WAYS TO IMPROVE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE MARKET ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ivanova Inna, Guba Anastasia

The paper deals with the ways of improving the enterprise competitiveness in the market economy.

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The paper deals with the ways of improving the enterprise competitiveness in the market economy.


competitiveness, enterprise, business, market factors, resources, customers, product economy


Anastasia Guba

Studen, Faculty of Economics, Kuban State Agrarian University of I. T. Trubilin, 13, Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350044, Russia.

Inna Ivanova

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Management and Marketing Department, Kuban State Agrarian University of I. T. Trubilin, 13, Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350044, Russia.


The urgency of the problem

The popularity of the theme that we have chosen is gaining every year a big turnover. This article is focused on a detailed study of the conditions and factors, the competitive positions of the enterprise and to understand what conditions are best suited for a decent competition. The leading approach to the study of this problem was to study all the pros and cons of the competitiveness of the enterprise and its variants.

Materials and Methods

In the context of a very tense and stiff competition from foreign manufacturers to Russian companies it is very important to learn all sorts of methods of competition, which will correspond to foreign manufacturers. An indicator of the economic situation of the production and evaluation of its bankruptcy should be the level of competitiveness of the enterprise. The ability to correct and rational management of competitiveness is the most important for the existence and successful development of domestic enterprises. In a market economy it is hard enough to succeed and bring your business to a leading level, if you do not plan to detail the effectiveness of development opportunities and prospects in such a competitive environment. The success and high competitiveness of a company is largely dependent on the consumers of their satisfaction, the absence of complaints, the company's reputation and willingness to buy this product again and again.


Summing up all the above, we can draw a conclusion, that the competitiveness of the enterprise - it is primarily the maintenance of the enterprise at a high level with the use of all possible means of marketing. Quality production and high sales of goods is an important task of the enterprise on which it operates continuously. Most important at this point in connection with the sanctions is a question of competitiveness between countries. The executive power, business, private entrepreneurs have its part to support domestic

producers from all sides help to upgrade agriculture has long been obsolete agricultural machinery and the use of modern scientific and technological progress, as well as help in eliminating the negative impact from the monopolists.


So, we can now give a definition of competitiveness of the enterprise - this is a special feature, and by using it one company differs from the other in the satisfaction of human needs, and the ability to stay in tight market conditions, and with all this to make a profit, which will be enough to improve production and product quality and firmly establish it at a high level, as well as quite a few important incentives for employees. Or in simple words can be considered as the competitiveness of the degree of attractiveness of the product to customers, which is able to determine the satisfaction of the whole complex of requirements.

Let us analyze the following definition of "competitiveness of the enterprise" data by some authors.

Fatkhutdinov RA formulate a competitiveness - a special property of the object, which is characterized by the degree of actual or potential to meet their specific needs in comparison with other similar objects represented in this market. It defines the ability to withstand competition in comparison with similar facilities in this market.

Ivakhnik DE deciphered the concept of competitiveness of industrial enterprises in this way - this is a common characteristic of a business entity for a certain period of time in a particular market, reflecting the superiority over its competitors for a number of determining parameters - financial, economic, marketing, production and technology, human resources and environmental, and the ability to timely adaptation to changing environmental conditions. To summarize the conclusions of these authors, it is possible to say that any company for various characteristics compared with competing businesses. However, it has disadvantages:

1) if you do focus on a comparison of performance of competitors, while the focus is lost from such an important factor as the adaptation of enterprises to changing environmental conditions;

2) lack of systematic evaluation of the competitiveness. All parameters of the enterprise compared without intra-relationships and the dynamics of change;

3) the choice to compare one or more companies competing can distribute the competitive position of the analyzed companies, but at the same time reduces the possibility of an objective assessment of the state of the industry;

The above definition of this category of "competitive enterprise" as the value of a constant, but it is not alone, as the company may in certain period of time to be competitive, and in the next period (when changing market and changing ambient conditions) - are not competitive. That is the company's competitiveness -. The category, which depends on many factors and varies over time.

Marketing departments have a special place and is very important for companies. They analyze consumer demand, it changes preferences, assess the prospects of production and planning to improve the competitiveness problems. At the forefront of the successful development of the enterprises are located internal factors controlled by the management. Traditionally, the business theory of such factors include the selection and motivation of the personnel policy, the creation and training of the team, realized the policy in the field of marketing and management, a strategy, etc. These factors, when properly used, produce significant benefits for the enterprise.

The main production work for the implementation of the plan or the order in time is absolutely necessary to pay premiums: for the implementation of the plan (25%), for exceeding the plan (35%), for particularly important production targets (5%), for the

creation and implementation of its own project ( 10%), the winners of the competition in the internal activity (3%), with the leadership of the trainee (5%) of the original, nonstandard solution Award, which brought the company profits (10%). There are also indicators of activity for which the employee may be submitted to the awarding is:

- the absence of complaints and disciplinary actions by the employee for the work period;

- payment provided an efficient organization of work in a calendar year, managers, professionals and employees of the organization an additional lump-sum premium in the amount of average monthly salary at the expense of profits.

Not a small role in the organization of production has a logistics department. Logistics - a management tool that contributes to the achievement of these objectives -strategic, tactical and operational. And the organization effectively reduce the cost of production and the satisfaction of end-users on the quality of products, as well as the management of financial, informational and material flows. Creation of the logistics department in conjunction with the operation of the transport department, where the activity of the enterprise to achieve competitive advantages will emerge from the "six rules of logistics."

- Cargo - the right product;

- Quality - the required quality;

- number of - in the required quantities;

- Time - to be delivered at the right time;

- place - at the right place;

- costs - with minimal costs.

The communication strategy of the company are a means of improving the competitiveness of

Information strategy in its own way is a key element of the marketing strategy. The main objective of the communication strategy consists in bringing to the audience the main competitive difference between the goods that affects the selection and purchase of goods

The main objective of the strategy of marketing activities - is to form a preference to products to remind consumers about the product and where it can be ordered. For prospective customers to get their attention, arouse positive decision and the desire to have your product, lead to action. For constant - increase the prestige and image of the company.

With the help of advertising and communication strategy will be realized.

Advertising (creative) strategy is determined by way of an advertiser's use of creative complex, which in turn comprises:

- The target audience;

- The concept of the product;

- Means of disseminating information;

advertising message.

The target audience is a specific group of people, which is addressed advertising. The main objective of the strategy - form a preference to products to remind consumers about the product and where it can be ordered. For prospective customers to get their attention, arouse positive decision and the desire to have your product, lead to action. To the power of desire exceeded reluctance to part with the money and get a nice benefit. The main objective of cooperation with the media is to inform the population about the future prospects of production, future plans and the most important results achieved in recent months. The media make it possible to best form a real idea of the existing product.

- participation in specialized exhibitions and industry. The most important goal of the exhibition - the exchange of ideas, theories and techniques with the simultaneous implementation of commercial interests, by demonstrating the advertised vehicles;

- publishing in print and other media;

- preparation of brochures and booklets, CD - ROM presentations with their further spread among stakeholders;

I propose to systematically promote and optimize the site - this will allow the Internet -The take the top positions in the search results of Russian search engines and directories.

These Internet - Activities will special attention from visitors to the site, namely the target audience response.

One of the important conditions in order to identify the presence of a competitive competition. Basically, the competition is carried out in the conventional place of purchase and sale of certain types of goods, transactions with mandatory compliance with all ethical, economic and legal norms. Also, the significant role played by the commodity's ability to compete - it is an opportunity of goods or services to meet all the needs of consumers, compared to other similar products. It can be identified by several factors: price, quality, fashion, the need for this type of product (demand), the season, advertising, utility ratio of "price-quality", trust the manufacturer.

. Arthur A. Thompson Jr. and AJ Strickland offered in the development strategy of the organization on the basis of the analysis of the industry and competition to identify the key factors of its success, such as:

- The quality and characteristics of the product;

- Reputation (image);

- production capacity;

- The use of technology;

- Dealer network and distribution capabilities;

- Innovative features;

- financial resources;

- Costs compared with competitors;

- customer service

David Krevens believes that the development of the strategic prospects of the organization's leadership must first of all determine the advantages of

- Competitive advantage;

- Universality (a competitive advantage in different situations);

- Duplication of complexity.

Techniques for evaluating the competitiveness of firms by means of which the individual criteria for the organization and production, expressed quantitatively combined into an overall assessment of the competitiveness.

As noted by Arthur A. Thompson Jr. and AJ. Strickland, to assess the competitive power company managers make a list of the key success factors of the industry the advantages or disadvantages. Then assesses the organization on all counts, and then these estimates are summed to obtain an estimate of the complex (total) index of competitiveness of the organization. A similar procedure is carried out for the strongest competitor organizations. A comparison of the estimates of complex indicators of competitiveness of the organization and the competition brings out an advantage or backlog of the organization in relation to competitors. More often than not, in practice, use normalized values of importance (weights) of individual indicators of competitiveness, ie their amount must be equal to one. Then the complex index of competitiveness will be measured on the same scale of measurement as the individual indicators of competitiveness.

The approach proposed by NE Svireyko to determine the competitiveness of products is simple and has the following advantages:

- Determine the number of indicators by which products are attractive, easier than to assess each indicator and the degree of its importance on a certain scale;

- It becomes possible evaluation of products both in quantitative and qualitative indicators.

In general, the method based on the use of the expression for determining the complex index of competitiveness of the organization, not much different from the above.

The specific sources of competitive advantages can be identified on the basis of all the data, but do not let out of attention and that they may be different in different industries and countries:

1. High availability of factors of production, such as a highly skilled labor force, the most advanced equipment and technology, financial capacity and their low cost, as the most unfavorable factor of the product or service is its high price.

But today, there is the opposite effect of this factor, as the abundance and low cost of production factors creates congestion and can lead to inefficient use.

2. The possession of unique knowledge, such as patents, licenses, know-how and strong contacts with scientific institutions. Using anticipate innovations, the rapid accumulation of resources and specialized skills, especially proceeding at an accelerated rate, with competitors passivity can provide leadership in the market.

3.Udobnoe territorial distribution and possession of the necessary industrial infrastructure.

4.Nalichie infrastructure and supporting industries, providing companies with material resources on favorable terms, equipment and information. To hold on to the world market, for example, the company will be able only when the supplier is also a leader in its field.

5. High level of the national demand for the company's products. It favors the development of the company and strengthens its position in the foreign market.

6. Having a comprehensive accurate information about the situation on the market such as the needs, trends and their changes, as well as major competitors, these factors allows to generate the right strategy and its successful implementation.

7. The availability of reliable distribution channels available to consumers, skillful advertising.

8. An enabling environment for the company and the presence of well-known brand.

9. Measures of state support of the production, communication management in economic and political circles.

10. High quality and wide range of products, low cost, good service organization. They form the most important advantage of the firm - a favorable attitude to her customers.

11. Constant innovation in technology, management and marketing.

Periodically assesses the competitiveness of the above figures comparing one product

with competing. It is important to note the competitive advantage of firms, which is defined as: short-term, special recommendation, the property produced goods or brands that are specific for a firm advantage over other competitors. These characteristics can be made varied and relate both to the product (service) and to related services. The long-term benefit from the implementation of unique strategies, which can not be reproduced for profit by any of the competitors referred to as sustainable competitive advantage. Competitive advantages are part of the economic system, and can also evolve and change at various stages of their. They quickly lose their value if they use cheap labor or raw materials, the availability of methods and technologies that can be readily available to competitors. Most long to keep the competitive ability are reliable and patented

technology, unique kinds of goods and services, well-established distribution channels, highly skilled workers and high reputation of the firm. The types of competitive advantages are: the resource - which include suppliers, efficient use of resources and access to high-quality raw materials at the lowest possible price; to technology are patented technologies and modern equipment; in the market can be identified as the presence of advertising, efficient sales system over the years, a high market share; and finally to include the cultural proximity and cultural differences between the two countries have successfully streamlined export to neighboring countries. It is necessary to ensure a high and competitive goods and services, as this will help to raise the level of need and the competitiveness of enterprises. Following this, one may conclude that providing competitive one of the important problems, which includes a number of actions. For example, the improvement and the improvement of products and technologies of production, improve quality, lower production costs, promotion marketing works, certified maintenance, as well as the formation, establishment and maintenance of high bar for a long time. An entity that is committed to all kinds of advantages in marketing over its competitors, for the most part focused on the demands of consumers, as opposed to companies, which tend to cost advantage, although also can not ignore the consumers. Competitiveness can be external, and includes an external organization environment, input, output, feedback and communication with the external environment, as well as internal and consists of actions aimed at ensuring the competitiveness of the produced goods. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing departments of the following criteria can be applied: the product and its quality, its packaging, the rate of sales, the level of prices, sales volume for vserazlichnymi areas, the size of the sales force, the level of promotional activity, which also has its own criteria - media which have been used for advertising, advertising budget and types of advertising. In order to achieve the company's competitiveness need to raise the level of competitiveness to global manufacturers, create decent competitiveness of the company's products in targeted market segments, establish the effectiveness of the marketing and management departments, have a decent financial position and profitability of sales. There are quite a few factors that can help you determine the competitive advantages of the company and the industry. First - this is the human resource, it includes a number of employees, their qualifications and cost. Second - it's physical resources is the raw material for the production of goods, the climatic conditions and geographic location. Third - is the infrastructure, the system of bank transfer payments, postal services, transport system ie everything that affects the nature of competition. Fourth - it's cash resources, the amount of capital that can be used in the production of goods. And the fifth - a resource of knowledge, which includes the entire amount of scientific information. All of these factors can be divided into two types: basic and advanced factors. Basic - a natural resource, unskilled labor, geographical location and debit capital. To include all the developed modern infrastructure and specialists with higher education. Also, the factors can be divided according to their specialization in the general and specialized. Common - highly qualified employees, the highway, and to include highly specialized dedicated staff, and a complex of interconnected structures, with which ensures the functioning of the system of certain areas of knowledge.


This article discusses the theoretical aspects of competitiveness, its concept and essence, are the factors and criteria that affect the competitiveness of the enterprise, and are disclosed methodology for assessing the company's competitiveness.


This article may be of interest to all interested people economically, especially for business executives and organizations that are trying to bring their production to the next level of the world market.


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Kolomyts O.N., Ivanova I.G., Surnina V. (2015). Global environmental problems to improve the quality of Russian products. Successes of modern science,4,43-44

Tolmachev A.V., Lisovskaya R.N. Ivanova I.G. (2016). Essence, the stages of growth and the direction of support of small agricultural entities. Multidisciplinary network electronic scientific journal of the Kuban State Agrarian University,115,498-516.



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The article focuses on the problem of the development of the future teacher's professional consciousness. The findings of the research on the professional consciousness at the stage of the teacher's vocational training at the university are presented. A hierarchical system of psychological mechanisms optimizing the process of the development of the future teacher's professional pedagogical consciousness are defined during the experiment.


professional pedagogical consciousness, psychological mechanism, professional adaptation, pedagogical setting, professional reflection, professional self-esteem, goal-setting

AUTHORS Nina Guslyakova

PhD, Professor, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, 69, Lenina Ave, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia.

E-mail: guslyakovani@rambler.ru

Alla Guslyakova

PhD, Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Education, 1 /1 M. Pirogovskaya Str., Moscow,

119991, Russia. E-mail: aguslyakova@bk.ru


The concept "professional consciousness of the teacher" is an accepted notion in the modern psychology and pedagogics (Akopov, 2010; Isaev, Kosaretskiy & Slobodchikov, 2000; Mitina, 2004; Smolar, 2006; Ronzin, 1991; Yudina, 2001). The professional consciousness of the teacher can be defined as an intricate system of images, relationships and senses reflecting the individual vision, comprehension and feelings of external and internal relationships between the teacher, his alter-ego and constantly changing professional pedagogical environment. It accumulates both the knowledge of the

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