Научная статья на тему 'ECOLOGY AS A NEW ETHICAL SYSTEM'

ECOLOGY AS A NEW ETHICAL SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Mihajlovic S.

Ecology as a new religion is above the state, state systems, overall existing religions, multinationals, all existing hegemons and whoever does not understand that, it will find out through extreme contamination of living space with various diseases, contaminated water, extreme weather phenomena, with the collapse of all previous systems, which no army and force can stand up to. The situation in our environment and on our planet is alarming primarily because we do not take into account the limited natural resources and do not respect the principle of sustainable use of nature due to the interests of capital, which requires profit at all costs in the exploitation of nature and people. Anyone who feels threatened to access clean water, air, environment, and development can become an extreme fighter for these rights because of the changed consciousness, which is based on the ethics of ecology. No one on the territory called earth can resist this army. Compass of the future for every individual, prime minister, director of the corporation, for all people who at this moment are deciding in which direction should the planet go - is to set the compass in the right and ethical direction.

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Экология как новая этическая система по своему значению превосходит государство и государственные системы, традиционные религии, транснациональные корпорации и существующих гегемонов. Тот, кто этого не осознает, непременно столкнется с распространением заболеваний, загрязнением воды, экстремальными погодными условиями, крушением существующих систем, и никакая армия или иная сила не смогут этому противостоять. Ситуация, наблюдаемая на нашей планете, вызывает особое беспокойство, поскольку мы не принимаем во внимание ограниченность природных ресурсов и не соблюдаем принципов устойчивого развития, постоянного используя природу в интересах капитала, требующего прибыли любой ценой. Любой человек, ощутивший для себя угрозу потерять доступ к чистой воде, к чистому воздуху - к чистой окружающей среде в целом, а также к возможности развития, которая тесно связана с изменением отношения к окружающей среде и природным ресурсам и с осознанием важности этого для человечества, становится крайне активным элементом огромной армии, сражающейся именно за эти, основанные на этике экологии, права человека. И никто на всей территории, называемой планета Земля, не может сопротивляться такой армии. Компас будущего для каждого отдельного человека, будь это премьер-министр или директор корпорации - любой, кто в данный момент принимает решение о направлении, в котором должна двигаться планета Земля, - это компас, установленный в правильном, с точки зрения этики, направлении.

Текст научной работы на тему «ECOLOGY AS A NEW ETHICAL SYSTEM»

Y^K 17.022.1


S. Mihajlovic

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ecology as a new religion is above the state, state systems, overall existing religions, multinationals, all existing hegemons and whoever does not understand that, it will find out through extreme contamination of living space with various diseases, contaminated water, extreme weather phenomena, with the collapse of all previous systems, which no army and force can stand up to.

The situation in our environment and on our planet is alarming primarily because we do not take into account the limited natural resources and do not respect the principle of sustainable use of nature due to the interests of capital, which requires profit at all costs in the exploitation of nature and people.

Anyone who feels threatened to access clean water, air, environment, and development can become an extreme fighter for these rights because of the changed consciousness, which is based on the ethics of ecology. No one on the territory called earth can resist this army.

Compass of the future for every individual, prime minister, director of the corporation, for all people who at this moment are deciding in which direction should the planet go - is to set the compass in the right and ethical direction.

Keywords: ecology, ethics, new religion, natural resources, consciousness, planet earth.

The Birth of the Strongest Ideology on the Earth Territory

An information age created by the desire to control an individual, his thoughts and actions, who, despite being hiding behind false profiles or beautified personalities in a safe home on internet, is in the wake of industrial giants to generate profits in all areas of the individual and society - creating an antithesis of the weight of capital that knows only one expansion - to make a profit.

A natural law that says that one extremity, one product, one thought, or one population of living beings is exaggerated - creates an inevitable antithesis that talks about the collapse of the thesis.

© Mihajlovic S., 2017

Looking at an example of everyday life, when one exaggerates with unilateral diet, it creates obesity and instead of food prolonging life, it creates a disease and shortens life.

When you force laws or restrictions or rules to a population that limits the freedom of communication and knowledge transfer, groups and networks are created that think differently from the system imposed by control and monopolies.

Today, the industry, which has a monopoly in the fields of fossil fuels, energy, food, pharmacy, arms, and power - is thinking how to bring its influence to absolute development and rule, and because of its arrogance and ego cannot accept that it has become vulnerable and helpless and that one new idea, an idea or an association can bring it down through the Internet.

State structures, political systems, parties have disappointed, played out and deceived people in all countries around the world. In this state deceit, food industry giants also took part in adding ingredients into products that directly affect the health of children, adults and the elderly in order to increase profits.

In order to destroy the population, dietary giants are well aware of that and are being vigorously supported by fraudsters in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, who reward every patient with a large number of new diseases and medicines to get addicts of death.

National affiliation of the ethical group is being genuinely exploited by policies for manipulating an individual and groups in conflicts against others for the benefit of the elections or selling custom-made laws in name of a capital.

From all the chaos that is created exclusively from the desire for greed, ego, power, and domination, a new universal law of nature is growing, which we can peacefully call a new ethical system (factually - new «religion») that talks about that: «I have the right to fight for clean air, the environment and food against anyone and in any way, because I want the future for myself, my children and my generation».

The new «religion» is called ecology. It is above the state, state systems, overall existing religions, multinationals, all existing hegemons and whoever does not understand that, it will find out through extreme contamination of living space with various diseases, contaminated water, extreme weather phenomena, with the collapse of all previous systems, which no army and force can stand up to. 27

Anyone who won't accept a new «religion» called ecology as the first and ultimate, will experience poverty, a decline in every country, and, last but not least, a personal and social collapse.

Limitation of Natural Resources and Ecological Debt

Our planet is our home. It always took care of us, and we treated him like «a pig with a bellows». Since we did not know or wanted to deal with Mother Nature carefully and we crossed all boundaries, we are now experiencing «what we have sow».

Preserved nature is the main condition for our lives and the lives of all future generations. In recent decades, the natural changes have changed dramatically due to climate change, rising populations, the unreasonable use of natural resources and social changes in the world.

Namely, our planet can only provide us with a certain amount of natural resources and ecosystem services, which we use each year earlier, as our ecological footprint is increasing year by year.

We used the natural resources that we have available in one year and have entered ecological debt from 2017 to future generations.

The consequences of global over-consumption of natural resources are becoming increasingly apparent worldwide, in the form of forests, droughts, water scarcity, soil erosion, loss of biodiversity and carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere [3].

Carbon emissions are the fastest growing factor in over-consumption and the carbon footprint of humanity now accounts for 60% of human demand for nature. The climate is becoming more and more unstable due to the (still rising) emissions of carbon dioxide that our oceans and forests cannot absorb anymore. On the one hand, as we shrink more and more forests, on the other, the oceans are on the verge of their capacity, as the amount of absorbed CO2 is already shown at their pH and are becoming more acidic. As a result, more and more carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere, which heats the atmosphere and causes more and more heat waves, atmospheric loads, hail and on the other side long-lasting and devastating droughts.

In one year, Slovenia consumes as many natural resources as needed to secure the 2.75 planet [1]. Our footprint is largely composed of carbon dioxide emissions, followed by forestry, agriculture, and pasture, and least of all contributing are fishing and sealing areas.

The situation in our environment and on our planet is alarming primarily because we do not take into account the limited natural resources and do not respect the principle of sustainable use of nature due to the interests of capital, which requires profit at all costs in the exploitation of nature and people.

Every man's life is intertwined and interdependent of nature, of all plant and animal species. With the rapid extinction of species, the life chains we are dependent on are already tearing.

Nature conservation can be contributed by any individual with a lower fuel consumption, a reduction in the amount of waste food, and the consumption of less meat.

Forming the Most Important Military on the World

In spite of all the efforts of regular state systems and the media control, people are awakened by the awareness that no corporation, state, or system have the right to take goods from the environment without supervision and in the name of capital, and this consciousness justifies all activities and reactions according to the natural law that everybody has every right to consume air, water, and the environment.

The facts of individuals and groups confirm this, the reactions of people and the population are increasingly violent and brutal, and affiliation to the state, capital or corporation against a natural law is already pre-sentenced to a complete collapse.

The statistics that measure the reaction and behaviour of the population on testing false news, products, and movements are analytics, which shows an increase in apathy and the indifference of the population (especially youth) to key developmental moves.

However, through all statistics and measurements of reactions in the population, ecology has shown an enormous growth in the awareness of the population, which awakens the population in other areas where dependence and passivity are greater.

Any limitation of the ecology and self-love of multinational corporations and systems is pre-sentenced to the collapse of societies and the strength of social networks with its internal confidence-building system increases with each individual day by day.

Internet social networks that have managed to create the social environments that the population has reacted on (eg. Instagram, Fa-cebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.) are aware of the fact that if with the

wrong move of restriction they lose users' trust, the social network can quickly die in spite of millions of members. By limiting, the abusive or unethical approach they can lose their users.

Anyone who feels threatened to access clean water, air, environment, and development can become an extreme fighter for these rights because of the changed consciousness, which is based on the ethics of ecology. No one on the territory called earth can resist this army.

The Truth From History

With the expansion of the Internet, the truth about historical events began to collapse for 1000 years ago, which was tailored to the benefit of the winners who came to victory in an unethical manner with lighter, deception, and betrayal, where in the past they wanted to maintain a clean, ethical and honest face.

The same system was used both in science, medicine, religion, and all this was transferred to educational systems, which were run over by time over the past 50 years.

The truth exists, but all systems claim that time is not yet appropriate for the truth. This truth would cause revolts and a reaction of social movements around the world, bringing restlessness to the population, which would not perform continuous work in the industry and social subsystems and, consequently, lead to the security instability of each country on earth.

The facts confirming the abovementioned thesis are reflected in alternative analyzes of scientific fields that receive broad support in the population, especially in medicine, in the field of nutrition, physics, mapping of earth and other.

Distrust in official facts in all branches grows day by day.

If all social systems and subsystems worked to satisfy five senses (taste, smell, hearing, touch, visual representations) and the capital wanted to unify them with a common denominator - hungry stomach, which is common to every individual on earth, it is the aspiration of people to skip all five senses and raise the awareness of an individual who wants to know and be aware, and where capital does not have the power and feels threatened and vulnerable. Therefore, the reaction of capital is negative for raising the consciousness of the individual and perceives it as a threat and danger against which he must fight.

Rapid destruction of an individual's environment with climate change anomalies (such as fires, floods, typhoons, different weather anomalies etc.) are directly opposed by new ecological individuals and this conflict, which is growing worldwide, is already and will continue to escalate with its brutality in the future.


All the benefits gained by humankind so positive, such as: mobility - travel, information and the Internet, transfer - residence and workplace, Internet learning, as negative: legal, political, economic constraints can no longer be taken away, for anyone who would like to stop or limit any of the goods, the value of those goods in another environment - in the context of another nation or state would mean someone else's advantage over others.

Therefore, changing and re-establishing value systems is the obligation of all systems that touch people's behaviour and everything that has been happening now was a local character, both state actions and the activities of multinationals, because ecology as a new ethical system, new «religion» that goes beyond all faiths, nationality, commercial companies, armies and political systems, tells us that all means, all procedures, and all victims are allowed for clean environment, air and water.

Each state and company, which has the ability to restructure its economic potential, will with an immediate change in its commercial policies and products that they offer to the population, instil in an ecological and ethical framework and thereby intervene with its worldwide promotion, «without a false promise» and with the awareness that their product or brand will survive the next 100 years [2].


1. Izkoristili smo naravne vire, od danes zivimo 'na kredit' [We have used natural resources, today we are living on «credit»]., Ljubljana. 2 August 2017. URL: http://www.24ur.com/ (accessed: 03.08.2017).

2. Mihajlovic S. Politicno vodenje za nove generacije [Political leadership for new generations]. Nova Gorica: Zalozba EDUCA. 2011. 360 s.

3. World Wildlife. URL: www.worldwildlife.org (accessed: 01.10.2017).


С. Михайлович

г. Любляна, Словения

Экология как новая этическая система по своему значению превосходит государство и государственные системы, традиционные религии, транснациональные корпорации и существующих гегемонов. Тот, кто этого не осознает, непременно столкнется с распространением заболеваний, загрязнением воды, экстремальными погодными условиями, крушением существующих систем, и никакая армия или иная сила не смогут этому противостоять.

Ситуация, наблюдаемая на нашей планете, вызывает особое беспокойство, поскольку мы не принимаем во внимание ограниченность природных ресурсов и не соблюдаем принципов устойчивого развития, постоянного используя природу в интересах капитала, требующего прибыли любой ценой.

Любой человек, ощутивший для себя угрозу потерять доступ к чистой воде, к чистому воздуху - к чистой окружающей среде в целом, а также к возможности развития, которая тесно связана с изменением отношения к окружающей среде и природным ресурсам и с осознанием важности этого для человечества, становится крайне активным элементом огромной армии, сражающейся именно за эти, основанные на этике экологии, права человека. И никто на всей территории, называемой планета Земля, не может сопротивляться такой армии.

Компас будущего для каждого отдельного человека, будь это премьер-министр или директор корпорации - любой, кто в данный момент принимает решение о направлении, в котором должна двигаться планета Земля, - это компас, установленный в правильном, с точки зрения этики, направлении.

Ключевые слова: экология, этика, новая религия, природные ресурсы, осознание, планета Земля.

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