ВРЕМЕНА ГЛАГОЛА В КАЗАХСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
части речи / сложное слово / глагол / времена глаголов / категории глаголов / краткое изложение / грамматическая категория / современные учебники. / parts of speech / compound word / verb / tenses of verbs / categories of verbs / summary / grammatical category / modern textbooks.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Байсеитова Айгуль Жайляубаевна, Закирова Динара Фахиовна, Жандаева Улмекен Жагыпаровна, Кулишова Татьяна

В статье рассматривается категория времени, одного из сложных частей речи в казахском языке, то есть глагола. Каждый исследователь по своему трактует категорию времени. Его прежние описания и устоявшиеся формы в современных учебниках представлены в этой статье. Статья позволит читателю, изучающему казахский язык, студентам вузов получить краткое представление о временах глаголов. Это также дает более широкое понимание категории времени глагола.

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The article considers the category of tense, one of the complex parts of speech in the Kazakh language, that is, the verb. Each researcher interprets the category of time in his own way. Its previous descriptions and established forms in modern textbooks are presented in this article. The article will allow the reader studying the Kazakh language, university students to get a brief idea of the tenses of verbs. It also gives a broader understanding of the verb tense category.

Текст научной работы на тему «ВРЕМЕНА ГЛАГОЛА В КАЗАХСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ»


УДК 8.80 Научная статья


Байсеитова А.Ж. , Закирова Д.Ф., Жандаева У.Ж., Кулишова Т.

Кокшетауский университет им. А.Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается категория времени, одного из сложнык частей речи в казахском языке, то есть глагола. Каждый исследователь по своему трактует категорию времени. Его прежние описания и устоявшиеся формы в современник учебниках представлены в этой статье. Статья позволит читателю, изучающему казахский язык, студентам вузов получить краткое представление о временах глаголов. Это также дает более широкое понимание категории времени глагола.

Ключевые слова: части речи, сложное слово, глагол, времена глаголов, категории глаголов, краткое изложение, грамматическая категория, современные учебники.

Для цитирования: Байсеитова, А.Ж. Времена глагола в казахском языке / А.Ж.Байсеитова, Д.Ф. Закирова, У.Ж. Жандаева, Т. Кулишова // Наука и реальность. - 2023. - № 4 (16). - С. 54-57.


Baiseitova A.Zh. , Zakirova D.F., Zhandaeva U.Zh., Kulishova T.

Abai Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, Kazakhstan)

Annotation. The article considers the category of tense, one of the complex parts of speech in the Kazakh language, that is, the verb. Each researcher interprets the category of time in his own way. Its previous descriptions and established forms in modern textbooks are presented in this article. The article will allow the reader studying the Kazakh language, university students to get a brief idea of the tenses of verbs. It also gives a broader understanding of the verb tense category.

Key words: parts of speech, compound word, verb, tenses of verbs, categories of verbs, summary, grammatical category, modern textbooks.

A verb is a part of speech denoting the name of an action or various processes occurring in the form of an action. That is, words that express movement, state, sign, mood, the process of change in the form of relationships are called verbs. The most complex and the widest grammatical category among the parts of speech in the Kazakh language [1, 39].

In the general Kazakh language , there are the following verb forms:

1. The basis of the verb.

2. Gesture name category

3. The category of transitive and intransitive verbs.

4. The category of collateral.

5. The category of positivity and negativity.

6. Category description of the passage of the action.

7. The category of participles.

8. The category of adverbs.

9. Mood category.

10. Time category.

Of great importance in the history of the formation of verbs as part of speech are the works of scientists A. Baitursynov, K. Zhubanov, N. Sauranbaev, I. Mamanov, A. Abylkaev, A. Iskakov, S. Isaev, N. Oralbai, A. Kalybayeva and others, which became the basis of subsequent fundamental research.

The category of time is a grammatical category of the verb, meaning that the action, the action preceded the moment of speech, after and during speech. Depending on the morphological feature and the meaning of time, the past tense, present tense and future tense are divided into three types. These three types are also fixed in the modern language system [2, 76].

In the Kazakh language, verb tense forms are formed by attaching personal endings to participles and adverbs and express the relation of action to the moment of speech. In the Kazakh language, the verb has three tenses: osy shak (present tense), keler shak (future tense), otken shak (past tense).

Since the names of the concepts of verbal action are words denoting the same concepts, words close to them are always, to a certain extent, related to the concepts of time. Because action and movement are always carried out at a certain time, regardless of something called action, movement [2, 76].

The category of the future tense includes verb forms that give an idea of whether an action will be performed or not. But, depending on the specific features, these forms have mutual semantic differences. The forms of the future tense are divided into three groups: general (explicit) future tense, estimated future tense and target (special) future tense.

Osy shak (Present tense)

There are no special morphological indicators of this category of time in the Kazakh language. But there are grammatical techniques in the verb system that can be transformed and formed as a result of performing these functions over many years. These are: common present tense, proper present tense, transitional present tense [3, 331].

The present tense refers to an action occurring during speech. In the grouping of the present tense, A. Iskakov divides it into 3 types: common present tense, proper present tense, transitional present tense, and N. Sauranbayev, N. Oralbai divides it into 2 types - present tense, transitional present tense. The present tense is formed by direct perception of the participles of the verbs otyr (to sit), zhatyr (to lie), zhur (to go), tur (to stand) and conjugation of these verbs to the main verbs with a preposition [2, 78].

Osy shak denotes an action that occurs at the moment of speech. They have two forms: nak osy shak (proper present tense) and auispaly osy shak (transitional present tense).

1. Nak osy shak - proper-present tense (the action takes place at the moment of speech) is transmitted in two ways.

The simple form of verbs is formed from the four verbs of the state: tur - stop, zhur - go, otyr - sit, zhat - lie down.

In the quality of these words, the head of state can take personal care and expand the range of persons and persons: I am sitting in a sitting position.

In the present tense, the main form is formed by the suffixes --a, -e, -= or -n, -bin, -in. The main purpose of the event is to improve the quality of life. For example: Men zhazip otyrmin (I am sitting now).

Keler shak (future tense)

The future tense means that the action will happen in the future. N. Sauranbayev divides into three types: infinite future tense, marginal future tense, target future tense, I. Mamonov offers the following three options: variable future tense, estimated future tense, intention future tense. A. Iskakov calls them as follows: general (explicit) future tense, estimated future tense, target future tense. N. Oralbai divides into three: variable future tense, assumed future tense, groups the goal as future tense. In modern grammar, the last grouping is taken as a basis. The suffix-a/-e/-y, the suffix -atin/-etin/ -ytyn/-eytyn, the preferred suffix -ar / - er / - r/ - s, the preferred suffix of the future time: -mak/-mek/-bak/-bek/-pak/-peck,-gali/-geli/ -kali/-keli [4, 78].

Keler shak expresses the action that occurs after the moment of speech.

It comes in three types:

1. Bolzhaldy keler shak - presumably-the future tense (maybe) is formed from the base of the verb with the suffixes -ar, /-er/-r + personal endings. For example: ol erten kel-er (he will come tomorrow-man - can be). Bugin kar zhau-ar. (Today, the snowfall-conscience-can be today followed by snow).

2. Auispaly keler shak - transitional-future tense. Auispaly keler shak is called transitional, as it can be used both in the present and in the future tense.

It is formed from the adverbial participle with suffixes -a,-e,-i and personal endings. Examples: bar-a-myn-I'll go, kara-y-myn-I'll look, kel-e-min -I'll come.

3. Maksatty keller shak - the future time of the goal. It is formed from the verb base + suffixes: -mak /-mek; -bak / -bek; -pak / -pek + personal endings (according to the general law of harmonism and assimilation). Examples: Bar-mak-pyn - I intend to go.

Otken shak (past tense)

The past tense refers to an action, a gesture preceding the moment of speech. N. Sauranbayev divides the past tense into 4 types: ancient past tense, immediate past tense, long past tense. Y. Mamonov is divided into 5 types: quickly past tense, long past tense, ancient past tense, ordinary past tense, relative past time. A. Iskakov is divided into 3 types: explicit past tense, familiar (unclear) past tense and more explicit (variable) past tense. N.Oralbai is divided into 4 types: fast past tense, long past tense, variable past tense, relative past tense. Academic grammars of the Kazakh language define such forms of the past tense as the past participle, the participle of the long-past tense and the variable past tense. These three types are also fixed in the modern language systema [5, 78].

There are three types of otken shak:

Zhedel otken shak is an obvious past tense, formed by adding suffixes -dy/-di; -you/-ti and personal endings to the verb base.

Buryngy atken shak - the long - past tense is formed in three ways:

a) Zhedel otken shak is an obvious past tense, formed by adding suffixes -dy/-di; -you/-ti and personal endings to the verb base.

Buryngy atken shak - the long - past tense is formed in three ways:

5) it is also possible to use the suffix - gan/-gen + personal endings. For example: Sen asyra-gan-sin - You are exaggerating. Siz asyra-gan-siz - You are exaggerating.

b) the basis of the verb + the adverbial suffix -p /-yp / -yp + personal endings. For example, asyra-p-pin - I raised, asyra-p-ty - he raised. ((Here: after the adverbs, the 3rd person has personal endings -you/-you; -dy/-dy, which resemble past tense suffixes in form).

In the modern Kazakh language there are tenses of such a verb. The type of each can often be distinguished by suffixes. This is one of the distinctive features of the Kazakh language, since the Kazakh language belongs to one of the additional (aglunative) languages.


1. Mamanov Y. problems of Kazakh linguistics. - Almaty: "Abzal-AI", 2014. - 640 P.

2. Syzdykova G. O. morphology of the modern Kazakh language: textbook. - Almaty, 2012. - 160 pages.

3. Iskakov A. modern Kazakh language. - 2nd edition. Textbook for students of philological faculties. - Almaty: native language, 1991. - 384 pages.

4. Orazbayeva, F. Sh. Kazakh language: ynebnik. - Almaty: Atamura, 2005 - - 192 P.

5. Orazbayeva F. Sh., Rakhmetova S. methods of teaching the Kazakh language: manual -Almaty: Print S, 2005. - 170 P.

Байсеитова Айгуль Жайляубаевна, магистр пед. наук, Кокшетауский университет им.А.Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан).

I-1: bayseitoval4@mail.ru

Закирова Динара Фахиовна, старший преподаватель, Кокшетауский университет им.А.Мырзахметова, (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан).

й: Dinara_78_05@mail.ru

Жандаева Улмекен Жагыпаровна, старший преподаватель, Кокшетауский университет им.А.Мырзахметова, (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан).

1__1: omirbekova_2000@mail.ru

Кулишова Татьяна, студентка юридического факультета, Кокшетауский университет им.А.Мырзахметова, (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан).

Дата поступления: 01.11.2023

© Байсеитова А.Ж., Закирова Д.Ф., Жандаева У.Ж., Кулишова Т., 2023.

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