Научная статья на тему 'CULTURE OF GLOBAL FEAR'

CULTURE OF GLOBAL FEAR Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Mihajlovic S.

Truth is an emergency exit or a door to the future for modem humankind. The global connection of each with everyone in contemporary circumstances opens «Pandora’s chest» of lies and fear about the world we live in and increases the dissatisfaction of a global mass of people in which all forms of dissatisfaction grow and lose confidence in all existing markers and criteria in society. We would like to inform you that a system is being born that allows an individual to survive, where he invests his knowledge, readiness, life energy and adaptability in the system so that his dignity, ego is not affected and he can create a family, career and personal satisfaction.

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Текст научной работы на тему «CULTURE OF GLOBAL FEAR»


УДК 316.7


S. Mihajlovic

University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Truth is an emergency exit or a door to the future for modern humankind. The global connection of each with everyone in contemporary circumstances opens «Pandora's chest» of lies and fear about the world we live in and increases the dissatisfaction of a global mass of people in which all forms of dissatisfaction grow and lose confidence in all existing markers and criteria in society. We would like to inform you that a system is being born that allows an individual to survive, where he invests his knowledge, readiness, life energy and adaptability in the system so that his dignity, ego is not affected and he can create a family, career and personal satisfaction.

Keywords: truth, lie, fear society, individual, knowledge, life energy.

1. Geopolitics and truth

Geopolitics is an amazing sport in which everyone actively participates and behaves as if they respect the agreed rules. Individuals, societies, countries, associations, interest alliances are drawn into this game, so that as years and decades pass and generations change, the memory of what was actually the cause of the beginning of the conflicts is lost and the consequences are being resolved for centuries, when the cause has long since been forgotten.

The truths about the causes of conflicts are always banal and personal. The consequences, however, are always global and destructive.

The victors of wars over the centuries and their managers are deeply aware that the saying "the end justifies the means" does not wash the bloody hands. Therefore, the path to victory is not celebrated with truth, but by changing history and their facts.

© Mihajlovic S., 2020

Even if there are no witnesses to obstruct the historical truth of the victors, all events that have occurred throughout the history of geopolitics remain written in the collective consciousness of humanity and await the synergy of all the moments when they come to light.

The revelation of truth in geopolitics is always connected with the natural law of cause and effect. The more the causal imbalance between the creation of the polarization of injustice, aggression, and the lie of one thesis is filled, the stronger the reversible consequential power of truth, sincerity, and empathy, and the structural disintegration of the causer.

Swede Kjellen advocated the idea that a distinction should be made between the various stages in analyzing the countries he named: geopolitics or the study of geographical aspects of countries, demo politics or the study of demographic aspects of countries, eco-politics or the study of state economic resources, sociopolitics or the study of social structure and cratopolitics or the study of forms of state organization and power [1].

If we look at the last 3,000 years through preserved and authentic maps of how kingdoms, empires, monarchies, states, various elite associations have transformed, they have all shown extreme aspirations for conquest, domination, theft, wealth, power, etc.

Have they managed to achieve their goals and peace for the people for more than 50 years? Even in that and this time, peace has a high price, a price too high.

The chosen elites who govern geopolitics today with their set of nuclear, biological and cyber weapons, countries and politicians, world organizations, movements and the internet social network represent merely a crutch of powerlessness of their systems, which are becoming more vulnerable day by day.

To illustrate with the parable "how big the kefir enzyme must be if all the oceans are a sea of milk" - very small. When you drop the kefir enzyme into the ocean with your finger on the ocean of milk, it is only a matter of time before all the oceans become kefir.

The world we live in represents the ocean - how big must be the enzyme it can change - one man with the power of will, truth and belief.

2. Truth and monetary systems

Not all global capital owners and their cash flow managers like the truth.

The truth is that they want to manage the whole world, countries, economies, the individual, nature and the universe with money.

The result and facts of their management are shown by statistics showing that from 1980 to 2020 (in 40 years) the money supply in the world through central bank emissions increased 46 times, and real production capacity 4 times and created over 80 % of virtual money emissions that are destroying the real economy and proving an impossible solution to the monetary crisis.

The consequence of this economic model of inequality of all dynamic segments of society is a global growth of distrust in the management and political structures of countries, for which even a mass flight into their blockchain currency system cannot create the confidence of the population.

Can money even be an exchange value in the society of the future? Can it be replaced by human involvement from 5 to 95 years of age or active involvement of an individual in terms of developing and changing consciousness throughout life, to give the community what represents his talent, knowledge, readiness, life energy, etc ..

Private institutes of the world's elites involved in guiding and creating global behavioral and financial trends of the population are unable to anticipate trends and solutions born due to changed monetary frameworks that do not offer the possibility of survival to 95 % of the world's population.

Until yesterday, no one could have imagined that there could be a currency created in the virtual world without real coverage in gold or real value and solely on people's trust. Testing the blockchain "bitcoin" in a limited version, which the levers of financial rulers tested as a future test of the escape of the world - from the real to the virtual monetary world.

Monetary frameworks created on production - sales relations are a thing of the past. Likewise, monetary frameworks that address or save socially disadvantaged segments of society into a seemingly homogeneous society are also a thing of the past.

The monetary and financial framework of the future will take into account the contribution of every citizen from birth to death, who will invest his time, intellect, adaptability to various job challenges according to his changing consciousness through life - in the interest of the community, without coercion in the interest of common goals of the country based on clean environment, air and water.

This is not a utopia - such a system already exists and is being tested in one of the countries.

A global monetary collapse is inevitable, the consequences are predictable and unpredictable, and realistically it is only what will grow out of the earth.

3. Truth and Human management

Throughout history, man has been governed by force, fear, faith, and the compulsion to work and survive. When they replaced the reins of human governance and added the reins of human rights, which were supposed to be more "humane" in the agenda of the economy of production and sales products, where they encouraged people to buy and use more and more goods, regardless of whether they need products or not.

The last line of defense of the current system against a global outbreak of discontent is global fear.

«Fear has become an ever-expanding part of life in the West in the twenty-first century. We live in terror of disease, abuse, stranger danger, environmental devastation and terrorist onslaught. We are bombarded with reports of new concerns for our safety and that of our children, and urged to take greater precautions and seek more protection. But compared to the past, or to the developing world, people in contemporary Western societies have much less familiarity with pain, suffering, debilitating disease and death. We actually enjoy an unprecedented level of personal safety», explained Frank Furedi [2].

Bauman and Furedi [3, 4] provide carefully drawn accounts of how risk may be constructed in modern societies, but are problematic in assuming whether and how people experience and deal with fear. Both view fear as a constant, ubiquitous condition of modern societies, but it is diffuse and imprecise: «"fear" is the name we give

to our uncertainty: to our ignorance of the threat and what is to be done» [3, p. 2].

The transformation of the existing system was demonstrated and confirmed by the American ethologist dr. John B. Calhoun that the existing system with all its levers as well as all known religions provide a narrow framework of security and limit the impact on people. In his article titled "Population Density and Social Pathology" he describes a collapse in behavior which can result from overcrowding and coined the term "behavioral sink" [5].

Social systems and the time in which we live and the period to come require an individual's changed awareness of value system awareness, role in society, education and his identity, confrontation with historical truths, which these previously controlled systems could not offer.

All the dominant industries (food, pharmaceutical, entertainment, etc.) exclusively filled the five human senses and basically developed the sensory pleasure industry to arouse the individual's sense of comfort, raise false self-esteem and establish a false value system and distract him from spiritual values and thinking about meaning of life.

The asociality of the family has been replaced by social networks and smartphones. Producing processed food with thermal and microwave heating in fast food systems, solving health problems with a single pill rather than solving the cause - all this and much more effectively endangers health, the environment, water and air. The amount and availability of drugs, alcohol and tobacco in society, however, has not yet greeted any man.

The statistical decline in the level of general intelligence of the population and youth in urban societies and the loss of meaning of life in an individual, reflected in the widespread trend in the generation born after 2000, that it is not ready to adopt the model of social order, the preservation of the capital of previous generations, according to which it would work persistently for 10, 20, 30, 40 years, taking loans and waiting to take over the management of capital and value created in previous generations.

Therefore, in the distant past, certain families decided to concentrate the capital and wealth of the whole world into their family frameworks, to raise their successors in a controlled manner, and to

conduct world politics independently of existing countries, societies, religions, and individuals in the world.

Such a majority of the unpromising and depressed population cannot and will not survive according to the laws of nature, but they will demand change.

Unconscious parents cannot have aware children. The "simple living & high thinking" signpost means modesty in satisfying all the senses and raising awareness through work and education.

Only truth can set a man free [6].

4. Truth and nature

Man as a fighter has always shown his ego and domination first to nature in a way that exploits its resources and subdues it as his property.

Nature did not react to all this and the natural law of ethics, until economics and living systems began to lower the annual intersection of food resource control, which fell as early as June of each current year, an indicator of debt to nature.

The natural biological clock of cycles in nature is not synchronous with the existing financial, technological, systemic arrangements of social systems around the world.

The growing gap between these two systems represents a growing lie about the way of life we live.

It is not possible to fish with the internet, nor to plant potatoes or milk cows. However, it is possible to buy an artificial substitute for these products in a store.

There is a constant struggle for survival in nature and humanity has been following it for millennia. Man also actively participates in games of killing animal and plant species. Now this game of selection and killing has shifted to urban settlements and societies, where humanity, due to the loss of awareness of what man is, has begun to be eliminated among themselves.

In the battle of man and nature, nature will always win. However, humanity does not yet know or does not want to understand this, but the truth about it is coming to us in a flash.

When man's ego is able to comprehend the fundamental truth: "When man preserves nature, nature will preserve and protect man," he will be given permission to survive.

5. Conclusion

The interest of the individual and society has always created a lie as a motivator of development, actions and consequences. The truth, however, always came in moments of system breakdown, death, and suffering as something that liberated the souls of people who lived in lies.

Solutions to geopolitics, the monetary system, the liberation of man and the preservation of nature - a clean environment are possible only in systems that maintain the ethical reciprocity of all factors involved in all the above areas, in correlation with the ethical laws of nature.

In order for potatoes to grow in a field, it is necessary to follow the natural law - when we have to plow the field, when to fertilize and when to plant it, if we want potatoes to grow in this field.

Any deviation from the natural - ethical cycle of planting potatoes will not give birth to a new crop, it will only attract worms and insects, which will eat what is put into the ground.

Humanity can be infinitely happy and grateful that the age has come in which people who have a perception of consciousness and knowledge and a faith in natural and spiritual law will survive. To everyone else, however, the law of the universe can wish you much happiness in life.


1. Bufon M. Osnove politicne geografije I. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani. 2001. 201 s.

2. Furedi F. The Culture of Fear: Risk-taking and the Morality of Low Expectation. London, N.Y.: Continuum International Publishing Group. 2002. 205 p.

3. Bauman Z. Liquid fear. Cambridge: Polity Press. 2006. 188 p.

4. Furedi F. Invitation to Terror. London, N.Y.: Continuum Internationl Publishing Group. 2007. 204 p.

5. Calhoun J.B. Population density and social pathology // Scientific American. 1962. Vol. 206(3). P. 139-148.

6. Mihajlovic S. Politicno vodenje za nove generacije (Political leadership for new generations). Nova Gorica: Zalozba EDUCA, 2011. 360 s.


С. Михайлович

г. Любляна, Словения

Правда для современного человека - единственный запасной выход, или дверь в будущее. Глобальная связь каждого со всеми в современных условиях открывает «ящик Пандоры», полный лжи и страха в отношении мира, в котором мы живем, и увеличивает неудовлетворенность огромных масс людей. Эти формы неудовлетворенности нарастают, и люди теряют доверие ко всем существующим в обществе показателям и критериям. Однако автор полагает, что одновременно рождается новая система, которая позволит человеку выживать, если он вкладывает в нее свои знания, готовность, жизненную энергию и способность к адаптации, так что его достоинство, его «Я» смогут сохраниться и он сохранит возможность создать семью, построить карьеру и достичь удовлетворения.

Ключевые слова: правда, ложь, общество страха, система, индивидуальность, знание, жизненная энергия.

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