Научная статья на тему 'Theoretical and methodological principles of state regulation of activities of urban passenger transport'

Theoretical and methodological principles of state regulation of activities of urban passenger transport Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Petrenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

. The article considers generalizations of the theoretical and methodological foundations of a state regulation of an urban passenger transport. It is determined that the market mechanism is not able to fully address the existing and emerging economic problems and provision of socially significant services that include urban passenger transport services. It is proved that the problem of the organization of an efficient regulation of an urban passenger transport remains one of the most difficult, since public passenger transport services are socially significant, and in this regard, state regulation of this industry is necessary, which has administrative-legal and economic forms, and is carried out by state and local governments. Moreover, in the processof decentralization of the Ukrainian economy, the role of local authorities in the general system of state regulation has increased. The transition to a market economy has created new and strengthened existing problems in the field of transportation, the main of which are the deterioration of the basic production assets of the transport, a decrease of investments in the transport industry, the absence of a clear state policy aimed at promoting the formation and development of a competitive market for transport services, accelerating of processes of transition of transport enterprises to a higher organizational, managerial and technological level and to a higher level of quality of transport services provided. To overcome the crisis, state participation in all spheres of economic and production activity of transport enterprises is required: regulatory, tax, licensing, financial and tariff. In the field of transport, the tendency of state protectionism, which requires a clear prioritization, as well as a concrete definition of the budget funds to be allocated for subsidizing the maintenance and development of transport infrastructure, should prevail. In order to resolve the contradictions in the urban passenger transport system, an external controlling force, acting in the person of society and the state, is required. It is proved that the state regulation of urban passenger transport is a creation of a set of conditions to form adequate social and economic relations to provide purposeful development of a system that has high social importance.

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Рассмотрены обобщения теоретико-методологических основ государственного регулирования деятельности городского пассажирского транспорта. Определено, что рыночный механизм не способен решить в полном объеме существующие и возникающие экономические проблемы и предоставления социально значимых услуг, к которым относятся услуги городского пассажирского транспорта. Доказано, что проблема организации эффективного регулирования городского пассажирского транспорта остается одной из самых сложных, поскольку услуги городского пассажирского транспорта являются социально значимыми, и в связи с этим необходимо государственное регулирование этой отраслью, которое имеет административно-правовую и экономическую формы, и осуществляется органами государственного и местного управления. При этом в процессе децентрализации экономики Украины возросла роль местных органов власти в общей системе государственного регулирования. Переход на рыночную экономику создал новые и усилил уже существующие проблемы в сфере перевозок, основными из которых являются ухудшение состояния основных производственных фондов транспорта, снижение инвестиций в транспортную отрасль, отсутствие четкой государственной политики, направленной на содействие формированию и развитию конкурентного рынка транспортных услуг, на ускорение процессов перехода транспортных предприятий на более высокий организационно-управленческий и технологический уровень и на более высокий уровень качества предоставляемых транспортных услуг. Для преодоления кризисного состояния необходимо государственное участие во всех сферах хозяйственно-производственной деятельности транспортных предприятий: нормативно-правовой, налоговой, лицензионной, финансовой и тарифной. В сфере транспорта должна превалировать тенденция протекционизма со стороны государства, требует четкой расстановки приоритетов, а также конкретного определения в бюджете размеров средств, которые предполагается выделять на субсидирование содержание и развитие транспортной инфраструктуры. Для разрешения противоречий в системе городского пассажирского транспорта необходима внешняя контролирующая сила, которая выступает в лице общества и государства. Доказано, государственное регулирование городского пассажирского транспорта является создание комплекса условий формирования адекватных социально-экономических отношений для обеспечения целенаправленного развития системы, которая имеет высокую социальную значимость.

Текст научной работы на тему «Theoretical and methodological principles of state regulation of activities of urban passenger transport»

UDC: 351.81


Petrenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych,

, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Electric Transport, Kharkiv National University of Urban Management. OHM. Beke-tova, Marshal Bazhanova Str., 17, Kharkiv, 61000, e-mail: mbubliy@gmail.com, tel.: +38 (093) 6699747, https//orcid.org/0000-0003-4027-4818

Петренко Олександр Миколайович,

доктор техтчних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри електричного транспорту, Харкгвський нацональний утверситет мгського господарства ím. О. М. Бекетова, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, Харкгв, 61000, e-mail: mbubiiy@gmaU.com, тел,: +38(093)6699747, https//orcid.org/0000-0003-4027-4818

Петренко Александр Николаевич,

доктор технических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры электрического транспорта, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, улица Маршала Бажанова, 17, Харьков, 61000, e-mail: mbubliy@gmail.com, тел .: +38 (093) 6699747, https//orcid.org/0000-0003-4027-4818



Abstract. The article considers generalizations of the theoretical and methodological foundations of a state regulation of an urban passenger transport. It is determined that the market mechanism is not able to fully address the existing and emerging economic problems and provision of socially significant services that include urban passenger transport services.

It is proved that the problem of the organization of an efficient regulation of an urban passenger transport remains one of the most difficult, since public passenger transport services are socially significant, and in this regard, state regulation of this industry is necessary, which has administrative-legal and economic forms, and is carried out by state and local governments. Moreover, in the process

of decentralization of the Ukrainian economy, the role of local authorities in the general system of state regulation has increased.

The transition to a market economy has created new and strengthened existing problems in the field of transportation, the main of which are the deterioration of the basic production assets of the transport, a decrease of investments in the transport industry, the absence of a clear state policy aimed at promoting the formation and development of a competitive market for transport services, accelerating of processes of transition of transport enterprises to a higher organizational, managerial and technological level and to a higher level of quality of transport services provided.

To overcome the crisis, state participation in all spheres of economic and production activity of transport enterprises is required: regulatory, tax, licensing, financial and tariff. In the field of transport, the tendency of state protectionism, which requires a clear prioritization, as well as a concrete definition of the budget funds to be allocated for subsidizing the maintenance and development of transport infrastructure, should prevail.

In order to resolve the contradictions in the urban passenger transport system, an external controlling force, acting in the person of society and the state, is required. It is proved that the state regulation of urban passenger transport is a creation of a set of conditions to form adequate social and economic relations to provide purposeful development of a system that has high social importance.

Keywords: state regulation, market mechanism, urban passenger transport, transport infrastructure, transport system.



Анотащя. Розглянуто узагальнення теоретико-методолопчних засад державного регулювання дiяльностi мюького пасажирського транспорту. Визна-чено, що ринковий мехашзм не здатний виршити в повному обсязi iснуючi та виникаючi економiчнi проблеми та надання сощально значущих послуг, до яких вщносяться послуги мюького пасажирського транспорту.

Доведено, що проблема оргашзаци ефективного регулювання мюького пасажирського транспорту залишаеться одшею з найскладшших, оскшь-ки послуги мюького пасажирського транспорту е сощально значущими, i в зв'язку з цим необхщне державне регулювання щею галуззю, яке мае адм^ шстративно-правову i економiчну форми, i здшснюеться органами державного i мюцевого управлшня. При цьому в процесi децентралiзацiï економши Украши зросла роль мюцевих оргашв влади в загальнш системi державного регулювання.

Перехщ на ринкову економшу створив новi й посилив вже iснуючi проблеми у сферi перевезень, основними з яких е попршення стану основних виробничих фондiв транспорту, зниження iнвестицiй в транспортну галузь, вщсутшсть чiткоï державно! полггики, спрямовано! на сприяння формуван-

ню i розвитку конкурентного ринку транспортних послуг, на прискорення процеав переходу транспортних тдприемств на бiльш високий оргашзацш-но-управлiнський i технологiчний рiвень i на бiльш високий рiвень якостi на-даних транспортних послуг.

Для подолання кризового стану необхщно державна участь у всiх сферах господарсько-виробничо!' дiяльностi транспортних пiдприемств: норматив-но-правово!', податково!', лiцензiйноí, фiнансовоí та тарифно!'. У сферi транспорту повинна превалювати тенденцiя протекцiонiзму з боку держави, що вимагае ч^ко!' розстановки прiоритетiв, а також конкретного визначення в бюджет розмiрiв кошпв, якi передбачаеться видiляти на субсидування утри-мання й розвиток транспортно!' iнфраструктури

Для вирiшення протирiч у системi мiського пасажирського транспорту не-обхiдна зовнiшня контролююча сила, яка виступае в особi суспiльства та держави. Доведено, державне регулювання мюького пасажирського транспорту е створення комплексу умов формування адекватних соцiально-економiчних вщносин для забезпечення цiлеспрямованого розвитку системи, яка мае ви-соку сощальну значущiсть.

Ключовi слова: державне регулювання, ринковий мехашзм, мiський па-сажирський транспорт, транспортна iнфраструктура, транспортна система.



Аннотация. Рассмотрены обобщения теоретико-методологических основ государственного регулирования деятельности городского пассажирского транспорта. Определено, что рыночный механизм не способен решить в полном объеме существующие и возникающие экономические проблемы и предоставления социально значимых услуг, к которым относятся услуги городского пассажирского транспорта.

Доказано, что проблема организации эффективного регулирования городского пассажирского транспорта остается одной из самых сложных, поскольку услуги городского пассажирского транспорта являются социально значимыми, и в связи с этим необходимо государственное регулирование этой отраслью, которое имеет административно-правовую и экономическую формы, и осуществляется органами государственного и местного управления. При этом в процессе децентрализации экономики Украины возросла роль местных органов власти в общей системе государственного регулирования.

Переход на рыночную экономику создал новые и усилил уже существующие проблемы в сфере перевозок, основными из которых являются ухудшение состояния основных производственных фондов транспорта, снижение инвестиций в транспортную отрасль, отсутствие четкой государственной политики, направленной на содействие формированию и развитию конкурентного рынка транспортных услуг, на ускорение процессов перехода

транспортных предприятий на более высокий организационно-управленческий и технологический уровень и на более высокий уровень качества предоставляемых транспортных услуг.

Для преодоления кризисного состояния необходимо государственное участие во всех сферах хозяйственно-производственной деятельности транспортных предприятий: нормативно-правовой, налоговой, лицензионной, финансовой и тарифной. В сфере транспорта должна превалировать тенденция протекционизма со стороны государства, требует четкой расстановки приоритетов, а также конкретного определения в бюджете размеров средств, которые предполагается выделять на субсидирование содержание и развитие транспортной инфраструктуры.

Для разрешения противоречий в системе городского пассажирского транспорта необходима внешняя контролирующая сила, которая выступает в лице общества и государства. Доказано, государственное регулирование городского пассажирского транспорта является создание комплекса условий формирования адекватных социально-экономических отношений для обеспечения целенаправленного развития системы, которая имеет высокую социальную значимость.

Ключевые слова: государственное регулирование, рыночный механизм, городской пассажирский транспорт, транспортная инфраструктура, транспортная система.

Problem statement. An urban passenger transport is one of the most important social economic systems of the transport complex of Ukraine. The urban passenger transport accounts for about 80 % of the total volume of passenger traffic by all modes of transport of Ukraine and about 25 % of passenger turnover, so in order to perform the function of the main carrier, a level of development of the urban passenger transport in our country should be quite high.

However, presence of a large number of carriers of different forms of ownership is a specificity of an urban passenger transport market. Transport services include enterprises in both municipal and private sectors. On the one hand, it stimulates an attraction of en-

trepreneurial capital, reduces the cost of transport at the expense of competition, on the other hand it complicates the management of urban passenger transport activities.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Theoretical and methodological bases of state regulation of an urban passenger transport are illuminated in writings of both foreign and domestic scientists. A big contribution to the research of features of influence of the state on the transport system was made by scientists such as M. N. Bidniak[1], V. V. Bilichenko [1], V. V. Volik [2], V. P. Ilchuk [3], F. Kotler [4], D. K. Dzhajn [4], S. Me'jsinsi [4], H. Iu. Kucheruk [5], S. A. Lehkyi [6], S. A. Matiiko [7], P. A. Ovchar [8], S. O. Tulchynska [9], etc. However, de-

spite of numerous studies, insufficient level of participation of state authorities and local self-government bodies in solving problems of the urban passenger transport, lack of necessary motivation of performers from the customer's side to qualitative fulfillment of contractual obligations, underinvestment of operational activities of urban passenger transport from budgets of different levels, etc remain not enough illuminated.

Formulation of the purposes of the article. The purpose of this article is to summarize theoretical and methodological principles of public regulation of an urban passenger transport and provide proposals for its improvement.

Presentation of basic material of the research. Human needs are a starting point for development and a moving force for scientific and technological progress as a whole. The society creates an appropriate multi-sectoral economic mechanism, and forms orderly relations between structural elements through regulation of the activities of economic entities with the main purpose — to satisfy human needs. As F. Kotler notes, transport, and in particular passenger, is an integrating link in the system of distribution of public goods, which mediates the consumption itself according to the personality of the individual, his cultural level [4, p. 67].

As a rule, the urban passenger transport is divided into a public passenger transport (tram, trolleybus, bus, taxi, underground) and an individual transport (cars, motorollers, motorcycles), depending on the capacity. As the public urban passenger transport performs most passenger traffic than individual transport, this article will consider only a public transport, and the concept of

"public urban passenger transport" and "urban passenger transport" will be used as synonym.

Scientists refer the urban passenger transport to a category of complex social and economic systems, because it has all necessary properties for this purpose [5]. The basis of organization of any economic system is areas of activity such as production, distribution, exchange, consumption. S. A. Lehkyi identifies the most important elements of the economic system, under which he understands the unity of producers and consumers, who are in mutual connection and interaction [6, p. 125]:

• social and economic relations that arise in the process of production and appropriation of tangible and intangible benefits;

• a type of economic mechanism or a form of regulation of economic activity;

• ways of establishing communication between participants in economic relations;

• motivational settings for performers that are created in the process of implementing a certain social and economic strategy.

Functioning of the economic systems that make up the economic space should be subordinate to a single purpose — creation of guaranteed living conditions for an individual and the society. By the level of satisfaction of requests, interests, human needs, which make up the quality of life, it is possible to judge successes in development of the economy.

The system of the urban passenger transport is rightly attributed to the social sphere. The social orientation of the urban passenger transport is concentrated in the following basic provisions:

1) providing services for transportation of the population to targeted facilities, with the social effect of time saving;

2) a need of social protection of population. This implies the development of a set of economic, social and legal measures that provide equal opportunities for all citizens to maintain a necessary standard of living, as well as support of individual social groups. In public transport, social protection is implemented through a subsidy mechanism;

3) environmental concern, including the development and observance of environmental standards, as well as the formation of regional environmental programmes where one of the central places is assigned to transport;

4) ensuring a necessary level of road traffic safety that involves creation of optimal control regimes and operation of safe transport means [1, p. 38].

Characteristic features of regulation of urban passenger transport as a social and economic system at the present stage of market transformation are:

• the complexity of emerging issues, i.e. the need to take into account the impact of a combination of environmental, social, psychological, technical, managerial and other factors;

• strengthening the role of the human factor in economic processes;

• lack of material and financial resources;

• complicating decision-making due to high degree of uncertainty of parameters of external and internal environment.

The market mechanism, through stiff competition, bankruptcy and unemployment, ensures self-adjustment

of economic facilities and processes, the economy as a whole to a rational effective economic regime [8, p. 159]. Self-regulation is evident in the fact that the market mechanism is able to coordinate the economic interests of entrepreneurs in maximizing profits with the benefit of consumers in the purchase of goods and services without the intervention of the state. Self-regulation is ensured through economic rather than administrative and regulatory methods of influence.

A market regulator of the urban passenger transport is competition of carriers to achieve optimal matching of demand and supply for transport services, based on price and non-price factors [7]. A volume of demand is determined, first of all, by an income of the population, a level of provision of citizens by individual cars, parameters of settlement. The offer is expressed by the number of services provided or working rolling stock of various modifications on urban routes at different periods of time, a ratio of commercial and preferential forms of service.

However, the market mechanism cannot fully resolve existing and emerging economic problems. There are a number of issues outside market competences. It applies to the provision of socially significant services that include urban passenger transport services. Overall, the market economy has the following limitations.

First, the market economy is internally volatile. It is characterized by unstable development, accompanied by economic downturns, rises and unemployment.

Second, not all goods and services can be represented by the market, but

they are essential for the existence and development of the state (defense, basic scientific research, law enforcement, infrastructure industries, which include passenger transport).

Third, market action is not effective when it comes to the external effects of air and water basin pollution, as well as the rational use of other natural resources.

Fourth, the market system is indifferent to the social effect. There is no a principle of social justice in the market economy.

To take into account these factors and smooth contradictions in the system of the urban passenger transport, an external controlling force is necessary that acts in the face of the society and the state.

Thus, state regulation of the urban passenger transport is to create a set of complex of conditions to form adequate social and economic relations to provide a targeted development of a system that has high social importance.

In order to define a functional area of state regulation of the urban passenger transport it is possible to use an approach outlined by V. V. Volik, in which this area can be displayed by means of the set theory, with an interaction of three subsystems:

• transport (economic branch of the city providing transportation services)

• population (potential carriers of movement)

• city authorities (mandatory strategic unit of city development) [2, p. 68].

The trend of decentralization in the economy of Ukraine is linked to a growing role of local authorities in a general system of state regulation.

As a result, the municipal management system of the urban passenger transport is one of the most difficult and unsettled areas. This is largely due to the fact that the municipal administration in Ukraine is undergoing a period of formation. Methods, criteria, approaches to the regulation of social and economic subsystems of cities and other municipalities are being developed in the context of the protracted economic crisis in the country.

At the municipal level, however, the regulatory structure is different and there is no similar scheme.

The most common and tested version of the organization of municipal regulation of transport activities can be considered joint-stock companies, which are founded by most transport enterprises. Local self-government bodies transfer to these joint-stock companies their powers to manage transport activities. These organizations are given the authority of general customers to carry out transport services to the population. Regulators, usually established on the basis of former territorial production associations, ensure their quality through the availability of qualified staff [9].

There is a known variant of organization and management of the sphere of service of the population by public passenger transport through inclusion in the executive bodies.

This body is legally warranted and appropriate, independent from influence of commercial entities, but uncertainty of a financing mechanism creates obstacles in implementation of its functional powers. In most cases, its influence is formal and its expression is advisory.

Public administration bodies. Determination of an urban passenger transport development policy, creation of a legal and regulatory framework for urban passenger transport operation, financing of state projects, determination of priorities in passenger transport development.

Local governments. Determination of goals and objectives of urban passenger transport development, formation of economic and social programs, creation of regulatory framework for regulation, financing of projects, determination of priorities in the development of certain types of passenger transport. Determination of strategy of development of the urban passenger transport and tactics of its realization, marketing, financial management (mechanism of regulation of tariffs and subsidizing of enterprises of passenger transport).

Transport enterprises. Production and personnel management, fulfilment of municipal orders for urban transport services, operational planning.

To summarize the analysis we highlight the main point: the problem of organizing of effective regulation of the urban passenger transport remains one of the most difficult because of social significance of services of the urban passenger transport. Therefore, there is a need of public regulation of this industry that has administrative, legal and economic forms, and is carried out by state and local authorities. At the same time, in the process of decentralization of the economy of Ukraine, the role of local authorities in the general system of state regulation has increased.

The transition to a market economy has created new and exacerbated existing problems in the field of transporta-

tion. The main ones are deterioration of the main production assets of transport, reduced investment in the transport industry, absence of a clear state policy that is aimed at promoting of formation and development of a competitive market for transport services, acceleration of transition of transport enterprises to a higher organizational, management and technological level and to a higher level of quality of provided transport services.

To overcome the crisis, it is necessary state participation in all spheres of economic and production activities of transport enterprises: regulatory, tax, licensing, financial and charge. In the field of transport, should prevail the trend of protectionism on the part of the state, that requires a clear prioritization, as well as a specific definition in the budget of the amount of funds to be allocated for subsidies for the maintenance and development of transport infrastructure.

Conclusions of this study and directions for future research. State regulation is a necessary element of the transport system because of its socioeconomic importance.

The absence of a clear state policy in the transition of the transport industry to market relations has led to the emergence of new and sharpening of old problems in the transport sector, the main ones being the deterioration of the condition of the main production funds of transport, the decline of investments in the transport industry.

Analysis of the organization and management of passenger transport during the period of economic reform shows a steady decline in the quantity and quality of passenger transport.

The gradual development of the state system of regulation of urban passenger transport faces a number of challenges, the main are:

1) imperfections of the legal foundation of urban passenger transport activity;

2) lack of mechanisms of creation of the necessary funds for reimbursement of expenses to enterprises of urban passenger transport, sources of financing and their distribution by types of budgets in the current legislation.

The existence of the problems that are mentioned above at the state level and absence of an effective policy to correct the current situation in the urban passenger transport force local self-government bodies to find ways to solve them by themselves.


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