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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Korennaya K.A., Loginovskiy O.V., Zakharov V.V.

The specifics of human resource management primarily consider the work with the personnel of enterprises and organizations, and the basic concept that existed earlier said that the human resource and personnel of enterprises and organizations are some expenses that need to be constantly repaid. Now, personnel-human resources are considered as the resources of the enterprise, and this approach is used to increase the understanding of the belonging of employees and more effective use of their competencies in the organization system. Respectively, as resources are one of the most important characteristics of the enterprise and personnel should be attributed to the resources necessary for the sustainable development and functioning of the enterprise. The general concept of human resource management provides for a set of certain beliefs and suggestions that are formed and focused in one company, so you can talk about the corporate culture, about specific factors that are accepted in the company, and are, in turn, also a certain resource. The aim of the study is to form an up-to-date approach to improving the efficiency of human resource management at an industrial enterprise. Materials and methods. As part of the materials and methods, it is necessary to note the analysis of approaches, methods and models of human resource management presented in the scientific and technical literature, as well as the results of their implementation in the practice of industrial enterprise management. Results. The article substantiates the main scientific provisions and the need to form a general strategy for personnel development, which forms employees' self-determination in the organizational structure of the enterprise and the vector of their development, and the management has a clear idea in the development of personnel management decisions. Conclusion. A vague formulation, the absence of a personnel development strategy or its inconsistency with the general strategy of the enterprise and the dynamics of the influence of external and internal factors creates some uncertainty, which further leads to the “turnover” of personnel and does not allow achieving the goals set by the management of the enterprise.

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DOI: 10.14529/ctcr210211


K.A. Korennaya1, kkris221@mail.ru, O.V. Loginovskiy2, loginovskiiov@susu.ru, V.V. Zakharov2, zakharovvv@susu.ru

1 JSC "Kuznetsk Ferroalloys", Novokuznetsk, Russian Federation,

2 South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

The specifics of human resource management primarily consider the work with the personnel of enterprises and organizations, and the basic concept that existed earlier said that the human resource and personnel of enterprises and organizations are some expenses that need to be constantly repaid. Now, personnel-human resources are considered as the resources of the enterprise, and this approach is used to increase the understanding of the belonging of employees and more effective use of their competencies in the organization system. Respectively, as resources are one of the most important characteristics of the enterprise and personnel should be attributed to the resources necessary for the sustainable development and functioning of the enterprise. The general concept of human resource management provides for a set of certain beliefs and suggestions that are formed and focused in one company, so you can talk about the corporate culture, about specific factors that are accepted in the company, and are, in turn, also a certain resource. The aim of the study is to form an up-to-date approach to improving the efficiency of human resource management at an industrial enterprise. Materials and methods. As part of the materials and methods, it is necessary to note the analysis of approaches, methods and models of human resource management presented in the scientific and technical literature, as well as the results of their implementation in the practice of industrial enterprise management. Results. The article substantiates the main scientific provisions and the need to form a general strategy for personnel development, which forms employees' self-determination in the organizational structure of the enterprise and the vector of their development, and the management has a clear idea in the development of personnel management decisions. Conclusion. A vague formulation, the absence of a personnel development strategy or its inconsistency with the general strategy of the enterprise and the dynamics of the influence of external and internal factors creates some uncertainty, which further leads to the "turnover" of personnel and does not allow achieving the goals set by the management of the enterprise.

Keywords: personnel, human resources, strategy, personnel development, human resource management, personnel policy, personnel management.


An extensive scientific and technical literature is devoted to the study of the analysis of the state and development of human resources of enterprises and organizations. [1, 4-8, 11, 14, 19].

In the history of human resources development, personnel management, three main approaches are widely known: economic, organic and humanistic [9, 10, 25, 26].

The economic approach assigns a leading place in personnel management not to managerial, but to purely technical training of workers. This approach is based on: ensuring the unity of the leadership; creating a clear management vertical; separation of analytical and linear production structures of the enterprise; full subordination of the personal interests of the company's employees to the goals and objectives of the enterprise. This approach was most widely used for personnel management of enterprises in the Soviet Union.

Based on the organic approach, the concept of "personnel management" and then the concept of "human resource management" were formed. The organic approach brought this type of management activity far beyond the previously established functions of personnel services, when personnel functions from registration and control expanded and extended to the search and selection of employees, career

planning for leading employees of the enterprise, analysis of activities and advanced training of employees of the enterprise, etc.

The humanistic approach suggested that the personnel services of an industrial enterprise should focus on the management of individuals in the team and the representation of the organization as a kind of "cultural phenomenon". At the same time, it was proposed to consider culture in the system of ideology, values, laws, etc. In particular, in Japan, organizations began to position themselves as collectives where the spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance reigns, and a lifetime of hiring turns them into an extension of the family.

Among modern works in the field of human resource management, the following can be noted.

In [2], management culture from the standpoint of the concept of "human resources" management is considered as an integral phenomenon that describes the property of a person employed in the field of management, capable of solving problems and tasks arising in the production process and helping an employee in a difficult professional situation. And also in situations requiring managerial influence using knowledge and experience, values, abilities and inclinations.

The authors note [3, 27] that the strategy of human resources development is determined by the factors of the external and internal environment, the specifics of the implementation of the goals and objectives of the enterprise development, its industry affiliation and other conditions. The strategy should be aimed at achieving the required quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the personnel, which will ensure goal orientation and adapt the strategy development algorithm to the industry specifics of the management object.

As shown in [13, 28], the analysis of modern concepts of human resource management allows us to conclude that the focus is on practical aspects, rather than on the philosophy of human resource management. To identify and explain what is happening in practice, modern researchers use the concept of "analytical human resource management", the main task of which is to build a theory and collect empirical data to account for the behavior of management in the organization of work and management of people in different workplaces, companies, and industries.

However, modern conditions are characterized for domestic companies by constantly growing uncertainty in interaction with suppliers and consumers of products, both in Russian and foreign markets, as well as the possibility of imposing sanctions on the part of Western powers wishing to eliminate their external competitors and other similar features. In addition, the complexities of doing business. At the same time, the effective management of the development of human resources of industrial enterprises in modern realities should be based on the authors' point of view on more important and constructive ideas. As a result, the conditions in which modern domestic industrial enterprises have to work have changed dramatically in recent years. First of all, this concerns the impact of external factors on industrial enterprises, but the state of internal factors characteristic of medium and large industrial enterprises, and various areas of activity, has also undergone significant changes. The authors of this article have devoted a number of scientific works to the study of these issues [12, 15-24, 29, 30].

It is especially important to emphasize the fact that industrial enterprises today have to first of all pay attention not to the factors of direct external influence on the enterprise and its internal development, but first of all to the factors of indirect external influence [22]:

• the needs of the largest buyers of the products of an industrial enterprise on the world market;

• prices for the products produced by the enterprise on international markets;

• exchange rates;

• etc.

It is convincingly shown [19, 22] that in order to work flexibly and effectively in such conditions, industrial enterprises need a new approach to management, which would make it possible to develop enterprises not only during periods of stable development of the world economy, but also during periods of financial and economic instability or global crises caused by various causes.

Thus, any modern large industrial enterprise, on the one hand, should formulate the concept and program of its strategic development, both for the near and long-term prospects. And on the other hand, ensure effective operational management of the industrial enterprise, which allows achieving maximum profit for the company or compliance with the results work other criteria established by the owners [15].

In this regard, the achievement of these goals and objectives of an industrial enterprise cannot but be interrelated with the purposeful, comprehensively justified development of human resources, ensu-

ring their preparation for the competent implementation of the tasks set by the company's management, both of an operational and strategic nature. This, in fact, is the key principle of the formation of an up-to-date approach to the management of human resources of an industrial enterprise.

An actual approach to improving the efficiency of human resource management

in an industrial enterprise

The main tasks of human resources management traditionally include the timely development of informed decisions that determine the requirements for the company's human resources potential that is what kind of human resources and in what quantity are need to achieve the goals set by the owners of the enterprise. Moreover, as shown in [22], the classical tasks of human resource management are:

1. Resource planning (development of a plan to meet future human resource needs, consisting of the following stages: assessment of available resources, assessment of future needs for them, development of a program to meet identified needs).

2. Recruitment of personnel (creation of the necessary reserve of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the company selects the most suitable employees for it).

3. Personnel selection (evaluation of candidates and selection of the best from the created reserve).

4. Career guidance and adaptation of employees to the requirements of a particular enterprise (development of employees' understanding of what the organization expects from it and what kind of work in it gets a well-deserved assessment).

5. Training (and developing training programs) for the job skills required to do the job effectively.

6. Determination of the amount of wages and other remuneration or compensation (creation of a methodology for calculating wages and other payments: bonuses, sick leave payments, maternity leave, etc.).

7. Assessment of labor activity (formation of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the employee).

8. Management training and development plans for their career advancement (development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and increasing the efficiency of the work of management personnel).

9. Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal (choice of methods of movement of workers to positions with greater or lesser responsibility, develop their professional experience by working in other positions or areas, and procedures for termination of contract of employment).

10. Training and professional development of employees of the enterprise, career planning, personnel motivation [18, 24].

It should be noted that human resource management is, in fact, a kind of closed business process that is part of the overall process of managing the activities of the enterprise, although human resource management is often organized in most enterprises in its own way.

Unfortunately, even today, the tasks of personnel administration are mainly traditional accounting functions, which include staffing support; personnel accounting; time table accounting; payroll calculation; accounting in the Pension Fund of Russia, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties.

However, successful management of human resources of an enterprise cannot be carried out only through administration. This requires a well-thought-out personnel policy, which is a system of principles, approaches and rules that bring human resources in line with the goals and objectives of the enterprise, its strategy. All work with personnel-the selection of employees, staffing, certification, training, promotion, etc. should be the result of ensuring the implementation of the goals and objectives of the organization, the most optimal implementation of its strategic development.

The personnel policy of the company traditionally includes:

• development of general principles of personnel policy, setting priorities for goals;

• planning the need for labor resources, forming the structure and staff, appointments, creating a reserve, moving;

• creation and support of the personnel information movement system;

• formulation of the principles of allocation of funds, ensuring an effective system of labor incentives;

• providing a development program, career guidance and adaptation of employees, planning individual promotion, professional training and professional development;

• performance evaluation or analysis of the compliance of the personnel policy with the company's strategy, identification of problems in personnel work, assessment of personnel potential and other methods of analyzing the effectiveness of personnel activities.

Effective management of personnel policy cannot be carried out without understanding the essence of the domestic system of industrial and economic management in the country, as well as the strategic goals and objectives of the development of a particular enterprise that largely follow from this. Without studying these issues, any developed strategy for the development of an enterprise will never be adequate to the true, and not "book", problems of industrial development of any collectives. Unfortunately, many works on the problems of the theory and practice of management of enterprises and groups of enterprises are not very suitable for Russian conditions, since the history of domestic management and the system of industrial management that has developed in its course in Russia is not at all similar to Western or Eastern counterparts. Its specifics are so different from those declared in pro-Western, oriented manuals and monographs on industrial management that the use of the recommendations of the latter can hardly allow the heads of enterprises to achieve the desired results [19].

Personnel management of industrial enterprises should begin with an analysis of the state of affairs, the forecast of development and determination of the desired results of the enterprise, i.e. first of all, a plan-forecast of sales (sales) of products, which should be based on carefully conducted marketing research, take into account long-term contracts and the forecast of market dynamics. On this basis, several variants of the plan are drawn up. These options determine the personal strategy of the head of the enterprise for its development in the future. On this basis, production plans, standards, the utilization of production assets, the policy of interaction with suppliers of raw materials and consumers of products, as well as the need for human resources are then developed.

The system of measures that management can implement largely depends on whether the volume of supply of the company's products will increase, or vice versa, the market is in a state of decline. For example, in the case of a sharp increase in demand for the company's products, the manager should solve the problems associated with the need to put into operation new production facilities, as well as with the search for qualified personnel for the resulting jobs, etc. In the case of a sharp reduction in the sales market, on the contrary, it is necessary either to re-profile production to produce other products, or to preserve fixed assets.

Positive qualities of the labor collective are an additional incentive that contributes to stable personnel dynamics and job satisfaction.

The nature of the personnel policy is also influenced by the management style of the labor collective that has developed in the company. Nevertheless, we can distinguish two initial strategic elements of the personnel policy:

1. Strategic intentions (attracting and retaining responsible, efficient, highly qualified and talented people to the corporation. This is the key task of any company in the field of human resources management, the most important link in long-term personnel processes that provide competitive advantages to the enterprise due to the uniqueness of human potential and a high level of responsibility of all its employees. At the same time, corporate culture generates responsibility, and people's abilities create competitive advantages. Therefore, the HR manager solves, as it were, two strategic tasks: to create a competitive advantage for the company by increasing the level of responsibility of its employees, using the means of managing corporate culture; to provide competitive advantages to the company by increasing the quality of human potential and the growth of professional competence of employees;

2. The strategic directions of the enterprise development are also a component of the system of strategic goals of the corporation. But before choosing these areas, it is necessary to create a clear image of the future enterprise. A structured vision of the future of the enterprise (the share of sales and market positions, the organizational structure, the technologies of the main and auxiliary production, the management style, the dominant organizational cultures, marketing policy, professional and personal characteristics of the personnel potential) should help to build, including a competent personnel policy of the enterprise.

However, to ensure the implementation of these areas in the face of growing competition in the markets of highly qualified labor is a very difficult task. Human resources services, if they are to solve it effectively, should cease to function as bureaucratic structures: they should acquire the features of management and marketing groups.

Human resources services, together with the management of the enterprise, should strive to reduce costs due to both ineffective use of the existing human potential and excessive human resources in the corporation. In addition, HR departments, by their traditional HR style, are themselves a source of unnecessary costs. Establishing effective interaction with the structural divisions of the corporation is a certain guarantee of reducing such costs, especially in the field of optimizing the existing systems of remuneration and labor incentives.


Thus, the approach to human resource management and personnel incentives for a large industrial enterprise includes the implementation of the following provisions:

- The personnel policy of the enterprise should be aimed at bringing the personnel potential in line with the goals and development strategy of the corporation and fully comply with the personal concept of the vision of the future of the company by the first head.

- The openness or closeness of the personnel policy should be determined depending on the factors of the external environment, corporate culture, etc.

- The type of personnel policy of the enterprise should be directly related to the level of awareness and the degree of influence on the personnel situation of the style and the existing management system of the enterprise.

- In order to form an adequate personnel policy, it is necessary to develop an understanding of the goals, norms and methods of implementing personnel measures. The main mechanism for maintaining an adequate personnel policy should be personnel monitoring.

- When forming a personnel policy, an enterprise or a corporation needs to determine a personnel strategy, strategic intentions and strategic directions of its development, as well as to select professional personnel managers.


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Received 10 March 2021

УДК 005.95/.96 DOI: 10.14529/^сг210211


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К.А. Коренная1, О.В. Логиновский2, В.В. Захаров2

1 АО «Кузнецкие ферросплавы», г. Новокузнецк, Россия,

2 Южно-Уральский государственный университет, г. Челябинск, Россия

Специфика управления человеческими ресурсами рассматривает в первую очередь работу с персоналом предприятий и организаций, и основная концепция, которая существовала ранее, говорила о том, что человеческий ресурс и персонал предприятий и организаций - это некоторые расходы, которые необходимо постоянно погашать. На сегодняшний момент персонал - человеческие ресурсы рассматриваются как ресурсы предприятия, и такой подход используется для повышения понимания принадлежности сотрудников и более эффективного использования их компетенций в системе организации. И соответственно, как ресурсы являются одной из важнейших характеристик предприятия, так и персонал следует относить к необходимым для устойчивого развития и функционирования ресурсам предприятия. Общая концепция управления человеческими ресурсами предусматривает набор определенных убеждений и предложений, которые сформированы и сфокусированы в одной компании, таким образом можно говорить о корпоративной культуре, о конкретных факторах, которые приняты в компании и являются в свою очередь также определенным ресурсом. Целью исследования является формирование актуального подхода к повышению эффективности управления человеческими ресурсами на промышленном предприятии. Материалы и методы. В составе материалов и методов следует отметить анализ подходов, методов и моделей управления человеческими ресурсами, представленных в научно-технической литературе, а также результатов их внедрения в практику управления промышленными предприятиями. Результаты. В статье обосновываются основные научные положения и необходимость формирования общей стратегии развития персонала, которая формирует у сотрудников самоопределение в организационной структуре предприятия и вектор их развития, а у руководства - четкое представление в выработке кадровых управленческих решений. Заключение. Нечеткая формулировка, отсутствие стратегии развития персонала или ее несоответствие общей стратегии предприятия и динамике влияния внешних и внутренних факторов формирует некую неопределенность, которая приводит в дальнейшем к «текучести» кадров и не позволяет достичь поставленных руководством предприятия целей.

Ключевые слова: персонал, человеческие ресурсы, стратегия, развитие персонала, управление человеческими ресурсами, кадровая политика, управление персоналом.


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Коренная Кристина Александровна, канд. техн. наук, генеральный директор, АО «Кузнецкие ферросплавы», г. Новокузнецк; kkris221@mail.ru.

Логиновский Олег Витальевич, д-р техн. наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой информационно-аналитического обеспечения управления в социальных и экономических системах, Южно-Уральский государственный университет, г. Челябинск; loginovskiiov@susu.ru.

Захаров Вадим Владимирович, инженер кафедры информационно-аналитического обеспечения управления в социальных и экономических системах, Южно-Уральский государственный университет, г. Челябинск; zakharovvv@susu.ru.

Поступила в редакцию 10 марта 2021 г.



Korennaya, K.A. Management of the State and Development of Human Resources of Industrial Enterprise in Accordance with the Dynamics of the Influence External and Internal Factors / K.A. Korennaya, O.V. Logi-novskiy, V.V. Zakharov // Вестник ЮУрГУ. Серия «Компьютерные технологии, управление, радиоэлектроника». - 2021. - Т. 21, № 2. - С. 114-122. DOI: 10.14529/ctcr210211

Korennaya K.A., Loginovskiy O.V., Zakharov V.V. Management of the State and Development of Human Resources of Industrial Enterprise in Accordance with the Dynamics of the Influence External and Internal Factors. Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Computer Technologies, Automatic Control, Radio Electronics, 2021, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 114-122. DOI: 10.14529/ctcr210211

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