USE OF CREATIVE ASSIGNMENTS IN THE TEACHING OF THE DISCIPLINE "INSURANCE" Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Suslyakova Oksana N.

The article discusses the main types of creative tasks, which are used by the author in the process of teaching the discipline "Insurance" at the Kaluga branch of the financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as recommendations for their effective use. The practical significance of the presented material is determined by the necessity of application of active teaching methods to encourage modern students to the study of educational material and the development of new forms of checking the knowledge.

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3. Ivanchenko, O.V. (2015). Promotion of food products in the HoReCa sector: the organizational and managerial aspect. Scientific and methodical electronic magazine "Concept". http://ekoncept. ru/2015/65147. htm

4. Complex of marketing communications (2017, Februrary 14). Retrieved September, 23, 2017 from http://kat.ru/management/management_23/index.shtml

5. Personal sales and specificity of the sales agent (2017, February 14). Retrieved September, 23, 2017 from http://websurveys.ru/market/marts32.htm (circulation date 14.02.2017).

6. Selling as an instrument of the sales system. Theory and practice of sales: Course of lectures (2004). Publishing house of the Altai State Technical University.

7. You will never have a second chance to make a first impression! (2017, Februrary 14). Retrieved September, 23, 2017 from http://www.toppersonal.ru/issue.html72145

8. Stages of sales for sale-manager. (2017, Februrary 14). Retrieved September, 23, 2017 from http://salers.ru/etapyprodazh/

9. Ivanchenko, O.V. and Perepelitsa, A.O. (2017). Communication aspects of personal sales in the HoReCa sector Scientific and methodical electronic magazine "Concept". http://e-koncept. ru/2017/970532. htm



The article discusses the main types of creative tasks, which are used by the author in the process of teaching the discipline "Insurance" at the Kaluga branch of the financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as recommendations for their effective use.

The practical significance of the presented material is determined by the necessity of application of active teaching methods to encourage modern students to the study of educational material and the development of new forms of checking the knowledge.


insurance, financial literacy, insurance fairy tale, fair of insurance ideas, sinkwein, puzzles, crossword puzzles, olympiad


Suslyakova Oksana Nikolaevna Ph.D. Professor, associate Professor of the Department "Finance and credit" "Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation" Kaluga Branch, Kaluga, Russia. E-mail: finans-11@mail.ru


In modern conditions of the general involvement of society in Internet resources, the mechanisms of people's perception of information, methods of teaching in educational

institutions, and ways to control the fixing of the material have undergone significant changes.

Currently, students are difficult to attract with the traditional form of lectures and seminars, and the constant admission to the Internet leads to a reluctance to remember the material and to think logically. Under these conditions, teachers have to use non-traditional methods of teaching, more actively among which a special place is occupied by creative tasks that can be used both as homework assignments and for the current control of knowledge in classroom sessions.

Creative tasks involve the reproduction of information received through the disclosure of the creative abilities of students, promoting the development of memory, imagination, curiosity, cooperation and research abilities.

Materials and Methods

Discipline "Insurance" is quite interesting and useful from a practical point of view, because it allows you to get the knowledge necessary for every person in everyday life. So, for example, she teaches how you can protect yourself and your family through compensation for material damage in the event of damage or destruction of property (stolen a car, burned a house, robbed a dacha), and through financial assistance in getting an injury or illness. In addition, long-term types of insurance can save and accumulate funds for the education of children, to purchase housing, to improve the quality of life when retiring, in the event of the death of someone from family members, and so on (Suslyakova, 2014). Also this discipline teaches you how to properly conclude insurance contracts, what you should pay attention to when signing a policy, and where to turn if there are problems with payments at the stage of settlement of the insured event. In addition, we study the basic methods of calculating payments in the event of an insured event, which gives a general idea of the specifics of recording expenses when determining the amount of damage in property insurance.

However, according to many students, the main problem of studying this discipline is to memorize a huge number of concepts and terms used in insurance activities (Suslyakova, 2017). And their ignorance or misunderstanding leads to the impossibility to solve the problem or communicate on an equal footing when discussing a topic. It can also be noted that some terms in insurance in their essence are significantly different from those in writing in other areas of activity. For example, everyone knows that a bonus is a form of encouraging an employee to perform or overfulfill an established work plan, an extra payment for high quality, etc. And in insurance premium is the price of insurance services, this is the amount of money that the policyholder makes to the insurance company when signing the insurance contract. Or, for example, many people know that a franchise is the acquisition of the rights to manufacture or sell goods under a well-known brand. However, in insurance under a franchise is understood a part of the damage, which the insurer does not reimburse under the terms of the contract. Ignorance of such subtleties at best can lead to curious situations, and as a matter of fact means complete misunderstanding of features of insurance activity.

As practice shows, it is usually good to remember what is close, what is associated with something familiar, which causes some strong emotions. One of such moments, familiar and beloved since childhood, are fairy tales, which were chosen by the author of the article to consolidate the conceptual apparatus in the discipline "Insurance". The purpose of implementing a creative homework in this case is to prepare an insurance fairy

tale for preschool and school age children, able to convey insurance knowledge to the younger generation in simple and understandable language.

The choice of a fairy tale as a form of homework is explained by the fact that it gives the widest range of realization of its possibilities: the choice of the kind of fairy tale (heroic, everyday, magical, etc.), fairytale genre (humorous, poetic, scary, etc.) (presentation, video), etc. Students can take any known fairy tale or invent their own new, modern, can use their favorite cartoon or comic book. The main thing is that in the end we get an insurance fairy tale with a clear and understandable insurance subject, a certain number of insurance terms and the ability to increase the insurance culture of the population (Suslyakova, 2015).

The preparation of this homework takes 2-3 weeks, with a specific list or number of insurance terms that must be present in each fairy tale. Students can work as a small group (2-3 people) or independently.

The presentation of fairy tales takes place in the form of Competition of insurance fairy tales, where each fairy tale is given no more than 7 minutes, and the jury members evaluate them according to certain criteria. The main criteria for evaluating a creative homework are:

• author's originality of the insurance subject;

• completeness and depth of disclosure of the plot;

• the number of insurance terms used;

• styling (understanding of the key images of the work, its subjects and issues, genre - fairy tales);

• compositional harmony (logic and clarity of presentation);

• general language and speech literacy (expressiveness of speech, richness of vocabulary);

• variety of artistic means: epithets, metaphors, comparisons, etc .;

• fantastic wisdom and spirituality (reflection of such values as love, friendship, help, mutual help, peacefulness, respect for the other, patience, hope, harmony in the world);

• the quality of the artistic presentation of the text in the form of a presentation (video) (Suslyakova, 2015).

In addition, the ability of students to answer additional questions on the presented plot is assessed.

As an example, let us cite the "Tale of property insurance" prepared by the students of the Kaluga branch of the Finish University.

"Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They had a granddaughter Mashenka. One day she got a job as an insurance agent in the insurance company "Skazgostrakh". And the granddaughter told her grandfather about the insurance and why she needed it. The old man and the old woman listened attentively to her and became eager to insure everything that they have: a house, a barn, a cow, chickens, pigs. The granddaughter suggested that they conclude two contracts of property insurance: real estate insurance and insurance of domestic animals. On insurance of real estate insurance risk will be: fire, floods, lightning and other natural disasters. And on insurance of domestic animals - attacks of stray dogs, theft, frost, hurricanes, storms, poisoning.

Grandfather and grandmother sat, thought and decided to agree. All having weighed, they agreed on a certain sum insured, paid insurance premiums and the insurance company gave them an insurance policy.

Since then, the grandfather and the woman have become more confident in the future. They lived through winter, lived through spring, and the long-awaited summer came, but along with it came rains and thunderstorms. One day a strong thunderstorm began, and from a lightning strike a shed instantly caught fire. Fortunately, the animals were saved, but the barn burned completely.

The old man and the old woman didn't grieve long, because they remembered that they had an insurance policy and reported their loss of the insurance company Skazgostrakh. And the expert took the job, who estimated the reason, size and nature of the insurance losses and issued a document at the end of his work, according to which the insurance company Skazgostrakh made an insurance payment to them. The grandfather built the shed better than before.

The old man and the old woman lived happily, when a new misfortune came. At night, a thief made his way to them and slaughtered their pig. Now they knew that they should immediately apply to the insurance company, and did so. But here they were denied compensation for losses, explaining this by the fact that the damage caused by third parties is not stipulated in the contract. The old man and the old woman listened, and concluded that it was necessary to read the contract more attentively. Here they had a great lesson for the future!" (Suslyakova, 2015).

This small fairy tale contains a lot of information: subjects of insurance relations are considered; certain types of property insurance are reflected; risks that may be stipulated in the contract; the mechanism of interaction between the insurer and the insured at the conclusion and settlement of an insurance case is shown; emphasis was placed on the need to careful reading of the insurance contract before signing it. The fairy tale contains more than 10 insurance terms (italicized), as was stipulated by the task in this group.

It should be noted that this contest is always very fun, interesting and instructive for both students and invited guests, which are representatives of insurance companies, as well as other teachers.

The Fair of Insurance Ideas can become a more serious way of checking the material, as well as systematization of knowledge in the field of insurance, within the framework of which students develop and offer to the jury a new insurance product that is absent in the insurance market of Russia (Suslyakova, 2014). To fulfill this task, students need to work through a significant amount of literature, get acquainted with domestic and foreign insurance practices, learn the rules of insurance and submit your idea effectively. As a rule, specialists of insurance companies present at this event invite students they like to work.

Among the ideas participating in the Fair can be identified the following, which caused the greatest interest and discussion among present guests and members of the jury: "Student Insurance", "Unemployment Insurance", "Insurance for complications after plastic surgery", "Compulsory Fire Insurance", "Mandatory insurance of pregnant women ", etc.

It is very useful from the point of view of refreshing and checking the material is the compilation and solution of crossword puzzles, cryptograms, filvords, puzzles or writing sinkweins on certain topics and the course "Insurance" in general. Teaching experience shows that crossword puzzles, filvords can be given as homework, and cryptograms and puzzles can be used in olympiads and contests. You can also use puzzles as a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson or refreshing the material at the end of the lesson.

As practice shows, compilation of sinkwein is a rather fascinating creative activity, which with all its simplicity helps students of all ages develop system of thinking and analytical skills, isolate the main thing, formulate one's thoughts, and expand the active vocabulary.

In order to write sinkwein, one must have knowledge and understanding of the subject-and this, in addition, makes the composition of poems an effective form of testing knowledge in almost any subject of the curriculum. And the writing of the sinkwein takes much less time than the full-fledged test work, but the result will be more creative, original and indicative.

Sinkwein is a short unrivaled poem of five lines, compiled according to certain rules: The first line of the poem is his theme.

The second line - two adjectives, revealing the topic, describing it. The third line is three verbs or gerunds describing actions related to the theme of the syncline.

The fourth line is not a set of words, but a whole phrase, with which the constituent expresses its attitude to the topic. In this case, it can be both a sentence composed by the student independently, and a idioms, proverb, proverb, quotation, aphorism, necessarily in the context of the disclosed topic.

The fifth line is just one word, which is a conclusion, a summary. Most often this is simply a synonym for the theme of the poem.

As an example, here are two poems written by students in the discipline "Insurance" on the topic "Insurer / Insurance Company":

1). Insurance Company State, private

Sells policies, evaluates risks, compensates for damages The insurer will help in a difficult moment Confidence.

2). Insurance Company State, financial Attracts, sells, deceives

Does not always keep its promises Disappointment.

As can be seen from the examples given, students have different experience with insurance companies, which is reflected in the written poems: one of them perceives the insurer as an effective protection mechanism, the other - as a fraudulent structure. You can also notice that students perceive insurers mainly as state structures, although this is not true and indicates the need for the teacher to focus on this issue once again on the next lesson. In any case, in order to write a sinkwein for one or another insurance term, you still need to know exactly what it is and what functions it performs in the insurance market.

Also, students are interested in such kinds of creative tasks as the design of posters (for example, the contest for the best poster on the topic "Personal insurance"), the make video (for example, the competition for the best advertisement of property insurance or child insurance) that allow them to demonstrate their artistic, literary and artistic abilities. Similar assignments can be used within the framework of intergroup, inter-faculty or interuniversity competitions, olympiads on insurance.

Olympiad on insurance is a form of intellectual competition between students, which allows not only to reveal the level of theoretical preparation of students in this discipline, but also to assess their ability to navigate in non-standard situations that require creative thinking. As a form of checking the knowledge of the Olympiad, it is possible to identify the students most prepared in the field of insurance, and also to develop interest in scientific activity.

The insurance Olympiad usually includes several different tasks: written or test questions, logical tasks (crossword puzzles, filvords and other similar tasks), solving problems of different complexity, as well as individual or group assignments to identify common erudition, creative and organizational abilities.

In the first section of the Olympiad you can include questions on the history of insurance and well-known insurance companies, questions on the largest insurance payments and insurance amounts in world and domestic insurance practice, as well as statements of famous people (writers, politicians, economists) about insurance and its role in development society.

In the logical block of tasks, students are very happy with solving puzzles, but the experience of using this task shows that it is necessary to take into account not only the number of guessed terms, but also their correct interpretation. Many children have the skills to solve such puzzles, but not all of them can say what a word means. To identify those who really understand insurance, you need to additionally evaluate and the correct answer for the guessed terms.

The tasks that can be proposed to the decision at the Olympiad should be somewhat more complicated than those that were decided at the seminar sessions. At the same time, it is possible to evaluate not even the answer itself (correct or incorrect), but the course of the solution of the problem, that is, the train of the student's thoughts, his vision of the solution of the problem that was offered to him. This allows you to identify extraordinary people who are able to think outside the box, even in an unfamiliar situation.

The final stage of the Olympiad can be devoted to the development and presentation of a problem in insurance, the mechanism for introducing an insurance product, the representation of an insurance company in the insurance market of the region (the country, the world market), and so on. Such tasks are best performed by the team, and the composition of such groups can be determined by drawing directly at the olympiad. This allows us to assess the organizational skills of students, their ability to work in a team and solve interpersonal conflicts.

Thus, holding an Olympiad on insurance allows the teacher to identify and assess the knowledgeable in this field of activity, resourceful, smart, well-read students. And it gives the children themselves an opportunity to show their intellectual, creative, artistic abilities.

Another type of creative work on insurance can be a task to compile tasks for individual types of insurance - accident insurance, life insurance, voluntary insurance, insurance, property insurance. The difficulty of this task for the teacher is a large number of similar tasks on the Internet and the need to screen out "other people's" work. However, if the guys in the group are responsible and curious, then the tasks turn out to be very interesting, sometimes vital and instructive. The best tasks can be used for solving at seminar classes in other groups, and also included in the collection of problems on

insurance, issued by the teacher if necessary for use in the educational process and financial opportunity.


Summarizing the above, it should be noted that creative tasks as a method of consolidation and testing of knowledge are an important, and sometimes irreplaceable element of the learning process at the present stage of society development. Many years of experience of the author's application of the considered types of creative tasks proved their effectiveness in the process of studying the discipline of "Insurance" and was presented at various conferences dedicated to the problems of development of the insurance market and training of personnel for the insurance industry.

Specialists and teachers of insurance disciplines should remember that the active use of creative assignments contributes to a much better assimilation of the curriculum in the discipline "Insurance", stimulates students to independently search and process information, increases interest in insurance activities, ultimately forming an insurance culture and overall financial literacy of the population.


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