vision called ecology is reflected in the failure of existing social systems - neoliberalism, religions and associations. The unhappy mass of people around the world is filling the power of collective consciousness that require change. The fear of the truth is the generator of 5G generation development, genome editing by means CRISPR/Cas9, biogenetics, wave genetics, nanotechnologies, bioengineering, robotics, etc. The author suggests that ecology is the new worldview, and nature is an economic partner, stronger than anyone, without negotiation.

Keywords: social self-organization, youth, ecology, collective consciousness, nature, economic partnership.

If we begin to string the facts on the «necklace» of truth, we can begin with a simple set of facts, such as:

- the fall in the birth rate in the urban world means that the environment in which we live does not create conditions for birth and family formation and narrow it;

- the enlargement and dispersion of the freedoms of tolerance and democracy creates more confusion than order, since everyone in society seeks rights for himself against the common goal of society;

- the expansion of the consumer society requires consumers for everything that is produced (whether necessary, healthy and beneficial) to boost the gross turnover of the state and society;

© Mihajlovic S., 2019

- the loss of the value system to institutions such as the judiciary, the police, the military as a historical heritage of previous generations, which should adapt to changes in society, but now lags behind the reality, but in no way answers the future of young generations;

- internet awareness has caused a tsunami of transmitting a spectrum of true facts, fake news, conspiracy theories, deep-net, etc. With the inclusion of smartphones, however, each individual becomes an event creator, a journalist, a person who can trigger an uncontrolled domino effect reaction at the right time in the right place and with the right content;

- education provided in existing education systems around the world builds its autonomy and value system on the shaky feet of the fact that, before entering the school system, at 5, 6 years old, young generations already master the communication input to the Internet systems and can verify facts and truths, theses and antitheses that are cited in education systems, detect discrepancies and conflict with the school staff of teachers who lack authority and credibility. The whole school system is losing its place of education and indoctrination in a students in the period of absorption of knowledge and patterns, and other initiatives that are not covered by the regular systems of society and becoming dominant in the development of the child are entering this place;

- analysis of drug expansion and consumption shows that there is a growing population that consumes a wide range of substances, such as drugs, tablets, alcohol, food, etc. with the tendency of each yearly decline in the age limit of users, which is in inverse-proportion to the effectiveness of the social system, which wants to create a healthy individual with decent decision making, family creation, continuation of our species and assumption of responsibility of capital and function in the future;

- systemic degradation of the environment, decline in quality of life, cleanliness of water and air creates millions of anemic population worldwide, receiving most of the information daily through the media in the form of destroying a system of societies and values that follow only the partial goals of

oriented elites, which are supposed to be the idol of the majority population - where a quiet, growing hatred of everything around us is created. Sparks are manifested in the expansion of massacres of youth individuals in America and around the world, Internet attacks by viruses, threats and blackmail that no country's social, military or security systems can stop;

- the religions of the world, from those who have a tradition to the modern times, show the fact that religions that conflict with existing social systems around the world are on the rise, simply because they manage to infiltrate youth dissatisfaction with the anemic state of their generations into the extremity of the collapse of the system through faith.

Too often young people see organized religion connected to intolerance and abuse. For young people with minimal religious commitment, these sights can be a turn-off [1].

It is important to know what movements have the ability to animate and transform anemically young generations into living with meaning.

From the history of the last few thousand years it is known that the ego of the individual and the power of the military apparatus inevitably trigger a conflict resulting in war, the appropriation of foreign territories, goods, the destruction of the educational systems of smarter communities, with the intention that war promotes economic growth as a result of war conflicts said with one word: when the argument runs out and the opponent is not ready to accept the conditions - whether they are righteous or not, ethical or not, have the effect of triggering a war or not - ego and greed throughout history have never disappointed historical facts.

For the last 10 years, when information technology has emerged as a weapon and when an individual can transmit information truthfully or falsely to any end of the world, war as a fact remains, but the ego of the individual controlling the war power has been losing decision-making autonomy as a new moment has emerged, called the power of the broad masses. For all military activities, countries that want aggression need the support, understanding, and approval of the masses, not only in their own country, but throughout the world.

An analysis of the war conflicts of the superpowers in Afghanistan, which does not economically, politically, educationally and organizationally represent a regulated system, but is a world superpower in the field of drug export, shows that the will of the people is stronger than the war force.

Creating war conflicts through false replacements of soldiers' uniforms, drones and unmarked rockets, fake news, depictions of scenic events buy public opinion for generations over 45 because of their specific status in life (home, family, etc.). Young generations, however, do not believe this because they are aware of the history of the set of similarities that all countries in the world are working towards to achieve their short-term goals, and globally they create a mass of young generations who do not see their goals in the aggression of one nation over another.

War analysts and intelligence systems are well aware of the fact that all the wolves in this world are competing to find the most beautiful «skin of sheep» that they can wear, in order to trigger a global conflict in which the culprit is not visible and known.The more sophisticated the control system, the weaker its function.

Tourism has become a global economic industry because people want to see, feel and experience nature and paradise on earth for their money. Photos of nature experiences are sent to friends, acquaintances, relatives, etc. The most commonly used words are beautiful nature, clean air, good food, clean water, etc.

This pattern of thought is most strongly imprinted on the human subconscious and is ready to follow or do anything for him. In the intervals of previous centuries, accessibility to pure nature, food and the environment was taken for granted - desire and need was reflected in the consumption of goods, technique, accessibility to transport and satisfaction of the senses.

With the change of migration flows, the uncontrolled growth of urban areas, the dependence of the individual on the systemic order of society, the regulation of every minute of the day through work, obligations, duties - nature, clean environment, water and air are becoming an unattainable value.

The thesis of the systematic ordering of society and the complete subordination of all subsystems to this goal have created an envi-

ronment and a society, where the antithesis is the desire for a clean environment, water and air.

Due to information tools and the Internet, young generations recognize where the functioning of existing systems lead to and are not ready to subordinate their personality to branded brands, the battle for position, years of struggle for status and advancement in society, they are not ready to submit to the tradition of taking over, caring and maintaining capital, because they are aware that they live here and now and that the irrefutable fact is that the value system of society has destroyed their opportunities for development, for creating a family, for a normal life. The escalation of disgruntled young ecol-ogists or people is reflected in raising people's awareness against all environmental pollutants, oil polluting companies with a desire for profit, pulp companies that perform forest felling in Europe and Scandinavia and centuries-old oak tree felling in Romania and Bulgaria for sanitary paper, the monopoly of genetically generated seeds that would give birth in extreme weather anywhere in the world, in the annual decline of land-based resources consumed in the five to six months of each current year, where healthy food is designated as dangerous and the hyperbaric chamber will become tomorrow part of everyday life at home and at work.

A young promoter of the global ecological trend Greta Thunberg showed the powerlessness and disintegration of all social systems, and when they recognized her power of self-organization such as Friday for the Future, where she spontaneously mobilized millions of people around the world, demanding an end to the environmental burdens of the industry and the spontaneous battle of the media, she and her parents were characterized as psychologically unstable, until system acceptance to influence consciousness through her presence in Davos and the United Nations, where the fear lies beneath the poultry of the system: what if a person, event, or situation that escalates and awakens tomorrow environmental awareness of people around the world that would trigger an organization beyond the control of existing systems.

More importantly, perhaps, the beliefs of environmentalism offer a recipe to live our lives in what are perceived as righteous ways. These prescriptions shape our behaviour. Habits such as recycling

are well established and quite resistant to change, just as religious rituals are [2].

Every country, society, business, production and family community must respect the nature awareness as a guest in the ecosystem, which is obliged to bear responsibility for every road it builds in its area, every dam of the river, every night lighting, every noise, every pollution it creates and every consumer product of the food and nonfood species it produces which must be created so that it can be recycled harmlessly to the nature, repeatedly recycled, limit its needs (when you go for a picnic, you bring things with you, and when you leave the place you take them with you as if you were never there), create an educational system for controlling your senses, raising your consciousness so that it would be beneficial for the environment, flora and fauna to coexist, otherwise nature as the greatest killer in history mankind has much more powerful tools and weapons, such as floods, typhoons, tsunamis, volcanoes, cooling, icing, heat, drought, which instantly remind a person that he or she is not the master of the territory called Earth, but only an unkind guest doing more harm than good. The nature is an economic partner, stronger than anyone, without negotiation.

That is why the younger generations are thinking «better to die with meaning than to live without meaning» as George Bernard Shaw wrote that a person is born twice in his life «first when he is born and the second time he finds the meaning of life» [3].

The consciousness of the inhabitants of the Earth inevitably grows in the awareness that without investing in maintaining a clean environment, water and air, the future on Earth is impossible, despite the false belief that without technology, consummation and comfort we will not survive.

It is inevitable to change the mentality of the individual, that as a causative agent of the environmental burden for all that he wants to create during his life, he bears responsibility and a causal consequence. Before producing any product, the industry must think about the consequences of the product after use on the environment, water, air, flora and fauna.

The chain reaction of environmental law is a matter of time, and the right of individuals and groups against states and multinationals is already here. The right to a clean environment, water and air is 323

above all constitutions of states. Environmental law, however, can force any country or multinational company to consider nature as a partner in the process. The ecological power of the young generation, however, is no longer stopped by the existing approaches of the present society [4].


1. Manning J. Christel: Gen Z is the least religious generation. Here's why that could be a good thing // Pacific Standards. 2019. May 6. URL: https://psmag.com/ideas/gen-z-is-the-least-religious-generation-heres-why-that-could-be-a-good-thing (accessed: 24.09.2019).

2. Barber N. Is Environmentalism a Religion? // Psychology Today. 2018. Jun. 28. URL: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-human-beast/201806/is-environmentalism-religion (accessed: 24.09.2019).

3. Burton N. What is the Meaning of Life? // Psychology Today. 2018 Mar. 3. URL: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/hide-and-seek/201803/what-is-the-meaning-life (accessed: 24.09.2019).

4. Mihajlovic S. Politicno vodenje za nove generacije (Political leadership for new generations). Nova Gorica: Zalozba EDUCA, 2011. 360 s.


С. Михайлович

г. Любляна, Словения

Спонтанная организация молодых людей во всем мире в форматах нового мировоззрения, называемого экологией, отражается в разрушении существующих социальных систем - неолиберализма, традиционных религий и ассоциаций. Обездоленные массы людей во всем мире формируют новое коллективное сознание и требуют перемен. Вместе с тем, боязнь правды является генератором появления таких феноменов как поколение 5G, редактирования генома с помощью Crispr/Cas 9, биогенетики, волновой генетики, нанотехнологий, биоинженерии, робототехники и т.д. Автор полагает, что экология - это особое мировоззрение, а природа - экономический партнер, более сильный, чем кто-либо, с которым невозможно вести деловые переговоры.

Ключевые слова: социальная самоорганизация, молодежь, экология, коллективное сознание, природа, экономическое партнерство.

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