Научная статья на тему 'With a child into the world of values. Axiological dimension of education'

With a child into the world of values. Axiological dimension of education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
upbringing / education / axiology / values / value orientations / воспитание / образование / аксиология / ценности / ценностные ориентации

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Babiarz Mirosław Z., Garbuzik Pawe

The article is devoted to reflection on the functions of values in the context of the upbringing process. The quality of our lives, effects of actions taken on a professional, social or personal level depend on the value system that we follow in our everyday functioning. That is why the process of education, including upbringing, is facing the necessity of taking such actions so that proper, positive values can be identified by students and consciously selected and respected, constituting a lasting source of inspiration for young people. The text is a voice in the ongoing literature discussion and an attempt to synthesize important challenges in education.

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Статья посвящена осмыслению функций ценностей в контексте воспитательного процесса. Качество нашей жизни, последствия действий, предпринимаемых на профессиональном, социальном или личном уровне, зависят от системы ценностей, которой мы руководствуемся в нашей повседневной работе. Вот почему процесс обучения, включая воспитание, сталкивается с необходимостью предпринять такие действия, чтобы ученики, сознательно отбираемые и уважаемые, могли определить надлежащие, позитивные ценности, являясь источником постоянного вдохновения для молодежи. Текст является голосом в продолжающейся литературной дискуссии и попыткой синтезировать важные проблемы в образовании.

Текст научной работы на тему «With a child into the world of values. Axiological dimension of education»

про действие и не играть в компьютерную игру. Подросткам, не имеющим опыта живого общения со сверстниками, трудно ставить цели, вступать во взаимодействие с другими учащимися, передавать им свой замысел, реализовывать его, заново формулировать цели и проектировать действие, уже исходя из полученного опыта, и т.п. Иными словами, страдает не только теоретическое, но проектное мышление, умение работать в команде как главные ориентиры современного обучения и профессионализма.

Одной из трудностей обучения современного школьного обучения является изменение особенностей процессов памяти учащихся: им трудно работать с большим объемом информации, осмысливать текст, выделять главное, впоследствии пересказывать, применять в объяснении и аргументации фактов, примеров. Это свидетельствует о снижении объема долговременной памяти учащихся, что осложняется ограниченным (до примитивного) словарным запасом.

Весьма примечательной особенностью современного школьника становится потребность в репетиторах практически с младшего школьного возраста. Для одних это необходимо, чтобы скорректировать неготовность к обучению в школе, для других — снять школьную тревожность или страх перед конкретным учителем. Для большинства же потребность в репетиторстве является свидетельством неумения школьника самостоятельно работать в присутствии других, усваивать материал урока без непосредственного контакта педагога лично с ним и больше ни с кем, как одно из проявлений выученной беспомощности.

Перечень проблем можно продолжать, они требуют серьезных эмпирических исследований и не менее серьезного осмысления с позиций теории и методики профессионального педагогического образования. Однако уже сейчас можно со всей очевидностью прогнозировать возрастающую потребность интеграции психологии, педагогики и методики как важнейших составляющих в психолого-педагогическом обеспечении личност-но-профессионального развития и работающих, и будущих педагогов.


1. Богачева Н.В., Сивак Е.В. Мифы о поколении Ъ. - М.: НИУ ВШЭ, 2019.

2. Ожиганова Е.М. Теория поколений Н. Хоува и В. Штрауса. Возможности практического применения // Бизнес-образование в экономике знаний. 2015. № 1 (1). С. 94-97.

3. Радаев В.В. Миллениалы на фоне предшествующих поколений: эмпирический анализ // Социологические исследования. 2018. № 3. С. 15-33.


Бабиаж Мирослав З. (Кельце, Польша), доктор педагогических наук, профессор, Университет Яна Кохановского в Кельце. E-mail: mirco@interia.pl

Гарбузик Павел (Кельце, Польша), магистр, ассистент, Университет Яна Кохановского в Кельце. E-mail: garbuzik001@o2.pl

Аннотация. Статья посвящена осмыслению функций ценностей в контексте воспитательного процесса. Качество нашей жизни, последствия действий, предпринимаемых на профессиональном, социальном или личном уровне, зависят от системы ценностей, которой мы руководствуемся в нашей повседневной работе. Вот почему процесс обучения, включая воспитание, сталкивается с необходимостью предпринять такие действия, чтобы ученики, сознательно отбираемые и уважаемые, могли определить надлежащие, позитивные ценности, являясь источником постоянного вдохновения для молодежи. Текст является голосом в продолжающейся литературной дискуссии и попыткой синтезировать важные проблемы в образовании.

Ключевые слова: воспитание, образование, аксиология, ценности, ценностные ориентации.



Babiarz Miroslaw Z. (Kielce, Poland), doktor habilitowany, profesor Uniwersytet Jana Kochan-owskiego w Kielcach. E-mail: mirco@interia.pl

Garbuzik Pawel (Kielce, Poland), magister, asystent Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach. E-mail: garbuzik001@o2.pl

Abstract. The article is devoted to reflection on the functions of values in the context of the upbringing process. The quality of our lives, effects of actions taken on a professional, social or personal level depend on the value system that we follow in our everyday functioning. That is why the process of education, including upbringing, is facing the necessity of taking such actions so that proper, positive values can be identified by students and consciously selected and respected, constituting a lasting source of inspiration for young people. The text is a voice in the ongoing literature discussion and an attempt to synthesize important challenges in education.

Keywords: upbringing, education, axiology, values, value orientations.

Values are the source of our activity, direct action and give meaning to our lives. Of course, they are different, therefore, which one will see, choose and then care depends only on him. Unfortunately, the characteristic features of today's world and interpersonal relationships in various areas of social life are their changeability and appearance, shaping indifference, inertia, uncriticism and no need for development in people.

In pedagogy, values are a key problem in the process of education, because it is in it that we refer to values that can be accepted by students with whom they can identify or reject them. Different values are present in life, but it is up to man to see them, choose them, and care for them. That is why the challenge for contemporary education, including the upbringing process, is becoming such that appropriate, positive values can be identified by young people, consciously selected and respected, being a source of inspiration for them. Education is a process that takes place, not only in the family, but also at school and in everyday human relations. Upbringing is defined "a process related to the ingrowth of man in the environment. It is also a series of changes that lead to a new physical and mental state of man, considered at least temporarily as new and completed" (Blasiak, 2009, p. 84). For the purposes of our reflection, the following definition was adopted stating that education is "a process of accompanying a given person approaching value, in submitting to its own necessary experiences and organizing these experiences so that they give meaning to life activities" (Solak, 2001, p. 54). Therefore, education should be considered on several levels as: firstly, the task of becoming more human, secondly bestowing other people's own humanity, thirdly as a process of creativity, fourthly as internalizing values, and fifthly as meeting.

In turn, the very term value from the latin valor comes from to be valuable, to have meaning from the latin valere. "The concept of value was introduced to the specialist philosophical lexicon in the 1860s. The German philosopher H. Lotze established a specific sense of value. He distinguished value from the existence of an object and its qualitative features" (Blasiak, 2009, p. 19).

In philosophical literature, values are the same as attributes attributed to things or phenomena. Philosophers define value as what is "precious, worthy of desire or choice, which is the goal of human endeavors" (Jedynak, 1983, p. 280).

In psychology, M. Rokeach, one of the most eminent researchers in the field of values, defined it as "a firm belief that a particular course of action or the ultimate goal of life is individually and socially more desirable (attractive) than other ways of conduct and then other life goals (...), so these are certain standards that guide human activity" (Rokeach, 1973, p. 5). Therefore, values in psychological terms are both indicators motivating to meet the needs and determinants of behavioral norms. According to M. Rokeach's psychological concept, the world of values, although it is available to every human being, nevertheless a given value can be valued by everyone to a different degree.

Value in sociological terms is strongly associated with three main categories: society, culture and personality. Value is "common cultural standards by which one can compare and judge the importance — moral, aesthetic or cognitive — of what is the subject of attitudes, desires and needs. There is a belief among all those who share a set of these standards that they are relevant and that they should be used when giving value to an object, referring to the needs, desires and attitudes, and in assessing an object, comparing its weight with the importance of an object" (Ziolkowski, 1993, p. 30).

In cultural terms, value is defined as "specific to communities, groups and social circles, are expressed implicitly in the patterns of their operation and explicitly in their normative models (norms, assessments). The first affect the formation of attitudes through situational channels of culture, the second are internalized as its substantive elements" (Kloskowska, 1973, p. 280).

In pedagogy, values hold a particularly important place, because the process of education cannot occur without values — without indicating what is important and valuable, what is really important. H. Muszynski combines the term value with "personality issues and put man in the face of the world around him. Therefore, values are the content of general or abstract concepts on which persons take a specific position. Therefore, they set the direction of human action" (Blasiak, 2009, p. 22).

In the literature, we can find various definitions of the term value, and their multi-faceted nature and dependence on the nature of a scientific discipline shows that pedagogical sciences cannot use one ready interpretation of this concept. The variety of shots leads to a multitude of concepts. At present, it is assumed that the values are objective-subjective, i.e. subjective-objective. Despite the diversity of concepts and definitions of values, they are essential for the upbringing process. Education without values does not exist, because they are the foundations on which personal, social and community life is based, and therefore constitute a permanent element of the educational process and every educational situation. What is important in our life is not only individual values, but even more important is the way they are hierarchized — a specific system, system that underpins our attitudes and sets the direction of human activity.

Values are assigned important functions in the education process. They constitute, among others: the foundation of the individual's activity in various areas of social life, a signpost for actions and a source of evaluation and satisfaction. In addition, values are the source of the most important goals and tasks that should be implemented in the process of education and values, and among them should be highlighted above all the joint search for truth by the teacher and the student, building attitudes of respect, openness, dialogue and cooperation.

The biological layer is created by hedonistic, vital and material values that are a source of joy and pleasure. We can include, for example, health care and safety, leading a healthy lifestyle, movement, rest or sleep. In turn, the psychological layer consists of such cognitive values as: knowledge, science, wisdom, creativity, inventiveness, creativity, cognitive curiosity (Chalas, 2011, p. 72). "Adoption of the value of science by a young person, a positive attitude to the process of education and self-education, commitment to acquiring skills is a factor in the development of thinking, imagination, memory, attention — elements constituting the basis for the development of the psychological layer" (Chalas, 2011, p. 72).

The development of the sociological layer is associated with moral and social values such as: truth, faithfulness, responsibility, goodness, respect, but also homeland, patriotism, independence, rule of law, human rights, human dignity, freedom, peace, tolerance, justice and democracy. "The realization of moral values results in social identity, the need to take a specific position in the community, which is integrally associated with a specific spectrum of tasks performed" (Chalas, 2011, p. 72). In turn, the cultural layer is associated with cultural values that "constitute the core of culture, an indispensable living environment for human development" (Chalas, 2011, p. 73). They shape thinking, imagination

and motivate to develop. On the other hand, the spiritual layer has final values such as: God, holiness, faith, salvation (Chalas, 2011, p. 73).

Research indicate that for nearly twenty years the Poles' value system has remained largely unchanged for years. Pro-social values such as family happiness (marriage, children), health, honesty and friendship are invariably the most important for Poles. An important role in the life of Poles for Poles is professional work. Hedonist values of prosperity, wealth, an adventurous life as well as success and fame are much less valued. A fair life has gained importance and the respect of other people, while less and less importance is attributed to religious faith, wealth and education. Family happiness is the highest value in CBOS surveys by 82 % of those surveyed and 74 % by health. Less, because 26 % of respondents, mention honesty, and 21 % — professional work. Less than one-fifth of respondents (19 %) mention peace as the most important values in their lives, 17 % mention the respect of other people, 12 % — religious faith, 10 % — friendship, and 9 % — education. Prospective positions in the hierarchy of values valued in life are occupied by: prosperity and wealth (5 %) of indications, prosperity of the homeland (3 %), life full of adventures and impressions (3 %), freedom to express one's views (3 %), contact with culture (1 %), success and fame (1 %) (CBOS, 2013, p. 1).

Also, own research, which partly concerned the preferred values carried out among students of pre-school and early school education indicated that moral values are extremely important for young people. Due to the specific size of the article, only a small fragment of the results of related research will be presented with the highest-valued values by students of preschool education and early school. Value studies were conducted using a diagnostic survey. 99 second-year students of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce in the field of pre-school and early school education participated. Most respondents (over 90 %) are women, which is related to the prevailing tendency that mainly female representatives' study pedagogical faculties. The selection of values specified in the questionnaire was made according to R. Jedlinski's classification, and all values were included in the scale sheet in alphabetical order. The task of the respondents was to assign the appropriate number to each from values depending on the importance level from 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest position, and 10 the most valuable. Most respondents indicated family (79,3 %), love and health (76,8 % each) as the most important in their lives.

Next, they listed the following values: fidelity (73,2 %), good (65,9 %), truth and honesty (57,3 % each). Therefore, the most important for them are values associated with private life, while values of a social nature such as patriotism, rule of law, solidarity are important only for about a quarter of respondents, and democracy only for 13,4 %. In addition, a relatively small group of respondents indicates the importance of material goods for them: property (6,1 %), money (7,3 %). The group of the least important values for the respondents include: power (4,9 %), fame (4.9 %) and career (7,3 %). What is surprising in the conducted study is the fact that only 25 % of respondents is important value of God, and for 9,8 % — work. In addition, over 18 % of respondents indicated that power and fame are the least important to them.

The source of the value transfer is personal contact between the educator and a pupil. This contact manifests itself in a dialogue based on openness to the search for truth in trust and kindness. "It is associated with patient and arduous explanation, approximation, justification, translation of the entire axiological layer of the case, so that value can be accepted by the act of the will, because the warrant alone is not enough" (Blasiak, 2009, p. 96). It is extremely important that the educator "in this personal contact with his pupil he could be an example worth following and trusting. It is a good opportunity, but at the same time a difficult task to present your mature personality, rich interior, considerable views and views, having their axiological justification" (Blasiak, 2009, p. 96—97). A key element of the value transfer is also the partnership, in which the content and method of communication are important, but also the person of the educator and the mutual relations between the educator and the pupil. For partnership is a meeting in truth, mutual

openness, kindness and honesty. "The partnership is only experiencing specific content together, enabling maturation to accept and accept certain values" (Blasiak, 2009, pp. 96—97). It should also be remembered that "values presented as someone's specific reality and truth become credible, because they are an expression of a person's attitude, beliefs and views. In such conditions, values can revive in someone else, multiply specifically, because the educator is able to introduce into the world of authentic values that he possesses and serves" (Blasiak, 2009, pp. 96-97).

Values are the foundation that determines life, but also determines the way and directions of actions that build society, and education and systematic educational work should shape in man the strength of a lasting value system.and education and systematic educational work should shape in man, the strength of a lasting value system. Education is not a one-time act, activity, word or moment. It is all in its complexity of discovering values, understanding and maturing towards them. It is upbringing that is to help the individual in finding the right path to the ideal of a full man, constantly striving to be better. It is the values that determine our attitude towards ourselves, other people and the world. They decide about the perception of the past and about the goals and directions of the future. Today, school must be a place where every child feels safe and where they can achieve success to the best of their abilities, abilities and interests, and no effort will be underestimated. Therefore, the role of the school is to convey socially desirable values in an appropriate way, so that students recognize them, consciously choose and respect and that they would be a lasting source of inspiration for them.


1. Blasiak A. (2009). Aksjologiczne aspekty procesu wychowania: wybrane zagadnienia. Krakow: Wyzsza Szkola Filozoficzno-Pedagogiczna Ignatianum, Wydawnictwo WAM.

2. CBOS (2013). Wartosci i normy: Komunikat z badan. - Warszawa: CBOS.

3. Chalas K. (2011). Moc wychowawcza przypadkowych zdarzen w swietle introcepcji wartosci. — Kielce, Lublin: Wydawnictwo Jednosc.

4. Jedynak S. (red.) (1999). Maly slownik etyczny. — Bydgoszcz: Oficyna Wydawnicza Branta.

5. Kloskowska A. (1973). Kulturowe uwarunkowania postaw // Teorie postaw / Red. S. Nowak. — Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.

6. Rokeach M. (1973). The nature of human values. — New York: Free Press.

7. Solak A. (2001). Myslenie wedlug wartosci a wychowanie // Przyszlosc wychowania / Red. A. Solak. — Tarnow: Zaklady Graficzne Drukarz.

8. Ziolkowski J. (1993). Kryzys wartosci. Communio. 6. S. 26—43.


Федотенко Инна Леонидовна (Тула, Россия), доктор педагогических наук, профессор кафедры психологии и педагогики Тульского государственного педагогического университета им. Л.Н. Толстого. E-mail: innafedotenko@mail.ru

Аннотация. В статье проанализированы различные виды дидактических, ценностных, организационных рисков в контексте характерологических особенностей цивилизационных групп студентов. Выделены методы, приемы организации образовательного процесса, наиболее адекватные специфике студентов, описаны модели поведения, предупреждающие конфликтные ситуации.

Ключевые слова: риск, технологические, диспозиционные, ценностные риски, «милениалы», «снежинки», поколения, студенческий инфантилизм, кибербуллинг.

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