Yasynska E.
Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine «Bukovina State Medical University», Chernovtsy
The article examines the process of information technology, analyzes distance learning technologies that can be used in the traditional educational process to improve the quality of education. The main attention is paid to the didactic support of distance learning and electronic training courses.
Keywords: information technology, distance learning, informatization, didactic support, e-courses.
Modern information technologies make it possible to increase and improve the efficiency of the educational process. When reforming education in higher educational institutions, the concept of distance education is being intensively developed, which provides for the development of various technologies, including blended learning technologies. According to the concept of development of distance education in Ukraine, distance education is a form of education that is equivalent to full-time, evening, part-time, which is mainly implemented using distance learning technologies. This is due to the widespread use of information technologies, which make it possible to effectively implement self-educational activities of students. Distance learning provides higher education applicants with access to non-traditional sources of information, increases the efficiency of independent work, gives completely new opportunities for creative self-expression, finding and consolidating various professional skills, and, in turn, allows teachers to implement completely new forms and methods of teaching on the application of conceptual and mathematical modeling of phenomena and processes. Not only external reasons that occur in education encourage teachers to pay more and more attention to the organization of independent work of students and pupils, but also a number of internal reasons, one of which is the main one - the inability of yesterday's graduates of higher educational institutions due to a lack of independence, self-organization, inability to self-education, self-study, to work fully in their specialty. gives completely new opportunities for creative self-expression, finding and consolidating various professional skills, and, in turn, allows teachers to implement completely new forms and methods of teaching on the application of conceptual and mathematical modeling of phenomena and processes. Not only external reasons that occur in education encourage teachers to pay more and more attention to the organization of independent work of students and pupils, but also a number of internal reasons, one of which is the main one - the inability of yesterday's graduates of higher educational institutions due to a lack of independence, self-organization, inability to self-education, self-study, to work fully in their specialty. gives completely new opportunities for creative self-expression, finding and consolidating various professional skills, and, in turn, allows teachers to implement completely new forms and methods of teaching on the application of
conceptual and mathematical modeling of phenomena and processes. Not only external reasons that occur in education encourage teachers to pay more and more attention to the organization of independent work of students and pupils, but also a number of internal reasons, one of which is the main one - the inability of yesterday's graduates of higher educational institutions due to a lack of independence, self-organization, inability to self-education, self-study, to work fully in their specialty. and teachers, in turn, allows them to implement completely new forms and methods of teaching on the application of conceptual and mathematical modeling of phenomena and processes. Not only external reasons that occur in education encourage teachers to pay more and more attention to the organization of independent work of students and pupils, but also a number of internal reasons, one of which is the main one - the inability of yesterday's graduates of higher educational institutions due to a lack of independence, self-organization, inability to self-education, self-study, to work fully in their specialty. and teachers, in turn, allows them to implement completely new forms and methods of teaching on the application of conceptual and mathematical modeling of phenomena and processes. Not only external reasons that occur in education encourage teachers to pay more and more attention to the organization of independent work of students and pupils, but also a number of internal reasons, one of which is the main one - the inability of yesterday's graduates of higher educational institutions due to a lack of independence, self-organization, inability to self-education, self-study, to work fully in their specialty. Rapid development contributes to the modernization of the modern education system. and teachers, in turn, allows them to implement completely new forms and methods of teaching on the application of conceptual and mathematical modeling of phenomena and processes. But not only external reasons that occur in education encourage teachers to pay more and more attention to the organization of independent work of students and pupils, but also a number of internal reasons, one of which is the main one - the inability of yesterday's graduates of higher educational institutions due to a lack of independence, self-organization, inability to self-education, self-study, to work fully in their specialty.
Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of the use of dialectical support of distance learning in the traditional learning process.
Distance learning is a form of organization of the educational process and pedagogical technology, the basis of which is the controlled independent work of students and the widespread use of modern information and communication technologies in teaching.
Modern distance education is an extensive system of transferring knowledge at a distance using various means and technologies, which helps students obtain the necessary information for use in practical activities. The main goal of distance learning for students is to educate a person who has the desire and ability to communicate, learn and self-educate.
Distance learning is not only a tribute to fashion or a desire to copy the successful educational solutions of developed countries. At the center of the distance learning process is the independent cognitive activity of students, self-education, the opportunity not only to instill the skills of independent acquisition of new knowledge, but most importantly, their practical use. Distance learning is a form of education (along with full-time and part-time), which uses traditional and specific methods, forms and means of education, which are based on computer and telecommunication technologies. The essence of this process is purposeful, controlled and intensive independent work of the student, in any place convenient for you on an individual schedule using a set of special training tools and the ability to contact the teacher (and other students) by phone, via e-mail or regular mail, as well as in person]. Providing access to training materials, recommendations for working with them occurs in a convenient place and at a convenient time. This allows you to reduce the number of classroom lessons in the total student workload and free up time for more active independent work, to provide individualization of training. Such an organization of the learning process presupposes a slightly different approach to learning, in particular: the independence of the search, analysis, systematization and generalization of information, self-organization and self-control. For a number of reasons, which relate to both the organization itself and the methodology of conducting distance learning,
If we consider the features of distance education from the point of view of communication between a teacher and a student, then we can determine its such characteristic features:
- Self-education as the basis of distance learning, which provides for the student's motivation regarding their own learning, as well as a certain level of self-organization of the individual.
- Communication between the teacher and the student on a one-to-one basis, which corresponds to the form and content of an individual consultation.
-Communication and interaction "one to one" does not exclude interaction "one to many", since the teacher, according to a pre-compiled schedule, works with many students at once. This form of interaction resembles traditional classroom teaching.
- Many-to-many interaction means that many students can communicate at the same time, exchange experiences and impressions with each other.
E-learning courses are rational:
- expand the possibilities of traditional learning;
- make the educational process more diverse;
- allow to increase the efficiency of independent work of students, the level of motivation for learning, to stimulate the development of their intellectual potential;
- automate the process of monitoring and assessing student achievement.
Didactic support of distance learning is a complex of interrelated didactic goals and objectives of education and upbringing of various types of meaningful educational information on various media, developed taking into account the requirements of pedagogy, psychology, ergonomics, computer science and other sciences and is intended for the organization and control of the educational process in the context of distance learning
Didactic support of distance learning for students consists of the following main functions: organizational, educational, controlling, corrective, communicative, reflective and prognostic.
In distance learning of students, the following activities are provided:
• formation of teaching materials for students;
• selection of methods and means of monitoring student progress;
• organizing consultations for students using a program created by the teacher;
• using the means of interactive cooperation between the teacher and the student;
• creating the ability to quickly add new information to the course, correct errors, and the like.
The didactic resources for organizing independent educational and cognitive activities are also important:
• educational and auxiliary literature, guidelines, a list of tasks, problems and questions selected for independent work;
• methodological recommendations for performing tasks and conducting seminar-practical and laboratory work, plans for seminars, lists of basic and auxiliary literature;
• methodological instructions with examples of algorithms for solving typical problems, educational tasks, Internet sources, reference and special literature;
• algorithm of creative search for ways and methods of solving non-standard, creative tasks, reference and modern educational literature;
• guidelines for organizing and conducting interactive teaching methods, discussions, disputes, round tables, business games, and the like;
• plans and topics of student scientific and pedagogical research, accumulated creative tasks, lists of scientific psychological - pedagogical and special literature;
• technical teaching aids, multimedia support and the like.
In the process of distance learning, it is important to determine such relevant elements of the educational process that characterize the totality of content, methods and techniques of teaching aimed at developing the mental (and physical) strength of the student, the choice of which is based on the idea of focusing not on the achieved (actual) level of the student's development,
but to the "zone of near development". This means that students solve problems and requirements that slightly exceed their capabilities, but which they can fulfill with some help from the teacher. Given the above, it is important to correctly determine the nature and level of complexity of training sessions that a student can complete. The teacher must diagnose the student's level of development in detail and correctly. Often, methodolo-gists are involved in this activity.
For the qualitative development of the distance learning network, practice methodologists develop educational and methodological materials that include:
establishing the cognitive value of an academic discipline and its place in the higher education system; defining the objectives of the discipline and its content;
development in accordance with the content of training methods, methodological tools and organizational forms of training, that is, create the necessary methodological support.
Methodological support of distance learning is constantly changing the role and requirements for the training and professional activities of teachers. Lectures represent only a small fraction of the study time. The learning process orients students to creative search for information, the ability to independently acquire the necessary knowledge and methodological support.
Control methodology: final, current, training.
Distance learning teachers should have a universal training - be proficient in modern pedagogical and information technologies, be psychologically ready to work with students in a new educational and cognitive environment. Thanks to such distance learning tools as discussion forums, electronic discussions of the learned material, mailing lists, a new learning environment is being formed in which students feel like an integral part of the team, and enhances the motivation for learning. Teachers should master the methods of creating and maintaining such a learning environment, develop strategies for conducting this interaction between participants in the educational process, and increase creativity and their own qualifications. In this context, distance courses are important.
The essence of distance courses is as follows: flexibility - the ability to present the material of the discipline, taking into account the level of training and abilities of students. This is achieved by creating alternative sites for obtaining more detailed or additional information on incomprehensible topics, as well as a number of hint questions and the like; relevance - the ability to use the latest pedagogical, psychological, methodological guidelines, best practices; convenience - the ability to study at a convenient time, in a certain place, receive education without interrupting the main job, no time limits for mastering the material; modularity - the division of educational material into separate functionally complete topics, which are studied as they are assimilated and corresponding to the abilities of an individual student or a group as a whole; cost-effectiveness - the teaching method is cheaper than the traditional one, thanks to the efficient use of classrooms, facilitated adjustment of e-learning materials and multiaccess to them; the possibility of simultaneous use of a
large amount of educational information by any number of students; interactivity - active communication between the students of the group and the teacher. All this significantly increases the motivation for learning, improves the assimilation of new educational information; increases the ability to control the quality of training, provides for discussions, the formulation of chats, the use of self-control, and the like. the possibility of simultaneous use of a large amount of educational information by any number of students; interactivity -active communication between the students of the group and the teacher. All this significantly increases the motivation for learning, improves the assimilation of new educational information; increases the ability to control the quality of training, provides for discussions, the formulation of chats, the use of self-control, and the like. the possibility of simultaneous use of a large amount of educational information by any number of students; interactivity - active communication between the students of the group and the teacher. All this significantly increases the motivation for learning, improves the assimilation of new educational information; increases the ability to control the quality of training, provides for discussions, the formulation of chats, the use of self-control, and the like.
The introduction of distance technologies into the educational process is aimed at a deeper understanding of the educational material; the formation of such competencies as: communicative (direct communication using the means of the network), informational (search for information from different sources and the possibility of its critical comprehension), self-education (the ability to learn independently). As practice shows, if a student does not learn to make decisions on his own, determine the content of his educational activity and find ways to implement it, he will not be able to qualitatively master a particular discipline. In addition, distance learning also performs an educational function -it contributes to the formation of the leading qualities of a person: activity, independence, self-improvement, creativity.
A student, working on a computer, can constantly monitor and evaluate his actions, therefore it is precisely this kind of training that avoids negative attitudes towards learning. In the process of organizing distance learning, the rating system allows you to maximize the motivation for learning. When all students of a group studying in one distance course constantly have the opportunity to see the number of points they have scored for this module or all the topics covered, and the rating of other participants. Such conditions maximally stimulate them to increase their activity in learning. All this is achieved due to the absence of a time gap between the study of new material, the implementation and control of the achieved knowledge.
Conclusions: the use of distance learning technologies effectively affects the formation of skills and abilities of independent educational work, stimulates cognitive activity and a creative attitude to the process of assimilating knowledge, which are the basis for further professional growth.
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