ВЛИЯНИЕ ИДЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ПРОЦЕССОВ НА НАЦИОНАЛЬНУЮ ИДЕЮ В УСЛОВИЯХ ГЛОБАЛИЗАЦИИ Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Фарходжонова Н.Ф., Жураев Ж.А.

В этой статье освещается влияние в нашей стране духовных и идеологических угроз на национальную идею, и в частности сохранение ума и сердца молодых людей от пагубных последствий различных идей и мыслей в контексте глобализации.

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This article highlights the impact in our country, spiritual and ideological threats processes to the national idea, and in particular the conservation of the mind and hearts of young people from the harmful effects of different ideas and thoughts in the context of globalization.


UDK 316.364

Farhodjonova N.F.

Фарходжонова Н. Ф. assistant of department "Social science " ассистент кафедра «Социальные науки» Namangan engineering-pedagogical Institute Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт

Jo'rayev Jahongir Abdug'affor o'g'li

Жураев Ж. А. student студент

Namangan Engineering-Pedagogical Institute Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт


Annotation: This article highlights the impact in our country, spiritual and ideological threats processes to the national idea, and in particular the conservation of the mind and hearts of young people from the harmful effects of different ideas and thoughts in the context of globalization.

Аннотация: В этой статье освещается влияние в нашей стране духовных и идеологических угроз на национальную идею, и в частности сохранение ума и сердца молодых людей от пагубных последствий различных идей и мыслей в контексте глобализации.

Key words: globalization, the process of ideological, national idea and spiritual threats, the idea and ideology, information, spirituality, pop culture.

Ключевые слова: глобализация, процесс идеологической, национальной идеи и духовных угроз, идея и идеология, информация, духовность, поп-культура.

The current phase of human history, social, political, economic, spiritual, cultural and international relations is characterized by the integration of all aspects of life. In particular, the development of means of communication, computer, email, Internet access, satellite television and wireless communication systems because of the severity of the technical and technological means of ideological processes of globalization, ideological influence has also expanded opportunities. Ideas that arise in a particular region or country is rapidly spreading around the world. According to experts, it is now experiencing a new information revolution and the human society is not the first revolution in the history of men. Formation of speech if it appears to the empowerment of data and information for a long time, even the creator of the great distances from the time opened the way to bring across. The transmission of information is not allowed to publish newspapers and

magazines, written rapidly expanding and integrity. Radio and television, providing information through voice and image, and raised it to a new level. The level of media coverage, in other words, at local, national, regional or international (global) scale operation also expanded its sphere of influence. Among them, the Internet has become an important link in the modern information environment.

Double society in a completely new qualitative level of development of human society, and today has been a significant change in the national and spiritual life. The cultural development of mankind speed acceleration. This, in particular, scientific discoveries, the amount of information and the rapid increase in the number of people employed in science and scientific capacity is doubling every 10-15 years, there seems to be growing. Thus, despite the spiritual and cultural development of mankind cannot even imagine the process .On fact, today, in addition to the achievements of mankind and peoples of the region who do not.

The future of humanity, the image of the new millennium is determined from the current level of development. In this context, the development of the national idea today about the peculiarities of the case, the original cultural elements coming from a wide spread of negative events, new forms of cultural aggression should be noted that on the display.

In particular, the enormous pressure of the organizational, material and financial resources and ideological grounds for centuries in traditional societies based on the events that lead to the depletion of the sample and the reference values were formed under the banner of globalization, universalism and try to instill. At the same time, continuing violence in different parts of the world to maintain the effect of national and cultural identity of national revival, restoration of national values should be the highlight of our growth, soaring feeling. Intellectual and ideological process of globalization, which is a fundamental difference between two reflected in the trend line:

1) occurs in certain universal values and spiritual wealth he created an association;

2) social, economic, political, spiritual and cultural development of the unusual level of diversity, ethnic, cultural, religious, class, racial, regional, local or other forms of coordination skills, with no serious adverse events and ideologies that threaten the future of humanity globalization.

The current stage of development of society, "a variety of old and new ideologies are becoming more serious than those of competitors. Sometimes contradict each other and ideologies, political, national, religious denominations, sects and cults for sometimes requires discussion between the bloody conflict, and as a result of the massacres. The cause untold suffering to the suffering of the people "[1]. In addition, the low level of ideological globalization, immorality, sin and evil that promote "works of art" have paved the way for wide distribution.

This is their "soft sensuality" of the "open office" to trespassing, which clearly reflects the brutality of the events of the various forms and a "beautiful" view of human consciousness is transferred to the pressure is determined by the presence of the risk of aggressive ideological influence. Indeed such

circumstances, the national idea, which is the basis for the development of high-spirited people can lead to serious negative consequences for education natural causes.

"If the history of mankind, who had his eyes reflect the evolutionary development of human maturity, the more good ideas and teachings, assuming there is a struggle between evil and harmful ideas always come and see if this trend continues today,"[2].

Ideological weakening of the idea of national specificity of globalization processes and shape our common understanding of the advanced countries, "mass culture" that flow into danger. "It must be remembered and paid special attention to this issue, directed against human morality today, the world seems a little trivial information once the power to bring the violence of globalization, the invisible, covered with nothing but harm it can cause a lot of damage"[3].

Ideological processes in the modern world, including the national idea has its positive and negative effects can be divided into the following group:

I group organized of progressive ideas, and said to them, peace, stability and prosperity, ethnic harmony and harmonious development of the human person, freedom and religious tolerance, the rule of universal values.

II group containing reactionary ideas: war, weapons, terrorism and extremism, racism, nationalism, religious fundamentalism, totalitarianism, tyranny activities based on the idea of selfishness, parochialism and narrow interests a priority.

The complex processes occurring in the world, or in this country, racism, nationalism, fanaticism growing form of crime, drug use, increasing the number of young people, who ignore the issues of spirituality and spiritual culture of the national security of any state is in danger, and ultimately collapse Society can lead to. It should be noted ,, characterized by the globalization of social and political life of the new way to all sectors of the "new doctrine" in the form of an attempt to develop a new way of life. "The new doctrine" playing the role of Western liberalism.

The idea of communism as an ideology consistently and resolutely continue the tradition with the introduction of new models and solutions. In fact, liberal "forces" behind than communism based on the specific interests of the state. Ideological processes of globalization have accelerated the growth of the material and spiritual needs of the people to change their traditional mentality X

Currently, the process of globalization and changes in the national mentality of the people who formed the "mass culture", because they mentioned the impact of the positive aspects, not individualism, ambition, wealth, even if it is in any case together, ignoring the others, greed , injustice, alienation of advanced features such as negative. To prevent the negative characteristics of the globalization process towards the formation of a universal spirituality, which today has become the most important task of civilization.

A democratic state based on market economy, civil society, depends on the contribution of the current period with the current global processes in the world.

Accordingly, the ideological essence of the processes of globalization in the world, they affect the life and development of our people is extremely important to analyze. At the present time, ideological processes of globalization, covering all countries in the region and in the world, has the following characteristics:

First, international integration in the socio-economic, political and spiritual covering all spheres of life makes conditional boundaries.

Second, the current period of social and political relations is characterized as an objective process of globalization, characterized by the impact on all sectors of society, without exception.

Third, the general laws of social development in developing national models of human development, to show the process of mixing the general definition of national law.

Fourth, the international social, economic, political, spiritual, cultural, technical and technological cooperation, intellectual, as a result of the development of means of communication is characterized by ideological relations capacity.

Intellectual and ideological processes of globalization, the idea of national independence and the spiritual and cultural development of the people of the nation, taking into account the continuity of the same duration heir, and based on his words, if embodies the national spirit and a national mood of a viable and effective. The objectives of the national society, the thoughts and aspirations of ordinary people to determine the society of social and political processes only become irreversible. This trend is all the members of the community to stand firm in his leg, he thought to live in the conscious perception, it is recommended to build a life based on thought[4].


1.Каримов И. Жамият мафкураси - халкни халк, миллатни миллат килишга хизмат этсин. -Т.:Узбекистон, 1999. -Б. 85.

2.Каримов И. Юксак маънавият - енгилмас куч. -Т.:Маънавият, 2008. -Б.112.

3.Отамуродов С. Глобаллашув ва миллий-маънавий хавфсизлик. -Т.: Узбекистон. -Б.14.

4. Фарходжонова Н.Ф. Влияние идеологических процессов на национальную идею в условиях глобализации //Мир науки и образования. - 2016. - №. 2 (6).

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