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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Platonov Oleg Isaakovych

The article focuses on the need to unify various interpretations of basic determinants of the concept “mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport of goods”. Its importance in ensuring the effectiveness of the tools of state regulation of multimodal transport was emphasized. It was established that the issues of state regulation of multimodal transport both at the state and the international level remain practically unresolved, as now there are no international or national legal acts that would fully regulate multimodal transport, and therefore there is no clarity in their terminology. The derivational analysis of basic determinants of the concept “mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport of goods”, namely, etymological, epistemological and ontological analysis of their content was carried out. The features of multimodality expanding the boundaries of understanding the content of the concept “multimodal transport” were defined. The list of priority criteria for ensuring the unity of approaches to the interpretation of the concept “multimodal transport” provided for by the Draft Concept of study on unification of terminology for transport by several modes (mixed, combined, intermodal and multimodal) (United Nations ESCAP) was expanded by adding a group of environmental criteria combining subgroups of economic, social and environmental criteria, as stipulated by the Sustainable Development Goals. Due to the clarity of the defined criteria of unity of approaches to the interpretation of the concept “multimodal transport”, the methodology of unification of this concept was developed and the sequence of stages of its implementation was determined. Each of the stages of methodology of unification of the concept “multimodal transport” was briefly analyzed and their importance in formation of the content of this concept was substantiated. It was proved that ensuring the full value of the content of this concept was possible with the stakeholder approach, as it allowed us to consider the interests of stakeholders in unification of terminology for regulating the multimodal transport. According to the stakeholder approach, the author’s definition of the concept “mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport of goods” was proposed as a set of tools for regulating the transport of goods by two or more modes of transport that are organized by single operator, who is fully responsible for organization and implementation of transport process based on single transport document and single freight rate, while solving the tasks of reloading the goods, optimizing transport schemes, minimizing transport and logistics costs, as well as maximizing the environmental conservation.

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UDC 351.812.5


Platonov Oleg Isaakovych,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD student of the Department of Public Administration оfthe Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: +38 (050) 456 79 77, email: olegplatonov@ukr.net, https://orcid. org/0000-0002-3059-5389

Платонов Олег 1саакович,

кандидат економтних наук, докторант кафедри публичного адмгтструеання М1жрегюнально1 Академи управления персоналом, 03039, м. Kuie, вул. Фро-метгвсъка, 2, тел.: +38 (050) 456 79 77, емейл: olegplatonov@ukr.net, https://orcid. org/0000-0002-3059-5389

Платонов Олег Исаакович,

кандидат экономических наук, докторант кафедры публичного администрирования Межрегиональной Академии управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: +38 (050) 456 79 77, емейл: olegplatonov@ukr.net, https:// orcid.org/0000-0002-3059-5389


Abstract. The article focuses on the need to unify various interpretations of basic determinants of the concept "mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport of goods". Its importance in ensuring the effectiveness of the tools of state regulation of multimodal transport was emphasized. It was established that the issues of state regulation of multimodal transport both at the state and the international level remain practically unresolved, as now there are no international or national legal acts that would fully regulate multimodal transport, and therefore there is no clarity in their terminology. The derivational analysis of basic determinants of the concept "mechanism of state regulation of multimodal trans-

port of goods", namely, etymological, epistemological and ontological analysis of their content was carried out. The features of multimodality expanding the boundaries of understanding the content of the concept "multimodal transport" were defined. The list of priority criteria for ensuring the unity of approaches to the interpretation of the concept "multimodal transport" provided for by the Draft Concept of study on unification of terminology for transport by several modes (mixed, combined, intermodal and multimodal) (United Nations ESCAP) was expanded by adding a group of environmental criteria combining subgroups of economic, social and environmental criteria, as stipulated by the Sustainable Development Goals. Due to the clarity of the defined criteria of unity of approaches to the interpretation of the concept "multimodal transport", the methodology of unification of this concept was developed and the sequence of stages of its implementation was determined. Each of the stages of methodology of unification of the concept "multimodal transport" was briefly analyzed and their importance in formation of the content of this concept was substantiated. It was proved that ensuring the full value of the content of this concept was possible with the stakeholder approach, as it allowed us to consider the interests of stakeholders in unification of terminology for regulating the multimodal transport. According to the stakeholder approach, the author's definition of the concept "mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport of goods" was proposed as a set of tools for regulating the transport of goods by two or more modes of transport that are organized by single operator, who is fully responsible for organization and implementation of transport process based on single transport document and single freight rate, while solving the tasks of reloading the goods, optimizing transport schemes, minimizing transport and logistics costs, as well as maximizing the environmental conservation.

Keywords: state regulation, mechanism, multimodal transport, mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport of goods, public administration.


Анотащя. Акцентовано увагу на noTpe6i ушфшацп розмаптя трактувань базових детермшант поняггя "мехашзм державного регулювання мультимо-дальних перевезень вантажiв". Наголошено на 11 значущосл у забезпеченш дieвосгi шструментарш державного регулювання мультимодальних перевезень. Встановлено, що питання державного регулювання мультимодальних перевезень як на рiвнi держави, так i на мiжнародному рiвнi лишаються практично не виршеними, оскшьки до тепер немае жодного мiжнародного чи втизняного нормативно-правових акпв, яю б щлком регулювали муль-тимодальш перевезення, а отже, ввдсутня i ясшсть в 1х термшолопчному ви-значенш. Здшснено словотвiрний аналiз базових детермшант поняття "мехашзм державного регулювання мультимодальних перевезень вантажiв", а

саме: етимонолопчний, гносеолопчний та онтологiчний аналiз !х змютовно-го наповнення. Визначено ознаки мультимодальносл, якi розширюють межi розумiння змiстовного наповнення поняття "мультимодальш перевезення". Розширено перелiк прiоритетних критерпв забезпечення eдностi пiдходiв щодо трактування поняття "мультимодальнi перевезення", передбачений Проектом Концепци дослiджень з ушфшацп термшологп для перевезень кiлькома видами транспорту (змiшаних, комбiнованих, iнтермодальних i мультимодальних) (ЕСКАТО ООН) шляхом його доповнення групою ш-вайронментальних критерив, якi поеднують у собi пiдгрупи економiчних, соцiальних та екологiчних критерив, що передбачено Цiлями сталого роз-витку. Завдяки ч^косп визначених критерив едносп пiдходiв до трактування поняття "мультимодальш перевезення" розроблено методолопю ушфша-ци цього поняття та визначено послщовшсть етапiв 11 здiйснення. Коротко проаналiзовано кожен з етапiв методологи ушфшаци поняття "мультимо-дальнi перевезення" та обгрунтовано 1х значущiсть у формуванш змютовно-го наповнення означеного поняття. Доведено, що забезпечення повнощнно-ст змiстовного наповнення даного поняття "мультимодальш перевезення" можливе за стейкхолдер-шдходом, осюльки вiн дозволяе врахувати штере-си стейкхолдерiв в ушфшаци термшологп з регулювання мультимодальних перевезень. Запропоновано за стейкхолдер-шдходом авторську дефшщш поняття "мехашзм державного регулювання мультимодальних перевезень вантажiв", як сукупностi iнструментарiю регулювання послуг з перевезень вантажiв, що виконуються двома або бiльше видами транспорту, оргашзо-ваних одним оператором, який на основi единого транспортного документа та едино! ставки фрахту несе повну вщповщальшсть за оргашзащю та здшснення перевiзного процесу, виршуючи при цьому завдання щодо пе-ревантаження вантажу, оптимiзацil схем його транспортування, мiнiмiзацil транспортних та лопстичних витрат, а також максимiзацil збереження на-вколишнього середовища.

Ключовi слова: державне регулювання, механiзм, мультимодальнi перевезення, мехашзм державного регулювання мультимодальних перевезень вантажiв, публiчне управлiння.


Аннотация. Акцентировано внимание на необходимость унификации разнообразия трактовок базовых детерминант понятия "механизм государственного регулирования мультимодальных перевозок грузов". Отмечено ее значимость в обеспечении действенности инструментария государственного регулирования мультимодных перевозок. Установлено, что вопросы государственного регулирования мультимодальных перевозок как на уровне государства, так и на международном уровне остаются практически не решенными,

поскольку до сих пор нет ни одного международного и ни одного отечественного нормативно-правовых актов, которые бы полностью регулировали мультимодальные перевозки, а следовательно, отсутствует и ясность в их терминологическом определении. Осуществлен словообразовательный анализ базовых детерминант понятия "механизм государственного регулирования мультимодальных перевозок грузов", а именно: этимонологический, гносеологический и онтологический анализ их содержательного наполнения. Определены признаки мультимодальности, которые расширяют границы понимания содержательного наполнения понятия "мультимодальные перевозки". Расширен перечень приоритетных критериев обеспечения единства подходов к трактовке понятия "мультимодальные перевозки", предусмотренный Проектом Концепции исследований по унификации терминологии для перевозок несколькими видами транспорта (смешанных, комбинированных, интермодальных и мультимодальных) (ЭСКАТО ООН) путем его дополнения группой инвайронментальных критериев, которые сочетают в себе подгруппы экономических, социальных и экологических критериев, что предусмотрено Целями устойчивого развития. Благодаря четкости определенных критериев единства подходов к трактовке понятия "мультимодальные перевозки" разработана методология унификации данного понятия и определена последовательность этапов ее осуществления. Коротко проанализирован каждый из этапов методологии унификации понятия "мультимодальные перевозки" и обоснована их значимость в формировании содержательного наполнения этого понятия. Доказано, что обеспечение полноценности содержательного наполнения понятия "мультимодальные перевозки" возможно при стейк-холдер-подходе, поскольку он позволяет учесть интересы стейкхолдеров в унификации терминологии по регулированию мультимодальных перевозок. Предложено за стейкхолдер-подходом авторскую дефиницию понятия "механизм государственного регулирования мультимодальных перевозок грузов", как совокупности инструментария регулирования услуг по перевозке грузов, выполняемых двумя или более видами транспорта, организованных одним оператором, который на основании единого транспортного документа и единой ставки фрахта несет полную ответственность за организацию и осуществление перевозочного процесса, решая при этом задачи по перегрузке груза, оптимизации схем его транспортировки, минимизации транспортных и логистических расходов, а также максимизации сохранения окружающей среды.

Ключевые слова: государственное регулирование, механизм, мультимо-дальные перевозки, механизм государственного регулирования мультимо-дальных перевозок грузов, публичное управление.

General problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. The current

stage of development of international economic relations is characterized by intensification of international trade,

which is a reason for qualitative changes in the functioning of international transport system and an incentive for its future development based on modern efficient technologies of transport of goods, among which the technology of multimodal transport has become the most widespread in the world [1, p. 91].

In Ukraine, a country acquiring the status of a transit state, with its unique transport and geographical location (it is located at the crossroads of European and Eurasian trade and transport roads), international transport corridors and the best transit indicator among European countries, there is still a weak development of multimodal transport. And, first of all, this is due to the lack of effective mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport, which makes it extremely urgent to find new approaches to the development of regulatory acts, and consequently, to unify the variety of interpretations of basic definitions by forming single, cross-cutting for the entire industry, so to speak "model" definitions, which would express the most significant features of multimodality of transport.

Analysis of recent studies and publications shows that in recent years a large cohort of scientists such as T. O. Koliankovska, S. Yu. Moro-zov, O. V. Karpieiev, V.V. Vitrianskyi, N. O. Butakova, V. A. Yehiazarov, H. B. Astanovskyi, V.T. Smirnov, N. M. Tiutrina, V. V. Tiup and others has been working on the issues of state regulation of multimodal transport. However, despite their significant scientific achievements in theoretical and methodological aspects of state regulation of multimodal transport, there is still a need for further productive

study, which is primarily due to the lack of unity of opinions on its content and the need to unify the scientific thesaurus of each of the fundamental determinants of formation of the concept "mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport of goods".

Purpose (objective) statement. The purpose of the article is to unify the variety of interpretations of the concept "mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport of goods" and its fundamental determinants in the scientific thesaurus of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of public administration.

Statement of basic study material with full substantiation of the obtained scientific results. The multimodal transport is generally recognized as promising and strategically important innovative direction in the development of both national transport system and international transport links and international trade. However, the issues of state regulation of multimodal transport both at the state and the international level remain practically unresolved, as now there are no international or national legal acts that would fully regulate multimodal transport, and therefore there is no clarity in their terminology [2, p. 90].

To clarify the content component of the concept "mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport of goods" and fundamental determinants of its formation, we consider it appropriate to begin the study with derivational analysis (Fig. 1) of the concepts "transport", "multimodal transport", etc., namely, with etymological, epis-temological and ontological analysis of their content.

Fig. 1. Methodology and sequence of stages of derivational analysis of the concept "multimodal transport"

Source: author's vision

In particular, the etymological analysis of the concept "multimodal transport" — identifying the source of its borrowing, revealed that this term comes from English phrase "multimodal transport", where "multimodal" (from Latin multum — many and modus — measure, mode) in English means combined, and "transport" -transportation. Therefore, "multimodal transport" means combined transport, i.e. transport of passengers or goods by

several modes of transport. However, the identity of multimodal transport with combined transport should be considered rather conditional, as not every combined transport meets the features of multimodality. To clarify the content of this concept, we will first focus on the study of origin of the concept "transport" (Table 1).

The results of etymology of the concept "transport" indicate that transport is a type of service for transport

Table 1

Etymological analysis of the concept "transport"

Stages of origin Events

I stage (XIII-XV centuries) emergence of forwarding activities during existence of the Republic of Venice — development of trade through intermediaries — freighters, who paid local fees when crossing the borders, were responsible for the safety of goods, etc

II stage (XVI-XVII centuries) development of trade through freight forwarders, who independently choose the transport routes, mode of transport and market for a particular product

III stage (XVIII-XIX centuries) allocation of freight forwarding services into independent sphere of transport process

IV stage (XIX-XX centuries) establishment of the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association (FIATA), development and implementation of forwarding documents that were officially recognized worldwide

V stage (XX century — until now) increase in loading capacity and specialization of vehicles, creation of powerful automated reloading complexes, containeriza-tion of transport, etc

of passengers or goods. However, its recognition as multimodal is possible only if it meets the criteria of multimo-dality shown in Fig. 2.

The identified features of multimo-dality expand the boundaries of understanding the content of the concept "multimodal transport", but do not ensure the unity of approaches to its interpretation.

As it is known, the approaches to the interpretation of the concept are determined by the priority of criteria. In particular, when uniting the approaches to the interpretation of the concept "multimodal transport" according to the Draft Concept of study on unification of terminology for transport by several modes (mixed, combined, intermodal and multimodal) [3] (hereinafter referred to as the Draft Concept) that was prepared on proposals of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (hereinafter referred to as United Nations ESCAP) and promulgated on March 02, 2020 during the Consulta-

tive Meeting of EEHC in Warsaw, two groups of criteria were recognized as priority:

• organizational and legal relations between participants of transport (including forms of transport documents);

• technological (including in terms of overloading) [3].

The groups of criteria defined by the Draft Concept are indisputable, but we do not consider their list to be complete, as according to the Sustainable Development Goals [4] the group of environmental criteria cannot be ignored. Therefore, the list of priority criteria for ensuring the unity of approaches to the interpretation of the concept "multimodal transport" should be as follows (Fig. 3):

Thus, the group of environmental criteria should combine subgroups of economic, social and environmental criteria, as environmentalization of economy is aimed at ensuring the unity of social and environmental aspects of economic development, as evidenced by the content of this concept (Table. 2):

Features of multimodality


responsibility of the operator for

timely delivery and safety of goods

Economy reduction of delivery costs due to t of goods

original methods of transpor


independent decision making of the operator ansport

on the mode and route of tr


and border crossing

simplified documentation of transport of goods


using different modes of transport

Fig. 2. The most relevant features of multimodal transport

Source: author's vision


characterizing the compliance with

requirements of sustainable economic development


characterizing the modes of transport and

reloading the goods

Organizational and legal

characterizing the relations between participants of

transportation of goods

Fig. 3. Proposed criteria for ensuring the unity of approaches to the interpretation of the concept "multimodal transport"

Source: author's vision

Table 2

Content of the concept "environmentalization of economy"

Author Content component

Verkhogliad I. M. [5, p. 411] environmentalization of economy — solving problems of good management taking into account environmental and economic interests of society, use of limited natural resources to meet human needs

Vyshnevskyi V. P. [6, p. 19] environmentalization of economy — scientifically grounded rationalization of natural resource management to ensure existence of present and future generations in a healthy environment and with sufficient natural resources

Klimenko O. M. [7, p. 23] environmentalization of economy — ensuring the unity of social and environmental aspects of development, compliance with environmental imperative, holistic perception of the world, introduction of environmental values in mass consciousness, preservation of biosphere as a natural basis for social development

Maschenko M. A. [8] environmentalization of economy involves the efficient allocation of environmental resources and determines the interdependence of the environment and the economy

The clarity of establishing the criteria for the unity of approaches to the interpretation of the concept "multimodal transport" allowed us to determine the methodology of formation of this concept, and therefore to carry out its epistemological analysis. In particular, the Draft Concept [3] proposes to unify the term "multimodal transport" according to the following methodology and stages of study:

1. Detailed study of the existing terms for transport by several modes

of transport (hereinafter referred to as TSMT);

2. Development of logical correct classification model ("matrix") for application of terms to existing varieties of TSMT;

3. Discussion of the developed proposals for unification of terminology with participation of a wide range of interested organizations (international transport organizations, representatives of transport industry, etc.);

5. Fixing terms for the most common types of TSMT;

6. Definition of the product format that should be developed based on the model, its purpose and the range of potential users;

7. Preparation of glossary of terms for TSMT based on the revised classification model taking into account the opinions of interested organizations;

8. Application of single term of TSMT in practice [3].

However, in our opinion, this methodology does not meet today's requirements. We consider the methodology shown in Fig. 4 as more perfect.

We will briefly discuss each of its specific stages. As the derivational analysis of the concept "multimodal transport" was discussed above, we will proceed to the thesaurus analysis.

The results of the thesaurus analysis of the concept "multimodal transport" show that in the world practice of multimodal transport, the most common is the terminology of transport by se-

veral modes of transport defined by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in the document "Terminology of Combined Transport" (2001) [9], according to which multimodal transport is the transport of goods by two or more modes of transport.

Similar definition of "multimodal transport" is found in the Glossary for Transport Statistics prepared according to the results of 2009 International Transport Forum at OECD with participation of the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) and UNECE [10, p. 114], in the Glossary of Transport Logistics prepared in 2015 by the Association of European Transport Logistics (ECG-2015) and other glossaries, dictionaries and reference books (Table 3).

Regarding the legal analysis of the concept "multimodal transport" it should be noted that neither in international nor in national practice there is still no unified legal act on the regulation of multimodal transport, despite

Methodology of concept formation

Stakeholder analysis

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

studying the content of the

concept taking into account the interests of stakeholders

Comparative analysis studying the essence of the concept initions of scientists and practitioners

according to the author's de'

Legal analysis

studying the definitions of the concept in gal acts

international and national le

Thesaurus analysis

proposed in dictionaries and reference books

studying the content component of the concept

Derivational analysis

semantic relations with words of related languages

studying the origin of the concept and its phonetic and

Fig. 4. Proposed methodology and sequence of stages of unification of the concept "multimodal transport"

Source: author's vision

Thesaurus analysis of definitions of the concept "multimodal transport"

Dictionaries and reference books Definition of the concept

Terminology of Combined Transport [9] multimodal transport — transport of goods by two or more modes of transport

Glossary of Transport Statistics (2009) [10]

Glossary of Transport Logistics (ECG-2015) multimodal transport — transport by several modes of transport

Dictionary of basic transport and related terms [11, p. 101] multimodal transport — transport by two or more modes of transport

the fact that the issue of the need for international unification of rules regulating international transport by various modes of transport was first raised in 1927 at the Stockholm Conference of the International Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter referred to as ICC). However, due to then situation in the world economy, these issues remained unresolved.

Later, international organizations returned to the issue of unification of rules regulating combined transport with development of containerization. It is in this regard that in 1969 at the Tokyo Conference of the International Maritime Committee, the so-called "Tokyo Rules" were developed, according to which the operators of transport of goods for the first time received official recognition as legal entities, which entering into relations with consignor under the contract of transport are fully responsible for the loss or damage to the goods. Subsequently, the "Tokyo Rules" became the basis for the ICC's adoption of the Set of Rules for Multimodal Transport.

In 1980, within the United Nations and under the auspices of UNCTAD (United Nation Conference on Trade

and Development), the UN Convention "UN Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods" (the so-called Geneva Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods) [12] was developed, but even now it has not entered into force, because it has not been ratified by a sufficient number of countries. Therefore, its rules are only of recommendatory nature, that is, they are applied only if the parties to the contract of transport deem it appropriate.

Subsequently, the issue of regulation of multimodal transport was repeatedly discussed at the UNCTAD Conferences on Multimodal Transport [13], but there is still no international legal act that would contain a universal definition of the concept "multimodal transport".

The Table 3 shows that the legal acts of national level do not contain a universal definition of the concept "multimodal transport".

There is no unity of approaches to the interpretation of the content of this concept among scientists and practitioners, as evidenced by the results of a comparative analysis of their author's definitions shown in Table. 4.

Analysis of definitions of the concept "multimodal transport" enshrined in legal acts of international and national levels

Legal act Definition of the concept

Tokyo Rules (1969) [14, p. 115] combined transport of goods — transport by two or more modes of transport under the contract of combined transport under which operators are fully responsible for the loss or damage to the goods

Set of Rules for Multimodal Transport [14, p. 115] combined transport of goods — transport by two or more modes of transport under the contract of combined transport under which operators are fully responsible for the loss or damage to the goods

UN Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods (1980) [12] international combined transport — transport of goods by at least two different modes of transport under contract of combined transport from the place in one country, where the goods are received by the operator of combined transport, to the specified place of delivery in another country

UNCTAD Conferences on Multimodal Transport (2001) [13] multimodal transport — transport in which the carrier organizing the entire transport of goods (door-to-door) assumes responsibility for the entire transport of goods as a whole

ASEAN Framework Agreement on Multimodal Transport (2005) [15] multimodal transport — transport of goods by at least two different modes of transport under contract of combined transport from one country to the specified place of delivery to another country

Draft Concept of study on the unification of terminology for TSMT [3, p. 12] multimodal transport — combined transport, in which the goods are reloaded from one mode of transport to another mode of transport

Draft Law "On Multimodal Transport" [16] multimodal transport — transport of goods that is carried out by the operator of multimodal transport by two or more modes of transport under contract of multimodal transport and can be carried out under single transport document

The data from Table 4 clearly show that each of the scientists formed the author's definitions according to the interests of their study. At the same time, the vast majority of them focus on only a few types of transport and availability of a single transport document. However, under such conditions, the concepts of "multimodal transport" will be practically identified with the concepts of "intermodal", "combined"

and other types of transport, which we consider unacceptable.

However, along with traditional definition of "multimodal transport", some authors introduce very significant clarifications on the existing alternative schemes for their implementation. In particular, Bohdanov S. M. and Andrienko A. O. note that multimodal transport is transport that involves cooperation with several transport com-

Comparative analysis of author's definitions of the concept "multimodal transport"

Author Content component

Bohdanov S.M., Andrienko A.O. [17, p. 82] multimodal transport — transport that involves cooperation with several transport companies transferring goods to each other in chain order using different modes of transport

Volynets L.M. [18, p. 123] multimodal transport can be interpreted as international transport carried out by two or more modes of transport, organized by the operator assuming responsibility for the door-to-door delivery of goods under single contract and through freight rate

Lomotko D.V., Obukhova A.L. [19, p. 43] multimodal transport — use of several modes of transport for international transport on a well-developed product distribution network, in order to ensure higher efficiency of the entire delivery system

Kaspruk O.S. [20, p. 95] multimodal transport — type of transport that is carried out by two or more modes of transport under the responsibility of single carrier under a single transport document

Sokolova O.Ye., Akimov T.A., Sulima L.O. [21, p. 96] multimodal transportation — system of transport that is characterized by the complex development of all types of transport, terminal and warehouse facilities, customs and financial infrastructure, legal support, as well as technologies for information and communication support of goods traffic

panies transferring goods to each other in chain order using different modes of transport [17, p. 82].

Kaspruk O.S. focusing on the criteria of responsibility states that multimodal transport is a transport that is carried out under the responsibility of single operator who undertakes to transport the goods "door-to-door" under single transport document [20, p. 95].

Lomotko D. V. and Obukhova A. L. emphasize the scale of multimodal transport focusing on the fact that multimodal transport involves the use of several modes of transport for international transport on a well-developed product distribution network [19, p. 43], which in our opinion is not quite correct, as multimodal transport can be also carried out within one country.

Thus, neither the above definitions in legal acts, nor the author's definitions give a clear and unambiguous idea of content of the concept "multimodal transport" that would satisfy the interests of stakeholders to unify this concept. Therefore, we move on to the next stage of methodology of unification of the concept "multimodal transport", namely stakeholder analysis, using for this purpose the Map of persons interested that will allow us to visualize the pattern of relations of stakeholders and their interests in unification of the terminology for regulating the multimodal transport (Fig. 5).

Based on Fig. 5, the presence of single operator of multimodal transport, who is responsible for organization and implementation of reloading the goods and transport process as a whole,

Scientific organizations and institutions

S cope of authority /

responsibility /Scope of direct influence

Scope of indirect influence

Fig. 5. Map of persons interested in unification of the terminology on multimodal t ransport

Source: author's vision

as well as for possible risks associated with delivery along the entire route, regardless of the number of modes of transport involved in the delivery process when issuing a single transport document, is the main distinguishing feature of multimodal transport from all other related modes of transport [21, p. 94].

Therefore, multimodal transport according to the stakeholder approach should be considered as transport of goods by two or more modes of transport that are organized by single operator, who is fully responsible for organization and implementation of transport process based on single transport document and single freight rate, while solving the tasks of reloading the goods, optimizing transport schemes, minimizing transport and logistics costs, as

well as maximizing the environmental conservation.

As, regulation of multimodal transport is a coordination of actions, that is, it is carried out due to a set of regula-to rs (tools) activating a certain mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport.

The borrowing of the term "mecha-ni sm" from technical fields of knowledge reflects its role in starting and maintaining the relevant processes (technical, social, economic, etc.). According to the general terminology dictionary, mechanism is a system that determines the order of implementation of a certain type of activity or process. According to the dictionaries of public administration, mechanism is considered as a set of tools for influencing the development of certain actions

(phenomena), their regulation, etc. [5, p. 411].

Thus, according to the stakeholder approach the mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport should mean the set of tools for regulating the transport of goods by two or more modes of transport that are organized by single operator, who is fully responsible for organization and implementation of transport process based on single transport document and single freight rate, while solving the tasks of reloading the goods, optimizing transport schemes, minimizing transport and logistics costs, as well as maximizing the environmental conservation [22].

Conclusions and prospects for further study. Thus, according to the study results, the methodology of unification of various interpretations of the concept "mechanism of state regulation of multimodal transport of goods" and its fundamental determinants in the scientific thesaurus of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of public administration was proposed.

It was proved that the most complete interpretation of this concept is according to the stakeholder approach — as a set of tools for regulating the transport of goods by two or more modes of transport that are organized by single operator, who is fully responsible for organization and implementation of transport process based on single transport document and single freight rate, while solving the tasks of reloading the goods, optimizing transport schemes, minimizing transport and logistics costs, as well as maximizing the environmental conservation.


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