USE OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING PHYSICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Juraeva N.M.

Current problems of teaching physics and innovative technologies are highlighted in the article. Teaching physics is conducted in the form of theoretical and practical training based on modern approaches and innovative technologies. Information about pedagogical experiences of advanced foreign countries, modern approaches and innovative technologies in teaching theoretical classes in physics. The use of modern approaches and innovative technologies, methods of using modern educational tools, and modern requirements for physics lessons are highlighted in the teaching of practical training.

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Juraeva N.M. senior teacher Department of Physics Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Jizzakh city


Abstract: Current problems of teaching physics and innovative technologies are highlighted in the article. Teaching physics is conducted in the form of theoretical and practical training based on modern approaches and innovative technologies. Information about pedagogical experiences of advanced foreign countries, modern approaches and innovative technologies in teaching theoretical classes in physics. The use of modern approaches and innovative technologies, methods of using modern educational tools, and modern requirements for physics lessons are highlighted in the teaching of practical training.

Key words: science, pedagogical technology, "Scarabiy", "Charkhpalak", "Resume", interactive method, "Cluster" technology, "Brainstorming".

Introduction: The implementation of the "National Program of Personnel Training" envisages fundamental reforms of the structure and content of the continuing education system based on modern scientific achievements and social experience. For this, first of all, it is necessary to practically provide the educational process with advanced, scientific-methodically based new and modern methodology in all forms of educational institutions. Effective use of the achievements of science, technology and advanced technology according to the purpose, tasks, content, and methodical requirements of educating the young generation is one of the urgent problems facing today's education system [1-2].

Analysis and comments: The state policy in the field of personnel training envisages the development of a person into a well-rounded citizen through the continuous education system. The individual appears as a consumer, participant and producer of educational services in continuous education and personnel training.

As a producer of educational services, a person participates in the transfer of knowledge and experience to a student (or pupil), in the conditions of the material production environment, as well as in the fields of science, culture and service provision. Therefore, one of the established tasks of education is to provide high-level education and train qualified personnel based on modern educational programs. An educational institution creates educational conditions for a growing person in the process of education. Oriented formation and development of students' (or pupils') knowledge needs and abilities increases the responsibility of the teacher's activity. The qualification of a teacher of an

educational institution should have two sides, illuminated by special and pedagogical sciences, and he should always ask: "Why should we teach?", "How should we teach?" should find answers to the questions, as well as be based on knowledge that takes into account the characteristics of education [3].

In order to increase the efficiency of education, to ensure that the person is at the center of education and to ensure that young people get independent education, there should be teachers in educational institutions who are well prepared and who, in addition to solid knowledge in their field, know modern pedagogical technologies and interactive methods, and who know the rules of using them in organizing educational and educational activities. For this, it is important to arm all subject teachers with new pedagogical technologies and interactive methods and continuously improve their ability to apply the acquired knowledge in educational activities.

The activity of a teacher of higher education should be directed to the creation of educational conditions in the process of educating a person, to satisfy his needs, and to open and develop his abilities. It is important that the qualification of a teacher of higher education has two sides, illuminated by special and pedagogical subjects, and he always asks "How should science be taught?", "Why should science be taught?" it is necessary to find answers to these questions. These answers should be interpreted in accordance with the basic rules and laws of pedagogy, as well as based on knowledge that takes into account the characteristics of education. One of the important problems of pedagogy is the development of the theory of the pedagogical process, which must form the basis of the teacher's expertise and activity.

When young pedagogues enter the educational process in addition to their existing knowledge of the specialty, they should acquire the necessary pedagogical knowledge of pedagogical and psychological knowledge, technology and teaching methods. Taking this into account, the main issues in improving the qualifications of young pedagogues are determined as follows:

- Formation of pedagogical skills that ensure the effectiveness of the teaching process

- Formation of a new professional mindset aimed at understanding socioeconomic, political, humanitarian knowledge

- Acquiring the system of quality pedagogical knowledge as the methodological basis of the teacher's activity

- Acquiring the teaching technology as a system of methods that is closer to the professional activity of teachers.

Conclusion: A program was developed by the young talented pedagogic scientific personnel currently working in educational institutions to develop the above-mentioned qualifications and skills, and recommendations were given on the application of this program in the teaching process. In particular, the requirements for students' knowledge and skills were defined. Students should be able to communicate in accordance with the mentality of the students they are

studying, to acquire modern pedagogical technologies and use them in the educational process. The listeners should have knowledge about the role of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process, their use, as well as "Brainstorming", "Networks" methods, "Boomerang", "Scarabiy", "Charkhpalak", "Resume" and other technologies, and learn them. it is important that they can apply it to the educational process. Effective use of such methods as personality, technology, pedagogical technology, interactive methods, pedagogical skill, "Cluster" technology, "Brainstorming" method, problem-based education, scale technology, authoring technology can bring the effectiveness of education to the level required by the State Education Standards.


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