COMMUNICATION ASPECTS OF PERSONAL SALES IN THE HORECA SECTOR Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Perepelitsa Alina O.

The article discusses the issues of communication support of personal sales in the HoReCa sphere, direct communication between service’s seller and customer is described. The key stages of personal sales are defined concerning the restaurant business. There were proposed measures to attract customers in a highly competitive market.

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2. Zaharova T.I., Stukanova I.P. Osobennosti HR-menedzhmenta v Rossii // Nauchnoe soobshchestvo studentov XXI stoletiya. - 2013. - №9. - S. 73-81

3. Maslov E.V. Upravlenie personalom: tekhnologiya i ideologiya // Organizacionnaya psihologiya. - 2015.

- №1. - T. 5. - S. 73-90

4. Chan'ko A.D., Petrakova N.N. Problemy ocenki i razvitiya funkcional'nyh kompetencij HR-menedzherov v rossijskih kompaniyah // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. - 2016. - №1.

- S. 125-163

5. OOO «Pivovarennaya kompaniya «Baltika» [EHlektronnyj resurs]. - URL: http://corporate.baltika.ru



The article discusses the issues of communication support of personal sales in the HoReCa sphere, direct communication between service's seller and customer is described. The key stages of personal sales are defined concerning the restaurant business. There were proposed measures to attract customers in a highly competitive market.


marketing communications, personal sales, sector HoReCa, restaurant business


Alina Olegovna Perepelitsa

Student, Rostov State University of Economics, Roston-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: aperepelitsa97@gmai.com

At present, highly competitive business in the HoReCa sector (an abbreviation of Hotel, Restaurant, and Cafe/Catering) is associated with hundreds of diverse issues, and the main goals are quality service, satisfied guests and getting profit - it cannot be achieved without direct communication between the seller and consumer. In this case, the issues of communication support for personal sales are significant.

Personal sale, as one of the components of a complex of marketing communications, is designed to provide an oral presentation of the goods during the conversation with potential consumer and encourage them to buy. It provides for direct (individual) contact with the consumer.

In general, a personal sale (or the sale of goods by force of the company's sales staff) is an oral presentation of the goods during the conversations with one or more potential buyers. This is about trade negotiations at the level of executives and trade commissioners, demonstration of goods, making of transactions, persuasion of buyers, consulting and other types of activities in which employees take personal part

By examination of these definitions, we can come to the conclusion that, the main idea of direct sales in the HoReCa sector is to provide the customer with high quality

services, reinforced by the seller's personal guarantees.

This article is devoted to sales and marketing communications in HoReCa sector, specifically in the restaurant industry. In this case the role of the sales agent (seller) played by waiter. He directly serves the guest, and his duties include sales of dishes from menus and wine card. And the prosperity of the business will depend on how professionally service staff can offer, recommend and sell the services of the restaurant. At the same time, in the modern restaurant business, sales and service are the same. Moreover, one cannot exist without the other. Sale and service are interrelated and interdependent. It is necessary to understand that there is no service if the employee does not sell the product or service and there is no sale without good service, since this is a process that consists of information (about restaurant, menu, services, wine list, etc.), services (knowledge of service standards, appearance, behavior), product (restaurant style, atmosphere, history), employees (level of training, knowledge and skills) and skills of active communication. All this units lead to constant concentration on the guest - his needs, desires, requests. In this case, it is worth to remember the features of the HoReCa sphere - a connection with a large number of people. Many guests can come to the restaurant for the first time. It should be remembered that "there is no second chance to make the first positive impression". The first impression must be constantly managed, because it affects the sales in the restaurant.

As a rule, in each sale there are 6 key stages, the manifestation of which is determined by the specific sale situation:

1. Preparation

2. Establishment of contact.

3. Identification of needs.

4. Presentation.

5. Working with objections.

6. Completion of the sale.

Let's consider in details each stage regarding restaurant business.

Preparation. About this stage of sale, many sellers (especially beginners) are often forgetting. But meanwhile the best impromptu is prepared impromptu. At the stage of preparation, there are two main tasks - accumulation of information and a psychological attitude.

Information is needed about the product being sold, the industry, competitors, customers, technologies of sale. As a rule, creativity in any work begins in the case of a tenfold information stock - that is, if you have only 10 minutes to talk about a product, and you can talk about it for 2 hours. Sales are not an exception, especially in the restaurant industry. The waiter has to know everything about the product, restaurant's services (for example, holding banquets, events, etc.), menu, wine list, special offers, promotions, which acts in the restaurant at the moment. It should be remembered that the restaurant sells the product to a guest who does not know it or has only partial information about it and the information should be correct and timely. Separately it is necessary to stop on creation and elaboration of oral modes. Many situations (including complex ones) are repeated in sales many times, and they are typical. Therefore, the seller should prepare in advance standard questions, answers to objections, blocks of presentation.

Establishing a contact. If we consider the restaurant as an example, the waiter should do everything to make the guest feel comfortable in the restaurant, as comfortable as

possible. He should have the impression that restraint staff were waiting precisely for him. However, due to the short duration of the stage (as a rule, there is a maximum one and a half or two minutes to establish contact) and the "curtailment" of its elements (most actions at this stage take a few seconds), the contact is formed (or not formed) on a subconscious level. We do not have time to analyze the details of the behavior of the companion, his posture, gestures, what and how he says. In our minds only the final result is reflected-we like or dislike it. Therefore, if the seller needs a lasting and strong contact with the client, there is a reason to use contact techniques brought to the automatism (actions that cause subconscious affection, sympathy with the companion).

Identify customer needs. The goal of the stage is to understand "what" the client needs and "why". Only the client knows exactly what he needs. Therefore, the best strategy for identifying needs is "active listening". Before you offer something to the client, you need to understand what exactly he needs. In order to listen, it is important to ask the right questions and maintain the necessary level of contact. Active listening implies: the ability to listen to the end, do not interrupt, listen with sympathy, put yourself in the place of the interlocutor, try to understand at first, and then be understood. When it is necessary to know the information, to find out the facts, to clarify, it is better to ask questions that allow narrowing the circle of preferences. Such questions will help to understand more quickly and easily what it is better to recommend to the guest.

Presentation of the product. The goal of the stage is to encourage the customer to buy. In the presentation, a combination of mind and emotions is very important. In addition to a rational, reasoned story, it is important to involve the sense organs of the person, his emotions. During the selling process at a restaurant, the waiter needs to know the characteristics and benefits of each dish. Depending on the situation, he must correctly offer and sell the goods. It is necessary to listen to the guest, compare the heard things with the advantages one or another dish and present this dish in such way to make the guest want to buy it right now. It is advantageous to use "tasty" words which promote its sale, for example, juicy, delicate, soft, rich flavor, light, fresh, seasonal, tasty, popular, corporate and national.

Work with objections. Objection is any reason why a buyer is not ready to make a purchase here and now. It can be lack of information, doubt, misunderstanding, formed conviction, etc. Whatever the presentation is, a solid purchase is always a choice and the doubts associated with it or the rejection of other options. The goal of the stage is to remove these doubts and internal obstacles of the guest about the purchase. It is important to understand that objections are not "arrows" to the address of the seller or the company. This is the customer's natural reaction to uncertainty that appears at the moment of choosing from several (sometimes many) options. If the seller kindly and confidently removes barriers between the client and the purchase, then he has many chances to sell. If he acts too aggressively, then almost certainly the sale will not take place. On the stage of working with an objection, it is very important to maintain strong contact with the client. If you recall the importance of preparation, the professional seller first compiles a list of typical objections and prepares standard answers to them.

Complete the sale. The stage is short, but very distinct. Its purpose is to encourage the client to choose "here and now". At the end of the sale in the restaurant, it is necessary to repeat the customer's order. Completion of the sale is the proactive actions of the seller, aimed at making the customer a positive decision about the purchase. It is well

known that in the HoReCa sector it is more difficult to attract visitors due to the growing diversity and the number of competitors [3]. Modern restaurants and bars use large windows as showcases to advertise their services to prospective guests. Passers-by can see inner beauty and coziness, as well as served meals and drinks. In addition, restaurants exhibit vivid advertising bin front of the entrance, distribute advertisements throughout the city, which makes these venues known. Such an opportunity is created because of using of the "push-pull" effect. The effect of "pull" is created when the restaurant is trying to "attract" the guest to venue. It is achieved with the help of special advertising in the "key" places of the city, in hotels, at all kinds of events, in the mass media, etc. The "push" effect is achieved with the help of large windows or showcases, banners at the entrance to the restaurant, the doorman / hostess, who stands in front of the restaurant entrance. In some restaurants in Europe, on the street, in front of the entrance there are examples of menu dishes. This is a very successful way of attracting guests. In pizzerias, you can sometimes see how the chef is preparing pizza. The aroma of freshly baked pizza also encourages people to enter the restaurant and make an order.

After completed stage of attraction the guest in a restaurant or bar, you can continue to influence his decision to buy. There are two ways for this: creating a desire to buy and demonstrating. The process of creating a desire to buy-it is affection on the visitor's feelings: sight, smell, hearing and tactile sensations. For example, one of the main ways to create a desire to buy a cup of coffee is the aroma of freshly brewed coffee or fresh baked goods. In restaurants, culinary programs on TV are often shown; pictures of different dishes and desserts are placed on the walls. Another example is a trolley with digestives in the restaurant hall. Demonstration means that the waiter will show the guest a particular drink or dish, and tell about him very picturesquely, enthusiastically, about the ingredients, describe what the dish looks like, what it tastes like, and maybe even a small story about it. To ensure the demonstration, you need to know the product well and perfectly navigate the menu and the wine list. It is necessary to remember that in the restaurant the guest buys enthusiasm, emotions. When the waiter smiles, demonstrates a good mood, says kindly, it always increases the chances of establishing trustful relations with the guests and increase sales in the restaurant as a whole. The fact of rising sales is the permanence of business, it's confidence in the future, it's a salary and a tip.

So, personal selling in a restaurant is a direct contact between the guest and the waiter. The revenue of the restaurant largely depends on the professionalism of the waiter, from his possession of the communication skills of sales. Therefore, in the HoReCa sector, it is necessary to organize trainings dedicated to development communication skills for staff that directly in contact with customers, and develop basic sales methods that will be taught to every new employee.


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