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Ключевые слова
number / mathematical actions / event / situation / truth / honour / conscience / feat / fearlessness

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Koldoshev M.K.

This research article examines the position on how the numerical ratios contained in some lines of the epic “Manas”, and mathematical actions with them, push us to the important idea that one of the main tasks of the storytellers of the epic was to convey to the audience as truthfully as possible a picture of the events taking place. And also, the storytellers tried to make the content of the epic contribute to the education of the correct historical consciousness of the younger generation.

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A high level of formation of graphic art abilities was found only by 15 % of preschoolers with light mental impairments, which indicates the potential of this category of children to master the graphic art ability. These children correctly and easily recognize visual images, correlate them with objects and, phenomena of the world and name them with words. Visual imageries of preschoolers at this level are complete and differentiated. Graphic skills are formed. The child creates plausible recognizable images of the objects, following proportional relations; the graphic line in the drawing is smooth, straight, and is carried out with an average pressure on the pencil and without taking it off the paper.

An average level of formation of graphic art abilities was found by 45 % of preschoolers with light mental impairments. At this level, children can correctly recognize only part of the visual images, correlate them with objects and phenomena of the world and name them with words. Preschoolers can identify the main, essential peculiarities of an object that are sufficient for its recognition, but for the perception of a symbolic object as a sustainable systemic whole, they need a picture with a large number of elements. Children's graphic skills at this level remain imperfect and do not allow them to freely depict the shape and structure of an object. Children draw «trembling» lines, violate the proportions in the image of the object, more often use an average pressure on the pencil. All this indicates graphic art abilities is in the process of formation.

40 % of preschoolers with light mental impairments are at a low level. These preschoolers experience significant difficulties in recognizing a visual image and do not perceive objects as a sustainable systemic whole. Preschoolers need more time to choose the right

UDC: 39:398.22:371.036

word for the subject and hardly distinguish its characteristic peculiarities. Children's visual imageries and ideas are poor and fragmentary. Graphic skills are not formed. Children create curved, «trembling» graphic lines using either very strong or weak pressure on the pencil. At this level, graphic art abilities are not formed.

Therefore, the level of formation of graphic art abilities in children with light mental impairments is generally lower and qualitatively differs from the level of formation of the ability to this type of activity by preschoolers without special needs. Consequently, it is necessary to carry out purposeful correctional and pedagogical work aimed at the formation of graphic art abilities in children with light mental impairments, during which the children can master sign-symbolic mediation. The revealed level characteristics of graphic art abilities in preschoolers with light mental impairments will allow us to determine the content of an individually differentiated approach in correctional education of children with special educational needs.


1. Fadina G.V. Diagnostics and correction of mental impairments in senior preschool children: Study guide / G.V. Fadina. - Balashov: «Nikolaev», 2004. -68 p.

2. Grigorieva G.G. Development of a preschooler in graphic art activities: studies. Manual for studies Higher. Ped. establishments. / G.G. Grigorieva. M.: Publishing Center «Academy», 2008. - 344 p.

3. Safronenko E. V. Experimental research of the development of graphic art abilities in senior preschool children // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2011. Issue 10 (112). p. 102-106.


Koldoshev M.K.

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Osh State University, city of Osh, Kyrgyz Republic


This research article examines the position on how the numerical ratios contained in some lines of the epic "Manas", and mathematical actions with them, push us to the important idea that one of the main tasks of the storytellers of the epic was to convey to the audience as truthfully as possible a picture of the events taking place. And also, the storytellers tried to make the content of the epic contribute to the education of the correct historical consciousness of the younger generation.

Keywords: number, mathematical actions, event, situation, truth, honour, conscience, feat, fearlessness.


The texts of the epic "Manas" contain a lot of digital, numerical data. In the process of studying the epic, we became interested in them, and to some extent showed a desire to explore them. The study of these texts with numerical contents led us to conclusions on

understanding the reality, the events taking place in the epic "Manas" under consideration.

On the urgent advice of his father, bai1 Zhakyp, who told him that his mother missed him very much and wanted to see her son, Manas was returning home to his village from the shepherd Oshpur. On the way,

1 bai (from Turkish bay - (tribal) chief, leader) - a big landowner, a wealthy cattle owner

the Kalmaks, encountering Manas, began to tease him on purpose, despise him, you know, they are local, hail from these places; but he (Manas) is some kind of pathetic stranger; humiliating, mocking attacks, swear words from adolescent Kalmaks rained down on him from all sides; their offensive attacks began to take on strong turns; from their humiliation, arrogance and superiority even his father was not left aside, and, in the end, from their arrogance and conceit, the patience of Manas burst, since the honour and conscience of himself and his father at the same time were greatly hurt; the matter quickly came to a fierce fight with young Kalmaks. This event says that Manas is not yet full nine years old (according to the storyteller Sagymbai Orozbakov's version).


All six Kalmak children attacked Manas together, so to speak, in a crowd.

Their fights are reflected in the following lines:

Six, it turns out, remained intact,

Broken arms for two

One's leg is dislocated.

Heads cut in three,

Grieving, sighing heavily [1, p. 300-301]. If the content of the above lines is given a mathematical look, then we get: 6 = 2 + 1 + 3.

The continuation of this event on the road could be evidenced by the following lines that are related to the attack of Manchu teenage Kalmaks on Manas: Seven Kalmaks approached One of them stayed near the camel, Six rode away their horses They galloped at full speed [1, p. 308].

The mathematical expression for the contents of the above lines is as follows: 7 = 1 + 6.

The Chinese Khan Esenkan, having invited his subjects, consulted with them, and, having told that it is not advisable to wait for the moment when Manas grows up and will inflict crushing blows on them, gave his eleven scouts a special task so that they, under the guise of hucksters, would scout the whole neighbourhood of Altai, tried to catch the young hero Manas, and bring him to him. After a long search in the mountains and valleys, they finally managed to seize Manas. Hearing this bad news that the people of Esenkan had caught his son, being very angry, he grieved at the unfavourable situation that had happened, enveloped in heavy emotional experiences that he would be left without a son, as well as thoughts about the future fate of his people; Manas's father, bai Zhakyp, came to them, and kneeling down, pleadingly asked them to let his son go. They immediately proudly and adamantly replied that this was the mission of Khan Esenkan and that they could not let Manas go against the order of their khan. Guessing and noticing that the person in front of them was the father of Manas, they hastily began to shout:

"Catch bai Zhakyp, and take him prisoner!" Immediately four of them desperately rushed to Zhakyp. Manas shouted at them loudly, saying that he could not understand their hooligan actions, what an outrage it was on their part to attack an elderly old man! Then they became even more sophisticated, shouting "Come on, bind them both!" for disobedience and resistance. Here the honour and conscience of the teenager Manas is greatly hurt, and he could not bear their very rude and forceful attitude; fierce fights began between Manas and them. The close fight was so fleeting, dizzying, that "Clouds of dust raised. Dust thickened all around. The earth is dug where they grappled."

Manas was seized with anger:

Rage in his words

The flame is in his eyes.

He grabbed one by the right hand,

The other one was grabbed by the left hand,

He took this one by the scruff of the neck,

And grabbed the other one by the collar -

He grabbed four of them,

Shaking all four like a shirt,

Threw them to the ground.

Seven more prepared to

Defeat one together

They attacked Manas.

Boy at fourteen and a half years old

With both hands at once

He grabbed two of them.

At those four

He threw two more.

He crushed six of them -

The dust (in a column) rose.

The earth is dug where they grappled

There are five more left -

Manas was attacked and ...

He threw two on other two

And one stood in fright [1, p. 386].

If the above lines are put in mathematical form, then: 4 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1. (At first, the four attacked Manas).

4 + 7 = 11 (the other seven joined them). Of them:

4 + 2 = 6. ("He crushed six")

5 = 2 + 2 + 1. ("He threw two on other two. And one stood in fright").

11 = 6 + 5.

The troops of the giant Nuuker managed to reach the forest located on the other side of the river, in which the horsemen of Manas were hiding, and the enemy troops, forming a chain across the entire width of the dense forest, began to search for Manas step by step. In the process of searching, they, that is, the troops of Nuuker and the horsemen of Manas, encountered somewhere in the middle in a relatively free area of the forest. The troops of Nuuker began to violently, forcibly shout, swear, suppressing the jigits of Manas, ordering all the jigits2 to be brought to Nuuker. Because of the

2 jigit = skilful horsemen; in some Turkic languages also spelled as yigit, zhigit

arrogant strong commanding tones of Nuuker's troops, jigits of Manas got angry and defeated them quickly, leaving no one alive.

This scene is reflected in the following lines of the


Out of a hundred people who came

Thirteen died in the river.

Eighty-seven people died here -

No one was left alive [1, p. 402].

In mathematical terms: 100 = 13 + 87.

The Kytai-Kalmak cities, like Talma-Kurup, captured by batyr3 Manas, when they found and counted ran away and hid people - men and women, out of 30 000 found people, 7 000 turned out to be men, and 23 000 were women [3, p. 427].

In mathematical terms: 30 000 = 7 000 (m) + 23

000 (w).

Signs: (m) means "men", respectively (w) -women.

In another city called "Kulus", the statistics of the number of the remaining men and women looked like this: 20 000 = 4000 (m) +16000 (w) [3, p. 428].

And in the city of Soorun, respectively: 80 000 = 30 000 (m) + 50 000 (w) [3, p. 428].

In this regard, a reasonable question arises: - why did the number of men turn out to be much less than the number of women?

The reason for this is that all these are the consequences of military clashes and battles, in the ranks of which, first of all, young strong men and boys are involved. In these large and small battles, most of them die.

All this suggests the uselessness, destructiveness, tragedy of war, military conflicts for humanity and the value of peace, a clear, blue sky, a bright, radiant sun overhead, about the nobility of life, the peaceful life of the peoples and states of our very fragile planet, called "Earth".


In the epic, of course, not directly, but, as it is, indirectly, the above thought comes through.

Summarizing the above, we can draw, in our opinion, the following conclusions:

- the narrators of the epic tried to convey to the listeners real actions, real course of events; while telling the story, they did not accept at all, did not pay attention to the mathematical layouts of the events that took place;

- the correctness of our assumptions is confirmed by simple mathematical calculations of the course of events reflected in the content of the lines of the text;

- the storytellers of the epic well understood and represented that educational load, that educational effect exerted on the younger generation, when the process of an event is truthfully conveyed;

- in order to impart artistic and aesthetic appeal to the texts, of course, elements of exaggeration, artistic plots, styles were added, but they tried to convey the facts as far as possible without falsifying, without distorting their essence;

- the prevailing thread running through these fragments of events was to show and demonstrate the fearless, heroic deeds of batyr Manas.


1. Manas. Kyrgyz heroic epic. Book 1. [Text] / The main editorial office of oriental literature of the publishing house "Nauka", M., 1984. 544 p., illustrated. ("The Epos of the Peoples of the USSR"). (In Russian).

2. Manas. Kyrgyz heroic epic. Book 1. [Text] / The main editorial office of oriental literature of the publishing house "Nauka", M., 1988. 688 p. ("The Epos of the Peoples of the USSR"). (In Russian).

3. Manas: heroic epic of the Kyrgyz people [Text] / S. Orozbakov's variant. KR National Academy of Sciences, Institute of languages and literature named after Ch. Aitmatov. Compiler: S. Musaev. - Bishkek: Khan-Tenir, 2010. - 1840 p. (In Kyrgyz).

4. Koldoshev M. K., Bozhonov Z. S. The peculiarity of the Kyrgyz people's democracy in the course of the choosing Manas as a Khan / Palarch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(7), (2020). - P. 5699-5703.

5. Koldoshev M. K., Tazhikova B. Sh., Bubaeva Z. Zh. The exploits of young Manas in clashes with the Kitai-Kalmaks (Based on the material of the Kyrgyz heroic epos "Manas") / Palarch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(7), (2020). - P. 56825688.

3 batyr - (epical) hero

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