HR-MANAGEMENT IN RUSSIA: CURRENT CONCEPTIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kozlovskaya Anna I., Mischyk Oksana N.

At the present development stage the effective work of an organization is practically impossible without HR management. This aspect defines the actuality of the scientific research because the HR system in Russian companies is underdeveloped. The components of HR department, a personal and professional portrait of an HR Manager were identified as well as his performing capacities. HR branding as a tool of an effective work of HR department was considered. The peculiarities of the development of Russian and Western European HR management were defined. The article contains the analysis of the HR policy in Baltika Breweries LLC, the deficiencies of HR management were revealed and the program for the HR department further development was worked out.

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At the present development stage the effective work of an organization is practically impossible without HR management. This aspect defines the actuality of the scientific research because the HR system in Russian companies is underdeveloped. The components of HR department, a personal and professional portrait of an HR Manager were identified as well as his performing capacities. HR branding as a tool of an effective work of HR department was considered. The peculiarities of the development of Russian and Western European HR management were defined. The article contains the analysis of the HR policy in Baltika Breweries LLC, the deficiencies of HR management were revealed and the program for the HR department further development was worked out.


HR-management, HR-technologies, HR-branding, organization, development program, performance indicators, strategy, staff incentives


Anna Igorevna Kozlovskaya

fourth-year student, Tula Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of


Tula, Russia. E-mail: kozanna2012@yandex.ru

Oksana Nikolaevna Mischyk

Candidate of Philological Sciences,Associate Professor,Humanities Chair, Tula Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Tula, Russia.

E-mail: oksana_mishchuk@yahoo.com

At the present development stage of the Russian economy the role of HR-technologies in a business sphere is quite significant because these tools can work towards a high performance of HR-management, the improvement of staff professional qualification, the development of a motivation system, the most important factor in fostering the company's corporate culture and business image. But an HR-system in Russia is underdeveloped because of informal relations within a company, breach of the balance "superior-subordinate", and an attitude to the staff as cost items, which keep it down [3, c. 73].

The effective work of HR-departments should be based on the following essential blocs:

1. Recruiting. It allows to select the convenient services for searching and choosing potential candidates for the position;

2. HR record keeping. It promotes creating of tools for automation of payments related to salaries, taxes and staffing expenses;

3. Monitoring system [4, c. 121-128].

The formation of an effective HR-department requires a team of high performing HR managers, specialists in human resource management and business development.

Who is an HR-manager? We think that an HR-manager portrait should consist of particular personal qualities which can create the image of a successful person and professional skills:

Social skills. HR Manager establishes primary contacts and interacts with people;

Self-control. HR Manager must have emotional resilience for making deliberate decisions;

Commitment to success. To focus on the final positive result will contribute to the high productivity of HR Manager;

Self-confidence. This quality will help to craft image of a successful person;

Stress resistance. This human quality will help HR Manager to bear emotional overload, to adapt to a new environment as quickly as possible;

Analytical thinking. It helps to take strategic decisions for the further development of the enterprise for predicting the development of the situation, the consequences of the made decision and a choice of an optimum option;

Creativity. It contributes to the effective work of HR Manager in terms of introducing innovations;

Self discipline. It helps to manage time for effective work without procrastinations;

Ethics. HR Manager must be ethical and has a reputation of a person who has earned respect and recognition;

Organizing skills. For the development of particular aspects of the corporate culture in the organization, HR Manager must develop a system of team building in the company.

One can see that all mentioned-above personal characteristics of HR Manager form one aspect of effective work of the department. Besides of personal characteristics, HR Manager must perform a number of functions:

The create a specific social policy for the personnel and a staff development system;

To conduct strategic and operational HR planning;

Recruiting, HR administration and accounting;

To work out a motivation and evaluation system;

To organize document support for foreign staff [4, c. 135].

To arrange effective work of HR-service it is necessary to build a system of HR branding, which contributes to the creation of the company image as a good employer and benefits to the employees. In our opinion HR branding is a powerful tool of building HR-system of attracting and keeping candidates; team building with the help of the motivating programs that enable to form a social corporate culture of the enterprise [1, c. 126].

Russian HR-management is a young scientific and business sphere in organizing the system of HR-service. We think that there are the most important differences in

peculiarities between the development of Russian and Western European HR-management (table 1) [2, c. 76-77].

Table 1. Peculiarities of HR-management in Russia and Western Europe

Peculiarities of HR-management in Russia Peculiarities of HR-management in Western Europe

The functional integration of HR-management The system integration of HR-management

Distribution of social benefits among associates Individual benefits to different employees

An individual approach to a coworker HR-management is structured

The short-term motivation system The long-term motivation strategy

In modern conditions the effective HR policy is one of the important ways in a business strategy of an enterprise. We have examined the peculiarities of the current staff policy in Baltika Breweries LLC operating effectively in Tula region.

Baltika Breweries LLC was founded in Saint-Petersburg in 1990. It is one of the largest Russian companies in producing consumer goods. One of the brewing plants of Baltika Breweries LLC is in Tula region. Besides, 8000 employees are known to work for this firm.

The personnel policy of Baltika Breweries LLC includes the following aspects:

To ensure the system approach for defining talented performers in the company by means of annual evaluation of HR work and creating the Committee of talented people, which will be a way to identify potential high performers;

To form a corporate library of professional books, to arrange distance learning courses for self-development of all employees in the company;

To deliver programs of corporate university for providing study on the faculties of «Leadership», «Business skills», «Functional training»;

To organize professional practical studies on Russian and international levels and contents within the company to support personnel's ambitions and extend the spheres of responsibility and duties [5].

But we have defined the particular disadvantages in the personnel policy of Baltika Breweries LLC:

Total absence of an effective motivation system in Baltika Breweries LLC;

There is not any HR research to identify peculiarities of current personnel environment in the company;

The lack of staff involvement in the activity of Baltika Breweries LLC.

As there are particular problems in the HR development of Baltika Breweries LLC we have created the program for the introduction of Human Resources technologies and tools in the enterprise:

1. Monitoring of HR-brand on the Internet;

2. Interviews with departing employees to define motivating factors, aspects of attraction, retention and dismission of coworkers;

3. Excursions for potential associates round the company's premises along with the executives and top-managers giving addressws to create long-term relations with the personnel;

4. Master-classes of current employees which will be a way to the staff involvement, the beginning educational methods and experience exchange among associates;

5. The development of personnel incentive scheme as one of the most essential tools of motivating;

6. Carrying out research which can show the current situation in the company and define the effective aspects of the HR-department.

Moreover the existing HR department in Baltika Breweries LLC should have the following criteria of the effectiveness presented the picture 1.

Picture 1. The criteria of the effective work of the hr department in baltika breweries LLC

The evaluation of HR productivity is made with the help of the point rating system presented in table 2.

Table 1. The point rating system to evaluate productivity of an HR manager

The criterion of effectiveness Point

Implementation of social policy 1

Provision of human resources 2

Implementation of social policy

Provision of human resources

Implementation of social policy 3

Organization and documentary support

Provision of human resources

Implementation of social policy 4

Organization and documentary support

Formation of the personnel assessment system

Provision of human resources

Implementation of social policy

Organization and documentary support 5

Formation of the personnel assessment

Strategic and operational planning

The implementation of the strategic planning should be put into practice by means of the development and introduction of the personnel incentive program in Baltika Breweries LLC.

The strategic planning of the mentioned above aspect must be based on the following principles:

Setting up clear goals to realize the personnel incentive program in Baltika Breweries LLC. This principle defines the interrelation of the final labor result, attitudes and professional efforts of employees;

Constructing a situational approach to evaluate efficiency of a labor process. The important strategic target is to assess productivity of the personnel policy;

Providing staff incentives to adopt employees to changes in market conditions;

Accomplishing labor orientation to improve working process and increase efficiency of the professional sphere.

There are the following stages in realizing the Personnel Incentive Strategy of Baltika Breweries LLC:

1. To identify the important strategic goals and to decide particular tasks to achieve the global goal in the strategic planning;

2. To define the time limit to accomplish the global strategic goal;

3. To select the optimal structure to build the motivation system and to stimulate the staff

The most essential strategic objective of the Personnel Incentive Strategy is to increase the effectiveness of a working process.

To achieve the aim it is necessary to determine the following tasks:

1. To improve the process of creating a management qualitative system of professional responsibilities;

2. To create the effective staff motivation and incentive system;

3. To increase the effectiveness of any associate by means of working out and introducing individual motivating maps;

4. To correct the system of monetary incentive;

5. To monitor the motivation environment in industrial sectors of Russia.

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In present-day conditions the development of Russian HR-management is of great importance because human capital is a valuable asset of a company and a competitive resource of the government. The accomplishment of the mission for this aspect developing determines the existence of effectively functioning HR-departments which are formed by the professional team, HR managers, HR branding, HR record keeping and recruiting. To define peculiarities of HR system both in the Russian Federation and foreign countries is essential when establishing the effective HR structure. Besides, the analysis of the personnel policy of Baltika Breweries LLC identifies the following problems: the absence of a motivation system and regular HR research; the lack of staff involvement into the labor activity. To solve these problems of the personnel policy in Baltika Breweries LLC the program promoting the improvement of HR performance and functioning the Human Resources Department has been worked out.


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The article discusses the issues of communication support of personal sales in the HoReCa sphere, direct communication between service's seller and customer is described. The key stages of personal sales are defined concerning the restaurant business. There were proposed measures to attract customers in a highly competitive market.


marketing communications, personal sales, sector HoReCa, restaurant business


Alina Olegovna Perepelitsa

Student, Rostov State University of Economics, Roston-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: aperepelitsa97@gmai.com

At present, highly competitive business in the HoReCa sector (an abbreviation of Hotel, Restaurant, and Cafe/Catering) is associated with hundreds of diverse issues, and the main goals are quality service, satisfied guests and getting profit - it cannot be achieved without direct communication between the seller and consumer. In this case, the issues of communication support for personal sales are significant.

Personal sale, as one of the components of a complex of marketing communications, is designed to provide an oral presentation of the goods during the conversation with potential consumer and encourage them to buy. It provides for direct (individual) contact with the consumer.

In general, a personal sale (or the sale of goods by force of the company's sales staff) is an oral presentation of the goods during the conversations with one or more potential buyers. This is about trade negotiations at the level of executives and trade commissioners, demonstration of goods, making of transactions, persuasion of buyers, consulting and other types of activities in which employees take personal part

By examination of these definitions, we can come to the conclusion that, the main idea of direct sales in the HoReCa sector is to provide the customer with high quality

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