WHAT IS THE ANTONYMIC TRANSLATION? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
antonyms / antonymic translation / negative form / negative form of the verb / lexical transformation

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mukhtorova Nohida Suratovna

This article is dedicated to the translation process, specifically one widely used type of translation – antonymic translation, along with its definition and classification. This type of translation can be applied in both oral and written translation, making it relevant across various translation contexts. The article discusses the place of antonymic translation, its complexity in the translation process, and provides recommendations on how to handle such challenges. Additionally, famous linguists and translators' opinions on antonymic translation are mentioned. Beyond that, the article includes considerations, methods, and examples related to antonymic translation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «WHAT IS THE ANTONYMIC TRANSLATION?»

ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1

Nohida Suratovna Mukhtorova

ESP teacher of Foreign Languages Department, Tashkent State University of Law

This article is dedicated to the translation process, specifically one widely used type of translation - antonymic translation, along with its definition and classification. This type of translation can be applied in both oral and written translation, making it relevant across various translation contexts. The article discusses the place of antonymic translation, its complexity in the translation process, and provides recommendations on how to handle such challenges. Additionally, famous linguists and translators' opinions on antonymic translation are mentioned. Beyond that, the article includes considerations, methods, and examples related to antonymic translation.

Keywords: antonyms, antonymic translation, negative form, negative form of the verb, lexical transformation


The current state of the translation profession indicates that it is not possible to separate the literature of any nation from other literary traditions and study it independently. This is because world literature functions as a unified organism, incorporating the reciprocal influences of various national literatures of different scales. People, living in diverse regions of the globe, draw firm attention from the peculiarities of their native landscapes, allowing them to appreciate each other's spiritual wealth, indulge in artistic expressions, and mutually enrich their hearts and souls with the artistry and revelations of others.

Translation plays an essential role in establishing direct spiritual connections among nations. This is because it introduces the rich cultural patterns, historical traditions, and aspirations of individuals that are encapsulated in centuries-old artistic works to other language communities, providing a glimpse into the emotional diary of the people.

Masterpieces of world literature, created in various languages across the globe, are often brought together through the significant path of translation. Without translation, the "pure" national civilization, which develops solely



based on its internal resources and remains indifferent to the

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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1

diverse cultural achievements of distant and close nations, lacks the vibrant and unchanging "fresh language" of literary culture.

If there were no translation, the great treasures of national cultures and the universal achievements of humanity would have remained isolated and unreachable. The absence of translation would have resulted in the solitary existence of "stale" national cultures, unaware of the dynamic and ever-evolving world of literature and art.


Translation serves as the bridge for internationalism and fosters friendship among nations. Through the path of translation, national cultures communicate with each other. In language, thought, cultural literary life, and art, its unique influence is felt everywhere. Translation, especially in the realm of verbal art, occupies a significant place in literary literature.

The fact that the literary works of fraternal nations and world progressive literature are translated into the Uzbek language is evidence of the great success of our translation activity. It contributes to the convergence of the best traditions of our national culture with the cultures of the world's peoples, the strengthening of friendship among nations, and the pride of Uzbek writers in the examples of world progressive literature.

Moreover, many global events in the fields of science, culture, and technology unfold directly through immediate translation. The educational, political, social, and aesthetic importance of artistic translation, as well as its role in fostering awareness, further transcends the demands of the era and zeitgeist.

The significant achievements in the fields of global knowledge, technology, culture, and social thought require translation to bring them closer to our people, nurture the spirit of friendship among nations, and fulfill the sacred duty of educating. The role of translation is paramount in achieving these noble objectives.

The content, characteristics, and fundamental conditions of artistic translation are crucial. In our view, the perfect and ideal work of translation can be both correct and charming. Such translation is an art form in itself. This art demands mastery in both making an accurate translation in the process of creating a charming translation and achieving proficiency in making an accurate translation in the process of creating a charming translation.

In the practice of translation, the following nuances are


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1. Experience, Skills, and Ethical Differences Resulting in Variances Among Translators:

The disparities arising from the serious differences in the experience, skills, and ethical approaches of translators can lead to distinct outcomes.

2. Variances Resulting from the Diverse Adoption of Translation Principles by Translators:

Differences in the adoption of translation principles by translators through various imitation methods can result in variations.

3. Variances Arising from the Influence of Translator's Style on the Author's


Natural differences may emerge due to the influence of the translator's style on the author's style, manifesting itself in the translation process.

For instance, a particular work translated by one individual may have significant differences from another translation of the same work, especially if the translator adapts it to their own language. These differences can be attributed to the impact of the translator's individual style.

In literary translation, each translator tends to align the author's style with their unique approach, contributing to these variations observed in translation practices. When the author's style is not accurately conveyed in the translation, it may not resonate with the original text. In such cases, the translator might impose their own style onto the work, and the translated version may deviate from the original text. A translator's proficiency in mastering two languages, their cultural experience, artistic skills, and ability to fully grasp and reproduce the author's style play a crucial role in rectifying and improving such variations in translation.

The term "style" encompasses a range of meanings when used in the context of translation. When a text is paraphrased in a literal sense, the unique style of the narrative is discernible. However, understanding the stylistic features of words, beyond simply consulting a dictionary, becomes crucial in artistic texts. The stylistic characteristics of words are revealed in the combination of words within the text, each having its own stylistic nuances.

For example, the word "death" may have a unique stylistic meaning in phrases like "departed from the world," "flew away," "closed its eyes," "entered eternal sleep," etc. Each of these combinations carries its own stylistic significance. The ability to utilize each stylistic variant in its appropriate context holds great practical importance. For instance, replacing "departed from the world" with "opened its eyes" might not be appropriate

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(G. Salomov. Introduction to Translation Theory. Educational Publishing. Tashkent, 1978. Pages 109-143).

Translating literary works requires familiarity with the language's vocabulary, synonyms, and homonyms, professional terminology, dialects, archaic and colloquial words, expansion and contraction, repetition, metaphors and idioms, as well as the musicality, rhythm, and expressiveness of words. Additionally, understanding the phonetic norms of the language, eloquence, exaggeration, and the various forms of humor, wit, and irony are essential.

Discussion and Debate: The Three Stages of Recreating Literary Works in the Process of Translation

The esteemed translator and literary scholar, Ghaybulla Salomov, artic ulates his perspective on the three crucial stages involved in the process of re-creating a literary work:

How the Translator Should Approach the Original Text: Salomov emphasizes the importance of how a translator should perceive and comprehend the original text. This involves not just understanding the literal meaning but delving into the essence and nuances of the source language.

Capturing the Realism, Author's Intent, and Unique Style of the Work: The second stage involves how a translator should convey the realism, the author's purpose, and the distinctive style of the original work. It requires a deep understanding of the author's intent and a skillful adaptation of their unique literary style.

Recreating the Art of Language in the Translator's Native Tongue: Salomov underscores the significance of the translator acquiring the necessary tools to recreate the artistic aspects of language in their native tongue. This involves not merely translating words but capturing the meaning, rhythm, and stylistic elements to provide a faithful representation of the original work.

Salomov argues that the process of literary translation requires a meticulous approach where the translator is not just a linguist but an artist. The translator must navigate the intricate elements of language, including the play of words, metaphors, and humor, to truly convey the essence of the original text.

Furthermore, he distinguishes the artistic translation from other types, stating that it goes beyond a literal conversion of words, phrases, or entire texts. In artistic translation, the translator becomes an artist themselves, ensuring a harmonious transformation that captures the spirit of the original work.

Salomov also notes the vital role of translators in bringing the most significant and socially, aesthetically, and educationally

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valuable books from other national literatures into their own language. This process, often referred to as "mutual enrichment," involves introducing the works of other cultures to one's own, fostering a dynamic interaction.

In conclusion, Salomov's insights shed light on the complexity of literary translation, emphasizing the artistic responsibility of the translator in recreating the work in a way that preserves the author's intent and unique style while making it accessible and meaningful in the target language.

Translation Transformations: Enhancing Linguistic Expressions

The process of translation involves various transformations aimed at adapting the source language content into the target language. The most crucial transformations include:

Modification of Word Order:

Adjusting the order of words to maintain coherence and meaning in the target language.

Lexical Modifications:

Synonymous Replacements: Substituting words with synonyms to enhance variety and expressiveness.

Antonymous Replacements: Introducing words with opposite meanings to convey nuances effectively.

Word Class Transformation: Changing the part of speech of a word to suit the target language.

Abbreviation Expansion or Reduction: Providing or omitting abbreviated forms based on the target language norms.

Syntactic Modifications:

Simple to Compound Sentences: Converting simple sentences into compound ones to convey complex ideas.

Compound to Simple Sentences: Simplifying complex sentences for clarity.

Adding or Omitting Connectors: Inserting or removing conjunctions to improve flow and coherence.

Inverting Sentence Structure: Reversing the word order for emphasis or stylistic effect.

Adding or Removing Parenthetical Phrases: Introducing or eliminating additional information within sentences.

Analogical Transformation in Syntactic Structure:

Simple to Simple Transformation: Conveying sentences with similar structures and grammatical forms.

Antonymic Transformations in Syntactic Structure:

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Creating Opposing Structures: Expressing sentences with contrasting structures to convey opposing meanings.

Synonymous Transformations in Syntactic Structure:

Diversifying Structures: Using varied syntactic structures to convey synonymous meanings.


Adjusting one part of the translation to compensate for changes made in another part, ensuring overall coherence.


Intentional Additions: Including elements for clarification, emphasis, or cultural relevance.

Unintentional Additions: Adding information inadvertently during translation.


Necessary Omissions: Removing elements that are redundant or culturally irrelevant.

Unnecessary Omissions: Accidentally omitting information critical to the original meaning.

Equivalence (Adopting a Different Writing System):

Altering Script: Changing the script of the source language to the script of the target language.

Transliteration: Representing the sounds of one language with characters of another.

Literal Translation:

Word-for-Word Translation: Providing a direct, literal translation, often maintaining the original word order.

These transformations illustrate the intricate nature of translation, requiring linguistic expertise and creative adaptability to faithfully convey meaning while ensuring cultural appropriateness in the target language.

Explanatory Translation (Tushuntirish) and Antonymic Translation

In cases where a direct translation from the source language to the target language is not possible, explanatory translation, also known as tushuntirish, is employed. This type of translation aims to retain the meaning of the original source by providing additional explanations or synonyms in the target language.


The NATO general gave a green light to the military actions in Afghanistan.

Original: HaTO reHepann A^FOHHCTOHgara x,apÖHH

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харакатларга катта йул очиб берди.

Explanation: (to give a green light) йулдаги светофор кук чирок. Antonymic Translation involves rendering a unit of meaning in the target language by replacing it with another unit that is its opposite, while still maintaining coherence in the target language. This can be illustrated as follows: Example:

Original: He is old. Antonymic Translation: у ёш эмас Example:

Original: We are no experts. Antonymic Translation: биз бошка соха мутахассисларимиз. Antonymic translation inverts the meaning of the original unit into its opposite in the target language. This technique can be observed in various linguistic structures, including the use of prefixes indicating negation in English or the inversion of meaning through specific expressions. Example:

Original: The United States did not enter the war until April 1917. Antonymic Translation: Кушма Штатлар урушга 1917 йилнинг апрел ойидагина кушилди.

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In this case, the English prefix "not" indicating negation is mirrored in the Uzbek translation as "кушма" to convey the opposite meaning.

Antonymic translation can also be applied to phrases involving conditional relationships, emphasizing the importance of maintaining coherence in the target language.

Antonymic translation plays a crucial role in conveying opposites, contrasts, and negations, ensuring that the target language accurately reflects the intended meaning of the source language.

The railroad Unions have been a hotbed of Jim Crow - even the American Railroad Union, headed by Eugene V. Debs, excluded negroes from its membership.


One of the most challenging aspects that students face in the translation process is the inability to apply translation transformations. Students who are unfamiliar with the methods of translation transformations tend to rely on literal meanings of the original words and expressions. Consequently, when translating from English to Uzbek or vice versa, their sentences lack fluency and artistic expressiveness. On the contrary, those who have

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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1

mastered translation transformations can handle the translation process more adeptly, enhancing the quality of their translations. Therefore, learning translation transformation techniques is essential for mastering the translation process and obtaining practical skills in this field.


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