Научная статья на тему 'Внедрение цифровых технологий в бизнес: современные тенденции'

Внедрение цифровых технологий в бизнес: современные тенденции Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
инновации технологии / оцифрование бизнеса / цифровизация / маркетинговая стратегия / мобильные приложения / маркетплейс / платежный агрегатор / technology innovation / business digitization / digitalization / marketing strategy / mobile applications / marketplace / payment aggregator.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Цхададзе Нелли Викторовна

В статье отмечено, что цифровая трансформация или цифровизация интегрирована во все аспекты жизни общества, включая бизнес. Процесс цифровизации стал основной движущей силой «переосмысления» внутренней и внешней политики деятельности компаний. Цифровизация, как глобальное явление является причиной фундаментальных изменений в том, как компании работают и как они приносят пользу своим клиентам. Имея множество возможностей, нетрудно оцифровать бизнес с помощью программного обеспечения, а внедрение последних разработок и IT-продуктов позволит идти в ногу с глобальными тенденциями. Основные направления внедрения инновационных технологий, оказывают непосредственное влияние на развитие и дальнейшее функционирование бизнеса.

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Introduction of digital technologies into business: current trends

The article notes that digital transformation or digitalization is integrated into all aspects of society, including business. The digitalization process has become the main driving force behind the "rethinking" of the internal and external policies of companies. Digitalization, as a global phenomenon, is causing fundamental changes in how companies operate and how they deliver value to their customers. With many opportunities, it is not difficult to digitize a business using software, and the introduction of the latest developments and IT products will keep pace with global trends. The main directions of the introduction of innovative technologies have a direct impact on the development and further functioning of the business.

Текст научной работы на тему «Внедрение цифровых технологий в бизнес: современные тенденции»

Внедрение цифровых технологий в бизнес: современные тенденции

Цхададзе Нелли Викторовна,

доктор экономических наук, профессор Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, пе11у-vic@mail.ru

В статье отмечено, что цифровая трансформация или цифро-визация интегрирована во все аспекты жизни общества, включая бизнес. Процесс цифровизации стал основной движущей силой «переосмысления» внутренней и внешней политики деятельности компаний. Цифровизация, как глобальное явление является причиной фундаментальных изменений в том, как компании работают и как они приносят пользу своим клиентам. Имея множество возможностей, нетрудно оцифровать бизнес с помощью программного обеспечения, а внедрение последних разработок и |Т-продуктов позволит идти в ногу с глобальными тенденциями. Основные направления внедрения инновационных технологий, оказывают непосредственное влияние на развитие и дальнейшее функционирование бизнеса. Ключевые слова: инновации технологии, оцифрование бизнеса, цифровизация, маркетинговая стратегия, мобильные приложения, маркетплейс, платежный агрегатор.

The introduction of innovative technologies and the use of the latest scientific developments in the framework of economic activity have long ceased to surprise anyone. If you believe the statistics, then it is safe to say that almost half of the world's population is an active user of the Internet. Digital transformation or digitalization is integrated into all aspects of society, including business, government, healthcare, media, science, etc. The digitalization process has become the main driving force behind the "rethinking" of the internal and external policies of companies. Digitalization as a global phenomenon is causing fundamental changes in how companies operate and how they deliver value to their customers. With many opportunities, it is not difficult to digitize a business using software, and the introduction of the latest developments and IT products will keep pace with global trends. The increase in the amount of funds that firms invest in the introduction of digital initiatives is mainly dictated by consumer demand, which assumes that the service procedure will not only be of high quality and efficient, but also have a minimum waiting time. This causes the need to transform the technological process, step by step attracting technological advances, ranging from digital document processing to VR technologies and blockchain. It is also worth noting that the digitalization process is a complex and lengthy process of resource renewal of a company for the introduction of future new technologies, which allows synchronizing the internal processes of the enterprise, as well as introducing a new quality of customer experience. In the struggle to actively embrace digital trends and increase market share, companies are moving their products and services into a digital environment and adapting to new business models.

As noted by Geoff Mulgan, executive director of the National Science Technology Foundation, the real practice of innovation, at least as an identifiable area, still remains at a stage based on scientific developments and research results almost a century ago. Mulgan also notes that today we are on the verge of a scientific revolution, thanks to support from the state, the active participation of universities and scientific research in general. A century ago, science began to steadily increase growth rates, given the impact of new discoveries on the development of the economy, transport, consumer goods and services [12,40]. Innovation is aimed at solving many of the most serious problems of our time, arising in various spheres of social life.

Most modern changes do not occur on their own and are often not the result of the activities of only one individual. They include alliances between various institutions, which are often called "bees" (a group of creative individuals with a lot of ideas and energy) or "trees" (the union of institutions with power and money to solve global problems) [11, p. 79]. A lot of innovation comes from the creative combination of ideas from different fields. For example, combining diagnostic computer programs, order processing centers to increase the speed of processing incoming product requests and further coordinated organization of their delivery.



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Business is an important player in the implementation of projects in the field of social innovation. The participants in the industry should strive not only to increase their own benefits, but also to improve the quality of life and relieve social tension in society. Support for small businesses is also needed within the framework of social entrepreneurship. For this, co-financing of citizens' funds is attracted on the Boomstarter platform - this is a crowdfunding platform for attracting funding for creative, technical and other kinds of projects with an ultimate goal. It is a platform focused on raising funds for creative projects in various fields through crowdfunding.

Thanks to the functional development of digital technologies, 4G networks, and most importantly, the widespread distribution of the Internet, small business has received a great advantage, which allows it to actively develop from the very start of its economic activity. Since small business does not have sufficient capital funds, unlike large companies and societies, to cover costs, this forces an entrepreneur to look for alternative options to minimize them. Today there is a choice among many areas of IT implementation, which, of course, will entail a reduction in costs associated with starting a business, and an increase in profits in the future. Let's consider some of these options.

To begin with, smartphones, tablets and other gadgets are firmly entrenched in our daily life, but they have also become an important tool for entrepreneurship. Generation C prefers to interact with service providers via mobile devices and spend neither time nor effort physically at the bank to complete a transaction or book a flight at the airline's office. Today, the consumer prefers to enjoy the consistency and 24/7 service availability with a few taps on the smartphone screen. Based on this fact, the use of mobile applications is now the main driver in order to get closer to your client [2]. At this stage, it is difficult to overestimate the possibilities of using mobile applications for working with clients. Specially designed apps combined with specific features and user-friendliness have proven to contain tremendous marketing power. The rich functionality, from fast orders and online payments to «gamification» and entertainment elements, is convincing enough for consumers to actively interact with their favorite brand on a daily basis.

Companies, in turn, get impressive benefits, as regular customers using their application make regular purchases, orders, and also recommend the company to their friends. Mobile applications can become an urgent component of bringing business marketing and sales development strategy to a new quality level. The development of technologies today greatly facilitates the development and launch of applications for business, and these investments really bring benefits in the long term, since companies save time and costs for processing and fulfilling orders, collecting the necessary data and evaluating customer requests throughout the day. Based on this, there are a number of advantages of implementing mobile applications: - The application adapted to the client allows its user to instantly use the services offered at any time and from anywhere in the world. Due to the fact that the application is not geolocated to a specific point, services receive global coverage, they can be accessed and processed anywhere, regardless of location. Apps are a powerful tool for distributing content to any Internet user, regardless of country or continent. They are a direct channel of communication with customers, enticing them to make purchases. The use of additional loyalty programs via mobile

devices as part of a sales strategy allows increasing demand for products and thereby increasing sales. - Attracting customers with a branded application is a chance to develop brand awareness. Regular customer interaction and personalized offerings increase overall demand, which entails further advertising and distribution to other users. The mobile app advertises and promotes your products or services in an efficient and timely manner when a user downloads or launches it. The marketing strategy, effectively interpreted using modern mobile communication tools, allows you to focus on changing customer preferences, thereby increasing your influence in the market. - Mobile apps are the driving force of social life, whether this trend is positive or not. They allow users to communicate, closely follow news and updates, like, share and comment using built-in "buttons" on social networks. It is not just a communication tool, but also a viable sales driver for service providers. Adapted applications provide both general information about a product or service, for example, prices, discounts, news feed, and also provide information about ongoing promotions, notifying the client with push notifications, representing one of the forms of direct interaction with customers.

While the concept of artificial intelligence, or AI, is not new, AI as a service, or AIaaS, may in the future help businesses organize the data they collect about customers and perform trivial tasks that keep business owners and their employees focused on more important work. AIaaS enables small businesses to integrate artificial intelligence technologies into their databases, without the need for additional costs for special infrastructure. It also makes it easier for those with no experience in machine learning, data processing, or artificial intelligence, understanding the technology is enough to drive it, and most of the processes are completely autonomous and robotic. And according to research by Tractica, small businesses are expected to invest more in AI to improve their productivity, as "annual global AI software revenue is projected to grow to $ 126 billion by 2025." [10] The development of communication systems and the active use of mobile technologies allow small businesses to enter the world level of trade with the help of B2B commerce and unified e-commerce systems. In this case, the company enters into an agreement with the marketplace, where it is ready to place its products for sale. Online marketplaces represent a unique opportunity for small businesses to grow globally and to increase their sales volume, as well as the opportunity to reach partner channels within these markets.

Entering the global market through a marketplace brings a number of benefits for small businesses in particular. Firstly, selling on the Internet market is relatively cheaper than creating a separate website for a business, since the entire e-commerce infrastructure is already embedded within this system. This allows suppliers to focus on improving their products, rather than worrying about building an online store and attracting customers. Second, marketplaces usually have more traffic than retailer-owned websites. Flipkart and Amazon, for example, handle a huge amount of traffic every day. In online markets, products are more likely to reach high demand from customers who might not otherwise have been exposed to the brand. Moreover, millennials are much more likely to use marketplaces to search for goods than websites, which means that small businesses have the opportunity to actively spread among the most progressive group of the population [5].

In addition, it is worth noting that it is quite difficult for a growing small business to "stand out" from the competition, especially if these are already well-established brands. Since online marketplaces have a large customer base and hundreds of stores, shoppers are always looking for the best value for money, in addition, almost every online marketplace provides a function that allows you to evaluate stores or directly products. So by offering high quality products at comparable prices along with social media promotions, SEO, etc., a marketplace contract can streamline the process and help develop branding. Near Field Communication is not just for individuals or smartphone holders, businesses can also benefit from this technology. Managers can communicate quickly with employees, and businesses, whether large or small, can improve customer satisfaction through contactless payment and information systems. NFC tags allow employees to record their current location on their own timesheet and record the time spent on tasks as well as the time allotted for breaks. Knowing where the employees are is essential for a manager to keep the organization running smoothly as a whole. As employees move on to new tasks, they can update their status to indicate that they are ready for new tasks.

Taking the hassle of in-store payments seems to be the driving force behind NFC.

Creation of faster and more efficient ways of passing the checkout line is the goal of any company, and NFC card readers provide this service to all customers. In addition to payment systems, NFC can be used to help customers find more information about a particular product. By placing NFC tags on product displays, a customer can swipe their smartphone to learn more about a product or service that arouses their interest.

In addition to reducing wait times - something every user appreciates, NFC will allow customers to preload discount coupons or promotions on their smartphones or automatically collect store bonus points. With everything in one single online wallet, shoppers never miss an opportunity to save money because they forgot their coupon or their bonus card at home. Cashiers no longer need to scan individual coupons or enter complex discounts, further reducing time.

Against the background of the current economic situation in 2020, due to the widespread spread of coronavirus infection, the demand for the use of cloud technologies, which actually provide access to the management of the Internet market, has greatly increased. However, so far due to the increased interest of large companies, since medium and small businesses have no time to appreciate the benefits of clouds. In connection with the current epidemiological situation, the self-isolation regime and the transfer of enterprises and organizations to remote control, the load on b2c and b2b services has increased dramatically [3]. Many companies and enterprises are beginning to adjust their plans, cut costs and look for the most effective solutions, including in the field of IT infrastructure. At the same time, explosive demand was recorded for complex server services, and not for individual services or volumes of resources.

However, the process of transition to a qualitatively new digital level is not always an extremely positive trend. As an example, let us consider the practical application of cash registers in Russia to ensure accounting and tax accounting, since the use of various types of information technologies within the framework of their economic activities often entails

the introduction of additional tools that ensure the process of processing electronic payments.

According to the new version of Law 54-FZ "On the use of cash registers," from July 1, 2019, all legal entities and a number of individual entrepreneurs are required to establish and use online cash registers [1]. An online cash register is a cash register of a new design (CCP), with a fiscal drive, on which all information about checks issued by an organization is gradually recorded, then this data is transmitted via an Internet connection to the Federal Tax Service.

The process of implementing the CCP is controversial. First, the complexity of the transition to CCP is associated with high additional costs for the purchase of the necessary equipment, software products and connection services. The cost of equipment in many countries is much higher than in Russia, provided that this is a big loss for Russian business. Secondly, this is due to the system of penalties provided for non-compliance with the law. The amount of the fine in Russia depends on the amount that was paid without using the cash register, and is at least 10 thousand rubles for individuals, for legal entities - at least 30 thousand rubles. For comparison, in the Czech Republic the amount of the fine can reach half a million crowns (1.4 million rubles). Sanctions for non-use or misapplication of new cash registers are being tightened [4]. In addition, the law provides for the suspension of the activities of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs for a period of 90 days. Medium and large businesses that have been using technological electronic systems for a long time will not incur large losses, but what should small businesses and micro-enterprises do, whose revenue for the reporting period may not reach 10 thousand rubles? Also, do not overlook the fact that in most remote territories of Russia the entire "accounting" system can be represented by a "notebook" with records of sales per day, without the use of computer accounting, not to mention the possibility of connecting to the Internet, which may simply not to be.

Based on this, the disadvantages of using online cash registers contribute to the search for more profitable alternative options for keeping records of cash transactions. Analysis of practice allows us to identify several options in order to legally continue business activities without using online cash registers: - The first way involves contacting the bank. Large banks like Sberbank, Tinkoff and some others, having sufficient financial resources, independently develop software, offering ready-made programs for the implementation of cash registers and terminals, as well as service services. By choosing the optimal package of services, you can integrate into the business model at the lowest cost. - The second way is to conclude a contract with a courier delivery service. In this case, all payments will be accepted by the courier using a mobile terminal or through a cloud cashier. In this case, the courier, using a virtual cash register or inventory accounting system, generates a cash register receipt, using his smartphone as a communication module with the cash register. This allows you to demonstrate the check using a QR code, and after payment, immediately download the check from the FTS application.

- The third option is the sale of goods through partner sites. An individual entrepreneur registers on the marketplace (electronic trading platform) and sells his goods using the operator's online cash registers. Checks are generated by the marketplace itself; an entrepreneur does not need to worry about this. He receives non-cash funds minus transaction fees.


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- The fourth option - the most popular way not to use the online cashier today, is to use the services of a payment aggregator.

In modern conditions, there is hardly an industry that would be insured against the crisis. Every entrepreneur is obliged to invest in the information environment, to take a step to adopt the latest technological developments. The tremendous potential of advanced technology, accompanied by ubiquitous customer engagement and personalization, opens up new business opportunities, enables new markets to be explored and inevitably generates revenue.

Transformational capabilities can digitize your business to respond to the ever-changing needs of today's environment. IT technologies allow to redirect the attention of entrepreneurs to the development of the internal environment, paying less attention to marketing and ecommerce, to apply methods and methodologies aimed at increasing productivity, ensuring smooth interaction and transforming the enterprise into not just a profitable, but also bringing social value to the enterprise.

Introduction of digital technologies into business: current

trends Tskhadadze N.V.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

The article notes that digital transformation or digitalization is integrated into all aspects of society, including business. The digitalization process has become the main driving force behind the "rethinking" of the internal and external policies of companies. Digitalization, as a global phenomenon, is causing fundamental changes in how companies operate and how they deliver value to their customers. With many opportunities, it is not difficult to digitize a business using software, and the introduction of the latest developments and IT products will keep pace with global trends. The main directions of the introduction of innovative technologies have a direct impact on the development and further functioning of the business. Keywords: technology innovation, business digitization, digitalization, marketing strategy, mobile applications, marketplace, payment aggregator.


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27.12.2019) 2. Brill. M The role of mobile applications in business: how to make the tool work // Marketing Media Review. -2018. - №89.

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Medium.com URL: https://medium.com/gobeyond-ai/how-small-businesses-can-benefit-from-online-marketplaces-b49b2859cf3c (date accessed: 06/10/2020). 10. 2020's best new business technology products // Business Success Blog URL: https://keap.com/business-success-blog/growth/apps-tools/best-tech-innovations-for-small-business (date accessed:


II. Anna Butzin, Anna Davies, Dmitri Domanski, Steven Dhondt, Jürgen Howaldt Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change. - European Union: 2014.-163 p.

12. Robin Murray, Julie Caulier-Grice, Geoff Mulgan The open book of social innovation. 2012 .- 223 p.










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