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Ключевые слова
economic entities / construction industry / degree of satisfaction / субъекты хозяйствования / строительная отрасль / степень удовлетворенности.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ziyayev Muzaffar Kutlukovich, Mirdjalilova Dildora Shukhratovna, Abdulmutalibov Otabek Adkhamovich

: In this regard, for the construction industry, the problem of increasing competitiveness is urgent, because competition directly develops construction. It is because of low competitiveness that enterprises and organizations that do not meet the requirements of the market stop their activities and only competitive construction companies remain functioning and developing. Thus, the development of competitive relations and, accordingly, increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and organizations are the basis for the development of the construction market in the country. In the scientific literature, there are several interpretations of competitiveness. Summarizing the proposed definitions, competitiveness is proposed to mean the accumulation of the organization's abilities and capabilities to respond flexibly and adapt to the transforming market conditions, which is implemented in a business idea aimed at effectively meeting the needs of the population in goods and services (goods) and its own long-term development.

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В связи с этим для строительной отрасли актуальна проблема повышения конкурентоспособности, поскольку конкуренция непосредственно развивает строительство. Именно из-за низкой конкурентоспособности предприятия и организации, не отвечающие требованиям рынка, прекращают свою деятельность, и только конкурентоспособные строительные компании продолжают функционировать и развиваться. Таким образом, развитие конкурентных отношений и, соответственно, повышение конкурентоспособности предприятий и организаций являются основой развития строительного рынка в стране. В научной литературе существует несколько трактовок конкурентоспособности. Обобщая предложенные определения, под конкурентоспособностью предлагается понимать совокупность способностей и возможностей организации гибко реагировать и адаптироваться к меняющимся рыночным условиям, что воплощается в бизнес-идее, направленной на эффективное удовлетворение потребностей населения в товарах и услугах ( товаров) и собственное долгосрочное развитие


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Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Doctor of Economics, Prof.: Ziyayev Muzaffar Kutlukovich.

PhD, Assoc. : Mirdjalilova Dildora Shukhratovna.

Master degree student: Abdulmutalibov Otabek Adkhamovich

Annotation: In this regard, for the construction industry, the problem of increasing competitiveness is urgent, because competition directly develops construction. It is because of low competitiveness that enterprises and organizations that do not meet the requirements of the market stop their activities and only competitive construction companies remain functioning and developing. Thus, the development of competitive relations and, accordingly, increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and organizations are the basis for the development of the construction market in the country. In the scientific literature, there are several interpretations of competitiveness. Summarizing the proposed definitions, competitiveness is proposed to mean the accumulation of the organization's abilities and capabilities to respond flexibly and adapt to the transforming market conditions, which is implemented in a business idea aimed at effectively meeting the needs of the population in goods and services (goods) and its own long-term development.

Keywords: economic entities, construction industry, degree of satisfaction

Аннотация: В связи с этим для строительной отрасли актуальна проблема повышения конкурентоспособности, поскольку конкуренция непосредственно развивает строительство. Именно из-за низкой конкурентоспособности предприятия и организации, не отвечающие требованиям рынка, прекращают свою деятельность, и только конкурентоспособные строительные компании продолжают функционировать и развиваться. Таким образом, развитие конкурентных отношений и, соответственно, повышение конкурентоспособности предприятий и организаций являются основой развития строительного рынка в стране. В научной литературе существует несколько трактовок конкурентоспособности. Обобщая предложенные определения, под конкурентоспособностью предлагается понимать совокупность способностей и возможностей организации гибко реагировать и адаптироваться к меняющимся рыночным условиям, что воплощается в бизнес-идее, направленной на эффективное удовлетворение потребностей населения в товарах и услугах ( товаров) и собственное долгосрочное развитие.

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Ключевые слова: субъекты хозяйствования, строительная отрасль, степень удовлетворенности.

The assessment of the competitiveness of a construction organization, as we believe, is influenced by the following features of construction products (services): -a high level of dependence of the sale of construction products (services) that fall into an active competitive environment in the sales market on their consumer properties, as well as the investment activity of economic entities and the solvency of the population;

- the ability to become a product of "deferred" consumption due to the ability of the consumer to be satisfied with the products (services) already available to him; -focus on long-term use, which increases the consumer's interest more in preserving the existing (repair, modernization, reconstruction) than in acquiring a new product; -locality of the contract work market due to the local fixation of products and its dependence on the socio-economic development of the region; - special importance of the time factor due to the significant duration of the production and commercial cycle; - the essential role of design solutions that reduce the risk of moral aging of construction products (services) - - excessive requirements for the novelty of construction products (services) in the context of the need for competitive production; - the need to involve a large number of participants (developers, investors, contractors, subcontractors, designers, supervisors) in the creation of each unit of products( services), creating additional sources of risk in the process of building business relationships with partners; - a rather narrow circle of consumers due to the high cost of the final products (services) of construction production. Taking into account the peculiarities of construction production, a number of factors of competitiveness of construction organizations can be identified.

Dynamics of long-term demand. Long-term demand refers to the period of time in which an organization can change its internal production resources: capital, labor, technology, etc.

Scientific and technological innovations. In the last decade, various scientific and technical innovations have appeared in the construction industry, both related to the appearance of new building materials, technologies and various high-performance equipment.

Investments in innovation can improve the performance of construction products, reduce the duration of construction and installation work and other work.

Advertising innovations. Periodically, organizations offer their own products to the market, using fresh methods, trying to increase consumer enthusiasm, minimize


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the cost per unit of production. This means that they are putting the latest opportunities that change the competitive environment and the position of the competing organizations. The dynamics of leadership characterizes the entry into the competition and the entry of large companies from it.

Diffusion of achievements. If an innovative development becomes known to competitors, suppliers, and buyers, then the obstacles to entering production are reduced.

Dynamics of efficiency. With the emergence of various new products or technologies in the real sector of the economy, there are opportunities to increase the scale of production, thereby reducing the specific costs of the manufacturer.

State regulation of the market. The influence of the state through its own institutions, including the regulation of financial relations and changes in state policy, make it possible to influence market relations and the state of competition in various sectors of the economy. The state government creates software products aimed at solving the issues of resettling citizens from dilapidated housing, allocating apartments to military personnel, young families, and so on.

Means reducing uncertainty and risk.

Methods and results: Technical and economic factors include: quality, sales price, the cost of producing the final construction product and the costs associated with its subsequent operation (use) or consumption of these products. These components depend on: productivity and labor intensity, production costs, knowledge intensity of products, etc.

Commercial factors determine the conditions for concluding contracts in a particular market segment. They include: market conditions that depend on the severity of competition, the relationship between supply and demand for certain commercial construction products, national and regional market features that affect the formation of effective demand for these commercial products; the service provided, i.e. the availability of further maintenance of commissioned construction projects; advertising (the availability and effectiveness of advertising and other means of influencing the consumer in order to generate demand); the image of the company (the reputation of the construction company in the construction services market).

Regulatory and legal factors reflect the requirements of technical, environmental and other (possibly moral and ethical) safe operation of the objects under construction, as well as patent requirements (patent purity and patent protection). In case of non-compliance of construction products with the norms and requirements of standards and legislation in force in the market under review, the construction

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company does not have the right to conclude contract contracts for the construction of this type of product. Therefore, the assessment of this group of factors and components using the coefficient of compliance with the standards is meaningless. These factors come into play as mandatory requirements.

These factors have a decisive impact on the competitiveness of the construction company and its construction products. In other words, the competitiveness of a construction company depends on a large number of factors of the external and internal environment. It is very difficult to determine the nature of this dependence and express it analytically, but its presence, at least in an empirical form, is an incentive to find ways to evaluate and improve competitiveness. Another form of reflection of this dependence can be attributed to a hypothetical model, its production potential, which, at least, the enterprise should strive to achieve. Expert evaluation methods with the use of fuzzy models of formalization of their results are most suitable for obtaining such dependence.

Analyzing the above factors, we can conclude that the main ways to improve the competitiveness of a construction company include:

- improving the competitiveness of its final construction products;

- improving the competitiveness of its production potential, especially the active part of its fixed assets and the qualifications of the builders working in the company;

- improving management practices and improving the efficiency of the use of existing production capacity

Thus, the competitiveness of a construction company is mainly determined by the competitiveness of its commercial construction products, the qualifications of its employees, and the effectiveness of the development and use of the production potential that makes it possible to produce these products, and, consequently, the qualifications of managers, on which the effectiveness of the use of its production potential depends.

The analysis of competitiveness begins with an assessment of the regulatory parameters. If at least one of them does not meet the level that is prescribed by the current norms and standards, then further evaluation of the competitiveness of products is impractical, regardless of the result of comparison in other parameters. At the same time, exceeding the norms and standards and legislation can not be considered as an advantage of the product, since from the point of view of the consumer it is often useless due to the increase in cost with a relatively small increase in consumer value. Exceptions may be made in cases where the manufacturer is interested in some excess of the current norms and standards in the expectation of their tightening in the future.

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Then, group indicators are calculated, which quantify the differences between the analyzed products and the market demand degree of satisfaction for this group of parameters, which allows us to judge the of the need for this group. After that, an integral indicator is calculated, which is used to assess the competitiveness of the analyzed products for all the considered groups of parameters as a whole.

The strategy of improving the quality of construction products is an essential part of the company's strategy to improve its competitiveness. At the same time, the objects of forecasting are the quality indicators of the construction products intended for production, which are not inferior to similar indicators of the commercial products of competitors [2].

In the competitive policy of a construction company regarding the quality of its products, first of all, its functional purpose, reliability, durability, usability, aesthetic appearance, and other characteristics should be taken into account, i.e., the ability of the products to meet the aggregate needs of the consumer better than the competing products. The creation of such a consumer value of the product, which would include the entire set of properties of this product, as well as its accompanying factors, is the most important condition for survival in the market.

The key point in gaining market positions relative to numerous competitors is the timely updating of manufactured products. In today's world, the creation and production of new products is crucial for the prosperity of the enterprise. According to statistics, after the development of new products, which form the basis of production, the growth rate of its sales becomes about twice as high as that of competitors. However, the creation of new construction products is an extremely complex process, since in addition to design and technological solutions and modernization of the production base, we are ultimately talking about creating a production that fully meets the requirements of the market.

The concept of creating a new construction product today is based not so much on compliance with traditional aspirations to achieve new technical and technical-economic parameters, but rather on the desire to create innovative products with a high level of competitiveness relative to other similar construction projects.

After a preliminary assessment of the idea of creating a new product (and these ideas are usually studied a lot), which is based on: a thorough analysis of the customer's advantages in switching to a new type of product; the market capacity and difficulties in entering it; the nature and severity of competition for similar products; the possibility of competitors entering the same market with similar products - the top


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management of the company studies the assessment of the economic efficiency of its

1. Moiseeva N. K., Aniskin Yu. P. Modern enterprise: competitiveness, marketing, renewal. - - M: Vneshtorgizdat, 1993.

2. Pogrebnoy Ya. F. et al. Complex system of quality management of construction products. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1989.

3. Peshkova E. P. Marketing analysis in the company's activities. - M., 1996.



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