WALTER SCOTT IS A HISTORICAL NOVELIST IN ENGLISH LITERATURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
drama / dialogue / portrait / historical novel.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Feruza Sevindikovna Kozokova, Mukhlisa Bakhodirovna Kenjayeva

A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century, which was first published in 1926, presents the major literary and artistic innovations of the Romantic movement in accordance with a definition of "Romanticism" that is frequently disregarded and ignored but is particularly pertinent when examining the English Romantic spirit, which is associated with the popular and Christian literature of the Middle Ages. The author rephrases the major contributions made by English poets, such as Scott, Coleridge, and Keats, in the context of their revival of specific themes and leitmotifs that distinctly define the Romantic movement.

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Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik



Feruza Sevindikovna Kozokova

A student of Chirchik state pedagogical university [email protected] Scientific supervisor: Mukhlisa Bakhodirovna Kenjayeva mukhlisa.kenj aeva96@gmail .com


A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century, which was first published in 1926, presents the major literary and artistic innovations of the Romantic movement in accordance with a definition of "Romanticism" that is frequently disregarded and ignored but is particularly pertinent when examining the English Romantic spirit, which is associated with the popular and Christian literature of the Middle Ages. The author rephrases the major contributions made by English poets, such as Scott, Coleridge, and Keats, in the context of their revival of specific themes and leitmotifs that distinctly define the Romantic movement.

Keywords: drama, dialogue, portrait, historical novel.


История английского романтизма в девятнадцатом веке, впервые опубликованная в 1926 году, представляет основные литературные и художественные новшества романтического движения в соответствии с определением «романтизма», которое часто игнорируется и игнорируется, но которое особенно актуально при изучении Английский романтический дух, который связан с популярной и христианской литературой Средневековья. Автор перефразирует основные вклады английских поэтов, таких как Скотт, Кольридж и Китс, в контексте возрождения ими конкретных тем и лейтмотивов, которые отчетливо определяют романтическое движение.

Ключевые слова: драма, диалог, портрет, исторический роман.


Birinchi marta 1926-yilda nashr etilgan "O'n to'qqizinchi asrda ingliz romanti-zmi tarixi"-romantizmning asosiy adabiy va badiiy yangiliklarini "romantizm" ta'rifi-ga muvofiq taqdim etadi, bu ko'pincha e'tiborga olinmaydi, biroq uni o'rganishda ,ayniqsa, juda muhimdir. O'rta asrlarning Xristian adabiyotida uning mashhurligi bi-

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


lan bog'liq bo'lgan ingliz romantik ruhi ham bor. Muallif Skott, Kolerij va Keats kabi ingliz shoirlari qo'shgan asosiy hissalarini romantik harakatni aniq belgilaydigan o'zi-ga xos mavzular va leytmotiv(qisqa nota)larni jonlantirish kontekstida ko'rsatib o'tadi.

Kalit so'zlar:drama,dialog, portret, tarixiy roman

Sir Walter Scott was a Scottish writer, historian, and politician.Born in Edin-burg in 1771, Sir Walter Scott was a writer and barrister best known for his Waverley Series of books. As a small child, Scott was sent to live with his Aunt Jenny and family, and he quickly developed an interest in tales of Scottish Border skirmis-hes.Walter Scott (1771-1832) wrote a historical fiction titled Waverley; or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since. Scott, who was already well-known for his poetry, decided to publish Waverley anonymously in 1814 as his first work of prose. It is frequently recognized as one of the earliest Western historical fiction works.The original title of Walter Scott's "Memoirs" was "Memoir of the Early Life of Sir Walter Scott, Written by Himself.

Many of his novels and narrative poems are still regarded as classics of romantic literature, and he is generally credited as the inventor of the historical fiction gen-re.Walter Scott was a historical novelist, which means he wrote stories that were set in the past. Most often, he wrote about Scottish history. His stories are filled with kings, queens, castles and courts, together with some of the most dramatic, gruesome, and important events ever to have taken place in Scotland.Scott became an instant best seller with historical narrative poems like The Lay of the Last Minstrel (1805), followed by The Lady of the Lake (1810), Rokeby (1813), and The Lord of the Isles (1815).

Walter Scott elevated literature that has long placed enduring pearls in the poetic crown of every country where letters are valued to the stature of the philosophy of history. He brought poetry into intimate contact with the familiarity of the lowest people, and he brought the marvelous and the true—the two aspects of the times— together with drama, dialogue, portrait, scenery, and description. He also brought it to life with the spirit of the past.

Scottish author, historian, and politician Sir Walter Scott. His narrative poems and novels continue to be considered romantic literature masterpieces, and he is widely acknowledged as the creator of the historical fiction subgenre.Walter Scott wrote historical novels, which are narratives with a historical setting. He wrote about Scottish history most of the time. His tales are replete with castles, courts, monarchs, and some of the most horrific, dramatic, and significant Scottish events ever recor-

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


ded.With historical narrative poems such as The Lay of the Last Minstrel (1805), Scott shot to fame. He was then followed by The Lady of the Lake (1810), Rokeby (1813), and The Lord of the Isles (1815).

Scotland's national identity was shaped in large part by Scott during the 19th century, and his influence may still be seen today. His method of placing stories in well-known historical contexts and fusing fictional and real-life characters proven to be extremely well-liked by readers.Literary works in the historical fiction category are set in the past. Historical fiction attempts to be as authentic as possible by capturing societal mores, manners, customs, and traditions of the era.

In conclusion, one of the various literary subgenres that exists is historical fiction. The fact that the story is set in the past and that every aspect of it follows the accepted conventions of the time is by far its most significant aspect.Historical fiction genres Romance in history.These are historical romances, much as the name would suggest.Historical fiction with a biographical element. Some people find historical fiction that is biographical unsettling. historical sagas or epics; alternate histories; historical adventures or mysteries; etc.We can comprehend historical events by reading about them. We can be moved by historical fiction by reading about the events. We keep looking for meaning and comprehension even after we are aware of the facts.


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April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik

Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari

6. Dowling T. From marvelous to awesome: how spoken British English has changed. Available at: https: //www.theguardian.com/uk/culture

7. Flood A. Our ever-changing English. Available at: https: //www.theguardian. com/uk/culture


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