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Ключевые слова
graphic art activity / graphic art abilities / perception / visual imageries / graphic skills / light mental impairments / preschoolers.

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Ermolina A.Y., Shebunjaeva E.V.

The article presents the revealed peculiarities of perception, visual imageries, and graphic skills, reflecting the peculiarities of graphic art abilities in children with light mental impairments. The revealed characteristics of graphic art abilities in senior preschoolers with light mental impairments indicate that their art activities are lacking, and those children have difficulties in sign-symbolic mediation of reality

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Ermolina A.Y.

Master student of the Department of Special Education and Psychology Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov 40 Leningradsky avenue, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation

Shebunjaeva E.V.

PhD (Psychology), associate professor of the Department of Special Education

and psychology

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov 40 Leningradsky avenue, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation


The article presents the revealed peculiarities of perception, visual imageries, and graphic skills, reflecting the peculiarities of graphic art abilities in children with light mental impairments. The revealed characteristics of graphic art abilities in senior preschoolers with light mental impairments indicate that their art activities are lacking, and those children have difficulties in sign-symbolic mediation of reality.

Keywords: graphic art activity, graphic art abilities, perception, visual imageries, graphic skills, light mental impairments, preschoolers.

The main target of preschool education is the child's mastering of the main cultural ways of activity. According to the cultural-historical concept of human psychic's development, one of these activities is sign-symbolic mediation. In the senior preschool age, a child masters perfectly the sign-symbolic mediation of reality with the help of an image-graphic sign. The imagegraphic sign in preschool childhood develops and forms in the graphic art activity, supported by special skills - the ability to this type of activity.

The studying of graphic art abilities' development in children with light mental impairments is important in special pedagogy and psychology. Due to poorly developed perception, poor visual imageries, and insufficient formation of graphic skills, preschoolers with light mental impairments have difficulties in creating images and using various art tools. Besides, children

with light mental impairments have difficulties in expressing the experience in a drawing. In general, this category of children often does not succeed in drawing and painting [1].

While studying this type of ability of preschoolers with light mental impairments, we presumed that graphic art abilities is an expression of the child's artistic and creative activity aimed at creating and transmitting an image [3]. We also relied on the fact that graphic art abilities include perception, visual imageries associated with perception, and graphic skills [2]. A holistic study of graphic art abilities is possible only when studying these components that make up this ability. This determined the choice of the main research directions.

We conducted research aimed at identifying the peculiarities of graphic art abilities in children with light mental impairments. For this purpose, we used some author's methods (Table 1).

Table 1

Name of the experimental method The author of an experimental method The target component of the experimental method

«What objects are hidden in the drawings?» V. Poppelreiter - research the child's ability to relate a visual image of perception to objects and phenomena of the world around; - research the objectivity of perception in preschoolers.

«Find out who it is?» R. S. Nemov - research the child's ability to perceive a visual image as a stable systemic whole; - research the preschooler's property of perception as integrity.

«Finding the missing parts» T. V. Cherednikova - research the child's ability to consciously perceive a visual image; - research the meaningfulness in perception.

«Graphic samples» L. A. Wenger - research the child's graphic skills.

Experimental methods aimed at identifying the peculiarities of graphic art abilities in children with light mental


We studied graphic art abilities in children with light mental impairments in comparison with peers without special needs. The study involved 40 six years old children: 20 preschoolers with light cerebral-organic mental impairments and 20 preschoolers without disabilities.

During the analysis of the obtained data, we identified several peculiarities of perception and associated visual imageries in preschoolers with light mental impairments in comparison with their peers without special needs. Many preschoolers with light mental impairments (50 %) successfully recognized small contour images of objects in the picture but had difficulties in recognizing large images. Preschoolers without special needs successfully identified both small and large contour images. Children with light mental impairments (80 %) recognized only complete and detailed images of objects, and their peers without special needs were able to recognize objects by their main elements in symbolic graphic images. Most preschoolers of this group (50 %) easily identified the missing details on the graphic image of a well-known object, but it was not easy for them to name the missing parts with the words. Children without disabilities easily found the missing details in the picture and named them with the words, for both familiar and rare in their experience subjects.

Therefore, graphic art abilities in children with light mental impairments is not supported at a sufficient level by such properties of perception as objectivity, integrity, and meaningfulness. However, the objectivity of perception is rather well developed in children of this group, and such properties of perception as integrity and meaningfulness show a greater deficit. Consequently, the perception of preschoolers with light mental impairments is insufficiently formed and cannot provide accurate and complete images and ideas about the reality.

The following peculiarities of graphic skills can be noted in preschoolers with light mental impairments: most of them (75 %) found it difficult to draw a straight

line, as a result, the trace of the pencil turned out to be uneven, «trembling». All typically developing children easily drew a smooth, straight line. It is good that children with light mental impairments (70 %), like their peers without special needs (100 %), used an average pressure on the pencil; this skill was formed. For many preschoolers with light mental impairments (50 %) it was difficult to draw a continuous graphic line and they often take a pencil off a sheet of paper. Children without disabilities draw line smoothly, without taking a pencil off a sheet. Children with light mental impairments (65 %) depicted geometric shapes with distortions, violating proportional relations in the drawing. The drawings of geometric figures of typically developing peers were accurate and proportional.

Consequently, the graphic skills of children with light mental impairments are formed unevenly. In spite of a sufficiently formed skill of pressing on a pencil, it is difficult for these children to draw a smooth continuous line. Also, they depict geometric shapes with distortions. That indicates a slight motor insufficiency and lack of visuomotor coordination in this group of children. The limited ability of graphic skills does not allow preschoolers with light mental impairments to implement the idea of drawing both graphically and technically.

Besides, the study revealed that preschoolers with light mental impairments have better formed graphic skills than perception and visual imageries. It shows that children with light mental impairments have difficulties in coming up with the idea of their drawing, and not only in its implementation. Typically developing peers, who have mastered the graphic skills and the essential properties of perception, create a variety of ideas for their drawing and execute it through various graphic and technical skills.

The analysis of the obtained data made it possible to divide all the studied children into groups by the level of formation of the graphic art abilities (Picture 1).















□ Children with light — mental impairments

□ Children without special needs


J ËSM.--------I iM^

High level Average level Low level

Pic 1. Number of children by the level offormation of the graphic art ability

A high level of formation of graphic art abilities was found only by 15 % of preschoolers with light mental impairments, which indicates the potential of this category of children to master the graphic art ability. These children correctly and easily recognize visual images, correlate them with objects and, phenomena of the world and name them with words. Visual imageries of preschoolers at this level are complete and differentiated. Graphic skills are formed. The child creates plausible recognizable images of the objects, following proportional relations; the graphic line in the drawing is smooth, straight, and is carried out with an average pressure on the pencil and without taking it off the paper.

An average level of formation of graphic art abilities was found by 45 % of preschoolers with light mental impairments. At this level, children can correctly recognize only part of the visual images, correlate them with objects and phenomena of the world and name them with words. Preschoolers can identify the main, essential peculiarities of an object that are sufficient for its recognition, but for the perception of a symbolic object as a sustainable systemic whole, they need a picture with a large number of elements. Children's graphic skills at this level remain imperfect and do not allow them to freely depict the shape and structure of an object. Children draw «trembling» lines, violate the proportions in the image of the object, more often use an average pressure on the pencil. All this indicates graphic art abilities is in the process of formation.

40 % of preschoolers with light mental impairments are at a low level. These preschoolers experience significant difficulties in recognizing a visual image and do not perceive objects as a sustainable systemic whole. Preschoolers need more time to choose the right

UDC: 39:398.22:371.036

word for the subject and hardly distinguish its characteristic peculiarities. Children's visual imageries and ideas are poor and fragmentary. Graphic skills are not formed. Children create curved, «trembling» graphic lines using either very strong or weak pressure on the pencil. At this level, graphic art abilities are not formed.

Therefore, the level of formation of graphic art abilities in children with light mental impairments is generally lower and qualitatively differs from the level of formation of the ability to this type of activity by preschoolers without special needs. Consequently, it is necessary to carry out purposeful correctional and pedagogical work aimed at the formation of graphic art abilities in children with light mental impairments, during which the children can master sign-symbolic mediation. The revealed level characteristics of graphic art abilities in preschoolers with light mental impairments will allow us to determine the content of an individually differentiated approach in correctional education of children with special educational needs.


1. Fadina G.V. Diagnostics and correction of mental impairments in senior preschool children: Study guide / G.V. Fadina. - Balashov: «Nikolaev», 2004. -68 p.

2. Grigorieva G.G. Development of a preschooler in graphic art activities: studies. Manual for studies Higher. Ped. establishments. / G.G. Grigorieva. M.: Publishing Center «Academy», 2008. - 344 p.

3. Safronenko E. V. Experimental research of the development of graphic art abilities in senior preschool children // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2011. Issue 10 (112). p. 102-106.


Koldoshev M.K.

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Osh State University, city of Osh, Kyrgyz Republic


This research article examines the position on how the numerical ratios contained in some lines of the epic "Manas", and mathematical actions with them, push us to the important idea that one of the main tasks of the storytellers of the epic was to convey to the audience as truthfully as possible a picture of the events taking place. And also, the storytellers tried to make the content of the epic contribute to the education of the correct historical consciousness of the younger generation.

Keywords: number, mathematical actions, event, situation, truth, honour, conscience, feat, fearlessness.


The texts of the epic "Manas" contain a lot of digital, numerical data. In the process of studying the epic, we became interested in them, and to some extent showed a desire to explore them. The study of these texts with numerical contents led us to conclusions on

understanding the reality, the events taking place in the epic "Manas" under consideration.

On the urgent advice of his father, bai1 Zhakyp, who told him that his mother missed him very much and wanted to see her son, Manas was returning home to his village from the shepherd Oshpur. On the way,

1 bai (from Turkish bay - (tribal) chief, leader) - a big landowner, a wealthy cattle owner

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