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Ключевые слова
English language / teenagers / communication / linguistics / intensive / teaching lexical units / linguo-cultural / linguistic tool / image / appearance / re-expression / phraseological unit. / Английский язык / подростки / общение / лингвистика / интенсив / обучающие лексические единицы / лингвокультурологический / языковой инструмент / образ / появление / перевыражение / фразеологизм.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khalikova, Latofat Uktamovna, Abdusalimov, Diyorbek Kahramon Ugli, Berdimuratov, Sardor Khasan Ugli, Gofurov, Fazliddin Zafar Ugli, Dustmurotov, Malik Abray Ugli

In this article, the advantages of interactive methods in teaching English to teenagers today, and due to the current need for learning English and other foreign languages with the help of modern technologies and new methodologies, the fundamental, linguistic, sociocultural, communicative methods are comparatively analyzed, their role in the educational process and its significance is highlighted from the scientific output. ways of teaching English to students using modern pedagogical technologies are discussed.

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В данной статье рассматриваются преимущества интерактивных методов в обучении английскому языку подростков сегодня, а также в связи с актуальной потребностью в изучении английского и других иностранных языков с помощью современных технологий и новых методик, сравнительно рассматриваются фундаментальные, лингвистические, социокультурные, коммуникативные методы. Проанализированы, из научной продукции выделена их роль в образовательном процессе и ее значение. обсуждаются способы преподавания английского языка студентам с использованием современных педагогических технологий.


SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7



Khalikova Latofat Uktamovna

Teacher of the department "Foreign languages" Tashkent State Transport University khalikova.latofat74@gmail.com Tel: +99 890 987 76 60 Abdusalimov Diyorbek Kahramon ugli Berdimuratov Sardor Khasan ugli Gofurov Fazliddin Zafar ugli Dustmurotov Malik Abray ugli Students of the group 6 YMTQ

In this article, the advantages of interactive methods in teaching English to teenagers today, and due to the current need for learning English and other foreign languages with the help of modern technologies and new methodologies, the fundamental, linguistic, sociocultural, communicative methods are comparatively analyzed, their role in the educational process and its significance is highlighted from the scientific output. ways of teaching English to students using modern pedagogical technologies are discussed.

Keywords:English language, teenagers, communication, linguistics, intensive, teaching lexical units, linguo-cultural, linguistic tool, image, appearance, reexpression, phraseological unit.


Today, the importance of the modern methodology of English language teaching for teenagers is increasing in demand in our country compared to previous years. English language experts are implementing new methodologies and methods of learning English. This will definitely increase the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages. Analysis of the main forms and problems of meaning in adjectives in English. Language is a means of communication between people. Theoretical problems of form and meaning have been the focus of attention of linguists, philosophers and scientists from the times of philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato until today. English is a language rich in words with multiple meanings. The use of ambiguous words in the text serves to increase the impact of the text without implying their use. All people living on earth are not only witnesses


SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

of the rapidly changing world, but also direct participants in complex and continuous processes such as the development and progress of world culture and science and technology. At this point, learning English, which is one of the world's leading languages and has become the second language of communication for 35 percent of the world's population, is gaining importance. At this point, it should be noted that within the framework of the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and the National Program of Personnel Training, a comprehensive system of teaching foreign languages, i.e. a harmonious development, has been developed in our country. , a system was created aimed at forming an educated, modern thinking young generation and further integration of the republic into the world community. During the years of independence, more than 51.7 thousand foreign language teachers were trained, English, German and multimedia textbooks on the French language, electronic resources for learning English in elementary grades were prepared, more than 5 thousand language classrooms were equipped in secondary schools, vocational colleges and academic lyceums. At the same time, foreign analysis of the current system of organizing language learning shows that educational standards, curricula and textbooks do not fully meet the requirements of the time, in particular, the demand for the use of advanced information and media technologies. Education is conducted mainly in traditional ways. The organization of continuous learning of foreign languages at all levels of the education system, as well as the improvement of teachers' qualifications and the provision of modern educational and methodological materials require further improvement.


By introducing advanced methods of teaching using modern pedagogic and information and communication technologies, to fundamentally improve the system of teaching foreign languages to the growing young generation, training specialists who can speak these languages freely, and on the basis of this , in order to create conditions and opportunities for their achievements of world civilization and wide use of world information resources, development of international cooperation and communication, our state is creating wide opportunities.

Currently, state standards for the continuous education system in our country for foreign languages have been developed, requirements for the level of training of graduates of all levels of education have been determined. The standards of the continuing education system of Uzbekistan were developed based on the requirements of the universally recognized Council of Europe "European Competencies for Foreign Language Learning: Learning, Teaching and Assessment"

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(CEFR). In order to ensure that the state education standards are thorough in all aspects, a group of experts led by England's Rod Bolbaito and Davis Alan was involved.

Considering that in recent years there are many proposals for teaching English in the market of educational technologies, "Which method do you use for teaching?"

will you give it?" said question more becoming more relevant intellectual an increase in the level of product consumers is shown. Education market is language teaching according to each different kind of courses offer doing In our fast-paced world, people who consider time as gold and think about developing their work, studies and business often choose short-term courses with the names "Learn English in Two Weeks", "Effective Express Method", "Introductory English" and others. . So how effective are these teaching methods? Do they produce the expected result? In the recent past, English language teaching focused mainly on grammar. A lot of time was devoted to reading and translating texts, and sometimes memorizing "topics" and dictation to revive the sameness a little, and this process required painstaking work. Language today in the market main offer of the consumer on demand is being formed according to According to SGTer-Minasova, a senior specialist in linguistics and foreign language teaching methodology, "Today, language teaching has become more functional, and as a result of the strengthening of integration processes, the study of foreign languages, especially English, has become more relevant. But timevii language learners of the tongue history or his not interested in theory. English is three to meet their vital needsit became necessary." Currently, there are several methods offered to students learning English. One of them is the fundamental method. It requires at least 2-3 years of study and deep study of grammar. This method is mainly used in the training of professional translators, and at the end of their studies, students will be able to look at the world through the eyes of a native speaker. Based on it, language is studied as a real and complete means of communication. Currently, the fundamental method has not changed its purpose, but many other methods have entered the field of competition with the fundamental method. One of them is the linguo-sociocultural method. This method requires learning the language in a social and cultural environment. Its supporters condemn the fact that students are made to study "dead" lexical-grammatical forms. According to them, "a person is a product of culture. So, the language too." In most cases, not learning the language in accordance with social life causes many mistakes. For example, a student of English might use the phrase The Queen and Her relatives, which at first glance is grammatically correct, but a British citizen would have difficulty knowing that The Royal Family is meant.

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

Don't you want to go? and Would you like to go? The difference between the expressions is not that big, but to a British person they are different. In most cases, at conferences, "What other issues are you interested in?" "What problems are you interested in?" they translate as But it should be noted that in English the word "problems" has a negative character, and such a sentence can be translated as "What issues are you interested in?" it is better to translate it as According to linguists, 52% of such errors are the direct transfer of phrases from the native language into English, and 44% are determined by the insufficient capacity of the language learner. The most important thing in the process of learning a language is how correct the content of the information is.

Linguistic and sociocultural method covers two types of communication. It is language and intercultural communication. A student of a higher educational institution should not only acquire high levels of reading, writing and translation in English, but also learn to see English from the perspective of other people's culture. An English teacher should pay attention to these aspects in the process of language teaching. Therefore, in order to learn the language in depth and to start easy communication, it is necessary to teach English using the three methods listed above. In our opinion, it is necessary to teach the student to speak English first, and then teach him to think in this language at the second stage. It is a difficult but doable process. For this, the English language teacher should enrich the teaching method with various games, communication with peers, exercises on finding mistakes, comparative analysis of texts, etc., in addition to the standard approach.

Today, this is effectively done by the 5-step "Headway" tutorial created by British designers John and Liz Soarz. This textbook for learning English includes a complete methodological package, i.e. a textbook for students and a teacher, 120 hours of audio cassettes covering Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate. Each lesson in the textbook consists of several sections. The first covers speaking skills, while the second focuses on the formation of language skills (skills development). The next ones consist of working on texts (scan reading, reading for gist, summary reading, etc.), questions and answers, listening to the audio tape and returning it. Headway is unique in that it teaches grammar in two stages: first in the context of the lesson, then in the student's workbook (self-study and revision). In addition to the textbook, the Headway Pronunciation book is included to improve pronunciation.

Another very popular method of teaching English in the era of globalization is the intensive method. About 25% of it is based on clichés, that is, memorizing the most necessary phrases for communication. Of course, a student who chooses this

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method for language learning may not be able to read Byron's works in the original, but he can communicate with his interlocutor when necessary. The teacher who teaches using this method mainly uses dialogues as a weapon. It is not possible to learn English in 2 weeks even through the intensive method, but hardworking students who work on themselves can easily master the language in 3 months.


Today, using interactive methods and various pedagogical technologies in teaching English for teenagers, the process of teaching English can be viewed from a completely new perspective and new mechanisms of personality formation can be mastered, and quality results can be achieved in comfortable conditions. teacher Whatever method is chosen for teaching English, it should be based on the desire to provide more knowledge to the student and to help young people master the English language well. Only then will any method be effective.


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