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innovation / the method of education online learning / online teaching / online assessment / assessment methods / assessment challenges

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Malokhat Sharipova

In this article highlighted the importance of modern learning technologies in the educational process, in particular the use of interactive teaching methods in teaching foreign languages and using innovative educational technologies.

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


Malokhat Sharipova

Assistant-Teacher Uzbek State World Languages UniversityDepartment of

general linguistic.

E-mail: malokhat83@mail.ru


In this article highlighted the importance of modern learning technologies in the educational process, in particular the use of interactive teaching methods in teaching foreign languages and using innovative educational technologies.

Keywords: innovation; the method of education online learning, online teaching, online assessment, assessment methods, assessment challenges.


The needs of our state for highly qualified specialists capable of establishing business contacts and business cooperation with foreign partners, professionals who speak a foreign language at a professional level, are reflected in the working curricula of universities in the country. Today, a foreign language is not just a part of the culture of a certain nation, but it is also the key to success, the future successful career of students. Achieving a high level of proficiency in a foreign language is impossible without fundamental language training in higher education.


At most universities in the country, students master at least two foreign languages. It is important for a teacher to know the newest methods of teaching a foreign language, special teaching techniques and techniques in order to optimally choose one or another teaching method in accordance with the level of knowledge, needs and interests of students. After all, teaching methods are not what simple, their rational and motivated use of foreign language lessons requires a creative approach on the part of the teacher, because "pedagogy is a science and art at the same time, therefore the approach to the choice of teaching methods should be based on the creativity of the teacher ".

The purpose of this article is to review current trends in the development of methods of teaching foreign languages in higher education. What do scientists invest

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

in the concept of "method"? The teaching methods are "ordered ways of the activity of the teacher and students, aimed at the effective development of the obligations of the educational tasks". The teaching method is "an instrument of a teacher's activity for the fulfillment of a leading function - learning" The implementation of the teaching method is carried out through the use of a number of teaching methods, various approaches and working techniques. "Teaching techniques are a set of specific learning situations that contribute to the achievement of the intermediate (auxiliary) goal of a specific method." Unfortunately, foreign language teachers often use time-tested standard teaching methods in teaching practice. Sometimes the process of language teaching, sadly, continues to be a "somewhat modernized version" of the grammar-translation method. The requirements for a lesson in a foreign language change over time, and new teaching methods are being developed. At the present stage of development of science in Uzbekistan, one can definitely say that the times when the ability to translate from a foreign language and, conversely, adapted, inauthentic texts had already been sufficient proof of the development of a language.


Today, the educational process in Uzbekistan's higher education institutions is being reformed in accordance with European requirements for the quality of education: informatization of the educational space, integration processes in modern domestic education, the establishment of cooperation with European educational institutions in the field of educational and scientific activities, student international exchanges, the possibility of obtaining a second higher education institution. education and training in master's programs abroad. In the context of higher education reform, the educational technologies of teaching foreign languages should also change. Linguistic education itself is also gradually being modernized through the introduction of a modular-rating system of teaching foreign languages, interdisciplinary integration, democratization and economization of education bring to life innovations the components of teaching foreign languages.

All this puts new requirements for teaching and foreign language teachers in universities. The goal of learning a foreign language in higher education at the present stage is to master students' communicative competences that will allow them to realize their knowledge, skills, and abilities to solve specific communicative tasks in real life situations. A foreign language acts as a means of communication, communication with representatives of other nations, so that the culturological or

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

intercultural approach to learning in the framework of the concept of "dialogue of cultures" continues to develop in the future, with the aim of forming students' polymer literacy. So, in my opinion, in a modern university there should not be a place for such processes as memorization, mindless memorization of texts in a foreign language that have no practical value for future students' life activity. Students should be prepared on the basis of high-quality modern authentic educational material for the conscious use of a foreign language in later life and work.

After all, a good knowledge of foreign languages now will continue to remain one of the leading requirements of employers. In this regard, it is the universities that are responsible for providing high-quality students with a complex of language knowledge and skills, this requires, first of all, the educational institution to systematically create conditions for the professional development of their teaching staff, to provide the institution with an adequate material and technical base. High-quality language training of students is impossible without the use of modern educational technologies.

Modern technologies in education are professionally-oriented teaching of a foreign language, employment in training, application of information and telecommunication technologies, work with educational computer programs in foreign languages (multimedia system), remote technologies in teaching foreign languages, creating presentations in PowerPoint, using Internet resources, learning a foreign language in a computer environment (forums, blogs, e-mail), the latest test technology. At this stage of development of methodical science, the main methods of teaching foreign languages are communicative and constructivist methods. Communicative method. Learning objective: mastering communicative competence. Learning content: texts should show conflicts that encourage the student to express their own opinions. Training is managed not through grammar, but is directed by communicative intentions (intentions). The student is in the center of learning. Language plane: the dominance of language production over language correctness, correctness, mistakes are made. Language becomes a means of communication. Exercises: exercises of the communicative direction. Students learn "communication in the process of communication itself. Therefore, all the exercises and tasks must be communicatively justified by a lack of information, choice and reaction". Advantages of the method: students improve their speaking skills, overcome the fear of mistakes.


Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

Due to the achievement of independence currently work on reforming the entire education system has been focused on large-scale in the Republic of Uzbekistan. According to normative documents which regulate educational process special attention is paid to the intellectual development of the younger generation, continuous educational work is conducted on the planning and updating process of learning foreign languages by young people; individual psychological characteristics are taken into account of youth and its ability to assimilate foreign languages. The first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a resolution "On measures on further improving system of studying foreign language" on 10 December 2012.The document was adopted to improve teaching foreign languages, training specialists with good language skills, introducing advanced technologies into education system, etc. According to resolution, foreign languages, 98 predominantly English language, will be taught in all schools of Uzbekistan from first classes as game plays. From the second class, the alphabet, reading and grammar will be taught.


In our country created conditions for teaching foreign languages using modern pedagogical and communicative technologies. The creation of a new methodology of learning foreign languages at all stages of education with application of modern pedagogical and informative technology is the demand of time. This resolution is the theoretical basis of the work done in this direction. As a result of execution of this resolution the process of organizing a continuous study of foreign languages, is being improved, which gives the possibility of providing the youth with modern educational-methodical materials at all stages of learning. This document is a logical continuation of the law "On education" and "National program for personnel training". Learning foreign languages is impossible to imagine without the use of multi-media learning tools. Of course, important tasks for the methodology of teaching foreign languages include providing opportunities to illustrate the actual process of communication in English, and creating an educational environment that provides real conditions for learning use of the target language and its culture. The most significant group of benefits is teaching the virtues of computer-based training. For example, teachers use the ability of computers to react instantly to input information to create simple training programs in the form of exercises. The technical advantage of teaching English with the help of multimedia technology is that sound cards allow users to record their speech and then compare it with the pronunciation of native speakers.

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


The problem arises not from the methodology itself but from the misuse or incomplete use of it. That is to say, teachers still evaluate student performance according to the sentence structure and situational settings. But this not necessarily means that teachers should pay full attention to only communicative ways in the preparation and presentation of language teaching materials. Video has been proven to be an effective method in teaching a foreign language as a second language for both young and adult learners. Video can be used in a variety of instructional settings - in classrooms, on distance-learning sites where information is broadcast to learners who interact with the facilitator via video or computer, and in self-study and evaluation situations. It can also be used in teacher's personal and professional development or with students as a way of presenting content, initiating conversations, and providing illustrations for various concepts. Teachers and students can always create their own videotapes as content for the class or as a means to assess learners' performance. It is so close to language reality containing visual as well as audible cues - video is an excellent medium for use in the language classroom. It can be used in many different ways and for teaching or revising many different language points. These notes are intended to help you think about how you can use video in your classroom. They are not exhaustive, because ultimately the ways in which you use video are limited only by your own imagination. Languages are not fixed but constantly changing, so is the media; television, radio and newspapers which are an extraordinarily rich source of language in use. In order to expose foreign language learners to the target language the use of technology need to be taken in the classroom as much as possible. For that reason, a great tendency towards the use of technology and its integration into the curriculum developed by foreign language teachers has gained a great importance. Particularly the use of video has received increasing attention in recent studies on technology integration into teacher education curricula.


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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


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